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hdac inhibitor hdaci hdac fear extinction learning memory long-term memory vorinostat saha

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#181 musicman4534

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 10:09 PM


I've taken up to 50mg and it just doesn't do anything bar give me a flushed feeling and bloodshot eyes. Also it doesn't take away fear/ still have the same worries and thought processes. Sadly i fear it doesn't work for my Genetics. Will be hit and miss for some.

Did you buy from this group buy or strangelove? This group buy wasn't tested so it may not be vorinostat and you could be taking something toxic. Just be weary of that and take precaution. Stay safe!



lol nooooo, I didn't get it professionally tested but it acts the exact same as the first vorinostat I tried a year ago as well as strangelove's batch, so this is indeed vorinostat.


Nothing works the same for 100% of people, so yes just listen to your body and see how you react. I've thrown out batches of nootropics because they haven't worked... it sucks, but it was worth trying you know. Vorinostat and hdac inhibitors have been relatively well-studied, so it is going to work for 99% of people.


I got a headache from 50mg, but I like 50mg because of the power it gives me to completely remake myself and my habits. 25mg was easier, but I felt it wasn't as strong. The first time I did it I did 150mg, and this didn't give me any benefit over 50mg, looking back.


I've been moving and had a lot of changes in my life the last month, so I haven't been active in this thread, but I hope to become more active now that my life is settling come February. I've had some good experiences with vorinostat lately, mainly taking it passively when I know I'm going to be out and about with an easy day, taking the energy to remain conscious of how I'm acting, how I'd like to act, and what I'd like to learn for myself. I have yet to use it for studying, but will be doing so soon come February. I find that the effects of vorinostat when I take it "passively" are noticed by my self sometimes after the fact... it will dawn on me that where tightness and anxiousness used to be is this space that is sort of blank, so there is room to make new habits even when off the vorinostat. It seems then that vorinostat can be taken in some situations to at least get rid of some fears, and that habits can be formed in its stead during the sessions as well as after the fact. They are these experiences that are leading me to think a sort of vorinostat cycle is the best way to use vorinostat. Taking 40mg two or three times a week during various experiences for a month or two will dramatically create room and speed up the process of you becoming a clearer person (deletion of anxiety/fear), having different habits, etcetera. I believe it has an additive effect as the mind and body sift through different experiences and thoughts, and that by ten sessions, say, the mind will have sifted through many aspects of one's self, clearing anxiety and creating room for new habits and creating a more even self. I get this idea, which sounds philosophical almost, from knowing how an HDAC inhibitor works mechanistically in the body... one must bring up an experience or memory for the fears surrounding it to be cleared by vorinostat... the DNA transcription must be opened actively, so the more you take vorinostat, the more memories and fears will be touched as you naturally have different experiences/unconsciously think different thoughts, creating an additive effect, and creating room for the creation of new habits in the coming weeks/months.

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#182 cbkid

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Posted 30 January 2017 - 10:39 PM

I've taken up to 50mg and it just doesn't do anything bar give me a flushed feeling and bloodshot eyes. Also it doesn't take away fear/ still have the same worries and thought processes. Sadly i fear it doesn't work for my Genetics. Will be hit and miss for some.

Did you buy from this group buy or strangelove? This group buy wasn't tested so it may not be vorinostat and you could be taking something toxic. Just be weary of that and take precaution. Stay safe!

lol nooooo, I didn't get it professionally tested but it acts the exact same as the first vorinostat I tried a year ago as well as strangelove's batch, so this is indeed vorinostat.

Nothing works the same for 100% of people, so yes just listen to your body and see how you react. I've thrown out batches of nootropics because they haven't worked... it sucks, but it was worth trying you know. Vorinostat and hdac inhibitors have been relatively well-studied, so it is going to work for 99% of people.

I got a headache from 50mg, but I like 50mg because of the power it gives me to completely remake myself and my habits. 25mg was easier, but I felt it wasn't as strong. The first time I did it I did 150mg, and this didn't give me any benefit over 50mg, looking back.

I've been moving and had a lot of changes in my life the last month, so I haven't been active in this thread, but I hope to become more active now that my life is settling come February. I've had some good experiences with vorinostat lately, mainly taking it passively when I know I'm going to be out and about with an easy day, taking the energy to remain conscious of how I'm acting, how I'd like to act, and what I'd like to learn for myself. I have yet to use it for studying, but will be doing so soon come February. I find that the effects of vorinostat when I take it "passively" are noticed by my self sometimes after the fact... it will dawn on me that where tightness and anxiousness used to be is this space that is sort of blank, so there is room to make new habits even when off the vorinostat. It seems then that vorinostat can be taken in some situations to at least get rid of some fears, and that habits can be formed in its stead during the sessions as well as after the fact. They are these experiences that are leading me to think a sort of vorinostat cycle is the best way to use vorinostat. Taking 40mg two or three times a week during various experiences for a month or two will dramatically create room and speed up the process of you becoming a clearer person (deletion of anxiety/fear), having different habits, etcetera. I believe it has an additive effect as the mind and body sift through different experiences and thoughts, and that by ten sessions, say, the mind will have sifted through many aspects of one's self, clearing anxiety and creating room for new habits and creating a more even self. I get this idea, which sounds philosophical almost, from knowing how an HDAC inhibitor works mechanistically in the body... one must bring up an experience or memory for the fears surrounding it to be cleared by vorinostat... the DNA transcription must be opened actively, so the more you take vorinostat, the more memories and fears will be touched as you naturally have different experiences/unconsciously think different thoughts, creating an additive effect, and creating room for the creation of new habits in the coming weeks/months.

Do you think exposing yourself (going out in public if you have social anxiety) and then immediately after going into a sensory deprivation tank for two hours, would be beneficial?

I know you either do exposure therapy or do some sort of mediation, but can they be combined in one session?

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#183 musicman4534

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Posted 09 February 2017 - 09:55 AM




I've taken up to 50mg and it just doesn't do anything bar give me a flushed feeling and bloodshot eyes. Also it doesn't take away fear/ still have the same worries and thought processes. Sadly i fear it doesn't work for my Genetics. Will be hit and miss for some.

Did you buy from this group buy or strangelove? This group buy wasn't tested so it may not be vorinostat and you could be taking something toxic. Just be weary of that and take precaution. Stay safe!

lol nooooo, I didn't get it professionally tested but it acts the exact same as the first vorinostat I tried a year ago as well as strangelove's batch, so this is indeed vorinostat.

Nothing works the same for 100% of people, so yes just listen to your body and see how you react. I've thrown out batches of nootropics because they haven't worked... it sucks, but it was worth trying you know. Vorinostat and hdac inhibitors have been relatively well-studied, so it is going to work for 99% of people.

I got a headache from 50mg, but I like 50mg because of the power it gives me to completely remake myself and my habits. 25mg was easier, but I felt it wasn't as strong. The first time I did it I did 150mg, and this didn't give me any benefit over 50mg, looking back.

I've been moving and had a lot of changes in my life the last month, so I haven't been active in this thread, but I hope to become more active now that my life is settling come February. I've had some good experiences with vorinostat lately, mainly taking it passively when I know I'm going to be out and about with an easy day, taking the energy to remain conscious of how I'm acting, how I'd like to act, and what I'd like to learn for myself. I have yet to use it for studying, but will be doing so soon come February. I find that the effects of vorinostat when I take it "passively" are noticed by my self sometimes after the fact... it will dawn on me that where tightness and anxiousness used to be is this space that is sort of blank, so there is room to make new habits even when off the vorinostat. It seems then that vorinostat can be taken in some situations to at least get rid of some fears, and that habits can be formed in its stead during the sessions as well as after the fact. They are these experiences that are leading me to think a sort of vorinostat cycle is the best way to use vorinostat. Taking 40mg two or three times a week during various experiences for a month or two will dramatically create room and speed up the process of you becoming a clearer person (deletion of anxiety/fear), having different habits, etcetera. I believe it has an additive effect as the mind and body sift through different experiences and thoughts, and that by ten sessions, say, the mind will have sifted through many aspects of one's self, clearing anxiety and creating room for new habits and creating a more even self. I get this idea, which sounds philosophical almost, from knowing how an HDAC inhibitor works mechanistically in the body... one must bring up an experience or memory for the fears surrounding it to be cleared by vorinostat... the DNA transcription must be opened actively, so the more you take vorinostat, the more memories and fears will be touched as you naturally have different experiences/unconsciously think different thoughts, creating an additive effect, and creating room for the creation of new habits in the coming weeks/months.

Do you think exposing yourself (going out in public if you have social anxiety) and then immediately after going into a sensory deprivation tank for two hours, would be beneficial?

I know you either do exposure therapy or do some sort of mediation, but can they be combined in one session?

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As I take more vorinostat, I'm beginning to think it's fine to take for just about any situation. Perhaps if you only have four more sessions' worth I would save those sessions for times you know you'll be stable and fairly pleasant, but other than that I've had great luck taking it in all sorts of situations. There have been a couple bad habits exacerbated during a sessions, but they always disappear with the next one, so the trend through all the sessions is very positive. I just took about 20mg an hour and a half ago and already this evening I've felt I've digested what I've learned the past week, and now I'm studying for a test. We'll see if it helps me for the test!

So I assume everyone got their vorinostat? Any stories yet?


It's quite subtle in effect, as it doesn't directly change your mood, so it takes some getting used to and thinking to realize what exactly is going on. I find I'm most aware of its effects in social situations, especially ones I haven't encountered on vorinostat before.


I still have quite a bit, about 20 grams or so, for sale if anyone would like some.



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#184 Junk Master

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Posted 09 February 2017 - 05:06 PM

I've been working on various ways to enhance the meditative experience, among them including wim hof style breathing sessions before meditation, meditating while in ketosis, meditating in extreme temperatures, both hot and cold.  So far I've had the most pronounced response to meditating after wim hof style breathing sessions, but this week will try a couple sessions of meditation on Vorinostat.


On one hand it seems almost a waste of Vorinostat to take it while meditating instead of in a controlled, social situation, or say in a therapy setting, or even rolling the dice and taking it in an extreme situation and hoping for a positive outcome that's magnified and extended.


However, I'm really intrigued to see if Vorinostat will enhance and extend the post meditative calm, centered feeling.

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#185 Whalefallen

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Posted 16 February 2017 - 10:26 PM

Hey everyone! Major props to Evan and Strangelove for putting this thing together. I’ve taken vorinostat twice, and the second time I had some heart palpitations which I’m not sure is due to the vorinostat or a bungled ashwagandha dose, and I'm not sure if I should worry or not. Full details posted below if anyone is interested.


About me


Male, late 20s. I do moderate cardio exercise about three times a week. No previous heart issues that I know of.


First dose


I took my first dose of Vorinostat two weeks ago, 15 mg. It didn't do a lot for my main aversion (smells pertaining to a certain situation), but I did feel it shave off a little background anxiety as well as make it temporarily easier to do some things I've been procrastinating on (could be placebo of course). No adverse effects aside from some anxiety which I think came from the apprehension from using an unusual/experimental substance. Since I’m not used to taking unusual drugs, I have a pretty limited sense of what is normal and what isn’t when it comes to side effects and such.


Second dose


My second time trying it was a week ago, I did about 35 mg. Still not strong enough to break through my main aversion. I’d read some posts that advocated taking it on an empty stomach, so I only had a light lunch that day and then took the vorinostat around dinnertime, not eating anything until just before midnight. I was feeling a bit anxious and down while on the vorinostat, maybe due to low blood sugar and being disappointed that it didn't remove my main aversion altogether (which I had been hoping for).


I should mention that I’ve been taking a pill of ashwagandha every evening for about five months or so to combat chronic stress, if I miss a dose I generally wake up at night with heart palpitations, anxiety and a feeling of cortisol coursing through the body (i.e. rebound anxiety). In order to minimise interactions with the vorinostat, I took my ash dose about 2-3 hours later than usual this time, just before going to sleep.


Having taken the vorinostat at about 6.30 pm, I took ash and went to sleep at midnight only to wake up at about 2 am with pretty intense heart palpitations and a general cortisol feeling, and then slept pretty badly throughout most of the night. Now, this felt a lot like the rebound anxiety I usually get at night whenever I forget to take ashwagandha, but I DID take my ashwagandha this time, only at a later hour than usual (guess I ate just before going to bed as well). The palpitations continued when I woke up that morning, and by that point, I was seriously freaking out that I had incurred the wrath of cardiotoxicity and was going to die. (I also freaked out about not knowing what to tell emergency medical services if I had to call them). The palpitations subsided gradually over the course of the day, going on a bit longer than I've had ash rebound anxiety go on previously.


The palpitations seemed to lessen when I succeeded in diverting my attention and became worse when I fixated on the pounding and imagining the worst possible outcome. They also triggered my IBS, which is strongly stress-related, so I guess those are two things that point to it being a psychosomatic freak out rather than a physiological reaction to the Vorinostat.


Question/the (possibly overblown) issue


So, does anyone have any idea as to what I could try going forward, or what I should watch for? Or if vorinostat could have some bad interactions with ashwagandha or the thyroid? I would ideally like to try 50-60mg at least once as I think it might help get rid of my main aversion for good. But I am also don't want to die from long QT syndrome or hyperthyroidism or some such thing :( I know that these dosages are pretty low compared to e.g. that 800mg study, but still. Am I making a mountain out of a molehill here? It would be such an ENORMOUS relief if I could just use this a few more times to get my life back.


Now, from my obsessing above, it might be apparent that I've developed a certain amount of anxiety surrounding vorinostat use... Which muddles things a bit. Guess I could use some vorinostat to clear that up, heh.





Took my second and largest vorinostat dose yet, 35mg. Was awoken by heart palpitations during the following night and am unsure if it could be something sinister related to the vorinostat or just mistimed ashwagandha rebound anxiety. Dunno how to proceed.

#186 StabMe

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Posted 10 March 2017 - 06:16 PM

Have all of you guys who participated in the group buy received your package?


Mine never came :(

#187 Brazzo

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Posted 10 March 2017 - 07:24 PM

Have all of you guys who participated in the group buy received your package?


Mine never came :(


Yes I received mine and I think the others too. But, I wonder why the disscussion about Vorinotstat got so quiet?


For my it was a fail unfortunately. I tried different dosages, as well as orally/sublingually and never mixed it with anything else.

Effects I had:  increased anxiety for some hours, afterwards back to baseline. Nothing positive here.

#188 StabMe

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Posted 10 March 2017 - 08:08 PM

Yeah, i also noticed that all the positive expectations kinda waned. Still have the hopes, though. 

#189 monowav

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Posted 10 March 2017 - 11:51 PM

Yeah I didn't try it since it couldn't be verified by any third party. Also vorinostat can decrease NRG1, so that may be the reason why you're having palpitations.



Hey everyone! Major props to Evan and Strangelove for putting this thing together. I’ve taken vorinostat twice, and the second time I had some heart palpitations which I’m not sure is due to the vorinostat or a bungled ashwagandha dose, and I'm not sure if I should worry or not. Full details posted below if anyone is interested.


About me


Male, late 20s. I do moderate cardio exercise about three times a week. No previous heart issues that I know of.


First dose


I took my first dose of Vorinostat two weeks ago, 15 mg. It didn't do a lot for my main aversion (smells pertaining to a certain situation), but I did feel it shave off a little background anxiety as well as make it temporarily easier to do some things I've been procrastinating on (could be placebo of course). No adverse effects aside from some anxiety which I think came from the apprehension from using an unusual/experimental substance. Since I’m not used to taking unusual drugs, I have a pretty limited sense of what is normal and what isn’t when it comes to side effects and such.


Second dose


My second time trying it was a week ago, I did about 35 mg. Still not strong enough to break through my main aversion. I’d read some posts that advocated taking it on an empty stomach, so I only had a light lunch that day and then took the vorinostat around dinnertime, not eating anything until just before midnight. I was feeling a bit anxious and down while on the vorinostat, maybe due to low blood sugar and being disappointed that it didn't remove my main aversion altogether (which I had been hoping for).


I should mention that I’ve been taking a pill of ashwagandha every evening for about five months or so to combat chronic stress, if I miss a dose I generally wake up at night with heart palpitations, anxiety and a feeling of cortisol coursing through the body (i.e. rebound anxiety). In order to minimise interactions with the vorinostat, I took my ash dose about 2-3 hours later than usual this time, just before going to sleep.


Having taken the vorinostat at about 6.30 pm, I took ash and went to sleep at midnight only to wake up at about 2 am with pretty intense heart palpitations and a general cortisol feeling, and then slept pretty badly throughout most of the night. Now, this felt a lot like the rebound anxiety I usually get at night whenever I forget to take ashwagandha, but I DID take my ashwagandha this time, only at a later hour than usual (guess I ate just before going to bed as well). The palpitations continued when I woke up that morning, and by that point, I was seriously freaking out that I had incurred the wrath of cardiotoxicity and was going to die. (I also freaked out about not knowing what to tell emergency medical services if I had to call them). The palpitations subsided gradually over the course of the day, going on a bit longer than I've had ash rebound anxiety go on previously.


The palpitations seemed to lessen when I succeeded in diverting my attention and became worse when I fixated on the pounding and imagining the worst possible outcome. They also triggered my IBS, which is strongly stress-related, so I guess those are two things that point to it being a psychosomatic freak out rather than a physiological reaction to the Vorinostat.


Question/the (possibly overblown) issue


So, does anyone have any idea as to what I could try going forward, or what I should watch for? Or if vorinostat could have some bad interactions with ashwagandha or the thyroid? I would ideally like to try 50-60mg at least once as I think it might help get rid of my main aversion for good. But I am also don't want to die from long QT syndrome or hyperthyroidism or some such thing :( I know that these dosages are pretty low compared to e.g. that 800mg study, but still. Am I making a mountain out of a molehill here? It would be such an ENORMOUS relief if I could just use this a few more times to get my life back.


Now, from my obsessing above, it might be apparent that I've developed a certain amount of anxiety surrounding vorinostat use... Which muddles things a bit. Guess I could use some vorinostat to clear that up, heh.





Took my second and largest vorinostat dose yet, 35mg. Was awoken by heart palpitations during the following night and am unsure if it could be something sinister related to the vorinostat or just mistimed ashwagandha rebound anxiety. Dunno how to proceed.



#190 CitizenScientist

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Posted 11 March 2017 - 12:34 AM

I tried it twice, the first time was sublingual, the second was sublingual and insufflated. The sessions were a week apart.

I didn't have a pervasive fear or anxiety to address, so my interest was in addressing several more general or benign triggers or anxieties. One thing I'll say is that I intended to address personal issues affecting my relationships, but ended up single by the time I tried vorinostat. As such, I didn't get to see the dynamic interpersonal results that may have come from it.

Both times, I consumed the vorinostat, waited​ 20 minutes or so, then worked​ through some thought patterns, using prompts or just mental imagery. I had lists of things I wanted to improve and worked my way through them.

I found that some triggers disappeared. When I come across them now,I have the memory that they used to provoke negative thoughts, with the realisation that it is no longer present. The experience is not unlike what had been described in other user reports, except that it wasn't a huge load that was lifted from my shoulders. To me it feels like more of a curiosity, and a chance to look at my mental state from a more distant or objective perspective. More generally, I feel like some prior mental negativity is now alleviated. But it's not especially profound. Hopefully it's enough to lead me to the next breadcrumb.

I may give it another try for fear extinction, but I'll definitely do a session to test out the learning potential.

I have a few more details about my sessions if anyone is interested, but since my experience is middle-of-the-road, I didn't see the need to go into too much detail here.
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#191 StabMe

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Posted 11 March 2017 - 08:15 PM

So, as the group buy is over and SL has stopped selling Vorinostat, can anyone recommend any other supplier?

#192 musicman4534

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Posted 13 March 2017 - 07:50 AM

Hey StabMe! Things have been slightly crazy the past few weeks, so I haven't been able to get your package out, but I am working on the packages tomorrow, yours included. I'll come back and update here tomorrow (it's 10PM here in Hawaii).


I've had great luck with it so far... It has released a lot of anxious tension, and I've been able to make leaps and bounds in my social behavior and how I feel out in public. I've been taking about 30mg a few times a week in continually more complex situations. At first I did it when I would just be alone in my room or walking around, but I've since taken it before going to class, work, and parties/events. This had led to me covering a significant amount of ground as far as anxieties being extinguished as well as replacing that anxiety with what I can only describe as a new self. It allows me to make leaps and bounds in what I'm working towards socially.


I still have about 20g left.



#193 StabMe

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Posted 16 March 2017 - 05:32 PM

Hey StabMe! Things have been slightly crazy the past few weeks, so I haven't been able to get your package out, but I am working on the packages tomorrow, yours included. I'll come back and update here tomorrow (it's 10PM here in Hawaii).

I've had great luck with it so far... It has released a lot of anxious tension, and I've been able to make leaps and bounds in my social behavior and how I feel out in public. I've been taking about 30mg a few times a week in continually more complex situations. At first I did it when I would just be alone in my room or walking around, but I've since taken it before going to class, work, and parties/events. This had led to me covering a significant amount of ground as far as anxieties being extinguished as well as replacing that anxiety with what I can only describe as a new self. It allows me to make leaps and bounds in what I'm working towards socially.

I still have about 20g left.


Wow, i thought you already sent it a long time ago.

Hope you send it soon, man.

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#194 Whalefallen

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Posted 22 March 2017 - 12:50 PM

Update: So after that first time when I got heart palpitations, I decided that it was probably just bad luck with the ashwagandha timing, and that I was freaking out overly much (I have a bit of health anxiety, some of the stuff on this board is pretty much body horror to me :laugh: ). Since my main trigger hadn't disappeared, I decided to dose 55 mg to see if it would do the trick, making sure to take the ashwagandha more properly this time.

Well, bad idea, I had another bout of pretty intense anxiety, followed by a night of heart palpitations. My main trigger didn't budge at all. What I'm currently leaning towards is that the vorinostat immediately cancelled the built-up effect of the ashwagandha, basically hurling me instantly into the rebound anxiety and cortisol/heart palpitations, and that this release of anxiety blocked any fear extinction that might otherwise have taken place.

One reason I believe this is because during that night when I had the heart palpitations and stuff, I also noticed that I didn't have to drink as much water and that I didn't become dehydrated as rapidly as I used to. Me becoming really hot and dehydrated easily is one of the main side effects from ashwagandha that starts after I've been taking it a while and disappears a few days after cessation, and this time it just instantly disappeared!

That was a few weeks back, and I'm currently trying to get off the ashwagandha, but it's actually proving pretty hard – I've only tried one week off yet, but I started feeling pretty low and anxious. Was quite the relief when I started taking it again. I hope I didn't make myself epigenetically addicted to ashwagandha? In that case, I wonder if it would be healthy for me to retake vorinostat in a couple of weeks, after the ashwagandha has been clear of my body for some time, to remove any potentially harmful imprints? Would also be interesting to see if the fear extinction would work this time without the confounding factor of the ashwagandha. (I'd go easy on the dosing though, maybe 15-20 mg to start with just to see if my reaction's any different).

Edited by Whalefallen, 22 March 2017 - 01:36 PM.

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#195 Junipersun

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 01:05 PM

Update: So after that first time when I got heart palpitations, I decided that it was probably just bad luck with the ashwagandha timing, and that I was freaking out overly much (I have a bit of health anxiety, some of the stuff on this board is pretty much body horror to me :laugh: ). Since my main trigger hadn't disappeared, I decided to dose 55 mg to see if it would do the trick, making sure to take the ashwagandha more properly this time.



What exactly did you do to facilitate fear extinction besides taking the vorinostat?

#196 StabMe

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 01:12 PM

Hey StabMe! Things have been slightly crazy the past few weeks, so I haven't been able to get your package out, but I am working on the packages tomorrow, yours included. I'll come back and update here tomorrow (it's 10PM here in Hawaii).


Hey Evan!

Were you able to send the stuff?

Really excited to try it!

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#197 Whalefallen

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 02:04 PM

Update: So after that first time when I got heart palpitations, I decided that it was probably just bad luck with the ashwagandha timing, and that I was freaking out overly much (I have a bit of health anxiety, some of the stuff on this board is pretty much body horror to me :laugh: ). Since my main trigger hadn't disappeared, I decided to dose 55 mg to see if it would do the trick, making sure to take the ashwagandha more properly this time.

What exactly did you do to facilitate fear extinction besides taking the vorinostat?
Expose myself to the three or so big aversions (a set of smells, some visuals, a topic of conversation) for about 40 minutes each, trying to reach habituation.

Edited by Whalefallen, 23 March 2017 - 02:05 PM.

#198 Junipersun

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 03:08 PM



Update: So after that first time when I got heart palpitations, I decided that it was probably just bad luck with the ashwagandha timing, and that I was freaking out overly much (I have a bit of health anxiety, some of the stuff on this board is pretty much body horror to me :laugh: ). Since my main trigger hadn't disappeared, I decided to dose 55 mg to see if it would do the trick, making sure to take the ashwagandha more properly this time.

What exactly did you do to facilitate fear extinction besides taking the vorinostat?
Expose myself to the three or so big aversions (a set of smells, some visuals, a topic of conversation) for about 40 minutes each, trying to reach habituation.



Just a few suggestions: Did you feel a decrease in anxiety from starting the exposition after 40 minutes? If not, 40 minutes may not be long enough. It's important that you feel a change in anxiety in each session, otherwise it is very possible even to get worse. In many cases, 90 minutes is what is needed. In addition to that, don't expect to see HUGE changes after 1 or 2 sessions. Expsosition therapy in OCD or PTSD takes more like 5-15 sessions to see a real difference. If that doesn't work out, I'd encourge you to try a different method. It is really rare that people develop an aversion to certain triggers without any "traumatic" experience in the past that has something to do with that triggers. You may need to reprocess these experiences to find relief. You can look into EMDR for that, I started a topic about my experiences with HDACis + EMDR.

Edited by Junipersun, 23 March 2017 - 03:09 PM.

#199 Alex Willson

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Posted 01 April 2017 - 12:52 PM

Hi Evan


Are you still selling the vorinostat? I have sent you several messages, but haven't heard from you?



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#200 Junipersun

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Posted 02 April 2017 - 07:29 PM

Hi Evan


Are you still selling the vorinostat? I have sent you several messages, but haven't heard from you?




Look in the NSI-thread, he posted there when he will come back to answer messages.

#201 KieranA001

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Posted 03 April 2017 - 09:32 AM

I haven't tried this in ages because after the first few doses I didn't feel much. Do you think it might help me overcome a breakup? 

#202 InternetRobert

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Posted 03 April 2017 - 10:12 PM

I haven't tried this in ages because after the first few doses I didn't feel much. Do you think it might help me overcome a breakup? 

That doesn't sound like a correct usage for me, as this has nothing to do with fear.

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#203 KieranA001

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Posted 05 April 2017 - 09:39 AM


I haven't tried this in ages because after the first few doses I didn't feel much. Do you think it might help me overcome a breakup? 

That doesn't sound like a correct usage for me, as this has nothing to do with fear.



Okay thank you, was just curious because I heard it removes bad memories, or traumatic events so wasn't sure if it would help. Thanks for clarifying. :-) 

#204 Ben

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Posted 08 April 2017 - 08:39 AM

I am very interested in 1gram of vorinostat. Can it still be bought?

#205 Alin Samson

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Posted 13 April 2017 - 04:32 PM

Can somebody sell me a gram of Vorinostat,preferably from Europe?Thank you in advance!

Edited by Alin Samson, 13 April 2017 - 04:33 PM.

#206 Izan

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Posted 17 April 2017 - 06:54 PM

i still have 2 grams of vorinostat. unopened. untouched and still in its original package. if you want to buy, pm me.

#207 StabMe

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Posted 20 April 2017 - 03:31 PM

I was a participant is the original group buy and have never received the product. The person who organized the group buy admitted he didn't send it to me for the reasons be choose not to disclose (aside from being busy) .

Can i simply have my money back?

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#208 StabMe

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 07:08 AM

If anyone is willing to sell theirs, i would like to buy a gram or two.

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#209 Ben

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Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:13 PM

musicman4534 was active today on the forum at least according to his profile. I wonder if the flakiness has something to do with Vorinostat. Interesting to speculate any way.

Edited by Ben, 23 April 2017 - 11:14 PM.

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#210 airplanepeanuts

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Posted 24 April 2017 - 08:46 PM

To me it seems musicman did a very good job with the group buy. Thanks for that.

Also I don't get a flaky feeling from vorinostat.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: hdac inhibitor, hdaci, hdac, fear extinction, learning, memory, long-term memory, vorinostat, saha

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