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The New Testament is a Initatory text simalar to Freemasonry rites

jesus myth christianity freemason occult kabbalah atheist gnostic

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#1 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 29 April 2016 - 02:44 PM

The popular debate among atheist's and skeptics is the Christ myth and the lack of historical evidence of such a person ever existing. I have listened to hours of lectures on this topic by scholars like Richard Carrier, Joe Atwill and Bart Ermahn who rebuts the myth theory(my least favorite).


My proposal is that the Gospels were and are an initiation script hence the name scripture followed by the Book of *Acts*. The process of initiation is theatrical, the candidate participates, and, secrets, mystery's and riddles are communicated to the candidate through the use of symbolism, historical and fictional characters, mathematical puzzles like Matthew 25 and the wise virgins etc.


It might go something like this- The candidate goes through the ritual symbolizing birth, coming into the lodge as a spiritual infant seeking light. This ritual is performed in a barn and the Frater who introduced him to the lodge plays the role of Joseph, perhaps his wife or a member of a similar sorority plays the role of Mary. The candidate must lay still naked in a manger while the members conduct the ritual. These types of rituals may require the candidate to memorize certain parts of the script or go into it knowing nothing and be required to recite parts revealed to him at the initiation.


The chapters of the Gospels represent degrees. For instance Matthew has 87 "degrees", the "Entered Apprentice" or infant degree would be chapters 1-19 then followed by the 2nd degree which is baptism by John. The baptist degree might be symbolic of adolescence.


These would be followed by gruesome  horrific degrees that involve drinking bodily fluids while dressed in drag in the women at the well rite, saliva rubbed on the candidates eyes, mock hanging in the rite of Judas probably followed by a shunning from the members for a period of time, a death to the lodge type degree. Then the grand finale, an actual Crucifixion, nails through the hands and everything followed by getting imprisoned in a cave for three days. After that you get risen from the dead and your a full fledged Master Carpenter It's likely the candidate would not know whats coming and the shock and horror of the initiation provokes a temporal lobe seizure, an induced schizophrenia (in a good way) that results in Gnosis, character building, the ability to withstand interrogation and torture ETC. The military has similar rites of passage like Hell Night and the tear gas chamber where you are forced to do jumping jacks and sing while holding your breath.


I am not suggesting writing off the gospels as theatrical production. I believe this would be a magical experience and in a sense the participants would magically become the character during the initiation. If you look at it from this perspective the gospels are brilliant and contain so many puzzles, codes and riddles that millions have spent their life figuring it out. It was probably a good idea that the Bible was kept secret for about 1400 years but it contains  a "magic spell" that blinds everyone eyes to it. I get a kick out of watching preachers and all these literal interpretations. They will pull out a few sentences from the Bible and turn it into an hour sermon. Very few get it, maybe 144,000 at most.


I think an atheist could look at it from this perspective and see the value, art and beauty. It doesn't read well because its meant to be a passion play. Movie scripts don't read well either.



I really think I cracked the code on this and looking forward to what others think.

#2 shadowhawk

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Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:01 PM

Talk about the lack pf any evidence.  If non Christian Bart Ermahn could not convince him there is not one bit of evidence historical or otherwise.

#3 Vardarac

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Posted 30 April 2016 - 04:09 PM

So basically hazing?

#4 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 30 April 2016 - 04:43 PM

Hazing would certainly be an aspect of the ordeal but I wouldn't want to reduce it to a college fraternity initiation although one who has had gone through that experience might be able to relate. The fraternity initiate would probably have experienced a variety of overwhelming emotions, humiliation, fear, discomfort followed by pride and acceptance. It's a rite of passage that could represent the passage of adolescence to adulthood.


I also was thinking of the reference, I believe in Acts that St Paul said to "pick up your cross", I think this is another verse that would support my case. I would argue that this is a saying among members of the lodge reminding them of the struggle of the ordeal they went through. I find it difficult to believe that this was a common reference in that day as a way of saying persevere through struggles. Some similar Masonic terms or secret codes come to mind  like "can I level with you" or "the judge gave me the third degree".


Remember Jesus was a carpenter, the Greek word for that is tekton and that's what Masons are called in Greece.


My theater teacher in college said that theater originated from religious rituals like the Horus passion plays. I would argue that the parallels that have been made between Christianity and Egyptian Mysteries are because the Egyptian Mystery religion served as a template and some aspects are even incorporated into Masonic rituals.


We take theater for granted but think of this, who gets more out of a movie, the audience or the actor?

Edited by Addiction is a myth, 30 April 2016 - 04:56 PM.

#5 shadowhawk

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Posted 05 May 2016 - 12:43 AM

The Masons did not exist in the NT period and this is not any kind of evidence there was any connection.

#6 shadowhawk

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Posted 05 May 2016 - 08:26 PM

This is nonsense.  Freemasonry is repetitively new.  It started in the 1700s.  https://en.wikipedia..._of_Freemasonry

#7 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 05 May 2016 - 09:33 PM

This is nonsense.  Freemasonry is repetitively new.  It started in the 1700s.  https://en.wikipedia..._of_Freemasonry


Masons will tell you that the tradition goes back to king Solomon. Theatrical initiation rituals are nothing new and the corporation named the Freemasons doesn't own the copyright to unusual hazing rituals.


This isn't some brilliant discovery I've made, Catholics do what I am talking about, like an Easter passion play. The Knights of Columbus have degrees, for instance Gavin Mcines is a 3rd degree K of C member.


What I am getting at is the gospels are a script to a play, they were written as fiction. They are most likely not historically accurate.

At the end of the day it makes more sense to be Catholic or Orthodox, the whole thing revolves around rituals because that's what it is meant to be. It is a theatrical drama that you participate in.

#8 shadowhawk

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Posted 05 May 2016 - 09:51 PM

Yes but they have zero evidence of it.  It is recent.  Just like Wicca which is supposedly ancient but the most modern religion.

#9 shadowhawk

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Posted 05 May 2016 - 10:11 PM

Evidence.  The Christian liturgy is Jewish as were the early Christians and the Liturgy is based on the Seder or Passover which is the basis  of the Lords Supper or the Eucharist.  This is all based in history not some late invention dreamed up.

#10 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 05 May 2016 - 11:04 PM

Wicca was started by a guy (Mathers?) who was an initiate of Crowley in the O.T.O., he repackaged  Thelema and made it more palatable for the faint of heart.


Evangelicals repackaged a variety of various protestant denominations that repackaged Lutherans that stole the script from Catholicism that borrowed from the Ebionites, Gnostic's, Greeks, Jews, Zoroastrians and a couple dozen others. The whole religion is a big copyright fraud nightmare. Maybe this is what they meant be "MYSTERY BABYLON". Are you starting to get it? Can you see how they are connected? How can Benny Hinn say he has a church (little c) when he has no affiliation with the real Church that alleges a divine lineage that goes back to St Peter? The same would be true for the Masons going back to Solomon but in their case it is actually more reliable as they preserve their history better. You would have to go through something like this to understand what I am talking about so it was probably stupid to make this post.


You could probably go to your local library and read all of the Masons initiation rituals and find them boring and incoherent. You have to go through them to get it. What I am saying is the same is true with the Gospels, it is a play script that preachers are trying to find meaning in and teaching about it's life applications without ever going through it let alone Catholic Confirmation and confession.


You could also look at it like this, an atheist could become Catholic for the same reason a high school student joins drama club. The whole issue of belief and faith is another boring topic we can save for latter but it has something to do with convincing others and yourself that you are thinking and feeling the same thing. For instance the soccer mom gets goosebumps every time she hears the pastor sing Days of Elijah and so does her sister in law, that's how she knows shes a believer. You also have to say "yes" to the statement of faith on the church pamphlet, confess Christ as savior (whatever that means) and really mean it.


The issue of being a true saved believer is completely worthless and has nothing to do with what it was meant to be. It's just a series of rituals you are meant to go through for personal development. I would argue that the process of losing your faith is part of the ordeal and what is meant to happen. It is a process of hazing, you are  meant to realize how gullible you are and find your true self. You realize how stupid you were to go along with such nonsense, that's the spiritual awakening the authors intended. Why do you think atheists and agnostics know more about the bible than regular churchgoing evangelicals?


The average Catholic who  attends mass occasionally goes along with the religion because it's a family tradition passed down over several generations but still has some personal reservations is doing it exactly right. You don't have to have this incommunicable experience that resembles bipolar mania to be "saved", it's just a ritual.

#11 shadowhawk

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Posted 06 May 2016 - 12:43 AM

Wicca is founded on Crowleys teachings and he made it up.  I refer you to the several studies and books of Ronald Hutton a British historian.  I have an exhaustive library of Wicca writings but this is off topic
 Evangelicals built their theology and practice on the New Testament which is their source..  The Lutherans and Romans did the same.  The earliest Church as I said was Jewish and it is from them we got our liturgy and practice.
 I have studied the Masons and have never found any remotely close connection to Solomon There is no historical connection at all.  This has nothing to do with the gospels which are first century Jewish history.  This and Israel is what the Churches are built upon. Not only that but there is the living Church and many other writings which are the tradition of the Church.  It is overwhelming evidence that what you are saying is just nonsense you are currently dreaming up.  Confession and Baptism are early Church practices.
 An Atheist could not become a convert unless they changed their belief, I know because I was an atheist for a good part of my life and know what conversion is.  Sure anyone can be a fake which is what you described.
  It does sound like you are gullible and want us to be too.  What you have said is worthless and has no, absolutely no basis in fact.  As for intelligent atheists read the topic “Evidence for Atheism.”  :) I am not a Roman Catholic but you don’t describe any that I know.  Ever hear of Peter Kreeft?  

#12 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 06 May 2016 - 01:05 AM

OK, cool.


There is no church outside of the Catholic Church, they are the authors of the faith (pistis sophia) and all the other denominations (outside of orthodox) are plagiarized heresies. As for the early church, we know about the different sects from the Nicene church fathers books like Against Heresies. There were the Jewish Ebionites who rejected St Paul, said he converted to Judisim to marry a girl and when she rejected him he became bitter. They rejected the virgin birth and had their own "Shem Tob" Matthew that contained no virgin birth or resurrection. Their were various sex orgy and homosexual cults that did the lords supper with menstrual blood and semen. Outside of that there were various Gnostic cults with hundreds of gospels, the Nag Hamadi library. Some of these are just what I'm talking about, ritual manuals.

#13 shadowhawk

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Posted 06 May 2016 - 02:14 AM

Much of this response has nothing to do width what I said, It is a straw man.  The Catholic Church includes all the early Churches not just the Roman.  And All Christians are Catholic which means Universal.  Yes the Orthodox are Catholic.  There is no doubt that there were heresies just as there are now and some unbelievers also.  Some were weird cults and had all kinds of practices.  Just as now.  So.  It was common in Roman culture.  I have the complete Nag Hamadi library in my liabrary and have read them all.  If you were a woman you could not be saved unless you became a man.  So?  This does not mean anything related to you silly topic.  I fail to see how it relates.  Smoke.  Leave Christianity out of it.  Gnosticism fits just as well to illustrate your modern template and you can impose it on their writtings as well.  It will still lack evidence.

#14 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 06 May 2016 - 03:09 AM

Much of this response has nothing to do width what I said, It is a straw man.  The Catholic Church includes all the early Churches not just the Roman.  And All Christians are Catholic which means Universal.  Yes the Orthodox are Catholic.  There is no doubt that there were heresies just as there are now and some unbelievers also.  Some were weird cults and had all kinds of practices.  Just as now.  So.  It was common in Roman culture.  I have the complete Nag Hamadi library in my liabrary and have read them all.  If you were a woman you could not be saved unless you became a man.  So?  This does not mean anything related to you silly topic.  I fail to see how it relates.  Smoke.  Leave Christianity out of it.  Gnosticism fits just as well to illustrate your modern template and you can impose it on their writtings as well.  It will still lack evidence.


It sounds like you have quite a large collection of heretical books yet your views are rather mainstream. Have any of these influenced your opinions? What are your favorite heresies?


St Paul was knowledgeable of the apostate writings and said that all scripture was useful before the
compilation of his letters was stapled to the old testament, he even quoted the Gnostic scripture a few times and made a reference to the third heaven, do you know what that is?


In Revelations Jesus was crucified in both Sodom and Egypt, was that a reference to Horus and a Sodomite Christ? Did he travel there after his Resurrection? Israel wasn't ever refereed to as Sodom or Egypt, was it?

#15 shadowhawk

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Posted 06 May 2016 - 09:34 PM

Actually I have a rather large library and I am an Orthodox evangelical catholic Christian..  I am mainstream.  What Is my favorite heresy?  Well I don't have a favorite one but I find Modalism interesting.  As far as Jesus being crucified in Revelation in Sodom and Egypt...never read that.  He was crucified in Jerusalem. 

#16 EyeKicker

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Posted 20 May 2016 - 11:15 PM

Please check out my facebook page Evidence for Jesus Christ www.facebook.com/truthsofChrist

I beg to differ, there is an abundance of supernatural and scientific evidence to support Christ. Sure people use the Bible for all kinds of things, it's even quoted in Satanism. But I have experienced many supernatural things with Jesus and it makes me sad to see you say things like that. These conversations are always so long and heated, but I strongly suggest you reevaluate your theory with an open mind!

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#17 Vardarac

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Posted 21 May 2016 - 09:56 PM

Please check out my facebook page Evidence for Jesus Christ www.facebook.com/truthsofChrist

I beg to differ, there is an abundance of supernatural and scientific evidence to support Christ. Sure people use the Bible for all kinds of things, it's even quoted in Satanism. But I have experienced many supernatural things with Jesus and it makes me sad to see you say things like that. These conversations are always so long and heated, but I strongly suggest you reevaluate your theory with an open mind!


Your leading image is a quote mine of Darwin. Color me unimpressed.

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#18 shadowhawk

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Posted 22 May 2016 - 01:58 AM


Please check out my facebook page Evidence for Jesus Christ www.facebook.com/truthsofChrist

I beg to differ, there is an abundance of supernatural and scientific evidence to support Christ. Sure people use the Bible for all kinds of things, it's even quoted in Satanism. But I have experienced many supernatural things with Jesus and it makes me sad to see you say things like that. These conversations are always so long and heated, but I strongly suggest you reevaluate your theory with an open mind!


Your leading image is a quote mine of Darwin. Color me unimpressed.


Nice Job saying nothing.  So i will color you unimpressed or better yet off topic.

#19 EyeKicker

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Posted 22 May 2016 - 04:50 AM

I just don't know what to say, it seems like you don't deserve a response. it's obvious you don't want to find out the real answer if you won't even look at any evidence on the page and instead just discount the whole thing because of a picture haha. But there is good nonbiblical evidence for Jesus Christ if you are open to finding it and looking for it. Non Biblical Evidence for Jesus' Existence
And the shroud of Turin is a very interesting subject, purposely tried to be unvalidated multiple times, once, likely by the very people you claim to use the Bible, yet who worship Satan in their highest levels, The Freemasons. Many people claim that it's a fake because of the multiple attempts at its misrepresentation, but it has been scientifically proven to be dated and analysed to of come from the time and area of Jesus Christ and also to be a scientific anomaly in multiple ways. This video contains some of the most recent research on it and all of these findings mentioned.
And the list goes on and on, I talk about a lot of it on my page.
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#20 Vardarac

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Posted 22 May 2016 - 09:30 AM



Please check out my facebook page Evidence for Jesus Christ www.facebook.com/truthsofChrist

I beg to differ, there is an abundance of supernatural and scientific evidence to support Christ. Sure people use the Bible for all kinds of things, it's even quoted in Satanism. But I have experienced many supernatural things with Jesus and it makes me sad to see you say things like that. These conversations are always so long and heated, but I strongly suggest you reevaluate your theory with an open mind!


Your leading image is a quote mine of Darwin. Color me unimpressed.


Nice Job saying nothing.  So i will color you unimpressed or better yet off topic.



Have the mods ever cared, once, about your opinion that a point germane to a topic raised by someone in the discussion is off-topic?


But that's off-topic, so let's move on. If you claim to have evidence for a position, it's best to start with an argument that you can 1) summarize in your own words, and 2) that isn't based on fallacious logic, as this poster's is. He feels sorry for us, he claims, but he doesn't realize that his first foot forward makes him look like the one who is lost. How do you think that makes us feel, us who are supposedly the victims of our own pride?

Edited by Vardarac, 22 May 2016 - 09:34 AM.

#21 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 May 2016 - 11:30 PM

I just don't know what to say, it seems like you don't deserve a response. it's obvious you don't want to find out the real answer if you won't even look at any evidence on the page and instead just discount the whole thing because of a picture haha. But there is good nonbiblical evidence for Jesus Christ if you are open to finding it and looking for it. Non Biblical Evidence for Jesus' Existence
And the shroud of Turin is a very interesting subject, purposely tried to be unvalidated multiple times, once, likely by the very people you claim to use the Bible, yet who worship Satan in their highest levels, The Freemasons. Many people claim that it's a fake because of the multiple attempts at its misrepresentation, but it has been scientifically proven to be dated and analysed to of come from the time and area of Jesus Christ and also to be a scientific anomaly in multiple ways. This video contains some of the most recent research on it and all of these findings mentioned.
And the list goes on and on, I talk about a lot of it on my page.


I totally agree with you.  See my posts on these subjects in Is there Evidence for Christianity.  Indeed there is a great amount of historical evidence.

#22 shadowhawk

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Posted 23 May 2016 - 11:46 PM




Please check out my facebook page Evidence for Jesus Christ www.facebook.com/truthsofChrist

I beg to differ, there is an abundance of supernatural and scientific evidence to support Christ. Sure people use the Bible for all kinds of things, it's even quoted in Satanism. But I have experienced many supernatural things with Jesus and it makes me sad to see you say things like that. These conversations are always so long and heated, but I strongly suggest you reevaluate your theory with an open mind!


Your leading image is a quote mine of Darwin. Color me unimpressed.


Nice Job saying nothing.  So i will color you unimpressed or better yet off topic.



Have the mods ever cared, once, about your opinion that a point germane to a topic raised by someone in the discussion is off-topic?


But that's off-topic, so let's move on. If you claim to have evidence for a position, it's best to start with an argument that you can 1) summarize in your own words, and 2) that isn't based on fallacious logic, as this poster's is. He feels sorry for us, he claims, but he doesn't realize that his first foot forward makes him look like the one who is lost. How do you think that makes us feel, us who are supposedly the victims of our own pride?


I have no Idea who "us" is whom you claim you are speaking for.  Do they exist?  Evidence.  EyeKicker gave some evidence which you completely ignored.  There is external evidence of Jesus Christ more by far than any historical figure of the time.  Why is this not logical?  How does his post make him look like he is lost?  As for your pride I have nothing to say about it except you have said nothing and given no evidence.  If you have, enlighten me..

#23 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 01:06 AM

Here is another source with further evidence.  Would you care to discuss anything brought up?  It is a big subject and it appears you know nothing.  So I will let you chose.  :)    http://www.biblicala...id-jesus-exist/

#24 Vardarac

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 05:39 PM

I have no Idea who "us" is whom you claim you are speaking for.  Do they exist?  Evidence.


Doubters. I would think you'd had your fill of evidence that we exist by now. I also hope you're smarter than to accept Romans 1:20 at face value.



EyeKicker gave some evidence which you completely ignored.  There is external evidence of Jesus Christ more by far than any historical figure of the time.  Why is this not logical?  How does his post make him look like he is lost?  As for your pride I have nothing to say about it except you have said nothing and given no evidence.  If you have, enlighten me..


He butted in with a plug for his Facebook group that opens with a picture that contains an out-of-context quote of Darwin, presumably in support of his "evidence for Jesus." This does not make a good case for his page's credibility. Moreover it had nothing to do with the specific discussion, it was related to the topic as though he started talking about suppression of warp drives in a discussion about jet engines.


Note that I've not said once that I doubt that Jesus ever existed, and I've taken the time to read your text link and come away interested by the summary of evidence that he did. I of course am strongly skeptical of the idea that he was in any way divine or supernatural any more than the rest of humanity has ever been.

Edited by Vardarac, 24 May 2016 - 05:40 PM.

#25 EyeKicker

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 07:35 PM





He butted in with a plug for his Facebook group that opens with a picture that contains an out-of-context quote of Darwin, presumably in support of his "evidence for Jesus." This does not make a good case for his page's credibility. Moreover it had nothing to do with the specific discussion, it was related to the topic as though he started talking about suppression of warp drives in a discussion about jet engines.


Note that I've not said once that I doubt that Jesus ever existed, and I've taken the time to read your text link and come away interested by the summary of evidence that he did. I of course am strongly skeptical of the idea that he was in any way divine or supernatural any more than the rest of humanity has ever been.



It seems like you missed my other comment. I think you should just give me a chance and actually look at some of the evidence on my page. There have been and still are many followers of Christ who are conduits for the divine. I have a close friend who received an annointing from God after a very hard life and after seeking Him for many years. Now she sees visions, feels pains in places where witchcraft was done and many other things. Knowing people's hidden sins, all of these later validated to be valid prophesies. I have prayed for her and others and seen instant healings, with them saying that they feel heavy weights lifted off them, the power of God coming through my hands and other things. Please look into a phenomenon called the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (separate from water baptism) it's a significant spiritual experience that many followers of Christ receive when they choose to die to their flesh and live for Christ. Many people see visions of heaven or hell, receive or give healings and/or hear from God Himself. I have some videos on my page about this, and personally know 9 people personally who have had this experience, including myself to a lesser degree.

#26 platypus

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 09:19 PM

Mormons have Christianuity 4.0. Jesus talks to those folks too..

#27 shadowhawk

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 09:42 PM

We are off topic so ... Just as thee are views on each topic that does not mean they are all wrong nor does it mean they are all right.  Various views does not equal falsity.  For example all things purely physical die.  Is that true?  Evidence.  Here in Longecity we are interested in life and spirituality concerns both the nature of things and life.  I have dealt with the original thesis of this thread because while I believe life is a spiritual issue the thesis is in error.  To claim there is no outside evidence for Christ is also in error.  Life is at issue.

#28 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 24 May 2016 - 11:15 PM

My post was based on a speculation, my theory is a strong maybe. I have been at this for over 20 years and have done exhaustive research which has left me at the point of giving up. 

I think I might be right though.

I don't see any evidence for the contemporary interpretations of scripture, the atonement through Christ's blood, sunday worship involving singing songs and listening to a guy give a dissertation on a few sentences and how it applies to their daily life. I suppose the blood atonement comes comes Paul but I have a problem with Paul and I'm not sure he is talking about the same guy. 


I think maybe a group like the Essenes used the gospels as an initiation rite. We still do this with baptism, you act out and participate in the story, the dude baptizing you becomes John and you in a sense are Jesus. You are in Christ and Christ is in you.


I think Jesus or the Anointed One is amagalamation  of a few different characters like Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochi and Rabbi Akiva who also suffered horrific deaths at the hands of the Romans. One mans face was cut off and the other was skinned alive. Was there any atonement in there deaths? What was special about Jesus that you can telepathically obtain forgiveness for thinking that he is God and saying you are sorry to him? Where in the story does it say this? Jesus only came for the lost sheep of the house of Isreal. 


The religion is Judaism and the Gospels are a fictional play about what was going on in that era. Probably a different version of what the Maccabes were going through. In the story Jesus was a reincarnation of Elijah, not a Metatron type God but an Elohim. 


The study of christianity comes with great peril, no one can make heads or tails of anything and it breeds insanity. All of these conversations become word salad. I don't get it, I give up. I'm getting board of the whole topic.

#29 EyeKicker

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Posted 25 May 2016 - 12:13 AM

My post was based on a speculation, my theory is a strong maybe. I have been at this for over 20 years and have done exhaustive research which has left me at the point of giving up.
I think I might be right though.
I don't see any evidence for the contemporary interpretations of scripture, the atonement through Christ's blood, sunday worship involving singing songs and listening to a guy give a dissertation on a few sentences and how it applies to their daily life. I suppose the blood atonement comes comes Paul but I have a problem with Paul and I'm not sure he is talking about the same guy.

I think maybe a group like the Essenes used the gospels as an initiation rite. We still do this with baptism, you act out and participate in the story, the dude baptizing you becomes John and you in a sense are Jesus. You are in Christ and Christ is in you.

I think Jesus or the Anointed One is amagalamation of a few different characters like Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochi and Rabbi Akiva who also suffered horrific deaths at the hands of the Romans. One mans face was cut off and the other was skinned alive. Was there any atonement in there deaths? What was special about Jesus that you can telepathically obtain forgiveness for thinking that he is God and saying you are sorry to him? Where in the story does it say this? Jesus only came for the lost sheep of the house of Isreal.

The religion is Judaism and the Gospels are a fictional play about what was going on in that era. Probably a different version of what the Maccabes were going through. In the story Jesus was a reincarnation of Elijah, not a Metatron type God but an Elohim.

The study of christianity comes with great peril, no one can make heads or tails of anything and it breeds insanity. All of these conversations become word salad. I don't get it, I give up. I'm getting board of the whole topic.

Have you seen my last two posts? Check out my page, I think you should research the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. And BTW, the Bible says "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." So that's where it talks about that part. But Jesus also says things like, if you sin willfully it is as if you never knew me. And in the book of Hebrews it says without holiness no one will see the face of God. So there are multiple qualifications many believe

Edited by EyeKicker, 25 May 2016 - 12:18 AM.

#30 Addiction is a myth

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Posted 25 May 2016 - 12:33 AM






He butted in with a plug for his Facebook group that opens with a picture that contains an out-of-context quote of Darwin, presumably in support of his "evidence for Jesus." This does not make a good case for his page's credibility. Moreover it had nothing to do with the specific discussion, it was related to the topic as though he started talking about suppression of warp drives in a discussion about jet engines.


Note that I've not said once that I doubt that Jesus ever existed, and I've taken the time to read your text link and come away interested by the summary of evidence that he did. I of course am strongly skeptical of the idea that he was in any way divine or supernatural any more than the rest of humanity has ever been.



It seems like you missed my other comment. I think you should just give me a chance and actually look at some of the evidence on my page. There have been and still are many followers of Christ who are conduits for the divine. I have a close friend who received an annointing from God after a very hard life and after seeking Him for many years. Now she sees visions, feels pains in places where witchcraft was done and many other things. Knowing people's hidden sins, all of these later validated to be valid prophesies. I have prayed for her and others and seen instant healings, with them saying that they feel heavy weights lifted off them, the power of God coming through my hands and other things. Please look into a phenomenon called the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (separate from water baptism) it's a significant spiritual experience that many followers of Christ receive when they choose to die to their flesh and live for Christ. Many people see visions of heaven or hell, receive or give healings and/or hear from God Himself. I have some videos on my page about this, and personally know 9 people personally who have had this experience, including myself to a lesser degree.


This sounds like a bipolar or induced schizophrenia episode and thats not to say it isn't meaningful. Feeling somatic pain, believing in witchcraft isn't helpful. Thats what I mean by Christianity causes insanity namely bipolar and schizophrenia. I have seen several well put together individuals completely lose it as they get involved in the church. Some of these people may have had minor psychological issues that are exasperated by Christianity.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: jesus myth, christianity, freemason, occult, kabbalah, atheist, gnostic

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