Not recommended, but:
More than 20 alkaloids have been identified in Kratom by various researchers; the most abundant is mitragynine, an indole alkaloin. /One study/ reported 66.2% mitragynine in the crude base extract of young Kratom leaves from Thailand. ... Several analogues of mitragynine, namely paynantheine, speciogynine, speciociliatine, and 7-alpha-hydroxy-7H-mitragynine, are also found in Kratom extracts. Analysis of a methanol extract with GC/MSD identified both mitragynine and another alkaloid, rhynchophylline
kratom is an amazing healing herb
Must you oppose everything I say? Are you Matt or Anne from hs? You play the parts all too well. Now please carry on prepping your kratom stockpiles, busy bird, and leave the science to less paranoid people. One sad lonely night, you literally began preaching how acetone residue explained all ginkgo's stimulatory effects & how acetone was highly poisonous, and you found a people naive enough to believe it. It took an overwhelming amount of evidence to dispel the belief. And you paid no attention to ginkgolic acid or other legitimate contaminants. Further, you take every chance you get to hate on green tea. Why, what did it do to you? Did you even try a Japanese-direct vendor? No!? The list goes on, norm. So, would you be so good as to take your talents to blulight? I would like to say I have a love-hate with you, but that would be an exaggeration, some would say a lie.
Btwwwwwwww people, I just contacted nootropics depot, powder city, and a few other obscurist sites. Will report. They have skullcap and polygala ffs
i keep telling you i have been drinking nothing but japanese tea and you keep telling me to order japanese tea to try it.... i give up discussing tea with you
another one i wouldnt recommend is skullcap as too many reports of liver toxicity