Have struggled with chronic back and neck pain for the past decade or so of my life...I've seen countless doctors and undergone numerous procedures and tried different supplements and other things like Yoga, Chiropractic, massage, growth-factory therapy/platelet rich plasma infusions, cortisone injections etc. to help alleviate pain.
Some things help a little, but the greatest thing I have done for my pain is use BPC-157 (and the occasional cycle of TB-500 thrown in). I've been lifting weights and playing basketball again for the past 2 years and the only thing that keeps me feeling good at work, and not wanting to reach for prescription pain killers or even just Advil or Tylenol is BPC-157.
It has some type of systemic anti-inflammatory effect on my whole body, where just taking 250mcg in the morning and night has helped everything from my hip tightness, thoracic/cervical spine pain, and and even my impinged shoulders feeling better. As soon as I stop using it, my chronic pain moves from a 3/10 back up to a 5 or 6.
Do you guys think I'd be posing myself a serious risk by taking small doses of BPC-157 indefinitely without cycling? Feeling good and being virtually pain-free is great, but I'd rather deal with back pain and shoulder joint discomfort then compromise with getting cancer or some other life-threatening ailment from over-use of peptides.
Thoughts? Anyone else here consistently using BPC and finding it helps them with inflammation or chronic pain?