It seems that some of us fear that Christians or religious people are going to hold back life extension and be negative about it. But At least the idea of heaven is a form of eternal life so technically they are more open to it than some new Atheists. In the Bible 120 is the optimal age for humans and Noah apparently lived close to a thousand years. From my perspective at least with many religious people I know I used this argument and they seem to be more open to eternal life even if it meant living to 120 as a young person if that was their limit or even 1000 since Noah had lived that long.
But new atheists like Dawkins, The Amazing Atheist, Sam Harris, and the author Michael Shermer are so against the idea of life extension that it makes me fear them more than religious people in terms of progress being made.
Their excuses of the second law of thermodynamics and the excuse that "our genres are immortal and get passed on" is a stupid excuse to not pursue life extension.
You would think atheists like those mentioned above would push for life extension regardless of their age since not believing in an afterlife and knowing this is the only life we have would motivate them to encourage this research. But they seem to use the same damn excuses as a typical deathist has.
Alot of these atheists seem to be rather older and cynical of life in general so maybe they might want to live a long time, but they fear since they are older they have less of a chance of making it LEV so instead of encourage the progress, they want to take down the younger generations with them by saying its not possible and halt progress as much as they can. I could be wrong but this is what I believe.
There was a video by Dawkins saying the idea of his fellow atheists and humans in general pursuing life extension is laughable and selfish and the universe does not care and we should focus on saving the planet for the next generation.
Stuff like this makes me very sad and angry.
Whats your thoughts on this and why do you personally think well known scientists and atheists seem to promote defeatism?.
Here is the article
Edited by LifeFan, 22 September 2016 - 08:15 AM.