By the way perhaps you have spent 20 years coming to your conclusions but there is a lot of evidence for the basic tenants of Christianity. But that is another subject. How would you view promote life? If your view was correct are you not assured to simply die just as if you never had it? At least even the non believers here on Longecity have buckeyballs. They can have Dante's version of deep hell and be quick frozen.
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The New Testament is a Initatory text simalar to Freemasonry rites
Posted 25 May 2016 - 12:41 AM
Posted 27 May 2016 - 03:24 PM
We are off topic so ... Just as thee are views on each topic that does not mean they are all wrong nor does it mean they are all right. Various views does not equal falsity. For example all things purely physical die. Is that true? Evidence. Here in Longecity we are interested in life and spirituality concerns both the nature of things and life. I have dealt with the original thesis of this thread because while I believe life is a spiritual issue the thesis is in error. To claim there is no outside evidence for Christ is also in error. Life is at issue.
Don't waist your time with these guys, God has darkened their understanding because of the sins they choose over a relationship with Him. He has a time for them but I don't think this is it. Many blessings brother! And prayers for them!
Posted 27 May 2016 - 08:53 PM
Perhaps but God loved the world and gave us the freedom to chose. To take time to explain ones faith is an act of love even though some may not appreciate it.
Posted 27 May 2016 - 10:26 PM
I'm lost, I don't understand what we are talking about now. I think it's fun to explore the esoteric mystery aspects of the bible. God created these layers and puzzles for a reason, probably to keep us interested. My theory doesn't devalue the Christian faith, I'm just trying to sort this out. How was the gospel spread in those days? It wasn't even compiled.
I have friends who are Wickliffe missionaries to the indigenous and what they do is translate and show them the Jesus movie in their language. The early Christians didn't have television so how did they spread the gospel? Do you follow? Think about whats involved in that process, the actors in the film are going through a initiation play (the actors are initiating the viewers) and after viewing the movie they confess Christ and become part of the lodge (etymology logos).
The Scottish Rite degrees involve watching plays. The gospels are a play script, they flow like that. It doesn't read like a news story or a historical account. It's broken up into scenes. This shouldn't challenge your faith, I'm just pointing out something interesting.
The etymology is "good spell", story. A magic spell, Masonic initiations are magical, ritual magic.
gospel (n.)

The mistake was very natural, as the resulting sense was much more obviously appropriate than that of 'good tidings' for a word which was chiefly known as the name of a sacred book or of a portion of the liturgy. [OED]The word passed early from English to continental Germanic languages in forms that clearly indicate the first element had shifted to "God," such as Old Saxon godspell, Old High German gotspell, Old Norse goðspiall. Used of anything as true as the Gospel from mid-13c.; as "any doctrine maintained as of exclusive importance" from 1650s. As an adjective from 1640s. Gospel music is by 1955. Gospel-gossip was Addison's word ("Spectator," 1711) for "one who is always talking of sermons, texts, etc."
Posted 27 May 2016 - 11:01 PM
By the way perhaps you have spent 20 years coming to your conclusions but there is a lot of evidence for the basic tenants of Christianity. But that is another subject. How would you view promote life? If your view was correct are you not assured to simply die just as if you never had it? At least even the non believers here on Longecity have buckeyballs.
They can have Dante's version of deep hell and be quick frozen.
The demons understand the basic tenants of Christianity just as the televangelists and they shudder. Let us move on from milk to solid food. I'm looking for the filet minion. I don't know what bucket balls are?
The churches are completely divided on minor issues like tongues, rapture, tribulation etc. The church is the invisible brotherhood, not a building or congregation.
I don't know if I will die, I don't think the wake world is the real reality, we come here for nourishment and return to the kingdom when we think we are sleeping.
i never got into Dante.
Posted 27 May 2016 - 11:18 PM
I'm lost, I don't understand what we are talking about now. I think it's fun to explore the esoteric mystery aspects of the bible. God created these layers and puzzles for a reason, probably to keep us interested. My theory doesn't devalue the Christian faith, I'm just trying to sort this out. How was the gospel spread in those days? It wasn't even compiled.
I have friends who are Wickliffe missionaries to the indigenous and what they do is translate and show them the Jesus movie in their language. The early Christians didn't have television so how did they spread the gospel? Do you follow? Think about whats involved in that process, the actors in the film are going through a initiation play (the actors are initiating the viewers) and after viewing the movie they confess Christ and become part of the lodge (etymology logos).
The Scottish Rite degrees involve watching plays. The gospels are a play script, they flow like that. It doesn't read like a news story or a historical account. It's broken up into scenes. This shouldn't challenge your faith, I'm just pointing out something interesting.
The etymology is "good spell", story. A magic spell, Masonic initiations are magical, ritual magic.
gospel (n.)
Old English godspel "glad tidings announced by Jesus; one of the four gospels," literally "good spell," from god "good" (see good (adj.)) + spel "story, message" (see spell (n.1)). A translation of Latin bona adnuntiatio, itself a translation of Greek euangelion "reward for bringing good news" (see evangel). The first element of the Old English word originally had a long "o," but it shifted under mistaken association with God, as if "God-story" (i.e. the history of Christ).The word passed early from English to continental Germanic languages in forms that clearly indicate the first element had shifted to "God," such as Old Saxon godspell, Old High German gotspell, Old Norse goðspiall. Used of anything as true as the Gospel from mid-13c.; as "any doctrine maintained as of exclusive importance" from 1650s. As an adjective from 1640s. Gospel music is by 1955. Gospel-gossip was Addison's word ("Spectator," 1711) for "one who is always talking of sermons, texts, etc."
Oh ok, well I understand that, just searching for truth, now that I respect. Personally it's kinda insulting for someone to say that my Holy Book is an initiation text for occult sciences. It's easy to get caught up in the origin and breakdown of words, but sometimes it doesn't help with clarity on the actual subject, which in this case I think is true. The way that I look at it there's just two paths, that of Christ and His mysteries or that of Satan, although the latter goes by many names and guises, Christ is very straight forward and I think it's all in The Bible for the most part. I believe that the Freemasons main goal is power, and to get that kind of power one would go to satan and black magic, and that is what I think they do in their highest levels. In the beginning they talk about light and dark and improving man by knowing each side, but from hearing many testimonies of former members, they say it gets weird fast. I think that we have to be very careful in what we study, there are apocryphal texts that are incredibly misleading, saying God was created to serve man etc. (the Apocalypse of Adam book) With Christ there are no occult teachings (hidden) for the most part, sure there are mysteries which God will reveal to a genuine and dedicated seeker, but nothing like the other side of things. I personally am sure that the spirit world is real, after studying much of the occult, specifically shamanism etc. And I do believe that there are an abundance of teachings out there made solely to mislead and make people thing they are in the light when they are actually worshiping darkness. So pardon me If I get a bit offensive, it's a subject I'm passionate about.
Edited by EyeKicker, 27 May 2016 - 11:21 PM.
Posted 27 May 2016 - 11:52 PM
By ad 70 I hold the entire New testament was written and in circulation and copies were being made and traded among the Churches. The 12 apostles had spread throughout the known world before they died, teaching the same Gospel. That all took place less than 30 years after the death and assertion of Christ. We have very early fragments of Mark which list 22 of the 27 books of the New Testament. So the teachings of Christianity were well known and widely circulated right from the start through both the living Church tradition and the canon. This is Orthodoxy.
Posted 28 May 2016 - 01:13 AM
My background is messianic, I belonged to a congregation that had a change in leadership and stopped attending thereafter because of the drama. My experience has been that most of these churches, evangelical or whatever are total drama.
I found a small messianic congregation that I really liked, they don't do church songs but just do the hebrew chants and it was pretty cool, some of the members came from Chabad. I also studied a lot of Orthodox Judaism and I really like it.
I've studied Kabbalah and various mysteries which is a bunch of useless knowledge that makes little sense. Your probably right about the basic tenants of Christianity, I have my own ideas but it makes no difference because I know I'm part of the club, had the magical born again experience in my teens, baptized, did volunteer work, made significant donations etc.
I think for all intents and purposes Jesus was a magician, he clearly created fish out of nothing, healed the blind with his spit, cursed a fig tree, bound a demon named Legion and threatened to use it while on the cross, performed resurrections etc. There is platy of magic and occult in the bible to keep the esoteric gnostic type busy for a lifetime. The book of Psalms is a book of magic spells and curses like Psalm 109 "let satan stand at his right side". The ordeal with Arron, the magic vest, the sacrifices sounds like something you would think the guys at Bohemian Grove or the high level Freemasons would do.
You need to study etymology to understand this stuff, the english language is totally screwed up. You get into word play and have misunderstandings. Christianity is a magical tradition. The dangerous black magic is not the Voodoo practitioners or satanists but the televangelists selling blessed cloths, miracle water and telling people to "plant a seed" with a love gift of $1,000 to help get out of debt. This is a great evil and the mainstream churches are almost silent on this crap. In fact I can't make much of a distinction between evangelicals and televangalist.
I have been interested in in regular magic all my life and am a fan of Darren Brown who does mentalisim magic, hypnosis tricks and mental manipulation. It is plainly obvious that the majority of the evangelical preacher are using hypnosis and nuro linguistics programming. The whole service with the music tempo, standing up together, sitting down in unison puts the audience into a mild trance.
I can't figure it out dude, maybe the whole thing is a prank and Satan is the good God. I think we are misunderstanding something. Satan was pleading for Job, God wanted to hurt Job just for fun and Satan said if you hurt him he won't like you anymore, but god fed him to whale anyhow. The Jahova God seems like a monster, look what he did in the days of Noah even before the giving of the Torah. God tried to Kill Moses but Moses did a magical Circumcision and that stopped God. It really seems that "in theses days good will be called evil and evil will be called good". Maybe the bible is a story of this really evil horrific monster but the evil narrators are reversing everything.
Yeshu Lucefari - Jesus the Light bringer, Bright and morning star crucified in Sodom and Egypt.
What do you think?
Posted 28 May 2016 - 01:50 AM
My background is messianic, I belonged to a congregation that had a change in leadership and stopped attending thereafter because of the drama. My experience has been that most of these churches, evangelical or whatever are total drama.
I found a small messianic congregation that I really liked, they don't do church songs but just do the hebrew chants and it was pretty cool, some of the members came from Chabad. I also studied a lot of Orthodox Judaism and I really like it.
I've studied Kabbalah and various mysteries which is a bunch of useless knowledge that makes little sense. Your probably right about the basic tenants of Christianity, I have my own ideas but it makes no difference because I know I'm part of the club, had the magical born again experience in my teens, baptized, did volunteer work, made significant donations etc.
I think for all intents and purposes Jesus was a magician, he clearly created fish out of nothing, healed the blind with his spit, cursed a fig tree, bound a demon named Legion and threatened to use it while on the cross, performed resurrections etc. There is platy of magic and occult in the bible to keep the esoteric gnostic type busy for a lifetime. The book of Psalms is a book of magic spells and curses like Psalm 109 "let satan stand at his right side". The ordeal with Arron, the magic vest, the sacrifices sounds like something you would think the guys at Bohemian Grove or the high level Freemasons would do.
You need to study etymology to understand this stuff, the english language is totally screwed up. You get into word play and have misunderstandings. Christianity is a magical tradition. The dangerous black magic is not the Voodoo practitioners or satanists but the televangelists selling blessed cloths, miracle water and telling people to "plant a seed" with a love gift of $1,000 to help get out of debt. This is a great evil and the mainstream churches are almost silent on this crap. In fact I can't make much of a distinction between evangelicals and televangalist.
I have been interested in in regular magic all my life and am a fan of Darren Brown who does mentalisim magic, hypnosis tricks and mental manipulation. It is plainly obvious that the majority of the evangelical preacher are using hypnosis and nuro linguistics programming. The whole service with the music tempo, standing up together, sitting down in unison puts the audience into a mild trance.
I can't figure it out dude, maybe the whole thing is a prank and Satan is the good God. I think we are misunderstanding something. Satan was pleading for Job, God wanted to hurt Job just for fun and Satan said if you hurt him he won't like you anymore, but god fed him to whale anyhow. The Jahova God seems like a monster, look what he did in the days of Noah even before the giving of the Torah. God tried to Kill Moses but Moses did a magical Circumcision and that stopped God. It really seems that "in theses days good will be called evil and evil will be called good". Maybe the bible is a story of this really evil horrific monster but the evil narrators are reversing everything.
Yeshu Lucefari - Jesus the Light bringer, Bright and morning star crucified in Sodom and Egypt.
What do you think?
Well that's just something you will have to ask God to convince you of Himself, it's up to the Holy Spirit to teach you about something so delicate and easily misunderstood. The Bible says that in the last days many will come in His name, doing miracles, signs and wonders so great even as to deceive the Elect. Sure it does look like Jesus was some great magician, but what kind of magician can raise himself from the dead? This is the end times deception that will come into play, everybody will be saying Jesus was a magician, because look at all these other people who are doing the same things. The book of revelation says that one of the beast will receive a mortal head wound and then recover, does this mean come back to life?
I don't understand what you mean by Jesus tried to use the demon named Legion while on the cross. The Bible never says Jesus used any demons. And actually in that story, the demons say "WE are legion" and they tremble at Jesus, and He allows them to be sent into pigs which then run into the ocean.
Also your getting Noah and Job confused, Job was never inside a whale. And God was proud of Job, telling the devil, look at Job, he is very righteous (basically has overcame all temptations) and the devil accuses Job (thats one reason why he gets the name the accuser of the brethren) saying to God, he has only been like this because you have blessed him in many ways. And so eventually God allows the devil to do things to Job. But in the end all Job says is, God giveth and He takes away. And eventually God blesses him with many times what he had before. I think it was a story for the ages, not something God does all the time.
I think God is love, my friend almost committed suicide, and the next day me and my prophetess friend convinced him that the only way to change his life was to accept Jesus and let us cast these demons out. And so he and we did, and his life changed! He used to be deathly addicted to alcohol and it all stopped completely in about 2 weeks. That night he was asking God to convince him because he wasn't compleately committed and God gave him an incredible vision of Hell, where he was tourtured by the devil, along with many people. Its a long story but he said it was the worst pain he has ever felt and it felt like he was there for a long time!!! But the next night he was so scared to go to bed, but he said God whatever you want to show me, I'll know your with me, and he became slightly conscious in his dream/vision (very vivid!!! so basically a vision) and he felt like God wanted him to know how me He loved him, so he was meditating on it, and a light appeared with angels singing, and he started walking into it, he said it was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen or heard, yet only an intensifying light and singing. He said he started to feel so good, like extacy times 10,000 he said haha, He said it felt like electricity going through his whole body, but like nothing he's ever experienced! He said it felt like having sex with God, and he had a boner for like 30 minutes after that lol. He said he would go through that Hell experience, or anything to experience what he did again. That is the type of God I believe in.
I think the garden of Eden story makes since, we humans chose to "be like gods", over obeying and union with God, even when God said we would surely die. This disobedience caused seperation from God, because it was a sin, and God never sins. He can't occupy a place with sin, and se we were cast out of paradise. God loved us so much, but He had set rules at the bigginning of time, that the wages of sin was death. And that He would never unite withe darkness. Light and darkness just don't mix, and we had been stained with darkness. So He made a plan to get us back in, Jesus.
Also I have seen and heard of many miracle healings by followers of Jesus, all proclaiming that Jesus was the source. John G. Lake, A. A. Allen, Smith Wigglesworth, me, my prophetess friend and many others. I don't think there is any magician who is so great that even his followers preform magic just by asking in his name, or having faith in it. But I guess that's up to you to decide.
I think that the law of the spiritual world based on The Bible, that's why you will see so many similarities in other religions. That's why Jesus talks about have faith and it will be given to you. I think it is partially because we are Children of God, made in His image, and what we believe has power to manipulate this world. That's why in magic you have to believe for it to work.
And I think that The Bible clearly seperates Jesus and Satan, although yes it does reference them in similar context, but simply once. It calls Lucifer the morning star, but called Jesus the bright, morning star. Well Lucifer was afterall, the highest in command, the second greatest being ever created besides God (Jesus) before his fall from heaven, so it does kinda make since that they would be reference with similar descriptions. But I think the Bible is way too specific about who is who to say they are the same person ( with opposite personalities, I think not) Jesus is humble, he was spat on and yet said, father forgive them, they know not what they do. Lucifer was given all of heaven to live in, in inexpressable, uncomprehensible bliss and beauty and yet said, I want more, I am great, I want to be God. He was full of pride, the opposite of Jesus
Edited by EyeKicker, 28 May 2016 - 01:59 AM.
Posted 28 May 2016 - 02:45 AM
Satan is a good angel, right? I do not see anything in scripture saying he got mad at god and misbehaved. The fall of lucifer passage is a mistranslation, refers to the king of Babylon. When god told Abraham to kill his Son who was the angel that told him not to listen to God? I think that angel was Satan. I would have to look it up but Satan is the only other entity that communicates with god in the bible. I don't think Michael or Gabriel say anything (except to Mary).
We humans like to throw this word love around but what the hell is it? Love is bullish!t! There is eros, erotic love and agape but I don't think it's real. Getting butterflies or goosebumps over someone doesn't mean anything. This God is a jealous god, a trickster and tyrant. His big reward is killing his own son.
In the garden the serpent told the truth and god was the liar, their eyes were open. There is nothing in the story that they died spiritually. God was trying to enslave them. He is also not all knowing because he was off doing something else when they ate the fruit. It sounds like he is a man too or a beast of some sort
Satan is a good angel, right? I do not see anything in scripture saying he got mad at god and misbehaved. The fall of lucifer passage is a mistranslation, refers to the king of Babylon. When god told Abraham to kill his Son who was the angel that told him not to listen to God? I think that angel was Satan. I would have to look it up but Satan is the only other entity that communicates with god in the bible. I don't think Michael or Gabriel say anything (except to Mary).
We humans like to throw this word love around but what the hell is it? Love is bullish!t! There is eros, erotic love and agape but I don't think it's real. Getting butterflies or goosebumps over someone doesn't mean anything. This God is a jealous god, a trickster and tyrant. His big reward is killing his own son.
In the garden the serpent told the truth and god was the liar, their eyes were open. There is nothing in the story that they died spiritually. God was trying to enslave them. He is also not all knowing because he was off doing something else when they ate the fruit. It sounds like he is a man too or a beast of some sort
Posted 28 May 2016 - 03:37 AM
I think you can make up anything you want but whether it has any basis or not is another story. I won't be able to follow the endless fantastic imagination expressed here so good luck.
Posted 30 May 2016 - 04:54 AM
Satan is a good angel, right? I do not see anything in scripture saying he got mad at god and misbehaved. The fall of lucifer passage is a mistranslation, refers to the king of Babylon. When god told Abraham to kill his Son who was the angel that told him not to listen to God? I think that angel was Satan. I would have to look it up but Satan is the only other entity that communicates with god in the bible. I don't think Michael or Gabriel say anything (except to Mary).
We humans like to throw this word love around but what the hell is it? Love is bullish!t! There is eros, erotic love and agape but I don't think it's real. Getting butterflies or goosebumps over someone doesn't mean anything. This God is a jealous god, a trickster and tyrant. His big reward is killing his own son.
In the garden the serpent told the truth and god was the liar, their eyes were open. There is nothing in the story that they died spiritually. God was trying to enslave them. He is also not all knowing because he was off doing something else when they ate the fruit. It sounds like he is a man too or a beast of some sort
Satan is a good angel, right? I do not see anything in scripture saying he got mad at god and misbehaved. The fall of lucifer passage is a mistranslation, refers to the king of Babylon. When god told Abraham to kill his Son who was the angel that told him not to listen to God? I think that angel was Satan. I would have to look it up but Satan is the only other entity that communicates with god in the bible. I don't think Michael or Gabriel say anything (except to Mary).
We humans like to throw this word love around but what the hell is it? Love is bullish!t! There is eros, erotic love and agape but I don't think it's real. Getting butterflies or goosebumps over someone doesn't mean anything. This God is a jealous god, a trickster and tyrant. His big reward is killing his own son.
In the garden the serpent told the truth and god was the liar, their eyes were open. There is nothing in the story that they died spiritually. God was trying to enslave them. He is also not all knowing because he was off doing something else when they ate the fruit. It sounds like he is a man too or a beast of some sort
There are many places in The Bible where it explains how and why Satan is bad, I think you've been away from The Bible for too long and replaced it with occultic, satanic books, because there's a lot of things you need to refresh on! There also wasn't any angel that told Abraham not to listen to God hahaha, where do you get all this stuff from!?!? Also the prophet is talking about Satan and The King of Babylon at the same time, using metaphors and symbolism, some say because Satan had fully possessed this man. And Angel means messenger from God, so if that's not communicating I don't know what is, also in the New Testament it talks about how Angels are in constant contact with God (seeing Him etc)
God is jelous because He made us to inherit His throne, to become a dwelling place for Him, and to become one with Him, and we choose to live in darkness, worshipping demons and endulging in worthless lusts which separate us from THAT! God and His Son are one, He came to earth and died for US to leave this darkness, it's a gift for us, to fulfill the law He set at the beginning of time, the Law of Sin and Death, for all who will accept it and turn from the sin. Jesus calls Himself the Son of Man, because He is an infinite being, born into the body of man, so it's like He is His own son in a way. He calls this aspect of Himself "Son" only because this form is lesser than His original self only because His Glory is restricted into a physical body.
They weren't able to live in the Garden of Eden because of what they did, I mean look around us, your saying you can't see the spiritual death we live in? They were disconnected with God, it shows very clearly what the death was, we also enherited physical death, and eventual eternal death (seperation from the source of Life/or what can be conscidered life, but since God gave our spirits eternal life and He will never lie, then when we are cut off from Him and will be in only badness, because He is the source of all Goodness.)
When Adam and Eve ate from the apple they were instantly thrown into time/space and out of the eternal realm/seperated from the direct presence of God, that's why it tells about God then discovering what they have done. God knew it was happening but gave Eve free will and allowed her to choose. Another theory is that God planned this all to happen, to create Children in His true Image, knowing right and wrong, and yet still choosing purity.
The world that you see around you isn't God's will, it's the result of generations of sin, giving legal right to Satan to rule in our lives. Sin penetrates into multiple generations, either consciously or subconsciously. Thats why there are people "born gay" etc. It's called iniquity in The Bible, it's the part of our DNA/"Blood" that is the instincts from our ancestors. There are demons/curses that move from generation to generation, if you study people's lives closely you will see that this is true, although God chooses which generation to punish, sometimes it skips a few. If you ancestors did witchcraft there will be many bad things that happen in your life, most people that have mental illness have it because of this. In Africa there have been generations upon generations doing demon worship, often purposely cursing their generations for demonic power, that is why there is an abundance of poverty and demonic possesions down there.
Edited by EyeKicker, 30 May 2016 - 05:33 AM.
Posted 02 July 2016 - 01:49 AM
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