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Nootropics.EU Vendor Review

nootropics.eu nootropics europe germany spain greece ukraine romania france england sweden

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#1 jroseland

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Posted 29 November 2016 - 11:05 AM

It would be an understatement to say that European Biohackers have faced a challenged in getting good smart drugs.

Almost weekly I will receive emails from Europeans who want to supplement their productivity, happiness or cognition by using some of the proven, safe and effective Nootropics that I have written so extensively about. Those in North America really do just have it easier when it comes to selection and ease of acquiring supplements.
Europeans often have to deal with a multi-layered maze their local country's and the Europeans Unions regulations in regard to a given Nootropic
Prescription requirements vary country by country
VAT taxes vary country by country
Shipping and customs concerns
I've lived here in Europe myself for over a year and in a word it's just trickier for European Biohackers.

So I'm happy to introduce a vendor - Nootropics.EU - that I think will clear up a lot of that frustration and challenge here on this side of the pond.


Probably the primary advantage of buying from them is that they have supplies on the ground here in Europe. Their warehouse operation is based in the Schengen zone in Spain. There's no arduous waiting for the product to be shipped from a wharehouse in the US or china, waiting while it's on a giant boat or waiting for it to clear Schengen customs.
The FAQ section of their website states that they ship packages out with no indication of the contents of the package. Which is really the smart way to do it, if supplement have a medical or scientific sounding name it will attract extra scrutiny by the customs agents in your country.
Same day dispatch, meaning that they will get your Nootropics shipped out the same day you order if you place your order by 11am (GMT+2)
They offer UPS EXPRESS SAVER EUROPE which has 1-3 day delivery for approximately an additional £10
They do provide shipping tracking numbers as soon as the packages leave their facilities, which provides and extra degree of peace of mind.

The Nootropics


They offer a pretty impressive selection of over 40 Nootropics, including
Along with some less common smart drugs like TIANEPTINE, ADRAFINIL and SULBUTIAMINE
And Phenibut, my favorite social smart drug and alternative to alcohol.
They come in not very exciting packaging; these generic white, high durability bags labeled with the product name. These are powdered Nootropics, so you'll have to grit your teeth a little bit and just deal with the bad taste. Different Nootropics are best to take in different ways - some you want to take on an empty stomach, some on a full stomach, some with water, some with a fat source; some you want to leave under your tongue, some you can just swallow - before consuming a given Nootropic I encourage you to read in full the articles and reviews that you can likely find about it on this website in the Nootropics Ingredients directory.


One really important distinction that a first time or new user of Nootropics might not grasp the importance of is that these are COA verified products
This alleviates a serious concern that informed Biohackers should have about supplements actually containing their advertised ingredients. With an unfortunately high proportion of the Nootropic stack products you've likely seen advertised there's little reason to believe that they actually contain the performance enhancing ingredients that are listed on the label. No disinterested 3rd party is inspecting these products for legitimacy, you really are just trusting them. COA verified products are analyzed by a 3rd party lab, it's not a guaranteed way of avoiding chicanery while buying Nootropics but it's a pretty good sign!

Money Back Guarantee


From their website
If, for any reason you are unhappy with an item you have received, you may return it within 30 days, un-opened and in its original condition to our address. Upon receipt, we will be happy to give you a full refund, or store credit for the item. Alternatively, you may wish to exchange it for another.
So they do offer a 30 day 100% money back guarantee of the product's price but my understanding is that if you've used the product then you only option is to exchange it for another product in their store. Which seems pretty reasonable to me, powdered Nootropic products don't have huge margins in them like these popular branded stack products do.

Legal Repercussions?

On their website they advise these are problematic countries for getting Nootropics past customs into
Jersey (Channel Islands)
Does that mean there are going to be legal ramifications of trying to ship to these countries? Doubtful.
I get inquiries from time to time from citizens of various countries asking;
Can I get ____ here in ____? Is it legal?
The truth is I don't know and most Nootropic vendors don't know the specific legal status of their products in every country. To get legal questions answered accurately you really should ask an attorney, some countries have databases that you can use to look up the legal status of a given Nootropic but many frustratingly don't or they contain contradictory information.
However, I can speak from significant personal experience as a traveling, nomadic Biohacker for 5 years. I've never had a problem; no border guard, police officer or customs official ever asked me about my Nootropics. I've shipped Nootropics to myself in plenty of countries and the biggest problem is paying the VAT taxes. I think as long as your Nootropics have some semblance of labeling and don't look like narcotics the authorities could care less.
While I worry constantly about governments around the world constricting our Biohacking liberty my experience has been of a surprisingly libertarian world that could care less about what I consumed and transported across international borders. Furthermore, in the five years of being a popular personality in this sphere, I've communicated with thousands of Biohackers all around the world and I've never heard of a single incidence when someone was prosecuted for using or transporting any type of smart drug.


They do accept Bitcoin (which I'm a big fan of!) as a payment form. I encourage Biohackers to use Bitcoin to buy their Nootropics whenever possible.

My endorsement

I have new vendors and companies that hit me up almost daily looking for my endorsement, most of which I ignore but Nootropics.EU has at this time all the credibility indicators that I've come to pay attention to over 5 years using +80 different smart drugs. The more I looked at their website the more I thought check, check and check! This looks like a stand up company.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropics.eu, nootropics europe, germany, spain, greece, ukraine, romania, france, england, sweden

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