Weyl fermions
I read about big wax prisms that were like 1 mm apart and evanscent microwaves propagated between them, (UC berekely physics lab online) so since WF are at least sometimes the result of nonsymmetric crystal structures, and people have even noticed weyl fermions at microwave energies I think that constructing an evanescent wave edge to a WF crystal is possible. Then, group them like a trivial pursuit hexagon, see if it is possible to tilt the segments slightly so that a “river” of weyl fermion evanescent waves can extend out the dorsal end of the thing. That gives you a weyl fermion stream to do things with, rather than an observable effect, just at an unusual crystal shape.
although i am ignorant, i am reminded of things like plasmonics and phonons. Is it possible to create a 3d plasmonic space with the right crystal order (asymmetric crystal) to create weyl fermions at a "plasmonic place" a plasmonic place could be the surface (and depth) of silicon, or possibly a plasma, or more likely a spin-polarized plasma like that spin polarized Xenon gas that retasins the shape of containers? So, simply restated, is it possible to make the equivalent to crystal environment that rpoduces weyl fermions with a plasmonic substrate? then you could custom form or massively array these weyl fermion generators using lasers, which might benefit mass production of weyl fermions.
A person at quora mentioned piezoelectricity, I thought that the other effect, where if you vibrate a quartz crystal ir prodcues electricity, as comared to electrifying one until it vibrates could be used to flex one of those crystal geometries that weyl fermions appear at. Piezo crystals actuaslly might make electricity from mooving a bandgap, so making a piezo version of somethingorothertantalate next to an evanscent wave “communicating” prism might also create pulsed directable weyl fermions
Also technologies that could be made with weyl fermions are a new version of the delayed quantum choice eraser that extends farther in time. That way there would be two different kinds of time machines based on DCQE
Hall effect sensors might be able to respond to the new kinds of electromagnetic fields that WF produce creating new kinds of distance sensing of magnetic fields like better MRI
I wonder if WF can be quantum entangled like regular electrons, then you could use the quantum camera effect to make magnetic fields at a far distance, while measuring the fields fluctuations at an in-device hall sensor, so that would be sensing magnetism at far distances, which would be new kind of sensor.
Edited by treonsverdery, 04 November 2016 - 07:58 PM.