Piracetam micro doses
Posted 29 April 2012 - 01:07 PM

Posted 04 December 2012 - 05:27 PM
Should i discontinue this or reduce to further dose to get neuroprotective effect (at cellular level )?,not much in nootropic effect lately .
I have walking problem with larger dose .
Edited by Nootropix, 04 December 2012 - 05:39 PM.
Posted 05 December 2012 - 05:42 PM
Posted 08 December 2012 - 02:52 AM
Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:25 AM
Posted 15 December 2012 - 09:43 AM
Simply adrenal burn out or over stimulation to what ?
do you supplement with choline?
if not, that would explain your brain fog, headaches, and "out of it" feeling
try fish oil and exercise
Posted 15 December 2012 - 04:33 PM
After throwing my piracetam 1600mg in the trash, I tried aniracetam a year or so later and it didnt give me this uneasy feeling that pira gave me.
But after running out of ani I ordered some pira from chzech again but I was smart enough to take the 800mg tabs with a groove in the middle this time.
Right now Im taking around 500mg of ani and 400mg of pira at the same time but I might try the real microdosing of around 100mg, Ill have to cut the damn tablets with a knife

I still find pira kind of dysphoric but together with the ani it works well.
People should be encouraged to lower their dosages by a lot from what is the "recommended" dose.
Edited by machete234, 15 December 2012 - 04:37 PM.
Posted 18 December 2012 - 01:01 PM
Agreed! I decided to try piracetam again after my experiences of it making me very sleepy at standard doses, so I bought some Geratam brand from Hungary (Doc Simon), the one without the yellow colouring ('cos I thought the colouring might have been the problem). It arrived yesterday.I still find pira kind of dysphoric but together with the ani it works well.
People should be encouraged to lower their dosages by a lot from what is the "recommended" dose.
This time I was very cautious and took a tiny bite out of a corner of one 1200mg pill. It looks like one tenth of the pill, so about 120mg. Wham! Within 20-30 minutes I had that tingly feeling all over my brain and slight euphoria. Then about an hour later I began to feel "stuffy" in my head, and a little sleepy, but not so much as previously. Felt a bit "odd" for the rest of the day (not "enhanced", more just a bit dizzy). Went to bed at the usual time and had unusually vivid dreams all night. Woke up and felt great -- energized and focused. So now I need to work out how to get the positives without the negatives (stuffiness, dizziness, sleepiness) that I get about an hour after taking even these micro-doses of piracetam. NB this cannot be placebo/nocebo. The effects were very noticeable, and I know/recognize that initial piracetam euphoria/ brain tingle, which I don't get with any of the other nootropics except oxiracetam (but only if I hit some dosing sweet spot).
One disclaimer: I have been experimenting with micro doses of various nootropics on and off over the course of a year or so. I regularly consume small amounts of ani-, oxi-, prami- and noopept. Usually one day off, one day on, and doses that are so small most people on this forum would laugh. I don't know why I'm over-sensitive to normal doses, but I do know that the stuff accumulates in me -- maybe my kidneys can't get rid of it easily. So my piracetam experiment of yesterday comes on top of a fully primed system (2.5mg noopept, two days earlier, and lucidril the day before).
Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:38 PM
Agreed! I decided to try piracetam again after my experiences of it making me very sleepy at standard doses, so I bought some Geratam brand from Hungary (Doc Simon), the one without the yellow colouring ('cos I thought the colouring might have been the problem). It arrived yesterday.
Yes it was from doc simon, I tried the geratam last year now I have the ratiopharm 800mg because getting small doses from the 1200mg pills is a bit harder to do.
I still cap the split tablets in 00 caps because they can be a bit sharp
Microdosing ani seemed to make me sleepy when I went below 200mg and anything above 600mg was a bit too much for me.
400mg of pira allready gives me the blood flow to the head feeling you get from gingko or even alcohol for example when drinking a shot.
I cant really say if the pira microdose is also making my mood worse (I sure am sleepy enough because of the early sunset)
Edited by machete234, 18 December 2012 - 05:43 PM.
Posted 12 February 2013 - 04:15 PM
Would like to know if anyone here continued the micro/low dose scheduling with Piracetam and had some success!
Posted 05 December 2013 - 06:51 PM
Posted 06 December 2013 - 05:08 PM
Now I do know how it is like, luckily it vanishes after a few days without piracetam.
Edited by machete234, 06 December 2013 - 05:09 PM.
Posted 24 August 2015 - 06:38 AM
I recently acquired German pharmaceutical 1200mg Piracetam. I wanted to start on the conservative size of the dosing range so I took 600mg 2x/day. I had bad side effects like depression, irritability, and poor driving.
So I cut the dose in half, to 300mg 2x/day. This still resulted in irritability, but wow did I feel the effect! I know for sure that this is not a placebo effect. But there were some side effects after a week- I was losing sleep and waking up groggy. (Effects were beyond placebo at about 1 week).
Now I am taking 150mg 2x/daily and still feel my performance has been enhanced. So much so that I CAN'T IMAGINE HOW PEOPLE ARE TAKING SO MUCH!!! It has been shown that the higher the dose, the lower the amount of time that the drug has therapeutic effects. I think the reason why so many people lose the effect is they take WAY TOO DAMN MUCH because supplement companies and pharma companies want to sell as much as possible- also, they are in the business of MAGIC INSTA-CURES. So their dosage is probably in the high range- meaning it takes effect quickly, but benefits also cease more quickly.
In conclusion, don't trust everything you read on the forums. 150mg x2 is PLENTY. Side effects are now minimal. I hope to cycle this 2 weeks on // 2 weeks off for years. And I hope people out there can read this and avoid taking such high doses! These are drugs for people with severe mental problems- as a healthy human, you only need a fraction of the dose to obtain a benefit. I know this goes against some of the "conventional wisdom" around here, but remember: You Never Know Who Is Shilling For Supplement Companies.
Edited by JohnBonham, 24 August 2015 - 06:39 AM.
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