I say genome intepretation app, but what I mean is an app which will take a wide array of data inputted by the user, including genes, blood test results, questionnaires, fitness tracker results etc. and use all provided info to generate customised reports, and provide a wide range of tools for gaining an understanding of ones unique physiology and health status. What I just said there is a small tip of an enormous iceberg, there are endless possibilities of where to go with it. I've been working on a site for over a year now, so have things pretty well planned and mapped out.
I'm a programmer + chemistry major, with a great passion for healing, medicine and pharmacology so I bring to the table a rare combination of programming/web development + scientific knowledge and I have strong creative flow, which gives me a good ability to create these kinds of apps. I'm thinking a team of about 3 or 4 of us can create something this world has never seen, so if anyone here wants to join in, lemme know and we should setup a skype call.
The kinda skills and traits needed are:
Genomics + biochemistry knowledge
Medicine knowledge, and most especially experience in healing illnesses with this knowledge
Nutrition knowledge and preferably experience healing with it
Open mindedness
Anyone that wants to join in, send me a PM.