Started rapa experiment on Feb 04, 2017. Got labs from May 03, 2017 when I got my physical. I will be 71 in July.
Weight 188 lbs., 71" tall, lost 12 lbs most fat. Easy to say no to food with Rapa + Metformin. I expect to be below 180 by my next labs in 3 months. It is not a lose weight pill, but it helps. I'm taking 2000 mg Metformin SR daily, split between morning and late afternoon. I feel that I have control over my eating which I have never had before. No side effects so far. Had a sore on my tongue from Rapa, but went away in 1 day. Rapa is suppose to increase Lipids, and Glucose. With Metformin and Crestor my Lipids and Glucose have actually improved.
Lipids, Total-129, LDL-57, HDL-49, Triglyceride-116 My creatinine(kidney function) went from 135 to 1.04 which was amazing. This usually goes up with age. Expect this to drop even further next time. Fasting Glucose-99. A1C-6.2. Expect both the numbers to drop as I still have 20 more lbs to lose. CBC, WBC 7.50, RBC-4.92, HGB-14.2, HGT-42.9. I have more energy and I feel that goes along with a higher RBC and the other oxygen carrying blood cells. I was borderline anemic which is caused by low RBC counts. If you can carry more oxygen then you will have more stamina and energy. Feeling better for me on this formula is a slow, but steady improvement.
My goal is to have the same smile of happiness as my white dog moniker from the Dog Project.
Will post my labs, side effects, etc. to this post every 3 months. This way it will be easy to compare. If anyone wants to know more blood results just ask.