This post of potential interest to those having negative reactions to nicotinamide/ nicotinamide plus ribose. Doing the mito profile using N+R has caused nighttime wakefulness for me: difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Despite some sleep deprivation I've still found the protocol beneficial and have done it periodically over the last several years. Substituting apigenin for N+R has fixed the sleep problem, and in fact this modified protocol seems to be something that might improve my sleeping generally. I've been using 500 mg of a liposomal formulation from which I get a fission 'feel' more intense than from N+R. I've experimented with this apigenin on its own, and I feel the effects of it for about 48 hours. I realize that studies have shown conflicting results re the half-life of apigenin, ranging from 12 hours to 90+ hours. I expect it varies among individuals. Based on this experience, I've modified the protocol to a three day cycle. First day Apigenin +AKG + PQQ. Second, AGK plus PQQ. Third day AKG, PQQ, DHM. I've completed three passes. First pass, day 1 and day 2 felt like the kind of fission days I'm used to after an absence from the protocol, sort of confirming my impression that apigenin still circulating to effect. Fusion day felt like a fusion day, IE, pleasant release from the fission feeling. Second and third pass, fission days much better (less relative lift during fusion day) perhaps mitigated by better quality sleep.
I've just embarked on the protocol having modified rarefried's version as follows: First day AKG + PQQ + 150 mg (non-liposomal) apigenin + 350 mg of niacinamide for fission; second day AKG + PQQ + 350 mg niacinamide; and on the third AKG + PQQ + 3 g GMS + 800 mg DHM.
I'm curious whether "less is more" holds true for niacinamide, and I don't think it will hurt to toss the riboside.
Edited by Empiricus, 29 September 2022 - 12:20 PM.