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What can i do to feel emotions again? i need all advice please


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#1 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 06 January 2017 - 11:27 PM

hi there lovely  longecity members :)


my problem is, i feel "real emotions" like for 3 or 4 seconds 2 or 3 times a month when for instance, my gf hugs me from behind while being active ony my computer, or she wakes me up after 10 minute of sleeping... like a oxytocyine kinda feeling, .

generally i feel like a really positive person, but all like extremely blunted.like i feel neeeeever bad emotions .. only if i have extremly long arguments with my gf or something..


i laugh often but really dulled emotion or not clear emotion while laughing...



i stopped drinking and smoking for 10 months now , they gave me emotions, smoking gave me really dopamine happy feelings, and drinking made me emotionally the day after binge drinking but like really conncected to others and feeling love and sadness.. i loved those states...


or lets say if something is on tv where they show something reaaaally sad with sad music.. i can feel short termed sadness but that also really randomly and rarely..





i eat really healthy no gluten fructose since i have intolerances


i tried a few ssri but they worsened the emotional blunting while being on them.


cannabis made me euphoric  and kinda felt happyness  as a real  emotuions but the rest made me actually more emotionally flat. when being high.



since i wear glasses it helped my body dymophobic disorder, and training a lot in the gym and eating healthy  and having goals like becoming a nutritionist ( already studying) and doing neurofeedback (already 10 times).

im way more positive and i dont feel like a hole in my body..


my current state is like the whole time a positive kinda state ..

dont know if its emotionally or whatever because i forgot how a normal emotional person feels if nothing is hapening.. but actuallypositive most of the time


ive got a gf, my parents are the best in the world and  great friends, i cannot complain.


but i really miss loving a person or feeling love, feeling connected to people, looking foward to something longtermed and not dulled... everything is sooooo damn dulled emotionalywise. actually like empty but still positive. or normal .. i cant describe.. but its like a permanent kinda dulled emotion state.. hard to describe..


and i forgot to say i can feel excitement sometimes  and  real anger (not dulled emotion) when somebody has a problem with me (foreigner).. hhhmm



at the age of 6 my parents divorced and i felt intense sadness for a long time

my brother always bullyd me when i was young


i developed body dysmopohic disorder at the age of 16..


and smoked weed and drunk often alcohol. and together 2.


also had ebv kissing dissease with 16. ( want to mention it just in case its relevant)



when i was young my concentration was reaaaaaaaaaally bad because i had compulsive thinking , also couldnt sit still in theathres. so i dont know if i had Attention Def Syndrom back then.. because now i only have bad concentration even though after more than 15 years (last year ) without complsive thinking i still can only focus if something reaaaaally intrerest  me but if not and watching tv or something i zone completly out and think about things but not compulsive..



sorry for my bad gramatic english. its bad i know ^^.


on my list of tablets and things i want to try (at the moment im only doing neurofeedback and eating healthy . im not on AD):




low dose naltrexone

nsi 198






and other things but i just wanted to mention them for now...


ahh another thing.

i remember 10 months ago when i still smoed, and took n-acetylcysteine amino acid, it gave me real happy feelings. but i was totally hypomanic.. now im not if i take those amino acid.. maybe since stopping smoking or it wore of ...



please lovely members: help me. im really desperate.. i always procrastinate when im looking for help and writing things like this because i procrastinate everywhere.. but as i write this.. i feel hope kinda. i need suggestions in a neurochemistry way especially.. since i think my brain is missing something







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#2 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 01:10 AM

You made the same thread twice. Anyway, if you browse some recent threads then you will find that these issues are common and very difficult to treat. Some users have 'theories' on what can help.


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#3 Doc Psychoillogical

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 02:54 AM

I can't explain why but ALA (alpha lipoic acid) really intensify my emotional susceptibility in a positive way...

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#4 pamojja

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 03:07 PM


at the age of 6 my parents divorced and i felt intense sadness for a long time

my brother always bullyd me when i was young


Reminds me of my self as child and young adult. Even worse, since I never got angry (or at least that's how I remember long time ago). What helped me was intensive Vipassana meditation, like it is practiced close to where you live: http://www.dvara.dha...ara.0.html?&L=1


Really helped to experience very intense emotion in an admittedly extreme retreat setting. All the 100.000 joys and pains we theoretically associate with 'normal' human emotional live.


However, I also came to realize that the kind of anhedonia I experienced when young - no negative and otherwise very flat emotions - was really a genius strike how to being able to go on with all the sadness, perspective-lessness and pain (lots of serious childhood illnesses) at a life-period with little or no mental resilience. For me it seems basically an unconscious self-defense mechanism which in retrospect I came to appreciate for that stage of life, and bringing me through it without too much damage.


With such intense and at times debilitating emotions also pervading daily life, like for example fear, sometimes made me think better never having started to dive that deep in my real underlying emotions. These times of intensive meditation retreats also passed, and with time somehow got a different relationship to them all. Emotions have become less what defines my state, but similar to any other of my senses. Eyes, ears, smell, taste, touch; Like for example experiencing a bitter taste, or a sweet, or none, one could also not say I'm bitter, or I'm thrilled, or I'm empty - but just having such various perceptions. Without the slightest need to resist, since they all arise through various confounders bound to be different at different times again. Difficult to describe such meditative experiences unfolding through life.


What I'm really glad when I read so many stories of unsuccessful anhedonia-sufferers is, that I never tried any pharmaceutical medication. Since most long-term studies with regular medications show worse outcomes.

Edited by pamojja, 07 January 2017 - 03:13 PM.

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#5 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 03:11 PM

Sexual abstinence seems to work but only to a certain extent. At least it's the cheapest and most sure method to achieve at least some emotions.

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#6 gamesguru

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 04:38 PM

i would try tribulus, ginger, bacopa and ginseng for a laugh

#7 EfeitoPlacebo

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 07:47 PM

I can't explain why but ALA (alpha lipoic acid) really intensify my emotional susceptibility in a positive way...


What dosage do you take? How long untill you felt something?

#8 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 08:29 PM

You made the same thread twice. Anyway, if you browse some recent threads then you will find that these issues are common and very difficult to treat. Some users have 'theories' on what can help.


thx!, have u got some more links like this? would be awesome!



I can't explain why but ALA (alpha lipoic acid) really intensify my emotional susceptibility in a positive way...


i have  a bit  2 much heavy metals in my blood (been tested on that), i heard that ala shuffles the heavy metals somehow in your body which isnt. good...





Sexual abstinence seems to work but only to a certain extent. At least it's the cheapest and most sure method to achieve at least some emotions.

been abstinent from porn now for 5 months.. but this isnt the only way ... :/ just being abstinent from sexual thoughts wont help long termed...



if anyone has great link to provide where there is emotional blunting discussed with potential healing methods, then PLEASE write them here.



sounds awesome! thank you. but unfortunately i live in vienna.. are there some placed u know of???

#9 pamojja

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 08:42 PM



sounds awesome! thank you. but unfortunately i live in vienna.. are there some placed u know of???



#10 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 07 January 2017 - 08:44 PM




sounds awesome! thank you. but unfortunately i live in vienna.. are there some placed u know of???






#11 birthdaysuit

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Posted 08 January 2017 - 03:04 AM


I can't explain why but ALA (alpha lipoic acid) really intensify my emotional susceptibility in a positive way...


What dosage do you take? How long untill you felt something?



Ginger. Bacopa, and Ginseng all make me depressed and dull.


Stabilzed na-r ALA, I believe you can find it on amazon is great for mood and dull emotions. Taking R-ALA, Creatine and a good Whey Concentrate helped tremendously with feeling dull. Creatine and R-ALA work great for energy. Might want to try Zinc as well.

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#12 thenutroop

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 12:44 AM



Hi there,

I had something similar (or I think i had :D). I could elaborate but don't want to or at least not now

When I was young there was a time when I felt nothing, like literally, could watch every movie and not cry or empathize with anything or anyone
but there was a moment in my life when I wanted to feel something and started to force myself into crying, i had my purpose in this,

after some time I started feeling more and more, i became sadder and vunerable but unfortunately got hurt by someone, after that i learned more about life and became more

aware of how others may feel and i m more or maybe too much emotional.


#13 Baten

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 08:17 AM



Stabilzed na-r ALA, I believe you can find it on amazon is great for mood and dull emotions. Taking R-ALA, Creatine and a good Whey Concentrate helped tremendously with feeling dull. Creatine and R-ALA work great for energy. Might want to try Zinc as well.



Stabilized RALA is definitely one of the best things I've ever taken. Most supplements don't really make you feel more than subtly better, this one on the other hand...

#14 gamesguru

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Posted 09 January 2017 - 12:35 PM

If ginseng makes you dull, might have too much dopamine already.  Same for bacopa and serotonin.  Or it could just be the acetylcholine, that has a bad rep for leading to depression and fog.


And if creatine + ALA + zinc works well, might give ALCAR + magnesium a shot as well.  ALCAR is even marketed for its mood balancing properties, creatine is forming an unlikely basis of a new mood support formula (fwiw CoQ10 was found to support mood through creatine kinase activity).

#15 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 11 January 2017 - 10:54 PM

any suggestions people :/ , or links that might have some theories about  how to get emotions back?

#16 gamesguru

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 01:54 AM

try a buncha stuff, then enter into a deep meditation for two days and nights.  depart by offering up a prayer to the sun goddess

Edited by gamesguru, 12 January 2017 - 01:57 AM.

#17 jaiho

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 02:13 AM

nsi-189 + microdosing psychedelics



#18 Barfly

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 10:59 AM

any suggestions people :/ , or links that might have some theories about  how to get emotions back?


Hey man, I can highly relate to your issues (procrastination, detachment from body and emotions, low functionality, drive etc...) and I also joined longecity in order to find some magical substance that will cure me.


I have learned a great deal here and improved my quality of life but non of the substances on the planet were able to solve my emotional/psychological issues, however some helped by giving me energy and better state of mind to actually work and heal my issues, most notably theanine and ashwagandha (calmer mind) and rhodiola/LLLT/probiotic and prebiotic stack (energy and wakefulness,focus)


My problems proved to be ton of early emotional traumas which I was unable to process, various shameful beliefs about myself that kept me stuck and constantly feeling horrible and as I result I became completely detached from my body and my emotions, I have kind of numbed down and pushed away, ignored everything connected to my emotional life (mostly by tension in my body and by ignoring, not feeling it but also with a lot of dysfunctional behaviors aimed at running away from my misery like mindless surfing, eating, drinking, etc)


In my desperate quest to get better I have tried probably every therapeutic approach, self help package, meditation variety, supplement on the planet and these resources are  what helped me the most and enabled me  to understand and heal my emotional brain:


1. Gendlin's Focusing: this is a skill, a process developed in the 70's in psychotherapy  in quest to answer the problem of very low efficiancy of psychotherapy at that time. What they found was that people who never engage with their emotional selves and keep stuck on intellectual level never make progress and change and hence Focusing was developed as skill of actually connecting/tuning in to your body and emotions and finding words that match your "felt sense" of your issue and therefore getting understanding of your problem and a possibility to change, heal.

Google it, many free resources available to get you started.


2.PJ Eby - please google this man, he developed by far the best and most useful, practical model of the human mind (AFAIK) and is your best bet for getting unstuck and healing yourself.


3.Internal Family Systems Therapy - out of all the widely available therapies I encountered, this was the only approach that resonated with me and I think is capable of resolving deep rooted issues. I don't agree with every concept in it and some technique/angles were completely useless to me but very useful in general.

Good start would be Self Therapy series books by Jay Earley


Hope this helps at least a bit and good luck in your quest.

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#19 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 11:07 AM

nsi-189 + microdosing psychedelics



I do NOT recommend that he tries both NSI-189 and psychedelics at the same time!

Reason being, that we know hardly anything about NSI-189, and how it interacts with other drugs - especially psychedelics! NSI-189 potentiates stimulants for some reason, so it's not out of the question that it potentiates psychedelics as well - hence, it's NOT a good idea to try and microdose on something like that.



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#20 jaiho

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 01:02 PM

While its true, noone can know the risks of NSI-189 use, interactions or otherwise.

Personally i find NSI-189 doesn't interact with anything, and ive mixed it with many things. I find for enhancing emotions, it can't be beat, along with psychedelics. I've also done plenty of trips while on NSI-189.

#21 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 05:40 PM

nsi-189 + microdosing psychedelics



jaiho, your user name is familiar, have u had years ago a thread about emotuional blunting and self therapy with many substances? and many user posted on that thread? or am i wrong maybe...?



any suggestions people :/ , or links that might have some theories about  how to get emotions back?


Hey man, I can highly relate to your issues (procrastination, detachment from body and emotions, low functionality, drive etc...) and I also joined longecity in order to find some magical substance that will cure me.


I have learned a great deal here and improved my quality of life but non of the substances on the planet were able to solve my emotional/psychological issues, however some helped by giving me energy and better state of mind to actually work and heal my issues, most notably theanine and ashwagandha (calmer mind) and rhodiola/LLLT/probiotic and prebiotic stack (energy and wakefulness,focus)


My problems proved to be ton of early emotional traumas which I was unable to process, various shameful beliefs about myself that kept me stuck and constantly feeling horrible and as I result I became completely detached from my body and my emotions, I have kind of numbed down and pushed away, ignored everything connected to my emotional life (mostly by tension in my body and by ignoring, not feeling it but also with a lot of dysfunctional behaviors aimed at running away from my misery like mindless surfing, eating, drinking, etc)


In my desperate quest to get better I have tried probably every therapeutic approach, self help package, meditation variety, supplement on the planet and these resources are  what helped me the most and enabled me  to understand and heal my emotional brain:


1. Gendlin's Focusing: this is a skill, a process developed in the 70's in psychotherapy  in quest to answer the problem of very low efficiancy of psychotherapy at that time. What they found was that people who never engage with their emotional selves and keep stuck on intellectual level never make progress and change and hence Focusing was developed as skill of actually connecting/tuning in to your body and emotions and finding words that match your "felt sense" of your issue and therefore getting understanding of your problem and a possibility to change, heal.

Google it, many free resources available to get you started.


2.PJ Eby - please google this man, he developed by far the best and most useful, practical model of the human mind (AFAIK) and is your best bet for getting unstuck and healing yourself.


3.Internal Family Systems Therapy - out of all the widely available therapies I encountered, this was the only approach that resonated with me and I think is capable of resolving deep rooted issues. I don't agree with every concept in it and some technique/angles were completely useless to me but very useful in general.

Good start would be Self Therapy series books by Jay Earley


Hope this helps at least a bit and good luck in your quest.


 sound really awesome thank you ! :)


so for the medications: there werent not even one you can mention which made u a bit more emotional?, have u tried low dose naltrexone?


hmm which brand for theanine and prebiotic and probiotic stack are u using :)?


thanks a lot, will look into this stuff u wrote!!!

#22 pamojja

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 06:44 PM

What helped me was intensive Vipassana meditation, like it is practiced close to where you live: http://www.dvara.dha...ara.0.html?&L=1


Really helped to experience very intense emotion in an admittedly extreme retreat setting. All the 100.000 joys and pains we theoretically associate with 'normal' human emotional live..


1. Gendlin's Focusing: this is a skill, a process developed in the 70's in psychotherapy  in quest to answer the problem of very low efficiancy of psychotherapy at that time. What they found was that people who never engage with their emotional selves and keep stuck on intellectual level never make progress and change and hence Focusing was developed as skill of actually connecting/tuning in to your body and emotions and finding words that match your "felt sense" of your issue and therefore getting understanding of your problem and a possibility to change, heal.

Google it, many free resources available to get you started.


Funny. Me too started to train in Focusing therapy. Was my impression that the 'shifts' described in focusing are sort of spontaneously happening during intensive meditation too. Sort of gave me a tool to commune what is so difficult to pass on, happening during meditation. Find a list of close by Focusing practitioners here.

#23 nicklesprout

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 05:14 PM

nsi-189 + microdosing psychedelics



 have you microdosed ayahuasca? 

#24 jaiho

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 08:42 PM

Threekings, yes its probably me. I post alot online about my experiences.


I haven't microdosed ayahuasca. I'd imagine it would be good though.

#25 nicklesprout

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 03:10 PM

What have you successfully micro dosed? Micro dosing iboga doesn't help really me

Edited by nicklesprout, 15 January 2017 - 03:10 PM.

#26 chung_pao

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 03:53 PM

Remove all ingestion.
Enter fasted state for 16-24 hours.

Add only food.
No drugs.

Normal human being feel emotions. Duh. What could cause the opposite is something you added.

Other option:
Travel. Change environment.
Always makes me feel reborn. Like a kid again almost.
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#27 jaiho

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 01:44 AM

Remove all ingestion.
Enter fasted state for 16-24 hours.

Add only food.
No drugs.

Normal human being feel emotions. Duh. What could cause the opposite is something you added.

Other option:
Travel. Change environment.
Always makes me feel reborn. Like a kid again almost.


This only works if you don't suffer clinical depression.

Loss of emotions is commonly linked to it. 

For me, travelling is boring when in the midst of an emotionless episode. I used to have a passion for it prior.

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#28 theCLK

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 04:19 AM

ALA mobilizes and chelates heavy metals, specifically HG++ in your body. Produces reactions for many, some of you should check on that...

#29 gamesguru

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 08:41 PM

ala is a weak chelator at best. it may simply redeposit metals to the more "alkaline" tissues of your body, not necessarily a helpful thing. most of its effects are closely tied with mitochondrial or general cell oxidation.

and lots of things can protect really well against mercury.. selenium, green tea, bacopa

Edited by gamesguru, 16 January 2017 - 08:42 PM.

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#30 kurdishfella

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Posted 31 August 2021 - 06:29 PM

Honestly meditate thats how I got mine back and took care of my health. At one point I was in a emotion overload and felt a blocking weird sensation come over me from my head and it went down to my chest area. And For like a week or so all or part of my emotions were all non existent. And I operated only on logic and past experiences. Then when I start caring again and calmed down I felt the sensation again and I felt alive and free again like I could breathe. I felt like a robot.

Edited by kurdishfella, 31 August 2021 - 06:30 PM.

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