Hello guys, lets talk adaptogenic herbs, more specifically Ashwagandha and Rhodiola.
I suffer from general anxiety, brain fog, memory problems, chronic fatigue - you know, same old story. I've changed my diet, started doing more exercise (gym 3 times a week), meditating and taking supplementation for energy, imune system and brain function. I've noticed some minor improvements but overall I was feeling the same. However I have to say that meditation is really something for memory and focus - but still, NOT ENOUGH :/.
So on a lucky day I crossed paths with this miracle herb called Ashwagandha, also known as the "Smell of the horse". Amazing herb, finally a supplement that actually works, rather than only in the background. You can actually feel the change!
So here's the thing about Ashwagandha, it truly reduces anxiety, you feel calm and almost in a zen state, your memory and reaction time improves dramatically, your mood is uplifted, but I still feel fatigued, lathergic and without the mental stamina to finish my long day. Strangely enough, Ashwagandha sometimes makes me jitter and tremble a little bit, even though it makes me feel super calm.
So, I've done a little more research and I discovered Rhodiola and ohhh man that s**t is amazing. Three days after the first dosage, I was working like I never did before; working in an intense, brutal way. I felt like a Freakin' WARRIOR!!
Even those tedious little anxious tasks - that you totally have to do, but eventually you choose to procrastinate - are manageable and easy to cope with Rhodiola.
But here's the catch, since it's a stimulant, when stress starts to build up it messes with my memory, the words don't come out properly and overall I feel like my anxiety kicks in again.
To conclude, with Ashwagandha:
- I'm calm and easy going;
- I'm mentally clear;
- Words and thoughts are expressed accordingly;
- Reduction of anxiety;
- But I don't have enough energy to get the job done;
With Rhodiola:
- I can cope with any stress;
- Have sustainable amounts of energy;
- Feel extremely focused;
- But, I forget things easily;
- More difficulty communicating and expressing myself;
Like many souls suggest, I'm currently I'm taking two doses of Rhodiola (300mg/each), one pill in the morning and another on lunch time (It's when I usually get more tired). When the evening pops up, I supplement with Ashwagandha(1-2 ml) two/three times when needed, the last one always being before night time.
I would like to know if instead of using this pattern, if it is possible to take them together trough out the day. And if so, how should I take them and what are the best dosages - at the moment I'm following the precise dosages recommended in the bottle.
For a simple average joe like me, it makes sense to stack them like together so one can get best of both worlds. Rhodiola energy boost and Ashwagandha calming effects, but at the same time I get this feeling that one will cut out the other.
Well but my opinion it's worth what is worth, I need other points of views, preferably fundamented with scientific knowledge and precision.
The internet is packed with amazing content and studies about this herbs, but I also find a lot of speculation, oxymorons and charlatans trying to sell supplements(...) and sometimes it's to much for my tinny foggy brain to process.
I don't know if it's relevant, but I also supplement with fish oil, prebiotics, Vitamin B complex w/ vitamin D and magnesium to sleep.
Let me know if it's needed a more exhaustive list with grams/brands/time and current diet.
Current adaptogenic herbs:
- Ashwagandha root extract super concentrated from Nature's answer;
- Freeze dried extract Rhodiola from Terra Nova 300 mg - average assay: 3% rosavins / 1% salidroside:
Thank you for your time guys.
Best Regards