Motivation drug?
#31 Guest_da_sense_*
Posted 08 December 2005 - 10:37 PM
Posted 28 April 2006 - 05:25 PM
Over 10 years and still kicking....so no not for me anyways.
This is one anecdotal report.
Do studies speak of these substances' motivating effects and whether they diminish over time with use?
PALCAR make treap to the bathroom to release some of the not so hardened food (liquid food) :D lol [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [thumb]
Posted 17 March 2010 - 10:49 PM
Posted 17 March 2010 - 11:48 PM
Posted 18 March 2010 - 04:33 AM
sorry to bump this but what would you say in terms of deprenyl vs pyritonol for motivation fellow members?
I have never really experienced any boost in motivation from pyritinol and I've never seen a study indicating it would have that effect. It just boosts processing and reaction speed. I have experienced a boost in motivation with deprenyl, but it wasn't very strong. Caffeine is a stronger motivator for me (when used occasionally, not regularly).
Posted 18 March 2010 - 06:33 AM
sorry to bump this but what would you say in terms of deprenyl vs pyritonol for motivation fellow members?
I have never really experienced any boost in motivation from pyritinol and I've never seen a study indicating it would have that effect. It just boosts processing and reaction speed. I have experienced a boost in motivation with deprenyl, but it wasn't very strong. Caffeine is a stronger motivator for me (when used occasionally, not regularly).
processing doesen't sounds too bad. I guess sulbutiamine would be a better pick then. I jus't can't get going, i have to hand in my thesis within days unless i get extension. I am so behind. I went to university last night and ended up reading on this forum for three hours rather than doing my work, and then i just left out of frustration. Coffea didn't do nada. I'm lost man! :(
Posted 18 March 2010 - 07:55 AM
For bloody heck's sake, you don't need a drug to deal with lack of motivation.
Nutrition, exercise, and indulging in your desires and enjoyments and setting goals do this. It is lifestyle.
I of course, don't do this, and lack motivation, but that's only due to a lack of motivation to be motivated
Sometimes it's almost better that you had some nazi head coach barking orders at you making you go exercise on a strict regimen and spying at you if you're in a McDonalds )) - so your freedom to procrastinate and do nothing would be taken away and you'd have no choice but to be motivated.
Posted 24 March 2010 - 01:50 PM
Selegiline/deprenyl 5mg
Galantamine 4mg
Huperzine A 50 mg
Omega 3-oils (appr. 1000 mg of EPA DHA per day)
Vit B6 and b3
Naltrexone (4 mg before bed)
Agomelatine 12,5 mg (first 25 mg during induction, then I could step down to 12,5)
Had no problems whatsoever with studying, studying for long periods. The thing that khakiman writes about, had none of that.
At first I thought that this was because I just "got more used" to studying, and that I didn't need all those supplements and meds, but starting this semester, I discontinued everything except omega-3 and vit b3. Didn't feel any difference at first, but then symptoms slowly started creeping up. Sleeplessness, unable to focus or concentrate, I have a hard time just trying to write this post, here and now, it's horrible! Started Agomelatine again 3 weeks ago, have better sleep regimen now, but still am unable to concentrate on anything. Exercise helps a bit though.
Have ordered all supps and meds again so I'll be able to finish this semester.
And, furthermore, I had no tolerance build-up to any of these meds during the time I took them. What I am feeling now, when I'm off them, is similar to how I felt before I started them, so I haven't felt worse than the normal me I was before meds.
Selegiline increases choline transferase activity, and galantamine increases nicotinic acethylcholine receptor binding in prefrontal cortex. It seems they act synergestically to improve prefrontal cortex function, as I am a _very_ proper person on these drugs, combined. You'll find me studying and working rather than idling in front of the computer like I am now!
My background, otherwise, is bipolar type II, during "normal" and depressive phase I have all the ADD-pi symptoms. Haven't had any bad manic phases during the last semester, just had a few "bouts" when I took 5-htp (nothing serious though), and had one phase when I quit agomelatine and started drinkin S:t John's wort for a few days.
Can't say that selegiline + galantamine combo is foolproof, but the meds will arrive in my mailbox in two weeks or so, if anyone wants to know if it works for me then, send PM or reply here.
Posted 24 March 2010 - 04:23 PM
Posted 13 April 2010 - 11:49 AM

Thanks to everyone who has replied. I've learnt alot!
Today I got my Galantamine, Deprenyl and ALCAR, so I'll give it a shot.
Maybe I don't need drugs, but I've tried to become more disciplined without them and it is hard. Bad habits have developed that are self-defeating yet seemingly daunting to break out of. I've never had issues like I'm facing before - in the past I always stepped up a gear to meet a challenge, yet lately I've slowed down way past where I should be and my heart has sunk. I'm hoping drugs can help me make the transition. Already I'm feeling more confident with what I've taken so far and I'm certainly willing to give it my best shot now.
Yes, diet and exercise have been lacking my life lately, and when you have work piling up (and as jackinbox said, when you are already lacking in motivation and energy anyway), it can be very hard to try and fit this in. But I can see that without it things will get worse.
Thanks again for the encouragement and advice, I might finally be making a move in the right direction.
Posted 13 April 2010 - 12:38 PM
Ha, that post is 5 years old, and revival last logged in 4 years ago. I wouldn't hold my breath.How's the combo working for ya? I'm dealing with the same situation you are, almost beginning to think it's learned helplessness from when you try so hard yet get no results in job hunting, school, etc. Got some Galantamine as well but haven;t started taking it yet, let me know. Thanks
Posted 28 May 2010 - 01:41 AM
I'm at second semester in a preparatory course for continued studies at university. First semester was no problem for me. I was taking:
Selegiline/deprenyl 5mg
Galantamine 4mg
Huperzine A 50 mg
Omega 3-oils (appr. 1000 mg of EPA DHA per day)
Vit B6 and b3
Naltrexone (4 mg before bed)
Agomelatine 12,5 mg (first 25 mg during induction, then I could step down to 12,5)
Hey robbs did you take that combo everyday? Do I need to cycle Selegiline and Galantamine? I will start to use those medications next semester (only Sele + Galan). I'm 23 years old. I don't want to harm my brain. But I need to study everyday, be super motivated. I'm the most proscratinator man in history. I need to be approved in a hard exam for me enter the Medical University here in Brazil. Maybe I will find some benefits for Us in the future...
What do you think guys about that dosage:
2.5mg Deprenyl (morning)
4mg Galantamine (13 pm)
everyday for one month, than 2 weeks off (cycle)
What is the best and safest dosage/cycling for motivation?
Posted 14 January 2022 - 08:16 AM
For motivation I'd recommend Oxiracetam highest. However, often the problem with motivation is often poor articulation of goals. I explain here...
Watch: Powering through Motivational Dips: Re-engineer goals into behaviors
Posted 17 February 2022 - 11:11 AM
Depreenyl is good but I don't think it's required for you.
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