So there is the guy from taking 30 - 50mg at a time a few times a week and there is another guy named Steve that have apparently taken only 1 mg of this stuff and has seen positive changes:
"When I started adding the FOXO4-DRI in the past week I have noticed some definite changes. Weight loss, better sleep, more endurance and perhaps an improvement in lung function now well over 100% for the 3 measures, FVC, FEV and PEF, for a 63 yo. I know that the dose, a little less than 1 mg over 7 days, is a lot lower than the threshold dose indicated by the mouse model of .4 mg per kg of body weight for a human but I can’t reconcile my results with simply a placebo effect."
Its an expensive peptide it seems. We really don't know what the minimal effective dose is in human. Im not too sure how they came up with the mouse dose but it could very well be that the same results could have been had with much less than they were using.
I am thinking about taking 100mg over 10-20 days. I need to buy more at a time to make this cost effective. Who is willing to spend around 700-1000 dollars on 100mg? I think its a small price to pay considering what it can potentially do for us.
I'm in. I tested 5mg, 150mcg a day and noticed positive effects. Tested a lot of others peptides and substances and this is very different. More energy, more fat (i have an immune dysfunction which makes me very skinny, also a muscle and nerve disorder). So no placebo for me :p
Dose was to low for more profound effects, but think it could work much better at higher dose.
Cool. Yea you seeing positive effects at this low dose makes me think relatively much larger doses are not required. Ok I am starting to find the right supplier for this. I hope we can get at least 10 people wanting to try.
I think 1-5mg a day would be a good dose.
I would suggest to contact the suppliers for the study. They gave me a quote 3.5k for 100mg, will be much cheaper if you buy 1 gram.
Also contacted chinese supplier, but was more expensive.