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Need Your Help for a FREE Nootropic ebook

nootropics ebooks education

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#1 Nootrimaniac

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Posted 05 September 2016 - 05:17 PM

Hello nootropic users. My dad works in the field of neurology and I got him to try nootropics. He tried sulbutiamine and he absolutely love the benefits he got from it. 


He just ordered a bunch of nootropics after he researched how some substances stimulates NGF (Nerve growth factor). And the ones that reduce depression without serious side effects you can get from prescription drugs.


Now he also wants to write an ebook where he want to help user understand nootorpics better. It will most likely be available for free online. 100%


If you could take 5 minutes of your time, I would appreciate you, and answer quick questions regarding nootropics. So the book actually helps people with their brain chemistry.


Questions asked;<<Answer them here at Survey Planet<<

  1. what's the single biggest fear you have when it comes to nootropics?
  2. What's happening as a result of this?
  3. what have you tried so far that hasn't worked?
  4. What's the single biggest question you have when it comes to nootropics?





#2 jadan23

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Posted 14 July 2022 - 08:35 AM

Thank you for this post. Found it very informative and it's all about ebook. If you have any PDF book that you want to share with the community, upload it to pdfdrive.

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