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addiction cocaine

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#1 Journey2016

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Posted 15 November 2016 - 09:50 PM

Hi, ive posted before on what amazing positive effects NR has done to help my cocaine addiction.

i have some old notes from thing people have sent me in my journy to helo my self.. im intrested in views on the below comment

Addicts have totally messed up the chemical balance in the brain. Drugs replace the natural feel good brain chemicals, so not only does the brain try to compensate for this by stopping production of natural feel good chemicals, it also kills those feel good receptors because they aren't being used. That's what withdrawal is about. Not only do you not have the normal amount of natural feel good chemicals anymore you don't even have the receptors to transmit them. All of this has to be rebuilt in the brain. This is why addiction becomes a brain disease. Abstinence from drugs allows the brain to slowly rebuild receptors and neurotransmitters that have died and increases the normal feel good chemical production again. But this takes time. Amino acid therapy greatly speeds this repair work up. So does niacin (B3). Niacin rebuilds benzodiazepine receptors that give you a sense of peace and wellbeing, which is what drugs used to do for you.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: addiction, cocaine

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