Hi everyone,
I'm looking for something to help me with maths, I don't need anything for memory by itself as I'm good at it, but I need to improve my focus/motivation and a little boost in logic would be also great.
I would like not to use racetams of noopept, so I have oubst between those things:
Caffeine+teanine+taurine (I already use this). This only makes me feel awake.
Then I have thought to add:
- Rhodiola
- Ginkgo
- DMAE (I have used a product that contains it, it has helped me to feel awake (with a hint of nervousness) and has improved memory while taking it, but sometimes I feel like if I have brain fog. Maybe I'll have to reduce the dose a bit.
- ALCAR/CDP Choline/Alpha GPC
There's anything else that would help? I have read that rhodiola needs to be cycled.