Would anybody know?
Not to be too much of a downer, but some of us have been playing around with resverstrol concoctions for more than a decade; I think if it did anything glorious to "slow aging" we might have hints by now. And Sinclair declared to have developed compounds "thousands of times more bioavailable than resverstrol..." when did he say that, like five years ago, ha, so I'd say save your money, eat a plant based diet, experiment with hunger and food deprivation, stay lean and fit, reduce stress, and wait for better SENs like solutions to come online.
Meanwhile, it's frustrating, ain't it?
Yeah when googling MCT and resveratrol I just never found anything specific to that or lipids or oils but maybe I wasn't doing the right search. Just one more idea of what might work but you're right, by now we should have been seeing some kind of results similar to CR in terms of slowing aging or reversing it.
I cannot restrict my diet, it would destroy all productivity and life would only seem longer because I'd be miserable, and from all the research I did over the past couple of days on fasting, there is very little research or evidence to support fasting for 72 hrs as a way to regenerate the immune system. Either no one has tried duplicating the 2014 experiment or they did try it and failed and the results were never published because they weren't positive. Also the longer lived a species, the less CR works as a solution apparently, according to Aburey De Grey.
My life is pretty stress free, especially after working from home and getting rid of my car and living in the city and getting toxic people out of my life. I'm sure I pretty much bought myself 10 years on that alone. I'm still single at 42, and age isn't helpful in that arena, so yeah, super frustrating there as well. I want my youth back.
All this aside, there is still so very little research on pterostilbene compared to resveratrol, and nobody knows if it even works the same way, or that it even activates SIRT. The claim is that it does but there is zero evidence for that (due to no research for that specifically). So I was hoping that the above issues with resveratrol could be resolved somehow and wondering whether anyone tried it in lipid solutions.
Edited by Nate-2004, 05 October 2016 - 05:53 PM.