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Sulforaphane and Nicotinamide Riboside: The best combination for maximizing AMPK and the SIRTULINS?

sulfora sulforaphane nicotinamide riboside nad+ sirt1 ampk nrf2 pgc1a bioavailability potency

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#121 Harkijn

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 10:24 AM

Browsing through this thread I think the thyroid side of things has not yet been mentioned. It seems that those with low thyroid function might better avoid taking large daily amounts of raw crucifers (or supplements), because it is exactly the healthy substances that impair thyroid functioning. This older thread mentions this:


and also dr.Greger:


Since many people who have low thyroid function are not aware of it, it's not a bad idea to eat some extra iodine and selenium.


I don't mean to raise a scare, after all there are upsides to low thyroid function. It's about moderation.

Is this info outdated? Please let us know!




Edit: typing mistakes.

Edited by Harkijn, 22 January 2017 - 10:33 AM.

#122 tintinet

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 01:22 PM

Ive been reading this post for a few weeks now, is there a recomended product to order that maybe correctly made and will give me the benafits?

I looked at broccmax reviews on amazone and was bot sure it was the real deal.. so i ordered "source naturals" as it had better reviews.

Source Naturals does not list myrosinase as an ingredient, no?
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#123 mrkosh1

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 05:22 PM

Avmacol is one option that Jed Fayhe speaks about. It contains both the precursor and myrosinase, but it does not contain any actual sulforaphane.


Prostaphane is another option. It contains 10mg of sulforaphane per tablet. But it is only sold in France and is made from broccoli seeds instead of sprouts.


Right now, I think there is a great opening for someone to enter the market with a sulforaphane supplement that contains active sulforaphane. The price might have to be somewhat high to cover it being kept cold during transport, but I think there would be a market. I'm thinking it would be interesting to sell the sulforaphane as a liquid oily suspension. Since sulforaphane is lipophilic, why not sell it mixed in with high poly phenol olive oil in small, single dose bottles? It may be a little nasty to consume, but no more so than the C60 mixed with EVOO.


Does anyone think that the olive oil could break down the sulforaphane?

#124 Izan

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 06:25 PM

i think this is the best product out there ---> https://www.amazon.c...c/dp/B00J3NKOTC


VERY expensive though

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#125 Valijon

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 06:33 PM

This is my problem with the supplement industry. Even when they find something which works, they charge you through the nose for it. We would all need big loans if we had to pay these prices for everything we wanted to consume.

#126 Nate-2004

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 07:11 PM

This is my problem with the supplement industry. Even when they find something which works, they charge you through the nose for it. We would all need big loans if we had to pay these prices for everything we wanted to consume.


The price will come down when everyone figures it out, so long as nobody patents anything.


I think BroccoMax has the formula now and it's pretty cheap relative to NR and other augmentives we're taking. We know from this discussion how to make it work best and Rhonda Patrick explains that it's even better if you add real sprouts into the mix... which I plan to do eventually once I can afford everything required to not only make them but cover up the taste. I'll need a blender to make smoothies on top of everything else. Until then I think Jarrow's got a good product and it's on Amazon Fresh which is even better because it'll come with my groceries.

Edited by Nate-2004, 22 January 2017 - 07:11 PM.

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#127 Valijon

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 07:21 PM

I wasn't specifically refering to broccoli products. Look no further than the sports supplement industry to see all kinds of overpriced and shady dealings. They just can't help themselves. Someone somewhere is scheming to patent a new broccoli product at this very moment. We can bank on it.
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#128 Nate-2004

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 07:32 PM

I wasn't specifically refering to broccoli products. Look no further than the sports supplement industry to see all kinds of overpriced and shady dealings. They just can't help themselves. Someone somewhere is scheming to patent a new broccoli product at this very moment. We can bank on it.


I don't think there's as much profit as you think in being shady, though there's certainly plenty of profit in getting a monopoly via patent protection from competition. Nowadays people like us along with Labdoor and other resources tend to root out the baddies and expose them for being scammers. So it's not a good long run game for their brand to be shady. I think we have a good impact on reducing that here by creating demand for what works and eliminating demand for what doesn't.


Anyone recommend a good blender for smoothies and making a broccoli sprout smoothie? I know vitamix is the go to expensive quality blender but it's super expensive.

#129 Valijon

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Posted 22 January 2017 - 08:00 PM

I've seen bullet type blenders for sale many places. The larger ones seem prety powerful. I always do my best to find the most effective product at the best price. I had to stop a guy yesterday from paying $100 for some amino acids plus nac in a name brand supplement. Serovital.

I get really angry when I see exclusive patents on something. Take a look at Robuvit for example. Maybe other products with micellar blends.

Anyway I digress. I hope no one tries it with broccoli products.
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#130 DareDevil

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 05:09 AM

I got a 2.2lb / 1kg bag of Broccoli Sprout Powder in 10:1 concentration.


It isn't so expensive and should last a long time.




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#131 Valijon

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 05:19 AM

Tried some NR for the first time today and was really surprised by the energy I had from 250mg. I have a 20:1 concentration on the way. I'll report back how it combines for me.

#132 tintinet

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Posted 24 January 2017 - 11:39 AM

I got a 2.2lb / 1kg bag of Broccoli Sprout Powder in 10:1 concentration.

It isn't so expensive and should last a long time.


I see 10:1 broccoli extract and 4:1 broccoli sprout extract but not 10:1 broccoli sprout extract. And is not myrosinase also required?
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#133 DareDevil

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 04:47 AM

Hi Tintinet,


I called them and asked. Their reply was that the extract was only made from 3 week old sprouts. However you may want to check with them yourself, and see if they give a different answer.? Also I am not familiar with why myrosinase may be required. It seemed a cost-effective source but maybe it doesn't deliver the sulphoraphane required?


#134 vasra

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 11:49 AM

My Findings (this is EU centric as I live in the EU, not in the US). Dr Fahey (in Rhonda Patric interview states):


+++Prostaphane (70% bio-availability of sulforaphane) 27€



+Avmacol (40% bio-availabity into sulforaphane), c. $30 USD, no EU seller?



-Thorne Grucera-SGS (10% bio-availability into sulforaphane), $54USD



+Broccoli seeds organic (highest natural amount excl. extracts per g), needs to be broken/blended, needs to have bacteria/enzymes that break this down into sulforaphane, 3€/150g

https://www.amazon.f...rmline broccoli


(+)Broccoli sprout powder  (+green bean + cilantro + milk thistle), organic (2nd highest amount in natural products, but bio-availability and product quality varies a lot, most have not been tested for potency!), $19USD (c. €0.50/d)


https://www.amazon.c...i sprout powder


--BrocoMax Jarrow (mostly useless according to Dr Fahey, as it contains almost no sulforaphane)

https://www.amazon.c...i sprout powder


Unknown products galore (there are tons that claim sulforaphane, but only researchers who have tested them, know if they contain any):

https://www.amazon.c... sprout" powder


TLDR; If in EU, I'd go with Prostaphane. If in US, I'd go with Avmacol. If you want whole food, I'd go with organic/biodynamic broccoli seeds (break/blend, do not heat), do sprouting oneself or get non-heat treated, non-oxidized organic broccoli sprout powder (but quality is unknown in the latter).

YMMV, I may be wrong, am not affiliated (nor are any of the links above). All corrections welcome.


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#135 Nate-2004

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 02:21 PM




--BrocoMax Jarrow (mostly useless according to Dr Fahey, as it contains almost no sulforaphane)

https://www.amazon.c...i sprout powder




Jarrow changed their formula last year so not sure who Dr. Fahey's info might be outdated even in the video. I see it was posted 2 weeks ago. That interview is freaking 2 hrs long so I'll have to watch it when I have that much time on my hands. It contains no sulforaphane but what it does contain is glucoraphanin and myrosinase enzyme which should convert to sulforaphane when ingested. I'll check out the brand for the US.


It looks like the only way to really guarantee it is to grow my own broccoli sprouts and eat them, which are both going to be a real pain in the ass, especially if you heat them up like Dr. Patrick does. That's an expensive setup. A good blender, jars, sprouting lids, seeds, boiler with temp gauge or boiler with external temp gauge, then if I want to make smoothies, all the other ingredients.

Edited by Nate-2004, 25 January 2017 - 02:32 PM.

#136 VP.

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 02:56 PM


This study confirms that consumption of broccoli supplements devoid of myrosinase activity does not produce equivalent plasma concentrations of the bioactive isothiocyanate metabolites compared to broccoli sprouts. This has implications for people who consume the recommended serving size (1 pill) of a broccoli supplement and believe they are getting equivalent doses of isothiocyanates.



This may be outdated but I can't not delete the post. 

Edited by VP., 25 January 2017 - 03:09 PM.

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#137 mrkosh1

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 05:38 PM





--BrocoMax Jarrow (mostly useless according to Dr Fahey, as it contains almost no sulforaphane)

https://www.amazon.c...i sprout powder




Jarrow changed their formula last year so not sure who Dr. Fahey's info might be outdated even in the video. I see it was posted 2 weeks ago. That interview is freaking 2 hrs long so I'll have to watch it when I have that much time on my hands. It contains no sulforaphane but what it does contain is glucoraphanin and myrosinase enzyme which should convert to sulforaphane when ingested. I'll check out the brand for the US.


It looks like the only way to really guarantee it is to grow my own broccoli sprouts and eat them, which are both going to be a real pain in the ass, especially if you heat them up like Dr. Patrick does. That's an expensive setup. A good blender, jars, sprouting lids, seeds, boiler with temp gauge or boiler with external temp gauge, then if I want to make smoothies, all the other ingredients.



One way to make it a little simpler would be to sprout the seeds in flat containers perforated with holes for rinsing and drainage. These containers could be plastic. If you had several of these containers growing, you could collect the sprouts, heat treat them all at once, and them bag them up to be frozen. This way you could grow enough in a weeks time to last you a couple of months. In the freezer, there should be relatively little degradation over a month or two. Also, since you've heat treated the sprouts, you would not need to consume as much to get the same dose of sulforaphane. Heat treating would perhaps double the concentration of sulforaphane. Also, blending the the sprouts well and letting them sit for several minutes up to a half hour could increase not only how much sulforaphane is created but how much you absorb. Just eating sprouts guarantees only about 30% of absorption into the body, but consuming sulforaphane insures around 70% absorption or higher.


The next important thing is to obtain seeds from a cultivar that produces high levels of sulforaphane. I have not found a source of seeds that are specified to grow sprouts that will be high in sulforaphane. This is important, because the levels of the precursor glucoraphanin can vary dramatically between cultivars.


If you do all this, I think it is likely that one ounce (28 grams) would be an ideal dosage, unless you had cancer. In a couple papers (they must be using sprouts high in glucoraphanin) just 40 grams of sprouts can boost serum levels up to 2 umol. 


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#138 Shatners Bassoon

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 07:53 PM



- Are there certain subspecies of broccoli that have higher levels of sulforaphane than others? (Or I should say higher levels of the pre-cursor and enzyme.)






you can buy this in supermarkets in the UK, though not sure about elsewhere. 

#139 Nate-2004

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Posted 25 January 2017 - 08:55 PM




- Are there certain subspecies of broccoli that have higher levels of sulforaphane than others? (Or I should say higher levels of the pre-cursor and enzyme.)






you can buy this in supermarkets in the UK, though not sure about elsewhere. 



If anyone finds any in the US let me know. There's this on Amazon but I'm unsure of how good it is. They keep running out of stock so it must be good.


It won't be long before there's a GMO version specifically tailored for more sulforaphane which would be great in my opinion.

Edited by Nate-2004, 25 January 2017 - 08:57 PM.

#140 tintinet

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 12:14 AM

- Are there certain subspecies of broccoli that have higher levels of sulforaphane than others? (Or I should say higher levels of the pre-cursor and enzyme.)


you can buy this in supermarkets in the UK, though not sure about elsewhere.

If anyone finds any in the US let me know. There's this on Amazon but I'm unsure of how good it is. They keep running out of stock so it must be good.

It won't be long before there's a GMO version specifically tailored for more sulforaphane which would be great in my opinion.

My order of those seeds just arrived from Amazon today.

#141 Heisok

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 01:35 AM

They are listed as being out of the standard seeds, but have their organic version for $27.99 per pound with free shipping directly from their website.



#142 sthira

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Posted 26 January 2017 - 02:24 AM

They are listed as being out of the standard seeds, but have their organic version for $27.99 per pound with free shipping directly from their website.


Yes, these are what I buy, too. They're very easy to grow, require a minimum of effort, the mason jars are a few dollars, lids with holes are a few dollars, and the fresh sprouts taste great -- maybe that's an acquired taste, tho. I eat about 100/g a day. Sometimes I just grind the seeds; but only every now & then because I'm not sure how healthy ground broccoli seeds are for the body. I think the idea here is hormesis.

#143 DareDevil

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 06:11 AM

My Findings (this is EU centric as I live in the EU, not in the US). Dr Fahey (in Rhonda Patric interview states):


+++Prostaphane (70% bio-availability of sulforaphane) 27€




Hi Vasra,


You can get it a touch cheaper in bottles of 90 capsules:



#144 mrkosh1

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 01:50 PM

I'll be glad when there are some long term in-vivo tests to determine the optimum dosage.


The more I read, the more I realize that going crazy with sulforaphane may not be a good idea. In some normal non cancerous cell lines, sulforaphane inhibits proliferation and causes toxicity at very low levels. In other in-vitro tests, there seems to be a sweet spot of around 1umol at which the cells seem to thrive. After that, the benefits go down and the toxic effects go up. However, the lab dish is different than a person. The good thing is that I think there are a number of people who eat fairly large quantities and they don't seem to be dropping dead.


I read on some literature about sulforadex the pharmaceutical that one pill that contains about 48mg allows for a plasma level of 1umol. I'm thinking that might be the limit they are setting for themselves.


The good thing is that if 1umol is our plasma is enough, that should be easily hit with an ounce or less of properly prepared sprouts.

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#145 Oakman

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 02:48 PM


Bioavailability and Mucosal Bioactivity of Avmacol® in Healthy Volunteers


Detailed Description:

Avmacol is an over-the counter dietary supplement containing broccoli seed and sprout extracts in tablet form. Natural plant substances within Avmacol, called phytochemicals, are hypothesized to stimulate the body's own defense mechanisms against toxic substances commonly encountered in the environment, such as air pollution and tobacco smoke. The purpose of this study is twofold: 1) to assess the protective effects of Avmacol on the mucosa (cheek cells) of healthy volunteers, and 2) to assess the collection of cheek cells by scraping, as a less invasive method of studying drug effects in the body compared to drawing blood or a tissue biopsy. Ultimately, these results will be used to design a larger study of Avmacol in patients with tobacco-related head and neck cancer. Avmacol will be studied as a way to possibly prevent a second cancer from developing in these patients.
Says the study hasn't started yet, but the last check was June 2016. Someone nearby may want to call and see if they could participate, or what is happening with the study so far.

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#146 Nate-2004

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 04:12 PM

Given the price point of Avmacol it's better long term to just spend all the money on sprout tools and stuff for heating and blending and all that. I totaled it all out at around $520 for everything, given a Vitamix is the blender you go with. $30 a month or more can add up fast. BroccoMax is only $13.


ALSO: The bottle of Avmacol doesn't even show Myrosinase on the list of ingredients, yet it mentions it on that page.

Edited by Nate-2004, 27 January 2017 - 04:15 PM.

#147 Nate-2004

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 04:47 PM

Just to add more on my experiences with BroccoMax. I think it's working, but then again Placebo. I feel incredible after having taken that. It's like how I feel with NR but it's augmented considerably. Clarity of thought has never been better, my memory has been amazing and my ability to visualize people, faces and things I've seen is like seeing it right in front of me. I don't know if I can credit the BroccoMax completely, I'm taking two at a time twice a day and 375mg NR in the morning. I'm also taking Bacopa but I've been doing that for a long time, same with the NR so I can't attribute it to that. The only new thing lately is the BroccoMax. I don't think the new formula is all that bad as the guy in the video claims. This has lasted so far for about 4.5 days. I hope it continues.

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#148 Skyguy2005

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 05:08 PM


Yep Sulforaphane has many positive biological effects, HDAC inhibition, Myostatin inhibition, Nrf2 induction and so on.

The only problem with Nrf2 induction is the inhibition of Melanogenesis, so probably you are at risk of acelerating gray hair


The same happens with other activators of Nrf2, such as Andrographis Paniculata which contains Andrographoline a compound that also activates the Nrf2 in a very powerful way and also possesses potent anti-carcinogenic effects, with good absorption profile, Combining andrographolide and sulforaphane could produce a notorious effect.
I have not seen all the videos that have posted, but looking on the internet I wonder why not buy extracts of broccoli that have glucoraphanin and then consume them with mustard seeds in powder like the following video says?



That first study says NRF2-retrovirus inhibited melanogenesis in vitro. Quite different to taking a plant polyphenol or herb. Ginkgo Biloba and Resveratrol make my freckles darker and both activate NRF2. They *definitely* do.

#149 mrkosh1

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 05:56 PM

Just to add more on my experiences with BroccoMax. I think it's working, but then again Placebo. I feel incredible after having taken that. It's like how I feel with NR but it's augmented considerably. Clarity of thought has never been better, my memory has been amazing and my ability to visualize people, faces and things I've seen is like seeing it right in front of me. I don't know if I can credit the BroccoMax completely, I'm taking two at a time twice a day and 375mg NR in the morning. I'm also taking Bacopa but I've been doing that for a long time, same with the NR so I can't attribute it to that. The only new thing lately is the BroccoMax. I don't think the new formula is all that bad as the guy in the video claims. This has lasted so far for about 4.5 days. I hope it continues.


That is a very good sign. Part of it could be a synergy between the sulforaphane and NR. The sulforaphane may be inducing NQO1.


How many tablets of Broccomax are you taking a day? I'm glad that are you are getting good results. Has your essential tremor improved? I had an experience yesterday that reminds me I need to get more serious about mine. After spending a day helping a couple of friends tear down an old building, cut down a few small trees, and haul a bunch of trash away, my hands became very shaky. When I finally got home and tried to lift my very heavy glass mug of coffee, I could not hold it stable with only one hand. I then went to get a splinter out a finger with a needle, and I could barely hold the instrument stable enough to do so. Right now, after a night of rest, I feel much better, and I'm far less shaky.

#150 Nate-2004

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Posted 27 January 2017 - 06:01 PM


Just to add more on my experiences with BroccoMax. I think it's working, but then again Placebo. I feel incredible after having taken that. It's like how I feel with NR but it's augmented considerably. Clarity of thought has never been better, my memory has been amazing and my ability to visualize people, faces and things I've seen is like seeing it right in front of me. I don't know if I can credit the BroccoMax completely, I'm taking two at a time twice a day and 375mg NR in the morning. I'm also taking Bacopa but I've been doing that for a long time, same with the NR so I can't attribute it to that. The only new thing lately is the BroccoMax. I don't think the new formula is all that bad as the guy in the video claims. This has lasted so far for about 4.5 days. I hope it continues.


That is a very good sign. Part of it could be a synergy between the sulforaphane and NR. The sulforaphane may be inducing NQO1.


How many tablets of Broccomax are you taking a day? I'm glad that are you are getting good results. Has your essential tremor improved? I had an experience yesterday that reminds me I need to get more serious about mine. After spending a day helping a couple of friends tear down an old building, cut down a few small trees, and haul a bunch of trash away, my hands became very shaky. When I finally got home and tried to lift my very heavy glass mug of coffee, I could not hold it stable with only one hand. I then went to get a splinter out a finger with a needle, and I could barely hold the instrument stable enough to do so. Right now, after a night of rest, I feel much better, and I'm far less shaky.



I am taking maybe 4 a day, possibly 5. It's relatively cheap though and there are 60. No effect on essential tremor unfortunately. Yeah working out makes it work, I assume that's related to the rush of norepinephrine and noradrenaline that comes with physical exercise.  I do think its degenerative aspects could be related to mitochondrial dysfunction but I would not know how to treat that without knowing more.


To add more, I'm on the phone right now in a conference call with a few people and it's like my verbal acuity and articulation have also drastically improved. It's significant enough to notice because I have been so used to a lack of that for years and it kept getting worse over time.

Edited by Nate-2004, 27 January 2017 - 06:47 PM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sulfora, sulforaphane, nicotinamide riboside, nad+, sirt1, ampk, nrf2, pgc1a, bioavailability, potency

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