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Women like guys who look tough, but what if they aren't?

mma undercut real vs unreal ability

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 10 July 2016 - 08:50 PM

So, as the discussion has gone on here for several years, women apparently like "Bad boy" types right?


This would mean guys who "look" the part of the tough guy, right? With their silly looking undercut and their muscle shirts and facial scruff right?


The only problem is what if the guy LOOKS the part but doesn't actually have those qualities?


For example, I have been training MMA, Judo and several other fighting arts for the past 4 years now and at this point can more than likely beat the stuffing out of 80% of these guys who 'Look' the part.


In fact every time one of these guys tests me and I pressure and challenge him he backs off and coils up like a fearful child. 


The thing is I don't 'Look tough'. But I am.


So, my question is why can't women sense the difference between a guy who looks tough and actually IS TOUGH? Or can they? And if they can why would they still want to date a wannabe instead of the real thing? 


I am not talking about myself specifically but just in general. I do attract women but I am very shy on my pursuits. But I can still beat the crap out of the guy that's treating her like shit. 


The difference being that I am polite, courteous and treat people the way I would want to be treated. But I can also beat your ass. These guys do the opposite. They treat people like shit and can't back it up when confronted on it.


So what gives?????


Why do girls date these weakling cowards? 


Expert opinions up front please! 



Edited by TheFountain, 10 July 2016 - 08:53 PM.

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#2 niner

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 02:44 AM

Hypothetically, women want a guy who can protect them, but in the modern world, that probably means a guy who can make money reliably. A lot of women still have the innate programming that makes them lust after the guys who look like badasses, and particularly those that act like they are badasses. In other words, guys with confidence, which tends to mean guys who don't "need" them, or at least guys who don't act needy.

#3 TheFountain

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 03:49 AM

Hypothetically, women want a guy who can protect them, but in the modern world, that probably means a guy who can make money reliably. A lot of women still have the innate programming that makes them lust after the guys who look like badasses, and particularly those that act like they are badasses. In other words, guys with confidence, which tends to mean guys who don't "need" them, or at least guys who don't act needy.

But what happens when those guys push the limits of a guy who can actually fight and kicks their asses in front of their girlfriends? 


What happens to the girlfriends views then?


Do they fall apart? Do they crumble? 


Do they lose all faith in the "tough guy" persona? 


How instinctual is money? 

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#4 aconita

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 10:13 PM

It is a world where appearance counts far more than reality, that's all.


If you like a woman to spend a night with you give her appearance, if you like a woman to spend a life with you give her reality...but you have to be very lucky to find one smart enough!.


The worst mistake would be to give appearance in order to get married, you'll regret it badly.


Anyway women like what you don't, you like the opposite of what you are, they too like the opposite of what they are, too much kindnesses might be taken as softness or neediness, which they don't like, you like soft, they like rough. .


Would you like a woman that resembles a guy?


Likely, not.


In the same way a woman is not attracted by a guy that resembles a woman in his behavior, that's why it is more likely they to be attracted by "macho" acting guys, doesn't matter if they really are.


Actually women are quite confused about what they really want therefore in order to be successful with them is a matter of being psychologically smart.  


Nice expensive dressed guys driving expensive cars are more likely successful because they are telling out loud they do have the means to provide for more than just basics.


If you think about it is quite a nonsense in most cases since the most likely scenario is a guy whom spend all his money (and likely even the money he actually doesn't own) on stupid vanities leaving little chances to be actually able to provide for real essential goods as home and food for his own family.


But it is a world where appearance counts far more than reality....and silliness reigns supreme!




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#5 jroseland

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Posted 12 July 2016 - 09:06 AM

My friend you are on the verge of "taking the red pill" as they say...

You are not going to find any experts on female psychology on Longecity.

Good read Roosh V or watch the RSD channels on YouTube, they explain all this and a whole lot more...
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#6 mtn2011

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Posted 12 July 2016 - 05:26 PM

Roosh is sort of a clown, if you want a more serious intellectual approach this is the guy to read https://therationalmale.com/

#7 TheFountain

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Posted 14 July 2016 - 03:01 AM

It is a world where appearance counts far more than reality, that's all.


If you like a woman to spend a night with you give her appearance, if you like a woman to spend a life with you give her reality...but you have to be very lucky to find one smart enough!.


The worst mistake would be to give appearance in order to get married, you'll regret it badly.


Anyway women like what you don't, you like the opposite of what you are, they too like the opposite of what they are, too much kindnesses might be taken as softness or neediness, which they don't like, you like soft, they like rough. .


Would you like a woman that resembles a guy?


Likely, not.


In the same way a woman is not attracted by a guy that resembles a woman in his behavior, that's why it is more likely they to be attracted by "macho" acting guys, doesn't matter if they really are.


Actually women are quite confused about what they really want therefore in order to be successful with them is a matter of being psychologically smart.  


Nice expensive dressed guys driving expensive cars are more likely successful because they are telling out loud they do have the means to provide for more than just basics.


If you think about it is quite a nonsense in most cases since the most likely scenario is a guy whom spend all his money (and likely even the money he actually doesn't own) on stupid vanities leaving little chances to be actually able to provide for real essential goods as home and food for his own family.


But it is a world where appearance counts far more than reality....and silliness reigns supreme!

Some of these tough guy wannabe's are actually pretty damn ugly looking. 


Also, they can't fight a trained guy like me and win. I will demolish them.


But since females are apparently so 'complex' according to endless sources, why can't their complex instincts distinguish between a real tough guy and a fake ass bitch who plays the role but can't back it up? 


So women are complex, but stupid? 

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#8 platypus

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Posted 14 July 2016 - 08:05 AM

Change your looks towards being more muscular. Being able to kick someone's ass will help in a confrontation (which should be extremely rare), but being and looking fit will help all the time. 


But, personality is far more important than looks, so develop that side of you as well. 


Also, why do you see wannabe thugs everywhere? Consider upgrading your social circle. 

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#9 TheFountain

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Posted 16 July 2016 - 05:41 PM

Change your looks towards being more muscular. Being able to kick someone's ass will help in a confrontation (which should be extremely rare), but being and looking fit will help all the time. 


But, personality is far more important than looks, so develop that side of you as well. 


Also, why do you see wannabe thugs everywhere? Consider upgrading your social circle. 


I can kick the shit out of the average muscle freak.


My question is what happens to the womans psychology about the guy when she see's this happen? 


I am not a scrawny nothing, I am lean and fit but not overly muscular. 


Which is the case with many of the best MMA fighters out there. 


Take Anderson Silva for example. 


He was whooping peoples asses for years, guys far more muscular than he. 


The question once again is, what happens to the womans psychology when she see's her tough guy wannabe dominated in a physical confrontation? Muscle or no muscle?

#10 zorba990

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Posted 17 July 2016 - 05:43 PM

Just some thoughts...

In general, being able to beat people up doesn't advance you in modern society. A violent or threatening person may seem exciting to a woman "in the moment" and might result in some success short term. But where will this guy be when food and shelter are needed? Being tough has value but so do lots of other things. Demonstating high value comes in many varying forms. There are some good forums out there that discuss game, and how best to use it to your advantage in life.

I can hold my own but I don't look like the strength I have either. I friend or avoid violent and confrontational people with brains and game. Allies demonstrate value, be a leader not a henchman.
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#11 niner

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Posted 18 July 2016 - 12:34 AM

The question once again is, what happens to the womans psychology when she see's her tough guy wannabe dominated in a physical confrontation? Muscle or no muscle?

Probably she will become protective toward her boyfriend who you just beat up with your superior fighting skills.  She might try to hit you or maybe she will pull out her phone and call 911 to report an aggravated assault.  She will love her sweet boyfriend even more because he at least tried to protect them, and she knows he's good in a lot of other ways.  Maybe he's funny or understands the arcane mystery of the apostrophe.

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#12 TheFountain

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Posted 18 July 2016 - 02:36 AM


The question once again is, what happens to the womans psychology when she see's her tough guy wannabe dominated in a physical confrontation? Muscle or no muscle?

Probably she will become protective toward her boyfriend who you just beat up with your superior fighting skills.  She might try to hit you or maybe she will pull out her phone and call 911 to report an aggravated assault.  She will love her sweet boyfriend even more because he at least tried to protect them, and she knows he's good in a lot of other ways.  Maybe he's funny or understands the arcane mystery of the apostrophe.


The Arcane mystery of Faggotry? 


Doesn't that happen when a guy gets an estrogen boost from the steroids he took that were only suppose to raise his testosterone?



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#13 ironfistx

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Posted 18 July 2016 - 05:09 PM


The question once again is, what happens to the womans psychology when she see's her tough guy wannabe dominated in a physical confrontation? Muscle or no muscle?

Probably she will become protective toward her boyfriend who you just beat up with your superior fighting skills.  She might try to hit you or maybe she will pull out her phone and call 911 to report an aggravated assault.  She will love her sweet boyfriend even more because he at least tried to protect them, and she knows he's good in a lot of other ways.  Maybe he's funny or understands the arcane mystery of the apostrophe.



Understands the arcane mystery of the apostrophe lol

#14 platypus

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Posted 18 July 2016 - 05:42 PM

What kind of women do you want to attract? I don't think high-IQ ones will be overly impressed by an MMA-fighter, probably on the contrary as those guys have a documented capacity to violence, which might end up hurting or even killing his mate. 

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#15 aconita

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Posted 18 July 2016 - 09:57 PM

A women is rarely attracted by someone whom goes around kicking people asses, she might be attracted by a macho looking guy but that is a different story.


Even if you aim to attract those very few whom might like kick asses guys and you are not macho muscular looking how do you show off, wearing a T shirt with a MMA logo on it or kicking someone's ass every time a nice looking girl is around?


I have meet a few really dangerous characters but very rarely they look as such and mostly never talk about it, as we say in my country "barking dog doesn't bite".


A real fighter do fight only when is really worth it since he doesn't need to prove anything to others or to himself, he is well aware of how dangerous he is and smartly avoids to end up behind the bars just to have kicked some worthless idiot ass in order to impress an even more worthless brain damaged chick.

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#16 shifter

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Posted 19 July 2016 - 02:47 AM

In my experience growing up as a teenager in the 90s, women were really into the 'bad boy' guys. The kind of guys who were into underage smoking, drinking and drug use (like marijuana). Also these guys would brag if they failed their class. In short, the girls were attracted to the kind of guys you would not be shocked to read in future years that they landed in jail or were wife beaters.


A lot of the time too, women mistake confidence for ego.


This decade is for the hipsters. Style over substance. It's all about looks. Just act the part.

#17 TheFountain

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Posted 19 July 2016 - 06:05 AM

Just some thoughts...

In general, being able to beat people up doesn't advance you in modern society. A violent or threatening person may seem exciting to a woman "in the moment" and might result in some success short term. But where will this guy be when food and shelter are needed? Being tough has value but so do lots of other things. Demonstating high value comes in many varying forms. There are some good forums out there that discuss game, and how best to use it to your advantage in life.

I can hold my own but I don't look like the strength I have either. I friend or avoid violent and confrontational people with brains and game. Allies demonstrate value, be a leader not a henchman.


You're obviously missing my point if you think I'm going around picking fights just to show the women who the boss really is.


It's genuinely a curiosity of mine how women, these complex, omniscient creatures with super human sense capabilities are unable to distinguish between fake tough guys and real ones, according to you experts. 


And what their reactions would truly be if they saw their boyfriends get dominated. 


I wonder if they would get excited watching a real man school the poor chaps. 

Edited by TheFountain, 19 July 2016 - 06:06 AM.

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#18 ironfistx

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Posted 19 July 2016 - 02:54 PM

Here are a range of tips that might help you out.


What women say they want is not always what they respond to.


I can tell you have been thinking about this a lot.


If you are a skilled fighter you should have a confidence about you.  You sound like you are insecure.  You sound attention seeking.  You aren't content being a talented fighter, you need other people to realize you are a tale wonderful fighter in order for you to feel happy.


Most women are attracted to confidence.  Most of the buff guys you are talking about are confident.  Women can feel that you are needy when you are out.  Every muscular guy you see doesn't have to do anything to attract women because they are already confident.  Not every muscular guy in the world, but the ones you are talking about.  Listen, there are plenty of muscular guys that are not this way.


Women like guys who give off the impression they want.  If you are feeling good about yourself it doesn't matter if you are good looking or whatever.  Women can tell when you think you don't have what you want.  Not to mention, you porbably don't want to attract the type of chicks you are talking about, anyway.  I strongly second the recommendation for real social dynamics which someone emntioned ever so effectively in another post.

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#19 Keizo

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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:31 PM

In the modern western world there isn't much of a cost to being an asshole, so people can get away with it, imitating some sort of high social status, and so they do it. Maybe you would be more well-placed in Russia, I hear you might be more likely to get into actual fights there. I have actually considered moving there since I believe several aspects of their culture is still far superior.

"It's genuinely a curiosity of mine how women, these complex, omniscient creatures with super human sense capabilities are unable to distinguish between fake tough guys and real ones, according to you experts. " I think it has to do with societal norms, culture, etc, not being aligned with our biology (women's biology) in this case. The modern religion (humanism and equality) of the West believes that evolution stopped at the neck. It has also conflated true and good traditional cultural practices with "religious mumbojumbo" - while in reality the religious justifications for many traditional practices aren't the really important reasons for why they are good, rather those have to do with e.g. biology. Take marriage as it used to exist, it is a legal structure that allows men and women to cooperate and overcome their different biological make-ups. A woman trade her youth and fertility for a man's far superior productive capacity and ability to protect her. The secular arguments for "religious" practices are very good in my opinion.


Anyway a lot of people probably over-estimate the degree to which women judge men by the visual appearance or even what exact words come out of their mouths.

Other things that signal dominance, trust and etc. and thus are likely to make their ginas tingle: Not being afraid of engaging in physical contact with women.





I have barely read any of these books on "Game" (or whatever you want to call it) I have just skimmed the net, but mainly adopted the idea of always engaging in very frequent physical contact (initially in a very indirect or common manner such as touching her shoulders or arms while talking, often also by asking questions or bringing up topics that make this less conspicuous. E.g. ask about her hair looking unusually shiny before letting your hands go through it, or a less intimate example ask about if she has been out in the sun followed by touching her arm.) I wouldn't advice anyone to spend too much time caring about the average woman or attracting her, but rather aim for a life-long relationship. In which case I have some basic criteria: 1. Probably a virgin. http://socialpatholo...guest-post.html    2. "High" IQ. 3. Religious.

But even then some of these ideas these "game" people write about are probably useful. Another skill, although I have not developed it, is teasing, I do believe that works as well and in no way means you have to be an asshole.


If you want less insane women and less headaches you should probably seek them out in the book-store, library, etc. If that is the case, and if one needs advice on how to start conversations with strangers in a more natural way and you want a blue-print on how to approach that (to avoid anxiety over "what if's") read Roosh's book "Day Bang" (the book is not so much about attraction though).




Also, a relevant video on the reasons for why women might want aggressive males: 


Edited by Keizo, 19 July 2016 - 03:48 PM.

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#20 TheFountain

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Posted 29 July 2016 - 04:19 AM

Here are a range of tips that might help you out.


What women say they want is not always what they respond to.


I can tell you have been thinking about this a lot.


If you are a skilled fighter you should have a confidence about you.  You sound like you are insecure.  You sound attention seeking.  You aren't content being a talented fighter, you need other people to realize you are a tale wonderful fighter in order for you to feel happy.


Most women are attracted to confidence.  Most of the buff guys you are talking about are confident.  Women can feel that you are needy when you are out.  Every muscular guy you see doesn't have to do anything to attract women because they are already confident.  Not every muscular guy in the world, but the ones you are talking about.  Listen, there are plenty of muscular guys that are not this way.


Women like guys who give off the impression they want.  If you are feeling good about yourself it doesn't matter if you are good looking or whatever.  Women can tell when you think you don't have what you want.  Not to mention, you porbably don't want to attract the type of chicks you are talking about, anyway.  I strongly second the recommendation for real social dynamics which someone emntioned ever so effectively in another post.


So, just to clarify what you are saying


"Bla bla bla bla I am an expert on human relations because bla bla bla bla bla"? 


Just kidding, you said a couple useful things.


But let's not act like we're omniscient and we can dissect peoples thoughts brain cell by brain cell. 

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#21 Manwhoworkstoomuch!

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Posted 15 August 2016 - 08:14 AM

You take mma classes and still have issues? How do you feel when you are in class, during sparring and such?


Women don't like assholes. That's just a sales pitch. Those who do have issues.


If you aren't tough why don't you date a strong dominant woman instead? Some guy's are passive. There is nothing you can do about it. Women like all kinds of men. Dominant aggressive women like shy guy's and introverts who aren't dominant.


But if you like to solve your issues. I think that boxing classes would do the trick. I think that boxing does more for aggression than mma! Steroids might help. I don't recommend that though!


Your issue seems to be that you somehow perceive yourself as inferior and need to think that you can beat everyone up? Sounds like neuroticism or PTSD. Most aggressive guy's don't think two cents about domination and being aggressive. They are focused, calm and get pissed of when situation calls for it.



#22 linlin92

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Posted 21 September 2016 - 09:48 AM

Most women aren't into the massive muscular types anyway, unless they are in the fitness industry/competing themselves. We don't care if you have a six or eight pack and how many inches your biceps are. But we do care if you have a great smile, can talk to us naturally (make us laugh is an added bonus) and have a decent job and not living out of a car so we are not embarrassed to introduce you to our parents.


So all in all being confident and happy with who you are is what will get you dates. Not secretly being jealous of "tough" guys and dreaming about beating them up just to show "who the boss really is"! That reeks of insecurity and resentment which we can sense even from a mile away I can promise you.


And to be fair the women who can't tell the difference between a tough/violent vs confident/protective guy are those who haven't really grown up yet and will create a lot of drama in your life. Is that what you are looking for?

#23 TheFountain

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Posted 22 September 2016 - 08:12 PM

You take mma classes and still have issues? How do you feel when you are in class, during sparring and such?


Women don't like assholes. That's just a sales pitch. Those who do have issues.


If you aren't tough why don't you date a strong dominant woman instead? Some guy's are passive. There is nothing you can do about it. Women like all kinds of men. Dominant aggressive women like shy guy's and introverts who aren't dominant.


But if you like to solve your issues. I think that boxing classes would do the trick. I think that boxing does more for aggression than mma! Steroids might help. I don't recommend that though!


Your issue seems to be that you somehow perceive yourself as inferior and need to think that you can beat everyone up? Sounds like neuroticism or PTSD. Most aggressive guy's don't think two cents about domination and being aggressive. They are focused, calm and get pissed of when situation calls for it.


I Sparred 30 rounds of boxing and kickboxing recently, and it's been part of my MMA regimen for a while.


None of your 'suggestions' really address the original question at the beginning of my post. 


Since you are an expert on the vagina/mind relationship, please tell me what one of these magical elf like women would feel if they saw the 'tough guy' wannabe they were dating get dominated by a guy who looks less tough but in actuality is far tougher? 


I imagine her mouth might first gape open while drool pours out, awaiting the arrival of my cock.

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#24 Immortalist188

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 05:30 PM

This is an argument that I have been having inside my mind as of late. Nice vs. Tough. I'm still thinking about it.


"The  idea is that women tend to love the bad guy because women like danger. so the bad guy might be abusive and hurt her but she still love him because while she is not masochist she still love a little bit of hardship and being cruel is perceived as manly. on the other hand, we have the normal guy who doesn't hurt her and try to please her sometimes he is too nice. he care for her so much. and would never treat her badly. the woman might feel bored or less excited because the man is just too nice and is not adventurous and avoid danger, but the woman love danger."


I'm still thinking about it...

#25 TheFountain

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Posted 12 October 2016 - 07:54 PM

This is an argument that I have been having inside my mind as of late. Nice vs. Tough. I'm still thinking about it.


"The  idea is that women tend to love the bad guy because women like danger. so the bad guy might be abusive and hurt her but she still love him because while she is not masochist she still love a little bit of hardship and being cruel is perceived as manly. on the other hand, we have the normal guy who doesn't hurt her and try to please her sometimes he is too nice. he care for her so much. and would never treat her badly. the woman might feel bored or less excited because the man is just too nice and is not adventurous and avoid danger, but the woman love danger."


I'm still thinking about it...


What i've been doing lately is using some method acting to start scratching the surface layer of all this bullshit.


There are days I just go hog wild and act like a complete dick head to women, their reactions are very interesting to say the least. 


Particularly if I am sticking my chest out and grabbing my cock while doing it. 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mma, undercut, real vs unreal ability

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