Things are changing very quickly, currently the information is available for everyone who have got a computer, forums like this make people be able to increase their lifespan in various environments, so that knowledge makes us more inteligent in my opinion, without access to the internet we couldn't know that, so this is the point "Advances + knowledge = more intelligence"?
Yes, I agree with you. And along with niner I agree that it's challenging within this glut of information to differentiate fiction from non-fiction. It's hard to distinguish news from fake news, science from pseudo-science, marketing hype from genuine advances, blah blah. Should I spend money on Niagen, or c60 in olive oil, or one of the cell senescent clearing options, or spend my time fasting or reducing calories, should I believe what SENS is advocating, or what cryonics may mean, did Russians tamper with the US election, do anti-climate change loudmouths really believe their own words, on and on, what is truth, what is propaganda, what are lies?
To remove greed for money, for fame and for power would certainly improve our species and the other species with whom we share life on earth. Sounds like an impossible dream -- remove human greed with CRISPR techniques. But that doesn't seem to be happening yet. One day we'lol slowly begin to wake up -- or maybe giant catastrophes sent from Mother Nature will force us to evolve; but until then, work at figuring out what are the best, most vetted sources of infotainment. Snd this site, I think, is mostly infotainment -- I love this site, but that's one half criticism and one half praise.