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Natural Testosterone Boosters

testosterone cognition mood natural herbal otc psychiatric boosters suppressors

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#121 sativa

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 09:14 AM

I see.

My only qualm with creatine is its effects on DHT. I don't eat meat (i do eat egg yolks) so would benefit from supplemental creatine.

My intents for taking boron were originally in the context of removal of heavy metals and toxic substances (eg other halogens) but has since encompassed DHT, testosterone and bone/joint health maintenance.

Yes IP6 aka phytic acid seems great. I recently started eating brown rice which I lacto ferment (using probiotic yoghurt + rye flour to provide phytase enzyme all mixed in water) to reduce phytic acid levels, and other undesirables.

The 500g of rice soaks and eventually ferments in this water fully submerged until I finish it. I wait at least a few days for the fermentation to begin.

Re my "regimen" I've added agmatine before bed due to its muscle growth promoting effects, NO related IIRC.

Edited by sativa, 25 August 2016 - 09:15 AM.

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#122 Wagner83

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 10:26 AM

You may want to try sorghum instead of rice. The same study showed that rice may inhibit 5 alpha reductase while sorghum may increase it . Of course it was a mere in vitro sutdy but I do notice something from eating sorghum.

Regarding creatine and dht it's very unclear how long the effects last, guys on anti dht drugs have benefited from it for a month (as the famous study on rugby players showed) and then crashed again, sometimes even worse than before. Ratherbeunknown's experience strengthens this idea http://www.longecity...ndpost&p=785214.

If you take creatine take it for its use with muscle building and exercise in general.

Isn't maca full of beta sitosterol?


Edited by Wagner83, 25 August 2016 - 10:29 AM.

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#123 sativa

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 05:08 PM

I will be taking 30mg of sodium tetraborate aka borax daily for a few weeks and assess its effects.

I am also taking 1.11g of Syrian Rue daily (micro dosing) each morning for life (emotional, physical and mental) enhancement purposes. It contians harmalas, pinolene and isoquinoline alkaloids which all have significant beneficial effects. I'll perhaps reduce the dose to .8g though after this week.

#124 limerence

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 07:22 PM

I'm taking a tab of lysergic everyday for life enhancement. Works good with all the test

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#125 gamesguru

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 10:07 PM

Yeah, dat der diethylamide gib crazy gains. More power than the boron. Not like it stressed you out and releases cortisol.
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#126 normalizing

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 11:08 PM

ok so far 5 pages lots of supposed proof of things that work to help boost testosterone, anyone has actual facts of before and after test at a doctor and description of taking these homopathic things to work, please

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#127 Junk Master

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 11:08 PM

I guess there is some concern about creatine raising DHT--




I never "load" Creatine, just use a less than 5g dose per day (3 usually), which this study cites as increasing the conversion of T to DHT by 22%.


If I were prone to male pattern baldness, or had prostate issues I would be concerned.  But I have been cycling creatine on and off for 15 years and still have a relatively full head of hair.

#128 normalizing

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 11:11 PM

 btw why is supplements for testosterone not in supplements section of the forum ?

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#129 Junk Master

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 11:13 PM

Another aspect of weight lifting and testosterone I've been researching is 80/20, where just as elite runners are now doing 80% of their training at a very easy pace, and ONLY 20% strenuously, I'm starting to believe regular, light weight lifting exercise 80% of the time, and heavy weight lifting 20% of the time might be the new paradigm for the trained athlete; especially the older athlete.


Time and time again I've seen older athletes sabotage gains by getting injured.  Long distance runners like to say that without drugs the slow, easy miles provide the necessary "base" to support the hard work.


It's such a fine line to tip into overtraining, raise your cortisol, and dump your testosterone levels!

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#130 sativa

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 11:18 PM

I'm taking a tab of lysergic everyday for life enhancement. Works good with all the test

Not sure of serious or not! But daily lysergic: why not!

Rue is a fantastic launching pad for potent engagement with the day to day external world interactions.

Notably the raw emotional component.

From having mainly been on a more thought (aka mind/logical left brain) based approach to life, I've recently focused on learning and exploring emotion (aka heart/creative right brain) based approach, but mindfully - which is critical.

Results have been stunning. I've been aware of the varying levels humans interact on, eg physical, verbal, and notably energetic (aka intent and emotion). I can feel the emotional component of a persons intent/approach/action.

This is understandably at times quite intense, but I'm happy to go through this steep learning phase and acclimatise to my new "emotional data feed". Soon I will reduce the daily rue dose once acclimatisation is complete.

With this added stream of data, I can make better sense of what's happening and why. For example, clearly noticing the emergence of a dominant female, and the tell tale signs of a more subservient female. ... I've been definitively noticing the alpha male qualities from increased testosterone levels, and subsequent related reactions and behavior in females nearby.

You may want to try sorghum instead of rice. The same study showed that rice may inhibit 5 alpha reductase while sorghum may increase it . Of course it was a mere in vitro sutdy but I do notice something from eating sorghum.

Regarding creatine and dht it's very unclear how long the effects last, guys on anti dht drugs have benefited from it for a month (as the famous study on rugby players showed) and then crashed again, sometimes even worse than before. Ratherbeunknown's experience strengthens this idea http://www.longecity...ndpost&p=785214.
If you take creatine take it for its use with muscle building and exercise in general.

Isn't maca full of beta sitosterol?

Not sure about beta sitosterol in Maca but it does contain sitostero" which does not bind to the CB receptors but inhibits the FAAH enzyme from breaking down endogenous Anandamide.

Thanks for the sorghum/rice alpha 5 info, I didn't know that! Hmmm rice is a main source of carbs for me. Are you saying inhibiting a5 enzyme (and thus reducing T to DHT conversion, more T, more E) is undesirable?

I tried creatine for a 4/5 week period months ago, along with glutamine and carnitine. I will possibly add it in the next available slot. Currently boron has the spotlight!

Edited by sativa, 25 August 2016 - 11:32 PM.

#131 limerence

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 05:41 AM

I'm joking. I did several years ago. I took 1/4 to 2 tabs a day for months. Also pure mescaline HCl shrooms and dob and Dom. Made me "insane" and hyper aware of my senses. Obliterated my ego more than 5 good tabs could ever do. Started over. Could probably cure most causes of ocd PTSD personality disorders etc. Not for everyone. Took years to reintegrate into society and still have a difficult time connecting and making friends. Increased my empathy ten fold making it much easier to get laid at least... I can sing and play music like I never could before too

Other than a few shrooms and dmt I haven't fried since. Probably helped testosterone levels overall to boot ;)

Also if you want alpha male quality have you tried high dose tryptophan? Studies about lead apes monkies have significantly higher serotonin levels. I noticed something similar when I tried

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Edited by limerence, 26 August 2016 - 05:45 AM.

#132 gamesguru

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 06:17 AM

Mescaline is a really introspective, personal, almost shamanic experience... totally the best and most classic psychedelic.  Light-years ahead of anything aliens could bring us.  Not much in the way of testosterone boosting, regrettably.


Bacopa also helps sociability, probably thru a serotonin release (a property which it shares with tryptophan)  However since knowledge is not up to par with performance, it takes timeee to learn and re-adapt.  Serotonin immediately increases mental performance, but the effect in solidifying or crystallizing an "improved person" is a process which takes time, and diligent effort, protracted day by day, week by week.

#133 sativa

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 10:31 AM

Yes, I am thoroughly in this process for the entirety of its duration. Constant evolving of self and all that.

Whose to say the "aliens" aren't expressing themselves via plant substances. Morphogenic fields have a role to play here I think too...

Wow, that's intense!!! In a different societal and environmental context eg Amazon jungle tribe your persuit would have been highly commended and well integrated.

I'm not purely after alpha male qualities, "at all costs" so to speak. But I didn't know tryptophan had this effect.
I'm mostly exploring my nature.

#134 Wagner83

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 11:19 AM

You may want to try sorghum instead of rice. The same study showed that rice may inhibit 5 alpha reductase while sorghum may increase it . Of course it was a mere in vitro sutdy but I do notice something from eating sorghum.

Regarding creatine and dht it's very unclear how long the effects last, guys on anti dht drugs have benefited from it for a month (as the famous study on rugby players showed) and then crashed again, sometimes even worse than before. Ratherbeunknown's experience strengthens this idea http://www.longecity...ndpost&p=785214.
If you take creatine take it for its use with muscle building and exercise in general.

Isn't maca full of beta sitosterol?

Not sure about beta sitosterol in Maca but it does contain sitostero" which does not bind to the CB receptors but inhibits the FAAH enzyme from breaking down endogenous Anandamide.

Thanks for the sorghum/rice alpha 5 info, I didn't know that! Hmmm rice is a main source of carbs for me. Are you saying inhibiting a5 enzyme (and thus reducing T to DHT conversion, more T, more E) is undesirable?

I tried creatine for a 4/5 week period months ago, along with glutamine and carnitine. I will possibly add it in the next available slot. Currently boron has the spotlight!



Did you read this thread? http://www.longecity...5-nearlyfamous/ It's an interesting thread unfortunately area has been banned now. Of course if you have high dht I wouldn't be bothered (on this forum is a report of a guy ith very high dht and lowish free t, he was not doing good).


As I said I do notice I feel more dominant when I eat sorghum often, so I'd say you could at least give it a try and see how you feel.

suppversity.blogspot.fr/2012/01/problems-with-high-or-low-dht-use-rice.html Of course this is just in vitro, eating rice may not affect dht at all.

#135 sativa

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 11:33 AM

Sorry I meant to say Maca contains "macamides" which inhibit FAAH enzyme resulting in higher Anandamide levels.

Thanks, I will have a look at the thread.
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#136 sativa

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 02:12 PM

Rooibos has potential testosterone boosting properties, I'll get back into the habit of consuming it more.

Only thing is the tea stains my teeth...perhaps I will just perform a basic alcohol/water extraction on a huge amount of rooibos tea and encapsulate it!

Based on the abstract below, Rooibos suplemented rats had significantly lower corticosterone levels(35%)then non-supplemented rats.
There was also a significantly higher level of testosterone in rooibos supplemented rats.

M Roos, AC Swart, L Schloms, C Smith.

The effect of Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on adrenal glucocorticoid and cytokine
Rooibos (Linearis Aspalathus) has been anecdotally reported to alleviate depres
sion, anxiety
and insomnia – all ailments associated with stress.
However, very little data is available on
the effects of Rooibos on stress-related endocrine
function. Recently, Rooibos has been
show to alter adrenal steroid synthesis pathways in

in vitro models. Similarly, to our
knowledge only 3 published studies have reported ef
fects of Rooibos on cytokine secretion –these were limited to cell culture studies or blood analysis for isolated cytokines, so that interpretation of results is very limited. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate in rats whether or not Rooibos may exert anti-inflammatory properties, and to what extent this may be associated with the anecdotal stress-relief effect of the tea. Therefore, we investigated the effect of oral Rooibos supplementation on steroid hormone synthesis and
cytokine production at target tissue (adrenal) level in male Wistar rats. Rats were
supplemented with 2 g dried unfermented Rooibos ext
ract/ ml/kg body mass/day (equivalent
of 6 cups of tea), divided into 2 dosages daily, fo
r 10 days. After Rooibos supplementation,
rats exhibited≈35% lower plasma concentrations of corticosterone (P<0.05) and≈30% higher levels of testosterone when compared to placebo rats.

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#137 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 02:52 PM

As I said I do notice I feel more dominant when I eat sorghum often, 


Dht does not make you feel dominating or masculine itself. What it does is it makes you calm and more energetic at the same time, while also increasing "confidence," some personal insults mean less. 

#138 Jason Long

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 02:59 PM

Did test a lot of substances, but my findings are unscentific (I did not measure free T, DHEA but only self-observation).

For me, I noticed increase in libido and power when I stack:

Royal Gelly (at least 3g per day)

D-Aspartic Acid

Vitamin D had suprising effect on me (5000%:D)

Adaptogens blend in high quantities (Rhodiola+Ginseng+Cordyceps+Aswagandha, all in ferment mode)

Resveratrol, at least 250mg if not 500

Horny goat (It s hard to get quality one with high iicarin)

Bee polen

My aproach to high T is more or less adaptogenic; through lowering low grade inflammation (ACTH-cortisol). Now I m experiencing with Shilayit mumijo, but again, hard to find good one. 

Newer aproach in natural T increasement goes in way of adding borron citrate and diindolylmethane, it is natural myostatin inhibitor, but this does not influence T levels directly, but nearly throug power output. 

#139 limerence

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 03:47 PM

Some life saving advice, don't take hormone d. Take cod liver oil if u must.

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#140 sativa

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 06:23 PM

Some life saving advice, don't take hormone d. Take cod liver oil if u must.

I presume due to accompanying vitamins and cofactors etc?

What about some D3 with vitamin A and K2?

#141 limerence

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 07:53 PM

no,its a terrible multimillion dollar industry of a scam. it makes people feel better because its the most or top 3 most powerful steroids in the human body. it also severely arrests the immune system, making one much sicker in the long run.


pdf https://docs.google....ek9IV3ZzQk1Wamc

bonus pdf https://drive.google...WFmc2lDV3ZPdmc/

video http://video214.com/...JmayDHnA/s/dark


oh yewah eat raw eggs with shell, i do like 4 of those, great for health and inevitably test level

i can only make 3 more posts today lol


if yall like science on infection and health i highly recommend this facebook group 




and if you want more info on why d3 is bad check here



Edited by limerence, 26 August 2016 - 07:58 PM.

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#142 sativa

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 08:05 PM

Re standalone D3 being detrimental, fair enough. I will check out those links.

Would supplemental D3 in a context of 0 sunlight and 0 food D3 sources be valid?

I eat raw egg yolks, the white has problematic immune system unbalancing lectins which I'd rather avoid.

Good point on eating the shell. It's got alkaline substances which will temporarily reduce stomach acid so I would choose to eat the shells away from food.

Also, some of the organic eggs I get have an ink stamp on them, I used to just remove that bit of the shell. I dissolved egg shells in vinegar to produce calcium acetate for purposes of neutralising sodium fluoride (it creates insoluble calcium fluoride)

Note that CaFl will bind to Phosphate and thus reduce it's absorption.

Edited by sativa, 26 August 2016 - 08:09 PM.

#143 limerence

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Posted 26 August 2016 - 09:02 PM

got sources on the whites and immune system? and whats that about eggs and flourides?


no, cod liver oil, not d3, if you get 0 sun light. is fat soluble so saves up from the sunny months, if you dont have parasites mucking up yo metabolism and you got fair mg levels. cod liver oil also has delicious retinol.


i like to add coca, cocoa, moringa, alcar, pine pollen powder to my egg shakes, im not sure if all those poweders might inhibit some nutrient absorption, thoughts?

where you get all your omega 3s?


now imma roll over to the market and get some eggs and gin, down 5 and make rice pancakes w mct oil+flax.



got one more post after this boys, thank you for allowing me these several posts longecity administration, so special and chosen i am, such an honor to post here for free

Edited by limerence, 26 August 2016 - 09:02 PM.

#144 sativa

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Posted 27 August 2016 - 10:53 AM

Taurine seems to have beneficial effects for maintaining testosterone levels:

Taurine is investigated for its interactions with testosterone due to being the most prominent free amino acid localized in the testicles of males.

It has been detected in Leydig cells, vascular endothelial cells, and other interstitial cells of testis, epithelial cells of the efferent ducts by immunohistochemical methods.[72]

In the testes, taurine acts mostly as an anti-oxidant compound and protect the testes and localized structures from oxidative stress.


One study in healthy 2-month old rats given 0.5, 1, and 1.5% taurine in the drinking water for 5 weeks noted increases in serum testosterone (as well as FSH and LH) with 1% being most significant and elevating testosterone in both serum and the testes from around 50ng/dL to 80ng/dL, a 60% increase.[79]

These results were later replicated with 1% Taurine in the diet of adult and aged male rats, where an increase in testosterone and LH were noted in both groups but to a more significant degree in older rats.[4]

The mechanism, as assessed in vitro, appears to be enhancement of HCG-induced testosterone secretion at 10-100ug/mL (and also progresterone induced testosterone secretion) while 1ug/mL or less had no effect and 400ug/mL had a suppressive effect.[79]

Secretion of testosterone was attenuated when cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase (CSD) was inhibited as well, suggesting that locally produced taurine also plays a role.[79]

I'm sure beta alanine is beneficial for testosterone.

I don't eat meat, only egg yolks and occasionally fish so supplemental taurine, carnitine and beta alanine is beneficial.

Edited by sativa, 27 August 2016 - 11:26 AM.

#145 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 27 August 2016 - 11:16 PM

Taurine seems to have beneficial effects for maintaining testosterone levels:

I'm sure beta alanine is beneficial for testosterone.

I don't eat meat, only egg yolks and occasionally fish so supplemental taurine, carnitine and beta alanine is beneficial.


If you can handle beta alanine.. For me it's horrible, it seems to tremendously exacerbate the fatigue I experience. It's also implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome. It's also postulated to be neurotoxic.

Taurine can also exacerbate some of the symptoms I have but it does give me morning erections and an increased libido. However, taurine does not give any feeling resembling androgenicity besides the slightly increased horniness.

70 year old males who take it don't experience any libido increasing effect (from all the personal accounts I've read about).

What most men are after is the androgenic feeling, not so much the improved erections, libido, whatever.

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#146 limerence

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Posted 29 August 2016 - 07:39 PM


Taurine seems to have beneficial effects for maintaining testosterone levels:

I'm sure beta alanine is beneficial for testosterone.

I don't eat meat, only egg yolks and occasionally fish so supplemental taurine, carnitine and beta alanine is beneficial.


If you can handle beta alanine.. For me it's horrible, it seems to tremendously exacerbate the fatigue I experience. It's also implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome. It's also postulated to be neurotoxic.

Taurine can also exacerbate some of the symptoms I have but it does give me morning erections and an increased libido. However, taurine does not give any feeling resembling androgenicity besides the slightly increased horniness.

70 year old males who take it don't experience any libido increasing effect (from all the personal accounts I've read about).

What most men are after is the androgenic feeling, not so much the improved erections, libido, whatever.


hi, could that be because it stimulates your immune system, which kills off the mycoplasma that probably cause your CFS?

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#147 Heisok

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Posted 30 August 2016 - 01:38 AM

I took large 5 to 10 gram doses of Beta-Alanine for months at a time. It was an attempt to build up Carnosine without taking Carnosine directly. I got the side effect of tingling after doseing, but never fatigue. I did not notice any effect on libido or any perhaps Testosterone related effect such as acne. Examine seems to indicate that a study did not show an effect on Testosterone.


"30 days of beta-alanine supplementation at 4.8 g/day, which was able to increase workout capacity, did so without influencing the testosterone response to exercise in healthy males.[107] This lack of effect has also has been observed with preformed carnosine.[122] "




Lactobacillus reuteri (ATCC PTA 6475) has been discussed related to Testosterone and Oxytocin in the thread linked to below. My unproven, unscientific opinion is that I do get some Oxytocin effect from a Yogurt which includes the strain. As far as Testosterone, maybe future bloodwork will show a change, but it was well within the normal range to start. I have been eating the homemade yogurt at least 3 times daily for 7 months now. I will definitely continue as I simply feel good after eating a few tablespoons.



#148 Jason Long

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Posted 30 August 2016 - 11:47 PM

no,its a terrible multimillion dollar industry of a scam. it makes people feel better because its the most or top 3 most powerful steroids in the human body. it also severely arrests the immune system, making one much sicker in the long run.


pdf https://docs.google....ek9IV3ZzQk1Wamc

bonus pdf https://drive.google...WFmc2lDV3ZPdmc/

video http://video214.com/...JmayDHnA/s/dark


oh yewah eat raw eggs with shell, i do like 4 of those, great for health and inevitably test level

i can only make 3 more posts today lol


if yall like science on infection and health i highly recommend this facebook group 




and if you want more info on why d3 is bad check here


Sorry, but I don't buy the articles which start with "The truth about...". I agree that most synthetic vitamins are not just scam, but also unhealthy (read the New Scientist article...I think it was something like An antioxydant myth refering to vit A and E), but some micronutritions as Magnesium (reducing excitotoxicity), Zn, vit C and especially vit D are beneficial.  Since almost all dermatologists taking it and they do it in high dosages, I will stick with them this time. You must know that every truth has different sides - you mentioned DHA. You know that people with a higher levels of omega-3 plasma concentration developed the most agressive forms of prostate cancer? WTF?! The answer probably lies in consuming "big" fish and supplements from them...

Edited by Jason Long, 30 August 2016 - 11:53 PM.

#149 Jason Long

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Posted 30 August 2016 - 11:59 PM



Taurine seems to have beneficial effects for maintaining testosterone levels:

I'm sure beta alanine is beneficial for testosterone.

I don't eat meat, only egg yolks and occasionally fish so supplemental taurine, carnitine and beta alanine is beneficial.


If you can handle beta alanine.. For me it's horrible, it seems to tremendously exacerbate the fatigue I experience. It's also implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome. It's also postulated to be neurotoxic.

Taurine can also exacerbate some of the symptoms I have but it does give me morning erections and an increased libido. However, taurine does not give any feeling resembling androgenicity besides the slightly increased horniness.

70 year old males who take it don't experience any libido increasing effect (from all the personal accounts I've read about).

What most men are after is the androgenic feeling, not so much the improved erections, libido, whatever.


hi, could that be because it stimulates your immune system, which kills off the mycoplasma that probably cause your CFS?


It has been know that taurine protects your testicles against oxydative stress. But yes, I have read an article about enhancing test productio via human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. 

Personally, I doubt in instant test boost when administrated L-taurine. I believe that more plausible explanation lies in relaxation of your vessels, that is why you noticed "morning horniness" :D

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#150 limerence

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Posted 31 August 2016 - 12:03 AM

Vit d isn't even a vitamin its a hormone so... If you don't trust that for no good reason then look up the sources and d metabolism and draw conclusion yourself. Or dig your own grave idc. nor did I mention dha

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Edited by limerence, 31 August 2016 - 12:05 AM.

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