Hey, guys. All our questions can be answered today

. This is what I just got from PeaCure, they are having a live webinar and it's here
You're Invited! Facebook Live Webinar Starts Today 12:30PM EST
We are proud to announce that Dr Frank (Health Specialist) will host a live webinar directly on February 23, 2017 at 12:30PM EST.
This is your chance to directly ask Dr Frank anything you want about pain and P.E.A. Cure.
We would like to personaly invite you to attend and also share this wonderful opportunity with your friends and family who you feel would benefit from learning more about P.E.A. Cure and pain management
Click Here To Join The Facebook Live Webinar
Dr Harrison 'Gabe' Frank
Dr Frank, a native of Northbrook, IL, began his education at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, graduating with a degree in Biology. After a 3 year hiatus playing professional basketball at home and overseas, Dr Frank continued his education at the prestigious Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia.
His training continued at Wake Forest Baptist Health, where he completed a fellowship in NeuroRehabiliation.
Dr Frank has spent the last several years treating several different types of chronic medical conditions. It was during that time that he began his interest in regenerative and anti-aging medicine, and has gone through extensive additional training with the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine.
Dr Frank looks to treat the cause of the disease, not just cover it up with medications. As a Rehabilitation physician, Dr Frank focuses on restoring the body to its highest functioning capacity.
By opening the Frank Institute for Health and Wellness, Dr Frank has created a unique, one of a kind practice that focuses on the person as a whole.
As a former professional athlete, I understand the issues with living with daily pain. Prior to my daily use of P.E.A. Cure, I would suffer from almost constant pain. Whether it was my back, knee, ankle, or the pain running down my leg, it was constant.
After about 2 weeks of using P.E.A. Cure, the joint and back pain was 90% better, and the pain in my leg was virtually gone. That is why I am so passionate about P.E.A. Cure, I have seen, not only in myself the relief, but in my patients as well.
As Americans, we are constantly assaulted with unhealthy options, and "quick fixes" for our busy lives. Chronic inflammation is the root cause of most chronic disease processes.
The use of a healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and removal of processed foods are all important in healthy lifestyle.
However, for many that is not enough to relieve pain. It wasn't for me. The addition of P.E.A. Cure into my daily routine has given me back a quality of life I did not think was possible anymore!"
Live Facebook Webinar With Dr Frank
February 23st, 2017 @ 12:30PM EST
Click Here To Join The Facebook Live Webinar