Some of us respond poorly to cholinergic (GPC, CDP, ALCAR, Huperzine...)
What are some good and bad supplement for those people.
In particular, I have been wondering about the following
Piracetam, Aniracetam, Noopept - while thes guys use AMPA and NMDA receptors, some acetylcholine interactions also exist. What are people's experiences on these?
Bacopa - I have been wanting to try this for a while but since it takes long to see effects, I am wondering what other choline dominant people's take is on Bacopa
DHA/EPA ? I know DHA can increase ACH and I seem to not respond well to it. EPA seems fine. I take Jarrow's EPActice which is EPA only
Uridine ?
Forskolin ?This one is interesting. It seems to be the opposite of Huperzine in addition to cAMP effects (increasing reuptake of ACH) So can we assume it is a good supplement for choline dominant people?
Ashwagandha, SAMe, anyting else?
Thanks for reading this.