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A newbie's look at suppliers (will keep updating with changes)

suppliers new member

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#1 saj87

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  • Location:Argentina

Posted 15 December 2016 - 04:59 AM



I am from Argentina and never tried nootropics, for the last week I've been checking some suppliers and contacting them by email. I will post some experiences here pre/post buy, considering all factors involved.









* PowderCity


Even though I read in some list made by a user of this forum, they don't ship internationally. Well, actually they ship to US, Canada and Australia. I've asked for all I wanted to buy (Alpha-GPC, aniracetam, phenylpiracetam and noopept) and the only thing they had was Alpha-GPC and told me the others were available on their "sister site" -whatever that means- NootroStop.

Besides that, prices seem good and my research for their reputation and quality yielded good reviews. So if you live in one of those countries might work for you. Reply to my contact via their site was fast.



* NewStarNootropics


Sent them and email asking if they sell Alpha-GPC (because I don't see it on their product page), but they didn't reply. I would guess their customer services is not very good (or at least really slow). I might say this was my go-to option since I have read a lot of good reviews on the quality of their products, I must add since I did not have any reply, I am also not sure if they will ship to my country (but, considering their FAQs, they might)



* NootropicsMexico


They ship to my country. The replies were fast. They were ready to do some "special handling" of the products to avoid getting the package confiscated by customs that might be an issue in my country. Downsides: Stuff there are mostly pharmaceutical grade and therefore expensive.

I think I will use them for the hardest stuff to get but not for things like racetams and the like.


* Ceretropic


Initially not my first choice but they will ship here, reply was fast, reviews were good except for something I've read in that list made by a longecity member, I don't remember exactly what it was and forgot the link to that article.

Their site is a bit lacking on info, since I would expect clicking on an item and getting at least a description on the effects, mostly because this company seems to have products that are exclusive to them. Also, they only have Alpha-GPC on some "sister site" and can not blend shippings, that sucks.








I hope it helps.

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