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Fasoracetam as a possible treatment for negative symptoms in Schizophrenia?

schizophrenia schizoid schizotypal cognition negative symptoms

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#31 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 08:59 PM

People with iqs under 80 don't have days where they have an iq of 100, 90, 120 or whatever. Their iq stays low and no amount of chemical modification can fix their issue so long as it is grounded in brain structure abnormalities such as in people with microcephaly, brain damage from injury, etc.

#32 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 21 October 2016 - 11:06 PM

They say that autism is caused by excessive synapses. But wait.. that's savant autism, very rare cases. Most cases of autism are caused by obviously neurotransmitter imbalances, that's why it's treatable (in some cases) with drugs.

Schizophrenia is the exact same. Some few schizophrenics may have such things as excessive synapse pruning but a majority evidently do not.

The simple proof against the excessive pruning model is the fact that antipsychotic medication can cause a remission and loss of schizophrenic symptoms, and also the fact that schizophrenia takes "breaks". There are days or hours where schizophrenics don't experience their symptoms. 


I kind of agree with you - I more or less admit so in my previous post, I've started looking into it, and the Synaptic Pruning model is so new, that it's hard to recommend it, even though the study is really sound - mainly because noone has tried using anything synaptogenic to treat the disease, so it's hard to validate. Neither has anyone tried synapse-pruning-retarding drugs either.


I wouldn't bank on Antipsychotics not interfering with synaptic pruning though, to some small extent - remember how we found out even regular antidepressants all produce neurogenesis? Could be Antipsychotics do the same, but with Synaptogenesis, through some previously unknown feedback-mechanism.

There's also a possibility that other things can interfere with synaptic pruning at times as well, perhaps diet or some such, which then leads to improvement of systems.

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#33 YoungSchizo

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 03:40 PM



Bump. Could anyone please be the guinea pig for this? Especially if you have zero social desire, etc.

The right PFC area I literally feel that it is totally dysfunctional... Right now I'm recovering from an acute psychosis and my negatives are at his highest peak. If it were up to me I just want to sleep 24/7 even though I'm not depressed. I might try Fasoracetam, think I need to get back at trying some nootropics. I'll be the guinea pig :)





All right... here's a link to Ceretropic's Fasoracetam - they're one of the most reliable and trusted suppliers of Nootropics out there. If you have a moment of clarity, then you can order it from there.




Let us know if you need any further help!


Hmm, just realized that I'm not sure what an effective dose could possibly be... I guess you better start low - something like 10 mg - and if that doesn't work on the first day, then you go up to 20 mg - and then 40 mg.


Most people don't report hardly any difference in effect above a 100 mg, so probably not worth it to keep dosing after that.

The effects of Faso are felt within the first hour or so, so you should notice fairly quickly if it's working.



Ah fuck, that site only accepts VISA or Bitcoin. Can you send me another cheap reliable source where I'm able to pay with PayPal? (I live in the Netherlands btw)

Edited by YoungSchizo, 22 October 2016 - 03:41 PM.

#34 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 05:27 PM




Bump. Could anyone please be the guinea pig for this? Especially if you have zero social desire, etc.

The right PFC area I literally feel that it is totally dysfunctional... Right now I'm recovering from an acute psychosis and my negatives are at his highest peak. If it were up to me I just want to sleep 24/7 even though I'm not depressed. I might try Fasoracetam, think I need to get back at trying some nootropics. I'll be the guinea pig :)





All right... here's a link to Ceretropic's Fasoracetam - they're one of the most reliable and trusted suppliers of Nootropics out there. If you have a moment of clarity, then you can order it from there.




Let us know if you need any further help!


Hmm, just realized that I'm not sure what an effective dose could possibly be... I guess you better start low - something like 10 mg - and if that doesn't work on the first day, then you go up to 20 mg - and then 40 mg.


Most people don't report hardly any difference in effect above a 100 mg, so probably not worth it to keep dosing after that.

The effects of Faso are felt within the first hour or so, so you should notice fairly quickly if it's working.



Ah fuck, that site only accepts VISA or Bitcoin. Can you send me another cheap reliable source where I'm able to pay with PayPal? (I live in the Netherlands btw)



When buying Nootropics, always go with reliability over price - it's always better that way. = )

Here's another source:




About two years or so ago, Paypal and google wallet began a war on Nootropics-vendors though, so you're going to have a hard time finding a reliable, well-known store which is actually ALLOWED to take Paypal.


You can read more about it here:



#35 YoungSchizo

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Posted 22 October 2016 - 06:56 PM





Ah fuck, that site only accepts VISA or Bitcoin. Can you send me another cheap reliable source where I'm able to pay with PayPal? (I live in the Netherlands btw)



When buying Nootropics, always go with reliability over price - it's always better that way. = )

Here's another source:




About two years or so ago, Paypal and google wallet began a war on Nootropics-vendors though, so you're going to have a hard time finding a reliable, well-known store which is actually ALLOWED to take Paypal.


You can read more about it here:





This is one is the same, VISA or Bitcoin

#36 airplanepeanuts

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 09:56 AM


#37 airplanepeanuts

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 11:32 AM


Maybe they don't accept Paypal anymore. But you can pay by bank transfer.

#38 YoungSchizo

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Posted 23 October 2016 - 03:47 PM

Thanks for the site. Orders placed, I'll get back when I'm starting the trial.

#39 YoungSchizo

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Posted 15 November 2016 - 01:37 PM

Tried 20 - 50 - 100mg dose of Faso, didn't notice anything on my symptoms. Didn't even notice that I had took something. Weird?

Edited by YoungSchizo, 15 November 2016 - 01:38 PM.

#40 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 15 November 2016 - 03:17 PM

Tried 20 - 50 - 100mg dose of Faso, didn't notice anything on my symptoms. Didn't even notice that I had took something. Weird?

What is the taste/smell and consistency of the powder? 

#41 YoungSchizo

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Posted 15 November 2016 - 05:36 PM

Tried 20 - 50 - 100mg dose of Faso, didn't notice anything on my symptoms. Didn't even notice that I had took something. Weird?

What is the taste/smell and consistency of the powder?

Can't really be specific other than it tastes/smells chemically awful!

#42 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 15 November 2016 - 06:05 PM



Tried 20 - 50 - 100mg dose of Faso, didn't notice anything on my symptoms. Didn't even notice that I had took something. Weird?

What is the taste/smell and consistency of the powder?

Can't really be specific other than it tastes/smells chemically awful!


Sounds like the same description provided by posters on Reddit. However they experienced effects immediately afaik.. so this is odd. I hope you haven't wasted your money on a fake shipment. 

I'll look forward to seeing if anything changes over a couple of days for you (I'm assuming this is day 1?) but make sure to check for placebos like heightened senses, anxiety, etc.

#43 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 15 November 2016 - 10:34 PM

Curious...! You have noticed nothing??


Now, THAT is rather unusual...! Most people at least notice a slight anxiolytic feeling from the GABA-upregulation (I know this sounds ridiculous, but I actually felt the effect on anxiety pretty quickly - after a day or two of using Faso) Many neurotypicals who tried it about two years back, when it first came to market (because of me and the crew discussing it here on the forums, natch.) actually reported that yes - this is indeed one of the STRONGEST racetams ever made - easily up there with Phenylpiracetam and Oxyracetam - the good stuff.


I myself experienced some real effects as well, they just weren't what I needed to function.


You are definitively an outlier here, when it comes to this stuff - most people report fairly dramatic effects - this stuff is a lot more like some sort of... stimulant, than the traditional Piracetam.



However, everyone else, but YOU, as far as I have seen, who tried this stuff, where either neurotypical or... well... ADHD or SCT - something like that.



No one else but you who tried this stuff have potential alterations to their Metabotropic Glutamate receptors...


...I wonder...


...Could this be like me and Magnesium-L-Threonate? A mild NMDA-antagonist - I noticed hardly anything from it, but some others on this forum, and tons of people elsewhere, have reported STRONG anxiolytic effects - even dissociation and slight hallucinatory effects from it!

I'm some form of ADHD-er, and ADHD-ers have reported hyperactivity in their NMDA-network - hence possibly why I didn't feel anything, on damn-near HEROIC dosing. It's just too weak for me.


Could it be...


...that you need MORE?



You should bloody well notice SOMEthing! This is one of the strongest, perhaps THE strongest Racetam there is...!



The terrible taste is in the right ballpark at least! The worse, the better - in this case.

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 15 November 2016 - 10:35 PM.

#44 Quaker32

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Posted 16 November 2016 - 12:29 AM

It could be that is the case. You may have a difference in NMDA network activity that others just don't have.


Mematine for schizophrenia? Really? Surely, that's a bad idea because of the NMDA-antagonism. Somebody else please chip in by all means, but I wan't to make sure he doesn't get worse. 


As you know, the L-Mag T, contributed to dissociation and psychotic-like stuff going on. Also I got big visual changes in that - hallucination you could even say. It was pretty nasty. They are still bloody ongoing as well and I stopped taking it a month ago.


I suppose its strange when people notice nothing off a chemical, but that has happened to me in the past. Partly because I didn't want it to work, and partly biological I guess. Variation is huge. 


Also, Michael the Anhedonic....are you still in this thread? Now we have a lot in common. I am going through anhedonia, blank mind, apathy and this fucking buzzing sound in my head driving me up the wall. I have to listen to drum and bass to get it out of my head before bedtime which I am doing now. Ridiculous. Anyway, I hope you are around and will be good to talk to you. What induced your problems? What have you found effective?

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#45 YoungSchizo

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Posted 16 November 2016 - 02:49 PM

There are two things why I maybe not notice anything. 1. I took it while I was in withdrawal of amitriptiline so felt kind of sick from that, down/feverish. 2. Why I didn't notice something of it's GABAergic effects is because I'm also on Clonazepam.

I'll run another trial soon, first I have to find a med to put and keep me at sleep at night.

#46 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 11:55 AM

I've ordered mine and it was shipped today. First I was hesitant for multiple reasons, one is that I don't want to give my credit card details to these sorts of guys. I tried to wire the funds but I have no idea how I'd do that with the idiotic user interface of my bank. Anyone can set up a nootropics shop and often these guys are not the most.. moral? Trustworthy? Anyway, it's a risk I'll take.

Why is Paypal cracking down on nootropics shops?

#47 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 25 November 2016 - 08:00 PM

Shipment of fasoracetam arrived. Customs have opened the fucking package and several tablets are crushed to powder.  :mad: It looks like they took more than 1 of the tablets. 

I took some of the powder and immediately I felt an increased "awareness" regarding myself, the way I speak and behave, but this sounds exactly like what I should expect from a placebo effect. Eye contact and personal contact is still incredibly difficult, perhaps I will have to wait multiple days. Besides that I don't think I've noticed anything.



#48 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 02:26 AM

Shipment of fasoracetam arrived. Customs have opened the fucking package and several tablets are crushed to powder.  :mad: It looks like they took more than 1 of the tablets. 

I took some of the powder and immediately I felt an increased "awareness" regarding myself, the way I speak and behave, but this sounds exactly like what I should expect from a placebo effect. Eye contact and personal contact is still incredibly difficult, perhaps I will have to wait multiple days. Besides that I don't think I've noticed anything.


Give it time, and remember that you guys might need bigger doses.


What dose did you try first? 15 mg seems like a good starting-dose for you schizoid types.

#49 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 08:53 AM

Give it time, and remember that you guys might need bigger doses.


What dose did you try first? 15 mg seems like a good starting-dose for you schizoid types.

I probably tried 5mg.

Here's something interesting. I was about to go to sleep, feeling really relaxed (I never feel relaxed, always tensed) and then all of a sudden a loud "IIII" tinnitus sound appears on my right ear (my left ear has significantly reduced hearing). I get a bit scared at first, thinking it might be a "glutamate storm" effect (a common symptom is tinnitus). The tinnitus in a loud tone continues for a whole minute or so. Then after a minute the tinnitus starts getting lower in volume. I take a small bite of a p5p tablet thinking I can convert some of that glutamate to gaba and prevent neuron loss from excitotoxicity. Even after the tinnitus had finally gone, I could still hear it. It's a very weird phenomenon that I am familiar with from my past, that tinnitus can go away but I can still sort of hear it like a phantom sound or something. And if I focus my attention to the tinnitus, it just keeps getting louder and louder and I end up dizzy and with terrible, random anxiety. I also have random "chills" throughout the day where I shake in my body a bit, unrelated to fasoracetam.

#50 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 28 November 2016 - 03:49 PM

Fasoracetam definitely gives me anxiety a while after taking it. The sort of "Am I going to die now?" anxiety. Pretty weird but may be explained by its short half-life. Does it downregulate the metabotropic receptors? That would be pretty terrible for myself, wouldn't it? I tend to for a very short while (couple of minutes) lose the so-called "pseudohallucinations" (noise SOUNDS like something I know it isn't) but this effect is achieved by stimulants likewise, and people claim it is stimulating. I also feel it gives me an "edge" comparable to having drunk too much caffeine.


Does fasoracetam help with eye contact, etc.? Very difficult to tell. If I imagine someone's face in my mind, even if I am alone, even that will make me uncomfortable. I still have that even after taking it, and I am taking it with p5p to offset some of its excitatory properties (I assume it has) so even if it did help it would be difficult to tell which was causing it.

#51 Jimmy123

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Posted 28 November 2016 - 05:08 PM

Hi friends.I'm from Poland i have probably negative symptoms of schizo. I tried some neuroleptics some help some get me feel worse. Is there any alternatives like this fasoracetam??

Need some help i'm new. Sorry for my english.

#52 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 28 November 2016 - 09:09 PM

Hi friends.I'm from Poland i have probably negative symptoms of schizo. I tried some neuroleptics some help some get me feel worse. Is there any alternatives like this fasoracetam??

Need some help i'm new. Sorry for my english.


Sure, but it's often a good idea to stay on a neuroleptic or antipsychotic while you used those compounds - some are prone to causes psychosis in sensitive individuals.


They are, as follows:


Fasoracetam (hypotethically)
Armodafinil (mixed results - may require antipsychotic)

Reboxetine (some results)


Aripiprazole (mixed results)

Brexpiprazole (hypothetically)


Now, full-blown schizo is connected to, according to some strong new evidence, over-expressed synaptic pruning - which should then be counteracted to a 100% by Dihexa - but that's super-experimental and completely bleeding-edge dangerous - I would await further info on the subject before trying it.



(although yes, secretly, the MAD scientist in me wants to track down schizos, cloroform them, shave all of the hair on their heads, mix Dihexa with DMSO and paint their entire head with it - to get fast, powerful, and definitive results on whether Dihexa is the be-all, END-all complete CURE which I hypothesise it to be...)

#53 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 29 November 2016 - 10:50 AM

So Stinko, why do you think it's not working for Schizo and myself? Do you think we've gotten a bad batch (we ordered from the same place)? I almost can't feel I am taking it and I am not even certain (I mistakenly said I was) that the subtle effects I am experiencing are not actually from p5p or something else. I guess we can eliminate mglur2/3 as being dysfunctional in myself? How strong an agonist is fasoracetam even? Is it as strong as nac is?

#54 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 29 November 2016 - 11:09 AM

Well, I can only assume that either the hypothesis regarding mGlur 2-3 receptors is incorrect, or... you need a higher dosage.


MUCH higher.

I would proceed with caution though, since you mentioned anxiogenic effects from your first dose. It's sort of logical that you WOULD get that though, because Schizo-brains and ADHD-brains work in somewhat reverse, and I got NO anxiety from Fasoracetam! Quite the opposite, actually.


There may also be the case that it takes a while to reach therapeutic effects - perhaps you need to be on it for a few weeks before you notice effects? Anyways, don't give up on it yet, give it some more time.



I believe the site you both used is also NOT a highly reputable one - they are quite new and no one seems to be talking about them in the nootropic community - they're certainly not Ceretropic, which has an excellent track-record.


Still, let's assume it's legit and give it some more time. I would also not give up on Fasoracetam just because of this one batch, mistakes do happen, and some vendors are not always honest. Give Ceretropics a go as well, in the future.



Just found some neat info from MisterYouAreSoDumb, the owner of Ceretropics - he's had an in-depth look at the mechanisms of Fasoracetam







What he, and the studies, mention, is that there are sub-types of mGlur II-III, so like mGlur2a, mGlur2b and so on, and that apparently it's not clear which receptors Fasoracetam effects in what way.

It would appear as if Faso is a bit more complicated than I believed... Perhaps it's the subtype which is the problem, and there are specific subtype receptors which need specific modulation in negative symptoms from Schizo.

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 29 November 2016 - 11:18 AM.

#55 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 29 November 2016 - 11:59 AM

Ok I'm at 15mg now and feeling terrible, but it changes back and forth and sometimes I feel unusually relaxed for a moment, and then back to being overstimulated or "out of it" for another moment. Very bizarre racetam.

I also have weird but strong neck-jaw tightness that lasts for a short couple of minutes and happens apparently randomly. What the hell?


I read the entire Reddit thread you linked and found some interesting claims, that some take up to 100mg (the new trial for adhd using fasoracetam was done using 100mg and higher dosages) while others can barely stand 20mg. The fasoracetam trial for adhd excludes people with schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar and etc. That's very interesting. Does it mean that faso has the potential to exacerbate these conditions?




Exclusion Criteria:

  • Subjects with prior diagnosis of comorbid major psychiatric disorders (ie, aside from ADHD), including major depression, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, pervasive development disorder, and intellectual disability.
  • Subject is currently taking a prohibited medication and/or is unwilling to wean off current ADHD medication to participate in the study
  • Subject has a history of any illness that in the opinion of the study investigator might confound the results of the study or poses an additional risk to the subject by his or her participation in the study.
  • Subject has a known history or presence of syncope, cardiac conduction problems (eg, clinically significant heart block), exercise-related cardiac events including syncope and pre-syncope, or clinically significant bradycardia.
  • Subject has a history of stroke, chronic seizures, or major neurological disorder which, in the opinion of the investigator, would interfere with the subject's ability to participate and/or be evaluated in the study.


Does this statement mean what I think it means, namely that it works like an SSRE (not SSRI) does with serotonin, namely lowering plasma levels?



it (faso) is also a high-affinity choline uptake enhancer


#56 mono

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Posted 31 October 2018 - 04:57 AM

I have schizotypal personality disorder and I just made an order for fasoracetam but it seems it got lost in the post somewhere along the way. Anyway, it should be insured, so I can order some more fasoracetam soon and let you know how it effects me too. Personally I think you need to give it a few weeks of dosing to see the effects, at least that is how most racetams are for me. I will post back with updates soon anyway.
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#57 mono

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 05:54 AM

So my FASORACETAM arrived today and I am stacking it with Coluracetam just because. So far day 1 I am not feeling much, however I am definitely feeling a subtle sensation like my brain is switching on, this dopaminergic/gabaergic calmness feeling fits like a jigsaw puzzle piece, the perfect fit to what I am missing. It’s hard to explain but it is like the ‘sore’ part of my brain is getting a gentle massage. I’m not getting a pronounced effect like I normally do from racetams so it may be a placebo. Time will tell and I will keep you updated.

Edited by mono, 15 November 2018 - 05:58 AM.

#58 mono

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 11:53 PM

So it has been almost 3 weeks now that I have been using around 60mg of fasoracetam each day and I have not noticed anything significant. It is disappointing because I was looking forward to the effects of fasoracetam being up there with phenyl and oxi, two race tams I have thoroughly enjoyed. I may keep dosing for a while, or until I run out, and if anything changes I can make an update. But for now, fasoracetam seems to have been a failure for me too :(

Edited by mono, 02 December 2018 - 11:57 PM.

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#59 gintrux

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Posted 13 January 2021 - 01:36 PM

Is anyone interested in this stepholidine group synthesis? It could help with amotivation, anhedonia, apathy. In one study it increased D1, D2 receptors by 40% https://www.longecit...ia-amotivation/

Edited by gintrux, 13 January 2021 - 01:37 PM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: schizophrenia, schizoid, schizotypal, cognition, negative symptoms

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