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Hydrogen Water as a much cheaper alternative to MK677?

hydrogen water ghrelin

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#601 cristi1234

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Posted 04 October 2018 - 04:42 PM

i have hydrogen age 2 go portable hydrogen generator


i believe that aquacentrum sell wordwide , simply simulate an comande and view list of countryes.


Buster is a litle dangerous for me, you can view in page with buster 2 short videos , one of them show 2.5 ppm in botle 2 liters under high pressure.


After few experience with Glen method with rods magnesium and malic acid in glass botle under presure , i not want pressure every day , is a liltle dangerous.

#602 Lreader

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Posted 04 October 2018 - 09:56 PM

"Magnesium Metal Rods - pack of 5 from UnitedNuclear - They're claiming 99.995% on those 5x for $15"



Great Find! 


I called the company. When I asked, they said these rods are food grade, and that .99995 greatly exceeds the minimum standard. When I expressed concern that they also sell a lot of radioactive substances, he said the magnesium rods are produced (and sealed) elsewhere by a large foundry. (Caution: Each person needs to independently research the issue of purity, since this product has no official food grade designation.)


Shipping is $5.95 making the total $20.95. While about 20% more cost than what I paid for my .9999 magnesium, the extra cost is well worth it for the extra purity, and the fact that these rods fit perfectly into my test tube without having to saw them in half first.


However, it will be another 3 years until I can even think of buying these! Each of my half rods has a life of about 6 months, and I still have 6 unused half rods from my initial purchase (I've used up 4 half rods in the past 2 years).


BTW, the Hydrotab pills look impressive, but I'll stay with the very inexpensive test tube method.


I'm always trying to improve the PPM... for the past 2 months I have changed the final one minute shaking by hand, as follows: I sit with my elbows resting on a table, and hold the bottle horizontally with one hand on the base of the bottle and one hand on the cap. I shake the bottle toward and away from me, while at the same time moving my thumbs upward to spin the bottle on its axis. This approach greatly increases the surface area of the water that the H2 gas initially touches, and constantly folds the surface area into the rest of the water dispersing the H2 more evenly throughout the water. Less than an inch of the test tube's solution escapes the test tube into my drink. After 2 months with this seepage, I find it tolerable (and of course magnesium malate has added health benefits). I'm hoping one of my blog's readers will test this enhancement and let us know the PPM.


I will be updating my Hydrogen Drinking Water 5.0+ blog to reflect all this new information.

Edited by Lreader, 04 October 2018 - 10:51 PM.

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#603 Grimbly

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Posted 04 October 2018 - 11:35 PM

Lreader Thanks, I'm glad to see someone found that useful :)

Your blog is actually what led me to this forum so thanks for that btw. If you're still looking for videos showing the tube method for your readers there are two of them on YouTube "How to make hydrogen rich water." posted by Koz Effect and "Making Hydrogen Rich Water" posted by Hip, at least I think it's the same Hip :)


I'm still looking for a DIY method that could be mobilized, similar to the tube method in that it keeps the reaction separate but while hiking/backpacking. I would like to make some at home too but I'll likely just use the same method once I work out what that is. Still hoping to hear back from others on what they think about buying empty desiccant containers/packs for pre-mixing "loads" into. I haven't found the time yet to look into that more personally as a potential option but plan to do so soon. Though it's unlikely to ever yield the dosages that these tablets are yielding apparently so I'm a bit conflicted now too. I really want as much as I can get but I'd rather avoid that huge cost if there's any way to as well :)  

The other issue I'm having with this mobile scenario is what materials I should use for the reaction. I would expect at some point there will be some of it getting into the water despite my efforts so it can't be something harmful or toxic. I have no desire to use aluminum even if it doesn't actually qualify as harmful or toxic. I would like to assume I can keep it dry but if it does get damp from humidity or something it would not be useful to have the reaction going while in my bag. I was thinking it could be pre-mixed and just need water. I suppose I could seal them into little baggies after to avoid humidity or something, but maybe it would be better to have it as a two-part system somehow where I add 1 "packet" of each to the water to initialize the reaction. That has failing points too though since I'm not sure how they could react together if they weren't together :) 
Anyway, I'm rambling so I'm done for now :)

#604 cristi1234

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 07:24 AM

Page 6 in forum

LongeLurker  26 june 2016

4.DIYgas permeable film link to aquela method




A pressure-resistant 500 mL PET bottle (e.g., a Coke bottle) was used. H2-generating agent (0.65 g) was prepared by mixing aluminum powder and calcium hydroxide at a ratio of 76 to 24 by weight. The agent was entirely wrapped with bags, namely, a gas-permeable film or non-woven fabric. The wrapped agent was then reacted with water to generate H2 as follows:

2Al+Ca (OH)2+6H2O  Ca [Al (OH)4]2+3H2.

A pressure-resistant 500 mL PET bottle (e.g., a Coke bottle) was used. H2-generating agent (0.65 g) was prepared by mixing aluminum powder and calcium hydroxide at a ratio of 76 to 24 by weight. The agent was entirely wrapped with bags, namely, a gas-permeable film or non-woven fabric. The wrapped agent was then reacted with water to generate H2 as follows:

2AL +CA(OH)2+6H2O=Ca[Al(OH)4]2 + 3 H2

As shown in Fig. 1a and b, a pressure-resistant PET bottle (500 mL), in which gas-permeable film had been directly inserted, was filled with water and then tightly closed. Water in the bottle reacted with the H2-generating agent (0.65 g), and the H2 gas produced was emitted into the water in the bottle through the gas-permeable film. Thus, during this procedure, the H2-generating agent as well as the water for the reaction did not come into contact with the drinking water. During the reaction, the H2 gas reduced the height of the water level in the standing bottle, which was gradually pressurized to approximately 4.5 atmospheric pressures by the gas after 24 h at room temperature. After the reaction was terminated, the H2 gas was dissolved by shaking the bottle for about 30 s.


This is official method.

The problems

Compound    Coefficient      Molar Mass

al 2                       2                 27

Ca(OH)2              1                 74

H2O                     6                  18  


if AL is 0.65 g , I need 0.9 g of ca(oh)2 ? water necessary for starting reaction 5 ml.

gas permeable film are 2 membranes .

Is very important to say granulation for powder aluminium , and ca(oh)2 powder need 99,99%.


The good news is that no need 24 hours from aquela reaction , only few minutes producing 3 ppm in 0.5 liters water.

With refrigerate  4.8 ppm tested with h2blue.




I not understand on your blog.

method test tube , so , aquela test tube replicate with 1 magnesium rod and malic in test tube , what is the value ppm , you say 5 ppm , but other user in comments obtain 1 ppm.



Regarding vitamin C , in water producing negative ORP.

I not view tests with fruits ORP messuring ORP before and after tratement with water prepared with vitamin C.

I view test orp apricots +250 before , and -300 after 30 minutes in hydrogen rich water.

I not study the fenomen , modify orp fruits and other,but if I good understand is possible negative orp transfer in fruits and also hydrogen transfer.

2Al+Ca (OH)2+6H2O  Ca [Al (OH)4]2+3H2.



#605 Grimbly

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 01:44 PM

cristi1234 There's a video on YouTube "High Antioxidant Water Brings Fruit & Veggies Back to Life With Low ORP Water (DEMO)" posted by alkaline-diet that attempts to show how -ORP water can "revitalize" fruits and veggies, though he uses ionized water as he calls it. My understanding is that ionized water is just weak H2 water and that's the reason it has any benefits. So, basically, he's using H2 water to bring the fruits to a -ORP value. The video does leave a lot to be desired as far as scientific evidence and borders almost entirely on anecdotal but I did find the idea very intriguing.


I may be mistaken as to whether the Vitamin C will work for this as I don't think Vitamin C in water creates any H2. I think it just makes -ORP water. It may be that the H2 is what is affecting the fruit and not the -ORP value of the water. I plan to test both eventually and see what I come up with but it may be a few months before I get around to it. 


In the video, he claims to have tested a tomato from his backyard at -50 ORP but shows no evidence of such. I will have to test freshly picked fruits and veggies at some point as well and see if this claim has any merit. 


It would make more sense if the H2 was what is doing the most for the fruits and not the -ORP. It would be handy if it was the ORP though since Vitamin C is very cheap and easy to mix in water.


If you could find a link for the Apricot ORP test you're speaking of I would like to take a look at that.


I am wanting to find out how this works to use around the house for store-bought items and it seems it may be a nice way to keep such things fresher for longer. Any foods or liquids with -ORP are healthier that +ORP so that's worth figuring out in my book :)

#606 cristi1234

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 05:47 PM


Philosophy of Hydrogen rich water HRW    Karl Heinz Asenbaum 

Multiple exemples before minutes 46 .

Aquacentrum sell apparature for hydrogen rich water , but they also have many presentation in youtube chanell , history hydrogen , explanation , how work , enough information and research.


High Antioxidant Water Brings Fruit & Veggies Back to Life With Low ORP Water 

it s an very good video , a little anecdotic , but I am a little naïve , and demonstration -ORP is an stimulant for me , may be an small revolution .for vegan people for exemple .





#607 cristi1234

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 05:53 PM


after minutes 46.

so , minutes 46 to final videoclip.

my english with zero hours in the school ,  few years probably will not be problems with google translate.

#608 Grimbly

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 11:56 PM

cristi1234 Thanks I'll be sure to check that out this weekend :)

#609 Lreader

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Posted 24 October 2018 - 12:26 AM

I think my hydrogen concentration is getting really ramped up with some recent change to my method. I now get lots of tiny hydrogen bubbles coating the inside of my bottle!


Here are the changes from my old instructions:


1. Continuing from when we screwed the top onto the water bottle, do not put the bottle into the freezer right away. Instead, leave it out at room temperature for 15 minutes. Hydrogen production occurs faster the higher the temperature. We can't apply heat to a plastic bottle, but at least we can keep it out of the freezer while hydrogen production is getting underway.


2. When the 15 minutes is up, put the bottle on the dental lab vibrator for another 15 minute interval. The vibration will boost (or at least keep up) hydrogen production while also helping to get the H2 infused into the water.


3. Place the bottle into the freezer for 45 minutes. Now this is where it gets interesting. With the [older] fast method ice was starting to form at around 30 minutes. but now there will be no ice even after 45 minutes! 


Here is why: We rushed the bottle into the freezer with the fast method, and not much pressure and hydrogen had a chance to form before the water started turning into ice. With the slow method there is lots of pressure and hydrogen (including a good amount infused into the water due to the vibrator) before we even put the bottle into the freezer. This greatly reduces the freezing point of the water in much the same way that adding salt to water causes it to stay a liquid for much lower temperatures than the normal freezing point. Here is the scientific explanation:


"There are two ways that the higher pressure lowers the freezing [point]. One is direct. Ice occupies more volume than liquid water, so squeezing harder favors the liquid over the ice state. The second is less direct. At higher pressure, more air (nitrogen and oxygen molecules) [in our case, H2 molecules] goes into solution. The more molecules dissolved in the water, the lower the freezing point. That's discussed more in other answers here on the freezing of saltwater."


I found out that of those two factors which lower the freezing point, in our case the dissolving of H2 molecules is by far a much greater factor than is the increased pressure. Look at the graph in this article on the phase diagram of water. Increasing pressure from 1 atmosphere [or bar] to even 4 or 5 atmospheres does not reduce the freezing point of ordinary water by very much. This means that the much lower freezing point we are seeing must be due to the infusion of molecules (in our case, H2) into the water! I would guess that if left unattended in the freezer our bottle would still not produce any ice even at the time of explosion (due to hydrogen production, not ice expansion). So the good news is that we are already getting great hydrogen infusion... but we are going to try for even more:


4. Place the bottle back onto the dental lab vibrator for another 15 minutes.


5. Shake by hand, [holding horizontally and spinning on its axis as explained here in an earlier post], for at least 1 minute. At this point you can see tiny hydrogen bubbles all along the inside surface of the bottle. (To get an accurate view, wipe dry the condensation from the outside of the bottle.) This suggests lots of H2 is now dissolved in the water, although H2 dissolved in water is of course impossible to see.


-- excerpt from my PieEconomics blog--

Edited by Lreader, 24 October 2018 - 01:08 AM.

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#610 cristi1234

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Posted 24 October 2018 - 07:44 AM

Can be an very good method to producing h2 dissolvated in water.

why no simple test with h2 blue.

i buy 2 botle h2blue from aquacentrum , and posible need 1 botle.

THe cost is 31 eur without taxes and shipping .

I pay 51 eur in total shipping europe .

#611 presently

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Posted 11 April 2019 - 02:42 AM

Great thread!


I received a ziploc bag of magnesium beads (about the size of BBs) from Amazon (500g for $25) and made my first 1 liter plastic bottle of hydrogen water using citric acid.  I didn't use any fancy method, I just put the beads in the bottle, added distilled water to near the top, added 1/4 tsp citric acid with a funnel, then added the rest of the water to the very top and put the lid on very tight.  I put the bottle in the refrigerator to bring the temperature down for better gas solubility.  I tasted it a couple of times along the way and after a few hours most of the acid taste in the water was gone.  I had already been using magnesium citrate as a preventative measure for kidney stones, so now I'll just drink my mag citrate with some added hydrogen.


I haven't felt the full effects of the hydrogen well enough to describe it yet, but have had moments of feeling that things are especially right mentally and physically, so the experiment will continue.


One thing I'd like to mention is that, on the recommendation of various posts here, I tried shaking the bottle vigorously before tasting the water for the first time, and sure, that makes the water bubble a lot, but that suggests to me that the already dissolved hydrogen gas is coming out of solution and forming bubbles, much like the result of shaking a carbonated beverage before opening it.  Would anyone shake a soda before drinking it?  That doesn't "help dissolve more CO2 in the water", it causes more CO2 to escape into the air when opening the bottle, and leaves the soda partially flat rather than as full as possible with dissolved gas.


So, I won't be shaking the bottle anymore.

Edited by presently, 11 April 2019 - 03:05 AM.

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#612 orion22

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Posted 01 November 2019 - 08:15 PM

guys why don t we make our own hydrogen pill magnesium powder is easy to make or buy from those 99.995 rods and we just mix with malic acid and something to harden it all together?

anybody know best way to make the rods into powder?

Edited by orion22, 01 November 2019 - 08:17 PM.

#613 Adaptogen

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Posted 21 June 2021 - 07:30 AM

Did anyone keep up their hydrogen water consumption? Spe/Pem Generators claiming 1.6 ppm are only like $40 on Amazon.

I bought one recently, I'll update with my h2 blue results in a few weeks when I get a chance to test it. I'll also try and do some experiments with varying water temperature, boiled water, lid off vs on during electrolysis. If anyone has any other ideas for optimizing electrolysis hydrogen production, I would be glad to test them out.

#614 Tapa

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Posted 05 August 2021 - 12:38 AM

Did anyone keep up their hydrogen water consumption? Spe/Pem Generators claiming 1.6 ppm are only like $40 on Amazon.

I bought one recently, I'll update with my h2 blue results in a few weeks when I get a chance to test it. I'll also try and do some experiments with varying water temperature, boiled water, lid off vs on during electrolysis. If anyone has any other ideas for optimizing electrolysis hydrogen production, I would be glad to test them out.


i did it, i did a diferent method all based in what ive learned here. and i can tell you it is amazing, and non comercial water is even close to  doin it. i can reach 5ppm always, i can make and store several bottles, i do use magnesium and malic acid in a stainless steel 304 container to produce hydrogen gas, then connect it to a pet bottle with a stainless steel 304 carbonation cap,, filtered the hydrogen trough oil/water separator filter, and inject it in a pet bottle filled with COLD water. if you need help i can send you pictures and instructions. :) it works just amazing

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#615 Lreader

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Posted 05 August 2021 - 04:26 AM

i did it, i did a diferent method all based in what ive learned here. and i can tell you it is amazing, and non comercial water is even close to  doin it. i can reach 5ppm always, i can make and store several bottles, i do use magnesium and malic acid in a stainless steel 304 container to produce hydrogen gas, then connect it to a pet bottle with a stainless steel 304 carbonation cap,, filtered the hydrogen trough oil/water separator filter, and inject it in a pet bottle filled with COLD water. if you need help i can send you pictures and instructions. :) it works just amazing


Based on what I learned here, I started making hydrogen water in 2016, and have been making it every day since. During these years, I have been simplifying while at the same time improving hydrogen concentration. I believe the hydrogen concentration I'm getting now is more than 5 ppm, perhaps much more, since small visible hydrogen bubbles appear throughout the water. All this is achieved using simplified and cheap DIY methods, as explained on my blog: Hydrogen Drinking Water 5.0+



Tapa, It would be great to see pictures and instructions for your method. You can post them here.

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#616 Tapa

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Posted 06 August 2021 - 03:54 AM

Based on what I learned here, I started making hydrogen water in 2016, and have been making it every day since. During these years, I have been simplifying while at the same time improving hydrogen concentration. I believe the hydrogen concentration I'm getting now is more than 5 ppm, perhaps much more, since small visible hydrogen bubbles appear throughout the water. All this is achieved using simplified and cheap DIY methods, as explained on my blog: Hydrogen Drinking Water 5.0+



Tapa, It would be great to see pictures and instructions for your method. You can post them here.


yes actually i saw you blog and that was something that helped me a a lot... i will post pictures today later. i took info from your blog and also from this thread... what i did diferent is that i put everything apart. H gas in the brewing cylinder. and this cylinder hast a co2 regulator connected plus a oil/water separator filter, doin this i can make sure no other flavors or elements will be mixed with the purified water ... i think yes could have achieve more than 5ppm, bur since i finished my h2 blue drops i didnt check it any more... but now iam waiting new blue drops for next week so i can check again... any way, i will try to explain the most i can in a few minutes... and also i need to say for this method iam using you will need to spend around $185USD.


Kegco CO2 Regulator $65USD+/-

Stainless Steel 304 Carbonation cap with plastic injector $20USD+/-

Stainless Steel 304 minikeg tank $60USD +/-
Oil/water Separator filter 1/4" /$15USD +/-
Quick pneumatic 1/4" connectors $20USD+/-
Food Grade Hose with 1/4" to 1/8" adapter 5USD+/-


but after this... in my method i can meke sure i will get 5PPM+ Hydrogen Rich Water with nothing more than hydrogen inside. no others flavors. no problems, no issues
and can make all liters i want.. like today i just did 10 liters and i gave to a friend of mine 5 of them cause his mother in law is fighting breast cancer right now...  here a picture of my current remaining batch.


Attached Files

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#617 Helios

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Posted 01 September 2021 - 07:32 AM

I don't know what has been discussed before, but there's no need to make it complicated or expensive. Use a 4oz Boston round bottle, fill it 10-20% full of magnesium shot, and top that with a spoonful of malic or citric acid in water, enough to fill the bottle to about 1/3 full, then snap a party balloon over the top. Allow the balloon to fill to six inches or more and you can intermittently rebreathe the hydrogen from it for ten minutes.


Note: the bottle will get rather hot after a few minutes, so best to set it in a larger glass partially full of water to keep it cooler. Afterwards, the pellets can be washed off and reused.


Have you noticed any benefits from this approach?


anyone else try this, what effects did you see?

#618 kurdishfella

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Posted 31 January 2022 - 08:43 PM

Can you use balanced tap water to mix with your substance or do you need distilled or sterile water? The latter two just offers bacteria protection, correct? 

Edited by kurdishfella, 31 January 2022 - 08:44 PM.

#619 Adaptogen

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Posted 07 June 2022 - 07:34 AM

Just wanted to share some updates. I've since upgraded to a portable hydrogen water generator producing 3+ ppm in a single 5 minute generation. The tech has been advancing pretty rapidly, and in my opinion, there is really no reason to purchase tablets or try and produce it chemically at home when electrolysis is so effective and convenient.


I can tentatively say I've noticed some reductions in fatigue and improvements in exercise performance and allergic rhinitis symptoms since increasing my consumption.


Product I've been using: https://www.amazon.c...r/dp/B098F2W7S1

There are other high PPM pressurized generators out there, but this one measured at 3.4ppm in an H2 blue test after just one 5 minute cycle, so I'm satisfied it's one of the best.

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#620 Tapa

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Posted 19 April 2023 - 03:39 PM

as long as i know, molecular hydrogen can not be made with electrolysis. there is an explanation by Tyler Lebaron iam sorry i dont textually remember his words. but i can remmber that electrolysis is the process of using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen so we get -/+ together.

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#621 TripleT

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Posted 21 April 2023 - 11:02 PM

yes actually i saw you blog and that was something that helped me a a lot... i will post pictures today later. i took info from your blog and also from this thread... what i did diferent is that i put everything apart. H gas in the brewing cylinder. and this cylinder hast a co2 regulator connected plus a oil/water separator filter, doin this i can make sure no other flavors or elements will be mixed with the purified water ... i think yes could have achieve more than 5ppm, bur since i finished my h2 blue drops i didnt check it any more... but now iam waiting new blue drops for next week so i can check again... any way, i will try to explain the most i can in a few minutes... and also i need to say for this method iam using you will need to spend around $185USD.


Kegco CO2 Regulator $65USD+/-

Stainless Steel 304 Carbonation cap with plastic injector $20USD+/-

Stainless Steel 304 minikeg tank $60USD +/-
Oil/water Separator filter 1/4" /$15USD +/-
Quick pneumatic 1/4" connectors $20USD+/-
Food Grade Hose with 1/4" to 1/8" adapter 5USD+/-


but after this... in my method i can meke sure i will get 5PPM+ Hydrogen Rich Water with nothing more than hydrogen inside. no others flavors. no problems, no issues
and can make all liters i want.. like today i just did 10 liters and i gave to a friend of mine 5 of them cause his mother in law is fighting breast cancer right now...  here a picture of my current remaining batch.



While reading through the thread, this was the setup I kept thinking about. Especially when AdamH was championing his hydrogen welding tank +  regulator setup for breathing. I was wondering why he didn't just attached a carbonation cap and pressurize bottles like you would with CO2. Fortunately, you shed some light on it. Thanks.


Few questions if you don't mind:


1) Is there a rough guideline when adding the rods and acid to the keg or is it not that strict and similar to the Glen Ingram video in the OP?


2) How long do you take when infusing the bottles?


3) You said you made10 liters in one day. Wow. Is that back to back back or did you have to take break to let the H2 pressure build back up after each use?


4) Lastly, when you're done, do you remove the rods or leave them in until the next use.





I've had a Brown's Gas generator for 4 years now (AquaCure) for both breathing and bubbling drinking water. Effects are surely undeniable, with each administration route having its own strength. That said, I'm looking to experiment with the high volumes of very high ppm H2 water as discussed in this thread. Great work by all involved.

#622 Tapa

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Posted 09 May 2023 - 04:33 PM

While reading through the thread, this was the setup I kept thinking about. Especially when AdamH was championing his hydrogen welding tank +  regulator setup for breathing. I was wondering why he didn't just attached a carbonation cap and pressurize bottles like you would with CO2. Fortunately, you shed some light on it. Thanks.


Few questions if you don't mind:


1) Is there a rough guideline when adding the rods and acid to the keg or is it not that strict and similar to the Glen Ingram video in the OP?


2) How long do you take when infusing the bottles?


3) You said you made10 liters in one day. Wow. Is that back to back back or did you have to take break to let the H2 pressure build back up after each use?


4) Lastly, when you're done, do you remove the rods or leave them in until the next use.





I've had a Brown's Gas generator for 4 years now (AquaCure) for both breathing and bubbling drinking water. Effects are surely undeniable, with each administration route having its own strength. That said, I'm looking to experiment with the high volumes of very high ppm H2 water as discussed in this thread. Great work by all involved.


1) Hydrogen generation depends on the amount of magnesium surface in contact with water and malic acid. so it depends what you need is what you will have to prepare.

2) To pressurize the bottles depends on how much pressure you have generated in the minikeg, in my case once the pressure is generated it takes 1-2 minutes and gradually reduces as I fill more bottles. I normally add 20+/- grams of malic acid.

3) Same answer, it will depend on how much malic acid solution you have in the minikeg. but I could tell you that I can do 10 liters in a single session. in fact now I have made up to 30 liters in a couple of hours

4) When finished, always remove the magnesium and wash it to prevent it from being consumed and to prevent the minikeg from filling up with residue.

NOTE: I now added a hose to the carbonating lid so that hydrogen bubbles up from below. the hose is sealed at the bottom end and has a couple of needle punctures

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#623 Tapa

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Posted 09 May 2023 - 06:55 PM

Also now I have been working on a solution to be able to bottle water without using CarboCaps. and finally I have found a solution using 28mm Caps + FoodGrade Silicone, with these two I managed to make a non-return cap/valve. I also developed an injector that I could make with 3D resin. add some modified water filters to purify the hydrogen. and finally I was able to have a final product. and reach 5+/-ppm in each bottle. All this varies according to the pressure to which the hydrogen is subjected and the way in which the filling of the bottles is generated. Now I am looking for interested people to be able to develop it professionally.


i will upload a video/pics soon.

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#624 TripleT

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Posted 12 May 2023 - 02:10 PM

After some trial and error, found a good combo of materials for test tube method.


-16x150mm boro glass test tube (can also be 125mm or 100mm, I like the longer tube to prevent the reaction from spilling out into the water)

-ABECO Check Valve, Part number: 12J06-103.

-Magnesium Powder (60-200mesh), 500mg

-Malic Acid, 3g


Bottle pressurizes so fast (<2min) that I just put in in the freezer immediately to chill for 20-30mins. Take out, shake vigorously for 30-60seconds, let stand for atleast 10min. At this point its ready for consumption and maintains ppm for up to a week, according to the study @Hip posted earlier.


500mL bottle resulted in 7.5ppm.

1L bottles have resulted in ~4.5ppm. However, I have to retest because I've only done 1L once and it was before I realized the markings on the H2Blue test container was inaccurate. I was testing 4ml of H2 water instead of 6ml as needed.


@Hip on another forum mentions using Magnesium shavings/turnings in his updated method. I tried, but the reaction happens so fast that it burns and blackens the magnesium and the reaction ERUPTS out of the test tube before I get a chance to dunk it in the bottle and cap it. Not comfortable with the charred magnesium solution potentially mixing with the drinking water (only happens when shaking the bottle, avoidable if shaking carefully.)


Similar experience with 325mesh magnesium powder. Just happens too fast.


I've found 60-200mesh powder the perfect middle ground for this setup. Reactions isn't TOO fast, and solution ends up crystal clear if you wait long.


1) Hydrogen generation depends on the amount of magnesium surface in contact with water and malic acid. so it depends what you need is what you will have to prepare.

2) To pressurize the bottles depends on how much pressure you have generated in the minikeg, in my case once the pressure is generated it takes 1-2 minutes and gradually reduces as I fill more bottles. I normally add 20+/- grams of malic acid.

3) Same answer, it will depend on how much malic acid solution you have in the minikeg. but I could tell you that I can do 10 liters in a single session. in fact now I have made up to 30 liters in a couple of hours

4) When finished, always remove the magnesium and wash it to prevent it from being consumed and to prevent the minikeg from filling up with residue.

NOTE: I now added a hose to the carbonating lid so that hydrogen bubbles up from below. the hose is sealed at the bottom end and has a couple of needle punctures


Good stuff.


I'll  probably default to your setup if I find high ppm H2 water much different than water bubbled with Browns Gas. Too early to tell.


Pics/vid would be great. :)



  • WellResearched x 2

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