If you want an elevated level of h2 and don't want to drink all that water, there are several methods. You can create pure hydrogen out of ordinary tap water and electricity. Use a battery charger and electrodes. Stainless steel will work but platinum or high caret gold is better if you want to spend the bucks.
I'm still using the tank of hydrogen I bought last year. I put it into a foil balloon and take some when I want it. Its much more expensive to start with that than mg + acid but quicker and more convenient. Over the long haul it may be cheaper and certainly less work. Not everyone has time to play with that stuff. They would like to have it there so they can use it anytime. If you are using the jar with mg, with or without the test tube, I would suggest taking a big breath of whats inside the jar when you first open it. No point in wasting all that h. Most does not dissolve in the water.
I've tried making h water and drinking it and it seems to have an effect. But its so much easier to just open the valve and take a breath that I never seem to find the time to make more water
I actually thought of this. It certainly seems much more straightforward. One could either use electrolysis of water, or just get a cylinder of the stuff delivered every so often. But then, I'm not sure I want to risk turning my house into the Hindenburg!
But flammability aside, do you mean to say that you're just huffing H2? How do you do that? Do you just suck off the ballon, then tie it back up until you need more? How do you avoid passing out due to oxygen displacement in the lungs? Do you get dizzy from doing this? Really it sounds like a cool idea, but I have to wonder about all these practical issues. Care to share any photos of your tank setup? How did you acquire it?
I bought a tank of h from a welding supply store, cost right around $100, might have been as high as 120. I bought a regulator for like 35 on fleabay, used. I had to jury rig a bit from the regulator to the balloon, there are no fittings I could find which screwed on the threads of the regulator output. I know they exist but could not find them. If you buy a tank be sure to ask about that.
So I used a wrong size fitting that does not screw on tight but kinda tight, attached to a plastic tube, that part was easy. A cheap plastic valve in the balloon. Attach temporarily the plastic tube from the tank, fill balloon, close valves. When I want some, I open the valve on the balloon and take a little breath. It does not need to be a full breath, just a quarter breath. I hold about a minute and let it out.
I feel immediately a slight dizzy feeling. I felt the same when I used electrolysis and filled a jar with h and sniffed it. Hydrogen narcosis is a known phenomenon, but its not that euphoric more like hyperventilating, sorry guys
The breath will have some oxygen with it since its not pure h. I do run out of air after about a minute. I try not to breath deeply, just take another partial breath to keep in the h. I notice immediate effects, arthritic discomfort generally goes right away or diminishes. Ultra sound is actually better at doing that, I use the h mostly for the health benefits.
the "hindenberg" lol. If you watch the film of the hindenberg burning, you see it simply burns and does not explode. We have there probably several tons and many many cubic meters of h and no explosion, just a normal though fast burning fire. A tiny tank of h like I bought has about the same fire potential as a small cylinder of propane or a box of cig lighters it holds only 20 cu ft. Not to worry and they are made under strict standards.
My tank was bought almost a year ago, I'll have to check the date but I think it was next month or july it will be a year. I still have well over half the tank left and my balloon is leaking too fast, I need to keep it in a better place where it doesn't get messed with so much. Seal the opening with hot glue and put an extension on the part of the valve that goes into the balloon so it draws better. I put a piece of airline tubing like for aquariums. I got 2 balloons off fleabay for a buck
Lets say I have $150 in the rig, should get another year at least. So in 2 years I'm out $75 a year if I toss it out after the tank is empty. Or I could sell it for about what I paid or close to it making the investment actually and investment I'll get back. Or refill the tank which at latest prices will cost me $20 and be good for another couple years or so. So my real cost is really about $10 a year, or 80 cents a month to avoid buying magnesium, which is not free, plus the other materials and doing all that work. I also avoid mg overload and taking in metal of dubious purity. I'm sure the chinese are wonderful people but their track record of safety leaves a lot to be desired. They poison their own people by mistake let alone strangers.
So, the main advantages of using a tank are:
1. saves tons of time and messy preparation
2. available anytime you want it, even if you forget to put your stuff to brew
3. no additional cost beyond the balloon and some tubing, no further costs.
4. no funny tasting water to drink or risk of the runs from too much mg
5. no worries about impurities.
Over the long haul its cheaper than the mg system which is a good system, not knocking it I just think a tank is better. If you are not sure you are going to keep using h then go with mg rods or electrolysis. If you have tried it and are sure you won't ditch it in a month or two, consider picking up a tank.
There are also setups that purport to create h water by plugging it into your computer or other voltage source. There are rigs meant for autos that run on 12v and make h gas.