Aconita, I was not aware and may have skimmed over it, that steamlover had sent the rods to an independent testing lab of some sort. That is good if lead, cadmium, nickle, etc are low enough not to be a concern. I'm not sure what form the mg will be in in the water. Some forms are hard to absorb so may not give much benefit as far as your daily intake or may give more than desired. Even non absorbed mg will lead to loose stools which could be a problem. I believe steamlover had to stop using the water because of problems. I'm also not sure if inorganic sources of mg are completely safe or is it similar to the situation with copper?
>It is possible that tap water contains chemicals that may react in the electrolysis process forming unwanted gasses,
It is possible though I see no evidence of it. I have gone to ro water and plan to buy some distilled. But we are starting with drinking water after all. Not that our drinking water should be drunk as is. I don't trust it that much.
>maybe the melting plastic you did experience is due to that.
Very very unlikely. I attribute it to having occasional shorts when taking the glass out of the water. A short would generate the heat needed to do that.
>I may suggest to use distilled water in order to avoid that possibility, filtering likely doesn't eliminate chemicals.
I just recommended distilled water in my last post. RO filtering does indeed remove many chemicals and substances. Its not just a carbon filter, it has several stages including RO.
>Probably percentages are very low (referring to the device I mentioned) therefore not very interesting since you don't really aim to drink gallons of water daily...
You can assume many things but that is without evidence one way or the other. Without evidence I could say I assume there are loads of nasties in the mg that will kill you. That would be unwarranted without proof but is something to be concerned about. The device has electrodes that put a voltage across them at the bottom of the unit producing h and o. It rises up in the water and some dissolves. Its probably no more than 1 ppm, but could be higher or lower depending on how long it ran. I don't know if the device is effective but it makes h2 water and is cheap. I was thinking to increase current flow and therefor gas production, it might be good to add a little lemon juice or even vinegar to the water as an electrolyte. Adds a bit of flavor and more h2 is formed.
>The electrodes are another concern, if not of top quality (and price) the water will be contaminated in some way.
Not necessarily, a good stainless steel should do the job. Speculation is fine but assuming the worst about a method you don't want to use is not the scientific process. The voltage is low and no one has shown anything to suggest stainless will leach bad things into the water. This device is used for consumption therefore the appropriate government agency would (hopefully) keep an eye on it and has tested it.
>Anyhow considering that for hydrogen production chemical reactions are generally preferred and considered cheaper than electrolysis I suspect electrolysis needs to be seen a bit out of the traditional scheme in order to compete, like with the Pacheco hydrogen generator, for example.
Preferred for what, industrial hydrogen production? We are talking about tiny amounts, a couple parts per million. As for cost, its negligible in terms of electricity. At 70ma and 12v, my setup draws about .84 watts. Running it for 12 hours gives a whopping 10 watt hours of electricity costing perhaps $.001 less than 1 cent. I dont think your economic argument holds much validity, lol. You obviously are not in favor of electrolysis, perhaps you will discover a good reason for us not to use it. I await such a discovery if it exists.
I do agree that getting h from both breathing and ingesting the water might be more effective than either alone. However, with the gas you are exposed to a lot of h2 and its said to be very permeable in our tissues. It goes from the lungs right into the blood steam same as oxygen. I feel it right away.