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LTP, and behavioral conditioning

ltp long term potentiation racetam conditioning behavior

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#1 TheVP

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 09:17 AM

I have pondered on this since the moment I learned what LTP is and it has kept picky about what nootropics I've ever used and how. Does anybody ever come to think that running on LTP enhancing nootropics while undergoing heavy academic course load and high stress may condition detrimental effects?


Piracetam and derivatives which include serve as NMDA and AMPA agonist are perfect for increased LTP. LTP is good for increased alertness and learning but if it is ever at the cost of stress and which I believe many people tend to use noots for getting into a work work work mode, don't you think you will absorb that and become more robotic and possible cement in certain stress related coping behaviors into your every day life as a result?


On the flip side, has anybody ever considered using LTP to condition favorable changes in their lives that aren't solely focused on just pure performance?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ltp, long term potentiation, racetam, conditioning, behavior

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