Yeah, I'm new. Great. Hi. Now on to my topic. ~_-
So, I discovered David Pearce's web of websites just recently, which marks my first proper contact with the topic of nootropics (and a few other subjects). Interesting stuff. Eminently clear and sober writing. He's also managed to get me sold on Selegiline (l-deprenyl). Mind you that when I'm "sold" it mostly just means I'll actually open up my mind to the possibility of trying it. Although the fact that I've actually ordered some of it may contradict that somewhat..
Anyway, I'll continue to be wary of this substance until the moment when I pop my first pill, and after that.. but maybe this thread will make me a bit less wary, and hopefully more informed.
I'll just start asking. Will the fact that I'm 19 years of age pose a problem? I've been thinking about aiming for a 5mg per day routine. I know that some people would probably much prefer it if I didn't even break the 1mg mark. Yeah, well, I'm worried, too, so I may well end up doing that, but please note that I'm looking for stronger motivation, mood and a means of battling some really irritating anxiety tendencies, perhaps somewhat at the expense of the optimal dosage needed for the potentially life-extending effects if need be. Maybe I'll start out with the small dose, and then fade in from 1mg per day to 5mg (or less if it feels sufficient) per day over the course of a week. How's that idea? I'm saying as little as a week, because I'm assuming right now that MAO Type B inhibition sets in and starts working at full capacity after just a few hours (source). Tell me if I've gotten bad info on that front. And sure, it wouldn't pose a problem to make it two weeks instead.
Also, I hope I haven't bought some wild mutant versions of Selegiline here, although I don't consider that very probable. From two different sources, Good Health Pharmacy and Healthy Choice Pharmacy, I got:
"SELGIN (Selegiline, Eldepryl)" (5mg tablet form)
Now, I'm hoping that Selgin isn't Russian for "Haha, you're screwed now!" I'm also hoping that these guys are planning to deliver (not that they have broken their deadline or anything). The convincing way to know if they are would be, of course, if anyone of you could tell me you have actually gotten anything from any of these these two. The most startling thing for me, in retrospect, is how similar the names of the two shops are. But, err, that says or proves nothing, so never mind. Also, the chances of these tablets not containing the advertised 5mg in favor of some other random amount is obscenely tiny, right?
Back to the substance at hand, I have another question. Should I be unresponsive to a dose of 1mg, can I consider it indicative of the levels of dopamine and/or phenylethylamine present in my brain? If so, what levels would those be? Sorry for asking in a bit of an avoidant fashion, but I just don't want to jump right to the conclusion that nonresponsiveness means it will be safe® when my knowledge is as limited as it is. One interesting thing is that David Pearce created in himself a 40%-70% increase in synaptic dopamine via a 2 x 5 mg daily Selegiline intake, and was apparently none the worse off for it. With these big numbers in mind, could I get an explanation of what "too much dopamine" really means? That seems like a really important thing to understand.
Some miscellaneous, speculative-and-unverified-as-hell reasons why I'm optimistic about this drug have to do with self-observations regarding the wanting/liking axis, the suggestion that behavior (such as some kind of passivity) can substantially affect dopamine activity over time and the fact that I more and more quite simply seem to exhibit traits that suggest low dopamine levels. But on the other hand, I may be minimally biologically deviant, and I suspect Selegiline could add something valuable nonetheless, crucially without clouding any part of the intellect, even to a 19-year-old's mind. I know my intellect is clouded now.. but that may be because it's very late... *yawn*