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Natural Testosterone Boosters

testosterone cognition mood natural herbal otc psychiatric boosters suppressors

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#331 Gal220

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Posted 23 June 2020 - 04:00 AM

Some testo stuff i've learned since posting. Mercury poisoning in various degree is relatively common. Estrogen has a neuroprotective effect against mercury damage on brain tissue. Testosterone+mercury is exponentially more destructive. 


Interesting if true, getting the last of my many mercury fillings out this week.  Then going to try this detox protocol - Link


"To successfully chelate heavy metals out of the body and brain, and to prevent the dangers of re-absorption, a “true chelator” must be used. Herbs such as cilantro, or binding agents like chlorella, do not have the molecular structure to hold on to a heavy metal permanently. Therefore, they only stir up the metals and cause them to redistribute somewhere else."

#332 limerence

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Posted 23 June 2020 - 07:16 AM

Interesting if true, getting the last of my many mercury fillings out this week.  Then going to try this detox protocol - Link


"To successfully chelate heavy metals out of the body and brain, and to prevent the dangers of re-absorption, a “true chelator” must be used. Herbs such as cilantro, or binding agents like chlorella, do not have the molecular structure to hold on to a heavy metal permanently. Therefore, they only stir up the metals and cause them to redistribute somewhere else."


Check out Andy Cutler Chelation.

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#333 Gal220

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 12:47 AM



Thanks, basically he is on the same page as the one I linked , but enough details for a DIY approach.  Scary about ALA, i been taking it a while with several mercury fillings.

#334 limerence

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 01:43 AM



Thanks, basically he is on the same page as the one I linked , but enough details for a DIY approach.  Scary about ALA, i been taking it a while with several mercury fillings.


I'm sorry to hear that, at least you learned sooner than later. It is incredible how many people take ALA dangerously; there is little warning. While it is a fantastic antioxidant that is produced naturally in the body, its chelation properties can cause really awful, ugly agony (exactly like glutathione supplements, although those are usually lower dose). I know first hand from ALA and chlorella before I knew better... really painful for years; thankfully I never had amalgam fillings. There is a website called Rollsafe that recommends taking ALA when taking MDMA. While ALA is probably neuroprotective, this advice completely disregards ALA's chelation properties. ALA itself isnt a dithiol, which binds mercury and other metals, its ALA's metabolite dihydroALA that does so. The Rollsafe admin sent my info to 2 "smart scientists" he knew who said there was no proof that ALA chelated mercury and improper use would allow mercury to accumulate in the brain, where it will not leave on its own. While these properties of ALA are not mainstream knowledge, there are even a few peer reviewed studies which explain this phenomenon. Regardless of studies, any achieved chemist can look up how ALA works with the human body and mercury. The laws of nature don't change based on ignorance or personal belief. Anyway, it's very unfortunate many poison themselves with ALA. Lots use it for type 2 diabetes, which in many cases, is caused by mercury toxicity, proven by many who have reversed their diagnosis following ACC. I run a health group and everyone whos tried it, sees huge results from ACC

To bring it back to the topic, chelation has offered me the greatest testosterone gains of any supplement/therapy. Otherwise, only real supplement I'd recommend for test, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, is Pine Pollen. Stephen Buhner has written two books about Pine Pollen/Testosterone. Can find them on libgen or Amazon.

#335 Stanfoo

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 05:32 AM

Don't even bother with ALA or any other supplement for chelation.


As far as mercury and other heavy metal detox goes, Zeolite trumps all.


ACZ Nano Zeolite spray works well enough.

#336 limerence

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Posted 24 June 2020 - 07:38 PM

Zeolite is either expensive contaminated dirt or heavily processed dirt, like the product you recommend. It by no means chelates mercury in the conditions of the human body, certainly not from cns/past bbb.
Most Zeolite products are MLM "scams" too.
Some people feel boost from them, but it's not from chelating mercury. They're added to some cattle feed because they can positively modulate dysbiosis.
This is getting off topic, but if you want to discuss this you can PM me or make a new thread and @ me.

#337 dazed1

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 02:17 PM

Denying ALA power, just to praise Zeolit, lmao.

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#338 Gal220

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Posted 25 June 2020 - 06:18 PM



What does ACC abbreviate?


Long article on Pine Pollen HERE , along with many other interesting pages... Seems he and others think it should be cycled, I found this BRAND recommended a few times.


Some other Pine Pollen pages - Link1 , Link2 , Link3  , Link4 , Link5



PrimalHerb says tree type and extraction process are important to potentency


Not only that: the way that pine pollen is extracted from the proper pine species is essential to its effectiveness, too.

Japanese scientists found that for pine pollen to be fully effective and its phyto-androgen properties experienced, the strong shells around each single pollen microbe must be cracked so the human body could digest and absorb it.

This is done with high-velocity airflow, which pulverizes and cracks open pollen shells, making it more bioavailable.



Some other enhancers according to primalherb.com which they use in their combo pill.

  • Cordyceps – Known to enhance reproductive function and revitalize energy stores, also boosts fertility and desire while helping the body reach better fitness and to battle fatigue
  • Epimedium Extract – Also known as horny goat weed, epimedium is added for additional natural testosterone boosting, for which it is known to do per recent studies
  • Grape Seed Extract – Rich in antioxidants (like resveratrol) known to support optimal prostate health which in turn fosters better testosterone levels and overall male health balance
  • Long Jack Extract – Research shows it boosts fertility and can increase testosterone by helping the body release ample levels of DHT from SHBG.
  • Mucuna pruriens Extract – Said to boost romantic energy and vitality, also has shown a significant effect on hormones in men and helps boost testosterone naturally—also boosts mood, energy, and fertility

#339 Peptimaniac

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Posted 24 July 2020 - 01:10 AM

The peptide kisspeptin-10 is the new bomb shit for raising test. I have been taking it for a few days now. 100mcg in the morning usually subcutaneous. It acts upstream of gnrh.

#340 Gal220

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Posted 24 July 2020 - 04:33 AM

Life extension foundation suggestions for testosterone - link 


Factors that influence Test

1. DHEA, test precursor 2. Aromatase enzyme(converts test to estrogen, increases with age  3. obesity suppresses luteinizing hormone in the testis, SIGNIFICANTLY reduce circulating test  4. Sex Hormone binding Globulin  SHBG binding to test increases with age   5. Liver function removes excess estrogen and SHBG.


Chrysin, Quercetin, nettle root, fish oil, protein keep Aromatase and SHBG in check.


Indole-3-carbinol i3C protects against dangerous estrogen metabolites and subsequent prostrate cancer - broccoli(rhonda patrick big on sulforaphane for prostrate cancer), brussel sprouts, cabbage. 



Test levels influence 1. Body composition and inflammation  2. Musculoskeletal system  3. Central Nervous system (depression, alzheimers)  4. glucose and lipid metabolism  5. cardiovascular health  6 prostrate health

#341 kurdishfella

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Posted 06 August 2020 - 07:17 AM

fluoride and reducing serotonin boosts test

#342 highriderr

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Posted 28 August 2020 - 08:11 AM

Hello dudes! Does somebody try geranigeraniol? its supplement in rats significant increase testosterone levels



What do you think about it?

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#343 Gal220

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Posted 28 August 2020 - 01:21 PM

fluoride and reducing serotonin boosts test


Ive recently tried to go fluoride free as much as possible . 


Toothpaste that remineralizes


Mouthrinse for gums


Epic Nano water filter - apparently hard to remove from water, only 68 %.  Mercola claims fluoridation is on the way out, hopefully he is right

#344 Seganfredo

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Posted 31 August 2020 - 11:32 PM

Hey, Gamesguru and all,


Probably most were already mentioned and I don't promise it'll be organized or won't have incorrections, but... enjoy ;)




- Aspongopus chinensis
- Allii tuberose (Semen Allii tuberose) - Tonify the liver and kidneys, strengthen yang, and control the essence. It is indicated for deficiency of kidney yang manifested as impotence and cold pain in the lower back and knees, and frequent urination or leukorrhea due to deficient kidneys. 
- Astragalus membranaceus Moench. (Radix)/Astragali complanati (astragalus root) (Semen Astragali complanati - Seed) - Tonify the kidneys and control essence, to nourish the liver, and brighten the eyes. It is indicated for the deficient kidneys manifested as impotence, seminal emissions, premature ejaculation, or leucorrhea, and blurred vision due to deficiency of liver blood. 
- Alpinia galanga
- Alpiniae oxyphyllae (Fructus Alpiniae oxyphyllae) - Warm and tonify the spleen and kidneys, prevent emissions, and stop diarrhea. It is indicated for the invasion of cold in the spleen and kidneys manifested as abdominal pain and vomiting, for kidney deficiency manifested as enuresis and seminal emissions, and for diarrhea and excessive salivation due to spleen deficiency. 
- Arginine (L-arginine)
- Allium sativum (Garlic)
- Anemarrhenae (Rhizoma) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH
- Angelicae (Radix) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH
- Boron (Borax, etc)
- Butea superba - increasing the relaxation capacity of the corpus
cavernosum smooth muscles through cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibition, and may also affect the brain, triggering the improvement of the emotional sexual response
- Basella alba - "extracts significantly enhanced testosterone production in bull and rat Leydig cells in a concentration-dependent manner." "demonstrated androgenic potential"
- Cations (incl. aluminum, calcium, gadolinium, magnesium, strontium, zinc)
- Cistanche(s) (Herba Cistanches)
 - Tonify the kidneys and strengthen yang, moisten the intestines, and move feces. It is indicated for the deficient kidney yang manifested as soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees with fragile tendons and bones, impotence, infertility, frigidity, and constipation due to dryness in the intestines
- Cnidium monieri (Cnidii (Fructus Cnidii?)) Fructus Cnidii - Warm the kidneys and strengthen the yang, dispel dampness, and kill worms. It is indicated for genital itching, swollen and painful scrotum, hemorrhoid pain, scabies, weeping skin lesions, and itching lesions. It is also used to treat the turbid white vaginal discharge caused by deficiencies of the spleen and kidney. Lower back pain, impotence and infertility are the other indications for this medicine. 
- Croscarmellose sodium
- Cola acuminate - 
- Cuscuta chinensis Lam., (Semen/seed) Cuscutae - for kidney yang deficiency manifested as impotence, lower back pain, erectile dysfunction, emission, enuresis, or leucorrhagia.  
- Cordyceps sinensis -  indicated for kidney yang deficiency manifested as impotence or emission
- Cervi Pantotrichum (Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum) - Nourish kidney yang, promote the production of blood and essence, strengthen the bones and tendons. It is indicated for the treatment of deficient kidney yang manifested as weakness of the body, aversion to cold, cold extremities, impotence/frigidity, infertility, urination, soreness and pain in the lower back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, gradual loss of hearing, and listlessness
- Curculiginis / Curcyliginis (Rhizoma curculiginis) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH - for weakness of kidney yang manifested as impotence, frigidity, and cold pain in the lower back and knees due to obstruction by invasion of wind-cold dampness
- Cibotii (Rhizoma Cibotii) - Tonify liver and kidney, to strengthen bones and tendons, and to expel wind and dampness. It is indicated for deficiency of the liver and kidneys manifested as soreness and pain in the lower back and knees and motor impairment. 
- Cynomorium songaricum (Herba Cynomorri) - Tonify kidney yang, lubricate intestines, and promote bowel movement. It is used for the treatment of impotence, amenorrhea, and infertility. It is also used to treat constipation due to dryness. - alleviate age-related syndromes, especially in terms of brain function, courtship behavior, and reproductive capacity, when it is provided at a younger age
- Damiana (Turnera diffusa) - enhances penis engorgement through vasodilatory (release of nitric oxide)
- Diindolylmethane (DIM)
- Dipsaci (Radix Dipsaci) - Tonify the liver and kidneys, promote the circulation of blood, and strengthen the bones and tendons. It is indicated for deficiency of the liver and kidneys manifested as soreness and pain in the lower back and knees, or weakness of the legs. Also indicated for menstrual flow, uterine bleeding, and threatened abortion (restless fetus).  
- Drynariae (Rhizoma Drynariae) - Indicated for deficient kidneys manifested as lower back pain, weakness of the legs, tinnitus, deafness or toothache, and swelling and pain due to external trauma or injury. 
- D-aspartic acid [DAA] 
- Dioscorea villosa --> Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) [wild yam]
- D Vitamina - Vitamin D (SUN)
Eurycoma longifolia (Malaysian ginseng, long jack, tongkat ali, Longjack root)
- Eleutherococcus
- Eucommia ulmoides - Eucommia (Cortex Eucommia) - Nourishes the liver and kidneys - binds androgen receptor & weakly activating AR transactivational function in a dose-dependent manner 
- Empimedii (Herbal) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH (Herba Epimedii - barrenwort, Epimedium sagittatum, also called “Horny Goat Weed” 
- Fenugreek (Semen/seed) Greek hay (fenugreek seed extract) - an anabolic used by elderly ancient heroes to restore their vital forces
- Guarana
- Ginseng Panax - the Far East panacea; This medicinal plant is used to replenish qi, prevent collapse and strengthen yang, tonify the spleen and the lungs, promote body fluids, and relieve thirst. It is also used to calm the heart and soothe the mind. It is commonly used with the kidney yang tonic herbs to treat impotence by tonifying qi and yang. 
- Ginkgo biloba
- Juglandis (Semen Juglandis) - Tonify the lungs and kidneys, moisten the intestines, and free the bowels. It is indicated for lower back pain and weakness of the legs due to deficient kidneys, cough and asthma due to deficient lungs, and constipation due to dryness in the intestines 
- L-Arginine
- L-α-Amino acids (incl. L-arginine, L-lysine, L-ornithine)
- Lycii barbarum (Fructus Lycii) - liver and kidney deficiencies that present with lumbar soreness, sexual dysfunction, dizziness, blurred vision, poor vision, cataracts, and diabetic symptoms
- Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton (fruit)
- Lepidium meyenii (maca) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH - endurance, libido, fertility
- Magnesium
-- Magnolia (Magnolia officinalis) https://www.caribbea...a-bark-magnolia
- Muira puama
- Mucuna pruriens - velvet bean extract
- Morinda officinalis (Morinda officinalis F.C.How (Radix (root)) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH) - Indicated for the deficient kidney yang manifested as soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, impotence, premature ejaculation, infertility, frigidity, irregular menstruation, and cold sensation and pain in the lower abdomen
!---> Milk Thistle - Anti-Estrogen - blocks loss of T caused by SHBG (active compound beta-sitosterol known to out compete T for SHBG, even freeing-up T already bound by SHBG. Stops aromatase process & helps eliminate excess estrogen from liver
- Niacin
- Nidus Vespae
!---> Nettle Root - Anti-Estrogen - clinically proven to lower estrogen to nearly undetectable levels (anti-aromatase)
- Osteocalcin
- Passiflora incarnate (passionflower extract) (Chrysin)
- Pausinystalia yohimbe (Yohimbe)
- Pinus pinaster (Pine bark extract) & Pine Pollen: contains all 4 major androgens: Androstenedione, T, DHEA & Androsterone. Anti-estrogenic effect.
- Psoralea corylifolia / Psoralea corylifolia L. (fruit): significant increase in level of testosterone in the serum, significantly increased the Mounting Frequency, Intromission Frequency and Ejaculation latency with reduction in Mounting Latency, Intromission Latency and Post Ejaculatory Interval. It also significantly increased libido as well as Erection, Quick Flips, Long Flips and the aggregate of penile reflexes with penile stimulation. The extract was also observed to be devoid of any adverse effects and acute toxicity (https://www.alliedac...albino-rats.pdf)
- Psolerae (Fructus psolerae) - Invigorate the kidneys and strengthen yang, consolidate
-- Phellodrendron Herb 5 Cortex phellodendri/ Phellodendri (Cortex) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH / Huang Bi, Amur cork tree, Phellodrendron bark - Herb 5 1280.66 ( 319.61) 12.73 ( 1.43) 105% ( 2.82) https://www.ebay.com/c/1453341938 called Huang Bai in China, is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs, but one that should be used with care. -- A strongly bitter remedy, the bark acts strongly on the kidneys and is regarded as a detoxicant for hot damp conditions. Recent research has shown that the plant is useful in the treatment of meningitis and conjunctivitis. Huang Bai should only be used under professional supervision and should not be take during pregnancy. The bark is alterative, antibacterial, antirheumatic, aphrodisiac, bitter stomachic, cholagogue, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, ophthalmic, skin, vasodilator and tonic. -- It is taken internally in the treatment of acute diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice, vaginal infections including Trichomonas, acute urinary tract infections, enteritis, boils, abscesses, night sweats and skin diseases. It is commonly used in conjunction with Scutellaria baicalensis and Coptis chinensis in a preparation called 'injection of three yellow herbs'. It is given intramuscularly for upper respiratory tract infections. The bark of 10 year old trees is harvested in the winter or spring and dried for later use. The fruit is expectorant. -- Dark green compound leaves 10-15" long; in habit, usually broader than tall when mature and grown in the open, with a few massive spreading branches; nice furrowed corky or ashlike bark on old trees, gray brown; good landscape tree for large open spaces; native to Manchuria, Japan.
- Polygoni Preparata (Caulis) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH
- Pfaffia paniculata - Brazilian Ginseng, "Suma" (powerful.)
- Quercetin (Q. dehydrate)
- Rhodiola rosea
- Rhapontici (Radix Rhapontici) essence (jing) and reduce excessive urination
- Rosa laevigata Michx. (fruit),
- Rubus chingii Hu (fruit)
- Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto) 
- Schisandra chinensis (Turz.) Baill. (fruit)
- Shilajit
- Stearic acid
- Suo Yang - +gonadotrophic androgens/functions
- SUN bathing --> VitD & +
- Tonkat Ali
- Tribulus terrestris - Tribuli (Fructus Tribuli) - Puncturevine (É PRAGA!) androgen-mimetic,  binds and activates T receptor; the secret weapon of Bulgarian weightlifters. Doesn't force body to produce T, opens chemical pathways for hormones to signal better.
- Wild Yam
- Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) (root) - vast array of benefits - mental clarity, muscle growth, weight loss, resistance
- Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa
- Zinc (oxide/gluconate) TESTO ANABOLIC PATCH
* T is secreted primarily from the Leydig cells of the testes in men  (>95%)
* STEROIDALS + FAT + PROBIOTIC = HIGHER T --> steroids are fat soluble --> gut flora converts vegetal steroids into compounds with higher anabolic activity
* NO is formed from L-arginine through catalysis by NO synthase (NOS) 
Epimedium brevicornu Maxim
* Over-fatigue and sexual overstrain cause "Kidney Deficiency". Kidney-yang deficiency (KD) typical pattern of kidney-disorder induced syndrome: metabolic disorders of body fluid & physiological dysfunctions which are caused by intrinsic factors (e.g., aging and inherent defects) or extrinsic factors (e.g, over-fatigue and sexual overstrain) 
* Some herbs like Cistanche, Tonkat Ali and Tribulus facilitate the process on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis to ultimately increase testosterone, unlike Pine Pollen.

#345 Seganfredo

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Posted 31 August 2020 - 11:56 PM

I didn't mention there (cause I've made that list for myself) but out of the top of my head:


- Kegels

- Massage balls/perineum;

- LLLT balls;

- Cold immersion

- Squatting (big one) & exercise with heavy weights

- Fulvic & Humic acids - from agricultural stores/ Earth for horticulture OR Shilajit (has both)

- Creatine is a MUST unless you can't take it for personal reasons - it's cheap, highly effective and also a nootropic;

- AVOID plastics (especially with beverages/foods that aren't cold); soy; shampoo/conditioner/etc (bathe with basic glycerine soap), and other hormonal disruptors, xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens, sugars of all kinds (study why & how Kellogs cereals were made...)

- Ditch masculine "independent" bossy "modern" women and get sweet, accomodating, feminine, supportive, highly submissive, loving women and have them feel secure and loved because of you

- Probiotics / multiple homemade fermented foods

- Have a Carnivorous diet. Remember ye ole Bill P*ssywhipped Clinton and never ever, ever do the tree-hugging-plant-eating thing (getting BJs from the plump secretary's another issue). Personally done that vegan crap for 2y. It was a disaster and disease only tons of bloody red meat could cure. (Sorry for the brothers who are vegetarian/vegan - this is not to pick on anyone, just my honest xp and opinion.) 

- Borax/boron and other T->estrogen convertion blockers --> Nettle Root's great, and Milk Thistle is ridiculously effective at it - almost 13x stronger than Tamoxifen on a Chinese study (if I read it right):  https://www.tandfonl...396360802379073

- DARE the SH1T outta your life (#1 thing. IMO T is more the daring hormone than anything else - dominance comes as an end result).


Edited by Seganfredo, 01 September 2020 - 12:33 AM.

#346 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 September 2020 - 12:01 AM

Much of T comes behaviorally. Besides genetics, it's what enhances and sustains your high T levels on the long run more than most anything else.

Copy-pasting from a relevant answer (https://www.longecit...nt-personality/):



Squat, deadlift, do heavy/ combative/ competitive sports, be around manly men and feminine women, stand your ground physically and socially, know that current society operates on ridiculous touchy-feely premises and completely shit all over them, get into fights, get combat/emergency training, BE DARING AS F#CK - this is n.1 -, shoot with firearms, train so you can trust yourself in every emergency or situation, be around nature and powerful 'noncute' animals (get an aggressive, scary big dog and show who's the boss by training it and making it your servant-buddy), boron, lots of red and organ meats - lots of animal protein and fat, eat BIG and train BIG, 10kiu Vitamin D and GET UNDER THE SUN AT NOON FOR 20MIN+, get away from soy, take creatine, cycle with tribulus, Brazilian ginseng, ashwagandha, pine pollen, try massive quantities of pregnenolone before sleep, some DHEA (preferably from chinese yams and yacoms), drink your morning pee (how bad do you want dominance?), massage your balls everyday, kegels, cold showers, get rid of your chronic stressors as much as possible, hydrogen peroxide therapy, all helps tremendously and is extremely viable for your whole life.

Also do Jiu jitsu. Befriend and go out with a pack of men who you admire and/ or you share ideals with.
Leaving boyish things behind.
Accept your manly desires, thoughts and actions (just by doing so you'll get into a major war with most lefties, sissies, feminists, and the like, which is half the fun.) Dress like a man, like yourself. Have pride.

Do manly things that "will put hair on your chest" and avoid every girly thing and thought like the plague. Vegetarianism IS for pussies beneath you. Do not let anyone force you to be or do anything that is below your (desired) virility. You NEED meat.

Get used with confronting people who challenge you.

Do a quart of these things and you won't recognize yourself in the mirror one year from now. You'll love and respect much more being what you'll see.

I find it stupid that most people turn to drugs that will lead them to then go do the things they want (and they pay the price in dollars and hormonally later) instead of the reverse - adapt behaviorally first, with supplements, diet, tricks, and whatnot supporting you.


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#347 Seganfredo

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Posted 01 September 2020 - 01:01 AM

Errata: I said "Milk Thistle is ridiculously effective at it - almost 13x stronger than Tamoxifen on a Chinese study (if I read it right):  https://www.tandfonl...396360802379073 "

While Milk Thistle's great too, Herb 5 on page 188 is "Cortex phellodendri" (phellodendri amurensis, Chinese Cork tree).

Edited by Seganfredo, 01 September 2020 - 01:05 AM.

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#348 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 02 September 2020 - 08:47 PM

The peptide kisspeptin-10 is the new bomb shit for raising test. I have been taking it for a few days now. 100mcg in the morning usually subcutaneous. It acts upstream of gnrh.

Potent Vasoconstrictor Kisspeptin‐10 Induces Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression and Instability: Reversal by its Receptor GPR54 Antagonist



#349 highriderr

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Posted 13 September 2020 - 06:41 AM

Hello. What do we say about testicular volume?

I'm 30 years now and all my life i feel hypersexuality, but about 2 years ago refractory period became increase and i feel libido issues. In this time was so much stress and severe insomnia and scince this time i have low libido, anhedonia, weaker erection. Make bloodwork and my total test was about 430 and little estrogen, then make ultrasoound and my testicles was 9.6 and 8.7 ml.

I read about hcg and testicular shrinkage but after cutting hcg balls return to previous size.

Can hcg effect be saved for times?

#350 graatch

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Posted 05 October 2020 - 11:34 AM

I'm interested in things which also improve estrogen/estradiol tone, like DHEA potentially since it potentially converts into both. For my own personal reasons I'm leery of serious aromatase inhibition to raise testosterone (specifically that there's some suggestion that hormonal balance plays a role in language abilities.)



like DHEA


I don't know any others! Any suggestions for things to investigate? :)

Edited by graatch, 05 October 2020 - 11:35 AM.

#351 Gal220

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Posted 05 October 2020 - 12:11 PM

Ray peat suggests 2mg of DHEA for every decade after 30.


"Young people produce about 12 to 15 milligrams of DHEA per day, and that amount decreases by about 2 mg. per day for every decade after the age of 30. This is one of the reasons that young people eat more without getting fat, and tolerate cold weather better: DHEA, like the thyroid hormone, increases our heat production and ability to burn calories. At the age of 50, about 4 mg. of DHEA per day will usually restore the level of DHEA in the blood to a youthful level. It is important to avoid taking more than needed, since some people (especially if they are deficient in progesterone, pregnenolone, or thyroid) can turn the excess into estrogen or testosterone, and large amounts of those sex hormones can disturb the function of the thymus gland and the liver."

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#352 CharlieG

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Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:09 PM

Shilajit - 100%. Look into. There are numerous studies to support its use for increasing testosterone. Really great supplement that I don't hear many people talking about.

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#353 CharlieG

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Posted 30 October 2020 - 07:12 PM

Sorry, here is a study on Shilajet & Testosterone Levels: Clinical Evaluation of Purified Shilajit on Testosterone Levels in Healthy Volunteers:


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#354 Seganfredo

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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:01 AM

Sorry, here is a study on Shilajet & Testosterone Levels: Clinical Evaluation of Purified Shilajit on Testosterone Levels in Healthy Volunteers:



Thanks for the post, Charlie. Did you know that Shilajit is basically Humic and Fulvic Acids? That's right - that dirt cheap item sold as fertilizers is the basis of Shilajit.

I've been taking HFAs for the last two months and I must say: what a supplement!

Check the topic where I've described the surprinsing benefits I've gained from it:https://www.longecit...olong-lifespan/
Also gave it to a bodybuilder student of mine and he's noticed great benefits for weightlifting and sleeping better. (Personally, I'm not sleeping better cause of it, even though many say it helps them). 

Only "but" id that HFAs can both be a chelating agent that helps your body excrete toxic metals or it can actually bring toxic metals into your body. 

But the same happens to Shilait as well - and for exactly the same reasons, I gather.

Edited by Seganfredo, 11 November 2020 - 02:08 AM.

#355 Seganfredo

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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:20 AM

PS: If anyone knows a process to purify Shilajit/HFAs from toxic metals, I'd love to know it.

I wonder if bringing the acidity up then turning it basic again would help remove the metals...

(HFAs, as a product, despite the name, is slightly alkaline, with a pH of around ~7.5-7.8).

#356 Adaptogen

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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:43 AM

Why would you deliberately choose a fulvic acid supplement over shilajit? Dibenzo pyrones are also a major bioactive in shilajit, I doubt you would find these in some random fulvic acid supplement. You can get altai mountain shilajit on eBay for very cheap, and it is probably pretty pure, and many of the sellers have lab analysis available.

I was in communication a few years ago with the CEO of natreon, who was spearheading a lot research on shilajit, and he claimed "the only other fulvic acid available as a fertilizer is alluvial(plant based) fulvic acid which is chemically different from Shilajit fulvic acid and has no therapeutic value".

As for my personal experience, I've found shilajit very underwhelming. I also speculate that shilajit may even be anti-androgenic despite increasing testosterone levels. There is a study showing it was about as strong a 5α-Reductase inhibitor (or at least as inhibited prostate growth as effectively) as finasteride. I recently started back taking it around a month ago and have noticed significantly decreased libido.
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#357 Seganfredo

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Posted 11 November 2020 - 09:46 PM

Why would you deliberately choose a fulvic acid supplement over shilajit? (...) You can get altai mountain shilajit on eBay for very cheap, and it is probably pretty pure, and many of the sellers have lab analysis available.


Price. To a Murican a dollar's a dollar. To me a USD is 5,50+ BRLs. So what's a Jackson (very cheap) costs a national Benjamin-plus.



CEO of natreon, (...) he claimed "the only other fulvic acid available as a fertilizer is alluvial(plant based) fulvic acid which is chemically different from Shilajit fulvic acid and has no therapeutic value".


Lots of people use plant based humic and fulvic acids products and claim countless benefits. In the literature, there's no such disctintion, so I can't say. 



I've found shilajit very underwhelming. (...) speculate that shilajit may even be anti-androgenic despite increasing testosterone levels. There is a study showing it was about as strong a 5α-Reductase inhibitor (or at least as inhibited prostate growth as effectively) as finasteride. I recently started back taking it around a month ago and have noticed significantly decreased libido.


Couldn't find any such paper upon a quick G. Scholar search. If you can post it for us it'd be a good addition to the chat.
Obviously, the decreased libido could easily be explained by the quitting of the helpful supplement itself.

#358 Adaptogen

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Posted 12 November 2020 - 05:42 AM

I certainly don't claim to be an expert on sex hormones, so it may be a stretch to be comparing finasteride and shilajit simply because both are effective against BPH. There is perhaps a more subtle MOA at work besides just being a 5α-R inhibitor, but it would be very interesting if shilajit was a preventative for male balding. That's actually the reason I started taking it again, just out of curiosity to see if I noticed less shedding or thicker hair.


Surprisingly, there is no discussion of it on any of the hair-loss forums. Other 5α-Reductase inhibitors like saw palmetto, are similarly effective for BPH, and also have many case reports of persistent erectile dysfunction. It's interesting that shilajit is touted as a promoter of male fertility, whereas most other 5α-Rs have the opposite effect.


Effect of Shilajit on Testosterone Induced Benign Prostrate Hyperplasia in Rats




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#359 Keizo

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Posted 03 February 2021 - 02:06 PM

Why would you deliberately choose a fulvic acid supplement over shilajit? Dibenzo pyrones are also a major bioactive in shilajit, I doubt you would find these in some random fulvic acid supplement. You can get altai mountain shilajit on eBay for very cheap, and it is probably pretty pure, and many of the sellers have lab analysis available.

I was in communication a few years ago with the CEO of natreon, who was spearheading a lot research on shilajit, and he claimed "the only other fulvic acid available as a fertilizer is alluvial(plant based) fulvic acid which is chemically different from Shilajit fulvic acid and has no therapeutic value".

As for my personal experience, I've found shilajit very underwhelming. I also speculate that shilajit may even be anti-androgenic despite increasing testosterone levels. There is a study showing it was about as strong a 5α-Reductase inhibitor (or at least as inhibited prostate growth as effectively) as finasteride. I recently started back taking it around a month ago and have noticed significantly decreased libido.

Why would you ingest a cocktail of largely unknown stuff at unspecified quantities? rather than a more slim concoction (I don't say molecule because fulvic acid isn't a single molecule)? Lead and arsenic might also be major bioactives of shilajit. I wouldn't exactly trust a car salesman to tell me the truth. I don't hold the words of Natreon higher than the words of Robert Faust (who's behind 'pure & fulvic' and "wujinsan' etc). But it's pretty straightforward to me that most supplements and herbs are complicated and speculative, but they do frequently do something (including potential unknown interactions), so I'd rather limit my intake to something that is easier to track.


(As far as fertilizer, which I'm not very interested in, I'm sure the people at BioAg might disagree with that statement.)


If you notice decreased libido, why would you think it's better taking shilajit (whatever that means exactly) as opposed to one smaller portion of it or something simpler than shilajit? Is this some kind of variant argument of "we need a varied diet for health", e.g. "we need a varied supplement regime with the largest possible intake of all stuff available from the supplement companies to prevent bad things (like decreased libido) from happening to us from our experimental supplement intakes, so it all evens out into a zen like state"?


If I wanted 'Diabenzo pyrones', my first thought wouldn't be to buy a jar of certified mud from some supplement company.


Sorry if I sound condescending but my opinion of the supplement industry is very low. I think it's important for people to remember how useless most of their products are, rather than expect great things from taking a bunch of stuff.


My experience with pure fulvic acid ("pure&fulvic") has been almost entirely positive. I'm getting some more, just for the modest energizing effect and enhanced blood flow. Subjectively it seems healthy, but who knows. Only negative, to repeat myself, is I'm very sensitive to "stimulating" stuff and so I can get a bit too amped up from it (tho again I think most people wouldn't notice it anywhere as much as I do, for reference I can barely drink coffee).

Edited by Keizo, 03 February 2021 - 02:07 PM.

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#360 moomoo

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Posted 04 February 2021 - 12:51 PM

Just a N=1, but for me both Shilajit AND Fulvic Acid complex tank my libido quite quickly. First few days it's unicorns and rainbows, then libido seems to fall off a cliff.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: testosterone, cognition, mood, natural herbal otc, psychiatric, boosters, suppressors

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