I've taken up to 50mg and it just doesn't do anything bar give me a flushed feeling and bloodshot eyes. Also it doesn't take away fear/ still have the same worries and thought processes. Sadly i fear it doesn't work for my Genetics. Will be hit and miss for some.
Did you buy from this group buy or strangelove? This group buy wasn't tested so it may not be vorinostat and you could be taking something toxic. Just be weary of that and take precaution. Stay safe!
lol nooooo, I didn't get it professionally tested but it acts the exact same as the first vorinostat I tried a year ago as well as strangelove's batch, so this is indeed vorinostat.
Nothing works the same for 100% of people, so yes just listen to your body and see how you react. I've thrown out batches of nootropics because they haven't worked... it sucks, but it was worth trying you know. Vorinostat and hdac inhibitors have been relatively well-studied, so it is going to work for 99% of people.
I got a headache from 50mg, but I like 50mg because of the power it gives me to completely remake myself and my habits. 25mg was easier, but I felt it wasn't as strong. The first time I did it I did 150mg, and this didn't give me any benefit over 50mg, looking back.
I've been moving and had a lot of changes in my life the last month, so I haven't been active in this thread, but I hope to become more active now that my life is settling come February. I've had some good experiences with vorinostat lately, mainly taking it passively when I know I'm going to be out and about with an easy day, taking the energy to remain conscious of how I'm acting, how I'd like to act, and what I'd like to learn for myself. I have yet to use it for studying, but will be doing so soon come February. I find that the effects of vorinostat when I take it "passively" are noticed by my self sometimes after the fact... it will dawn on me that where tightness and anxiousness used to be is this space that is sort of blank, so there is room to make new habits even when off the vorinostat. It seems then that vorinostat can be taken in some situations to at least get rid of some fears, and that habits can be formed in its stead during the sessions as well as after the fact. They are these experiences that are leading me to think a sort of vorinostat cycle is the best way to use vorinostat. Taking 40mg two or three times a week during various experiences for a month or two will dramatically create room and speed up the process of you becoming a clearer person (deletion of anxiety/fear), having different habits, etcetera. I believe it has an additive effect as the mind and body sift through different experiences and thoughts, and that by ten sessions, say, the mind will have sifted through many aspects of one's self, clearing anxiety and creating room for new habits and creating a more even self. I get this idea, which sounds philosophical almost, from knowing how an HDAC inhibitor works mechanistically in the body... one must bring up an experience or memory for the fears surrounding it to be cleared by vorinostat... the DNA transcription must be opened actively, so the more you take vorinostat, the more memories and fears will be touched as you naturally have different experiences/unconsciously think different thoughts, creating an additive effect, and creating room for the creation of new habits in the coming weeks/months.