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Sitruin1 or life prolong

sitruin sitruin1 life long health healthy

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#1 Snejks

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 01:34 AM

Hi. What of list supplements are work the best for activate sitruin1 or or else what the life will prolong and the good dosage of them?

Broccoli sulforaphane

Milk Thistle Seed Extract 
Alpha lipolic-acid

Nicotinamide riboside

#2 Kirito

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Posted 01 February 2017 - 08:07 AM

Here are some others, with interesting percentage increases: http://www.timelessl...d-combinations/

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#3 Snejks

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Posted 02 February 2017 - 01:34 AM

How much is 10Um in mg?

#4 zorba990

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Posted 02 February 2017 - 01:46 AM

My current stack. Taken am fasting, followed by at least 3 hours more fasting:

Pre workout gh / sirt / ampk -- fasting am (wind the spring (7) )
Coq10 oil pulling (probably irrelevant)
Glucosamine 2 g hcl moved to here to avoid interfering with post workout mtor
Alcar (3) 1000mg
Aakg 3g (2)(larger dose = diahhrea: not absorbed)
Ferulic acid (6) 200mg
Tyrosine 3g. Workout days only (m w f)
Swanson ampk x 2
Zinc carnosine (stomach protection)
Quercetin (4)1 tsp about 1 gram (could increase)
*Salicylates schweitzer swish 1 Tablespoon 3-5 hr half life for salicylate still working out dose - seems to cause nausea some times
*Sodium butyrate (1) 4g 6 caps
Chlorides sodium 1/4 tsp replace lost chlorides might not be needed without resveratrol
Pterostilbene (5)100mg (increase dose?)

*not taken on workout days currently

To add: hydroxy tyrosol, nicotinic riboside

Currently dissolving quercetin in high polyphenol oil on non workout days

I had to add magnesium as cramping seems to be a side effect of strong ampk stimulation for me.

Question:: how long to wait to eat to maximize ampk/sensolytic effects -- salicylates have a 3 hour half life but bouts of exercise are usually 1 hour or less for me. Also ototoxicity of long term use says I should cycle salicylates so perhaps non workout days only

Post workout mtor signalling .. to be continued..
I really need to know half lives of ampk activators and their interactions with leucine and other mtor activators. Rapamycin has a 60 hr half life and completely blocks mtor which is pretty scary for an athlete

Some References:

1. The epigenetic effects of butyrate: potential therapeutic implications for clinical practice.http://clinicalepige...6/1868-7083-4-4 -

2. The metabolite alpha-ketoglutarate extends lifespan by inhibiting the ATP synthase and TOR https://www.ncbi.nlm...les/PMC4263271/

3. Acetyl-l-carnitine inhibits TNF-α-induced insulin resistance via AMPK pathway in rat skeletal muscle cells http://www.sciencedi...014579308010417

4. The anti-obesity effect of quercetin is mediated by the AMPK and MAPK signaling pathways. https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/18586010

5. Activation of AMPK by pterostilbene suppresses lipogenesis and cell-cycle progression in p53 positive and negative human prostate cancer cells. https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/22670709

6. Role of nutraceutical SIRT1 modulators in AMPK and mTOR pathway: Evidence of a synergistic effect http://www.sciencedi...899900716302155

7. Ampk pre and during workouts justification http://www.dummies.c...r-with-fasting/

Edited by zorba990, 02 February 2017 - 01:59 AM.

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#5 maxwatt

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Posted 02 February 2017 - 04:14 AM

How much is 10Um in mg?


That depends on the pharmokinetics of the substance, as well as mode of application.

I don't think you want to be injecting, so consider oral dosing. 


Boocock's study (here)  found 5 grams of resveratrol gave a peak level in the blood of 539 +/- 384 ng/mL (2.4 micromol/L, mean +/- SD; n = 10), which occurred 1.5 h post-dose.

I'd expect similar hydrophobic (non-soluble in water) molecules to have similarly poor absorption, but maybe a little is enough for our purposes.  5 grams is a largish dose of resveratrol, and causes diarrhea is many people.  Lower doses are better tolerated.  10 micomol (Um) in blood plasma is probably not possible to obtain orally.  Pterostilbene may be better absorbed, and obtain higher blood levels, but I haven't seen a study that measured this.

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