Thanks Hip for confirming I wasn't totally off base so far and thank you H2enthusiast for your very detailed elaboration on how these tablets work. I haven't yet had time to dig through all the links you added too, but I plan to later today. I did read the H2Blue page you linked and Hip was right I really did seem to hit it spot on with these tablets and how they release the H2 over time
Additionally after reading that entire page I can't help but wonder if the Amazon reviewer was even using their Ethanol based version or the new Eco version which they claim isn't as good for testing these types of tablets. Mostly I say this because they seem to not be able to ship the ethanol version as easily in the US, but I suppose the reviewer may not have been in the US too. Also thanks for pointing out the brown water thing. I hadn't even considered that it could be the H2Blue causing that.
If we wanted to see if these tablets help more than smaller more stable doses of 1.6-3.0ppm with no cloud activity it might be possible that streamlover or another long time user of such water could perceive the difference if they were to try the tablets for a change. I'm guessing to really tell properly we would need someone to try a regular brew like his for a while then get blood or plasma analysis done maybe and then repeat that with these tablets. Though I'm really not sure how it can be tested in the body offhand to determine saturation levels. Maybe urine?
All this got me thinking about hydrogen earlier and it occurred to me that we are, typically, around 70% water which means 2/3 of that is Hydrogen. Which got me thinking about the Mitochondria and a video from YouTube "The Biophysics of Fluoride by Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse" posted by Brenda Staudenmaier. In it, Jack goes into some detail about how the Mitochondria creates its own Deuterium Depleted water, how deuterium is bad for us, and how fluoride makes it. Deuterium(2H) is an isotope of Hydrogen which I didn't realize. Referencing this page "Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) : A More Complete Explanation" from Molecular Hydrogen Institute shows a chart that clearly points this out as well with fluorine(F2) having +2.87 EV and Magnesium almost at the bottom with -2.37 EV. It seems to indicate this is why magnesium H2 water has a -ORP value too. In another video of Jack's I believe he mentioned that non-native EMF is harmful because it dehydrates the body on a cellular level, which I'm guessing means it depletes the deuterium depleted water from you. He also likes to fixate on the importance of redox potentials in the body, which is how I came to be here in the first place since that led me to hydrogen through -ORP research efforts. Lol, which reminds me that maybe Negative Ion generators for bedrooms and such are good for a similar reason (-Redox Potential for the body, -ORP for the water, why not -Ions for the air to complete the cycle?). I have a nice one I found and would recommend if anyone cares to know about it later.
So, with all that in mind I have some random questions 
Are we sure any or all of these methods are creating the correct Isotopes? Is that even a concern with H2? I'm not familiar enough with chemistry currently to know for sure if any of these methods could be making deuterium at all let alone whether that could then be binding to form H2 and still be deuterium.
Is it possible that the H2 being consumed, among its many other activities, could be helping to resolve cellular dehydration by providing more H for the body to make water with? Is it possible with these tablets that the quasi-dissolved portion, if consumed in that state, could be putting off any monoatomic H and not strictly H2?
Is it possible that many of these benefits could be from countering the loss of hydrogen to various processes like nerfing free radicals or fighting against cellular dehydration while never getting enough H back into the system? Most Americans have Candida overgrowth messing with the bacteria in the gut now which is where most of our H should be coming from. So maybe this is helping resolve that deficit. Also, since we are composed of so much water and thus Hydrogen it seems likely that we could use extra whenever we could get it rather than simply relying on the gut in such a toxin environment as modern society has become.
Has anyone tried checking their redox potentials before and after extended use of H2 water?
Is there any chance the DIY crowd would be able to make tablets anywhere near as good as these? I ask cause I was thinking it would be nice to have a mobile/casual method to generate hydrogen like the tablets while hiking and camping for months on end. I don't think most of these DIY methods would work for that environment/scenario but the tablets likely would. Breaking out beakers and test tubes for a hike doesn't seem as likely to happen often enough though 
Ok, that's enough speculation for now.
Also, cristi1234 I too have seen various references and videos about "revitalizing" fruits and veggies with -ORP water. It can be lower than you stated I've seen -900. If you desire and can achieve that it's even more effective I would think. You don't have to use hydrogen to get -ORP if that's strictly what you're after. You can also use Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid which is cheap if you don't plan to drink the water and probably more safely in the form of something food based like Terrasoul Acerola Powder (Freeze-Dried) if you do plan to drink the water after. The reason being that Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid that doesn't come from food is grown in a lab from corn syrup and usually involves nail polish remover at some stage in the process to make it, but moreover it doesn't get processed the same as the natural stuff and thus gets mostly flushed out of your system thereby giving very little value while overworking the body for no reason. The natural stuff gets much higher absorption and retention over longer periods while overworking little or nothing. Just put the VitaminC in the water and stir till it dissolves then test the ORP. This page "ORP Meters, Principles And Misconceptions" from Molecular Hydrogen Institute has a more detailed explanation of how it works. Another thing to note on that point is that most fruits and veggies freshly picked and immediately tested should already have a -ORP in the range that the "revitalized" ones achieve. That to me just indicates its healthier to eat fruits and veggies straight off the plant 
There's a nice article on healthesolutions titled "The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements" if you care to read more on Vitamin C and any others it covers. Although according to that article you need food-based Vitamin C to get a -ORP, and claims that lab-made Ascorbic Acid will only have a +ORP value, whereas Molecular Hydrogen Institute makes no distinction between food-based or lab-made and basically just treats the whole subject as though there's only the one version. I suppose some testing will be needed to find out what would work then.
Lol also, earlier today while watching some random Top 10 video on YouTube they mentioned something called The Wow! Signal which was apparently a signal emitted from space that was basically the same tone as Hydrogen emits. It's on Wikipedia if you care to check it out. Just thought that was a random synchronicity to run across while diving into Hydrogen as much as I have been 
Edited by Grimbly, 03 October 2018 - 10:59 PM.