Just fyi 100mg apigenin with 3g Niacinamide + 5g ribose was too much for me. I got really ill both times I tried it and was wiped out for almost 2 days. I don't think the follow on fusion resulted in a net gain for me...so I'm going to go more slowly since I have to work :-) I took the same without the apigenin and just got the usual am tiredness that faded by early afternoon.
3g nicotinamide + an excess of ribose is a lot, equivalent to 6g NR. And apigenin has a long half-life--reported as 92 hours. So I suggest starting with one or two grams nicotinamide + a like amount of ribose (an excess doesn't seen to be necessary), and adding in the apigenin only if you don't feel you're getting much fission (and apigenin only on the first day of fission). The N+R protocol can knock down your BP, especially if you have a lot of damaged mitochondria. Early on, my systolic pressure (180+ without drugs) was knocked down to below a hundred and remained at 120 or below for a week. I was having a hard time staying awake. Now a year later this effect is much smaller, but my BP is almost always lower with fission and higher with fusion--around ten points or so either way.