"1- We could buy Ptero and make products from it if we thought it was better at activating sirtuins for the price. "
I don't have enough knowledge on the inner workings of your business to know your true motivations for posting your scare tactics. Ex. In order to get a good price on your micronized resveratrol you ordered a very large amount. Your clientele on longecity that is helping reduce that huge stock pile of product suddenly evaporates due to the new product that showed better bioavailability.
"2- That post was from a valid concern held 5 years ago, science is falsifiable and opinions change with more data."
Classic case of plausible deniability in the name of science. One thing is correct that you said and that is you had a valid concern, concerned that pterostilbene posed a threat to you.
"3- You also act like you hate capitalism, yet don't provide a penny to support longecity... why?"
No, I hate coming here seeking knowledge and truth only to see those with financial motives trying to steer me away from that. If I was making money off this website as you are, I am sure I would be contributing too. Regardless, I do use this website and enjoy the insights of those with background in science and I will consider contributing.
Edited by Werper, 17 January 2017 - 05:22 PM.