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Lower Back Pain


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#91 annetsang

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Posted 13 May 2017 - 03:50 PM

Tianeptine? It can work as a painkiller.

#92 bocor

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Posted 20 May 2017 - 09:34 AM

I'm having some good results after disabling pain for over 3 years now I'm not 100 percent maybe 50 percent better but that is saying a lot since 9ve had a steady downhill until fairly recently I've tried about everything under the sun including tons of supplements with marginal results some supplements I still take are creatine which increases water content of the spinal,disc I also take high dose of Korean red ginseng which helps with the pain as well as cocoa and dha but the main thing that has helped me pain almost overnight was lunge walking forward and backward in a pool that is 4 ft deep I bought some shoes that give me some grip on the bottom of the pool it's kinda like cross country skiing under water really working all the muscles and ligaments of low back with no impact on the joints themselves before I tried this I could not stand sit or walk for too long this exercise is the one thing that not only doesn't aggravate me but makes me feel better with less pain I will say this though for me I had nothing to lose as back pain has basically stolen the last 3 years of my life but I do the full extension underwater walking forward and backward for 1 solid hour ev4ryday in addition I also swim 20 laps on top of the hour as well please all in pain or degenerative disc disease give this a serious shot for a week I think it could help you all you need to hopefully find Olympic size pool where one side is roughly 4 ft deep all the way across or else you will need to turn back and forth much more often this takes serious dedication but if you are close to disabled as I was please try

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#93 bocor

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Posted 20 May 2017 - 09:36 AM

Wanted to emphasize that with this exercise I'm able to fully work out my back without any pain or aggravation whatsoever before this even the smallest amount of standing sitting walking stretching elliptical you name it everything hurt me I just wanted to lie down all the time it was so so depressing looking forward to possible continued progress

#94 aconita

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Posted 20 May 2017 - 04:24 PM

What lounges do?


They stretch psoas and quadriceps, especially so in almost 0 gravity since there is no contraction or very little.


This leads to a more correct posture.





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#95 sthira

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Posted 20 May 2017 - 06:25 PM

What lounges do?

They stretch psoas and quadriceps, especially so in almost 0 gravity since there is no contraction or very little.

This leads to a more correct posture.

Agreed. And there are a million reasons for lower back pain, of course, but stretching bound up fascia in psoas, hip flexors, and hamstrings typically goes a long way toward functional cures for (Americans) people who sit in cars, cubicles, couches. All that sitting -- yuck -- it's not for humans. Squats are good, too, not big heroic heavy weight lifting squats, just a simple squat a day. If knees are cranky, put a folded blanket in between and passively, delicately stretch out the connective tissues around the knees. There are hundreds of ways to approach this.

As far as lunges go for opening hips and psoas, there are active lunges and passive lunges. Both are great. There's one pose in yin yoga that I think solved my right side lower back problems for more than two years now, called dragon pose. It's essentially a passive lunge. It seems to help everyone I've met with lower back issues.
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#96 venusshek

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 06:52 PM

One more thing is Thai balm. My parents are so happy they found it. It has a green color, nasty taste but get things done in a few minutes.

#97 Nate-2004

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Posted 07 June 2017 - 06:56 PM

Just an update on the back pain issues. What's worked so far to greatly reduce my issues are the stretches I posted from Youtube earlier in addition to several different hamstring stretches that I do during sauna sessions starting after 10 mins.

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#98 Rocket

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Posted 08 June 2017 - 01:22 AM

Just an update on the back pain issues. What's worked so far to greatly reduce my issues are the stretches I posted from Youtube earlier in addition to several different hamstring stretches that I do during sauna sessions starting after 10 mins.

Heat is awesome for back pain. I discovered a long time ago when I injured my back that 10 minutes in a tanning bed would just literally melt away the pain. It was better than hot water bottles and hot towels.

#99 Krell

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Posted 15 June 2017 - 02:05 PM

I have had some good lower back pain (LBP) reduction from a non surgical treatment that does numbing injections between the vertebra to determine the pain site (aka: medial branch block), and then uses radio frequency needles to burn the problem nerves (aka: RF neurotomy).  


Sounds pretty bad, but it only takes a few minutes with an office procedure every 6 months to 2 years.  


The RF has to be redone as the nerves grown back.  In my case the first RF treatment was 100% effective for 1.5 years, but my last two treatments were less effective and lasted closer to 6 months each. Right now I am getting some exploratory branch blocks to see where my latest pain is coming from.  They have me come back every couple of weeks and try different injection points.  It takes about 15 minutes and then I drive home. 


This LBP treatment has enabled me to keep playing tennis and climbing mountains! Before this treatment I tried most everything but I still had big trouble putting my socks on!  


There are clinics with names like "Spine and Pain Clinic" all around the US that do this treatment.  My clinic has lots of offices in the Washington DC area.

Edited by Krell, 15 June 2017 - 02:14 PM.

#100 Astroid

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Posted 18 June 2017 - 08:49 AM

Best results I have had is MSM-Sulfur.. 1-2 tsp in a shot of water @ 1-2x/day...


30-100% relief in 1-5 days..


It does not mix well in water... and is bitter.. so the less water the better..


Buy in Bulk on Amazon..


They give it to race horses before and after races...


It is in every cell of your body.. and is the 5th most important element in the body.. It allows Water and Oxygen to exchange and detox you. 


Research it.. you are deficient in Minerals. 

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#101 gamesguru

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Posted 26 February 2018 - 09:36 PM

i wonder if exercise, deadlifts, etc, can be recommended in serious spine disease.  it would be interesting to see if there is an improvement from doing that alone

#102 Nate-2004

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Posted 27 February 2018 - 01:50 PM

Best results I have had is MSM-Sulfur.. 1-2 tsp in a shot of water @ 1-2x/day...


30-100% relief in 1-5 days..


It does not mix well in water... and is bitter.. so the less water the better..


Buy in Bulk on Amazon..


They give it to race horses before and after races...


It is in every cell of your body.. and is the 5th most important element in the body.. It allows Water and Oxygen to exchange and detox you. 


Research it.. you are deficient in Minerals. 


Evidence for that stuff is sketchy, it's just oxidized DMSO. It's also lipid or alcohol soluble, (of course because it comes from DMSO) which is why it doesn't dissolve in water. I am by no means mineral deficient, I get more than enough.


I'd probably do better just to find a new mattress that doesn't leave me in pain in the morning. So far the hip, ham and spine stretches fix the problem once I'm up and about. 


Mattresses are a gamble, even with the return policy, since you have to put away about $900 and a lot of time and effort to try out each one. Going to start on that in March hopefully.

Edited by Nate-2004, 27 February 2018 - 01:53 PM.

#103 VP.

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 05:51 PM

I would very interested to see this tested in the United States. Anyone know if anyone else is replicating this? 


Minimally invasive treatment provides relief from back pain

The majority of patients were pain free after receiving a new image-guided pulsed radiofrequency treatment for low back pain and sciatica, according to a new study.


The single-center prospective study included 80 patients experiencing at least three months of low back pain due to a herniated disk that had not responded to conservative treatments including exercise and medication.

The patients underwent a minimally invasive interventional radiology procedure in which, with the help of CT imaging, a needle is guided to the location of the bulging disc and nerve root. A probe is then inserted through the needle tip and delivers pulsed radiofrequency energy to the area over a 10-minute period. Even without touching the disc, the pulsation serves to resolve the herniation.

"The probe delivers a gentle electrical energy, so there's no thermal damage," Dr. Napoli said. "The results have been extraordinary. Patients have been relieved of pain and resumed their normal activities within a day."

Of the 80 patients treated, 81 percent were pain free one year after a single 10-minute treatment session. Six patients required a second pulsed radiofrequency session. Ninety percent of the patients were able to avoid surgical treatment.


#104 Nate-2004

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Posted 01 March 2018 - 06:14 PM

I would very interested to see this tested in the United States. Anyone know if anyone else is replicating this? 


Minimally invasive treatment provides relief from back pain

The majority of patients were pain free after receiving a new image-guided pulsed radiofrequency treatment for low back pain and sciatica, according to a new study.


The single-center prospective study included 80 patients experiencing at least three months of low back pain due to a herniated disk that had not responded to conservative treatments including exercise and medication.

The patients underwent a minimally invasive interventional radiology procedure in which, with the help of CT imaging, a needle is guided to the location of the bulging disc and nerve root. A probe is then inserted through the needle tip and delivers pulsed radiofrequency energy to the area over a 10-minute period. Even without touching the disc, the pulsation serves to resolve the herniation.

"The probe delivers a gentle electrical energy, so there's no thermal damage," Dr. Napoli said. "The results have been extraordinary. Patients have been relieved of pain and resumed their normal activities within a day."

Of the 80 patients treated, 81 percent were pain free one year after a single 10-minute treatment session. Six patients required a second pulsed radiofrequency session. Ninety percent of the patients were able to avoid surgical treatment.



Wow. Only concerns I have are 1. CT scans are a big dose of radiation and 2. There's no telling how long it lasts.

#105 ryukenden

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Posted 02 November 2018 - 04:26 PM

So the back pain is getting worse and I really have no idea why. I quit doing crunches days ago.


It's weird, for a whole 2 months the infrared light was really helping in a dramatic way and then it just stopped working. Placebo isn't usually that lasting or effective.


I've been doing the legs up wall pose every day, sometimes twice a day, I figured out the right place for the support.


I've been doing more stretches and poses for the last 2 days like these: 



While I do feel better right after, it comes back fairly quick.


I've been stretching my hams in different ways while in the sauna. Sometimes like this:



Other times like this:



Everybody seems to have their opinion on how to properly stretch that I'm not sure really who to trust.


My appointment wasn't till May 2nd so I am still waiting on the Orthopedic.


I do a lot of jump squats and one legged squats and lunges during my calisthenic exercises for leg mass, I wonder even that is exacerbating the problem.


Hi Nate


How is your back? I hope it is okay. I can see you have shared three videos. Are you doing all the exercises? The first video got 8 exercises and some are difficult. I also have back pain from time to time.


Many thanks

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#106 kurdishfella

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Posted 26 November 2023 - 02:37 AM

avoid chiropractor
pain in bones and joints that cause fluid build up is a result of poor health so fix the cause not the symptom

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