Nate, I've tried fasting in different forms, and here's my experience, and the 'Best method' that I successfully using now. I'll skip the details of the failed methods, just the minimum to understand.
1. Keto diet - yea I've done this one for real. It kinda bites. It's hard, the foods are limited, and it was not fun. I did get there, testing with Keto urine strips and all. And I did lose weight. But I know I'd ever be able to stay on this program, as I'm not that into suffering.
2. IF over days is hard too. Again, it's like torture. First you can eat, then you can't. I can't do this. I need habitual routines to stay on course, not start and stop ones.
3. CR is fairly easy compared to the others, but requires you to stay alert to what you're eating and drinking, and again, it's way easy to overindulge once you get started, or at least I find that the problem.
But recently I REALLy wanted to get 10-13 lbs off, and to hopefully get into some autophagy states along the way. But for various health reasons, it hadn't been happening. So I came up with a combo diet that ACTUALLY works, plus I can stay with it. I'm 9 lbs down from a couple months ago (going from 160 to 151, on my way to 147). Much of this is the dreaded middle area fat, and it was just hard to get rid of, and so very frustrating.
Pretty simple really, a modified CR+IF combo, and it does not limit that much - really. It is based on a two-a-day meal plan with optional evening snack, depending on how hungry I feel.
- Breakfast of about 400 calories, consisting of one Vann's power grain protein waffle, with applesauce and mixed fruit on top (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries). The protein and fiber fills and satisfies well. Maybe an apple or pear or banana afterwards.
- Mixed aerobic and strength exercise 1-1.5 hrs lasting until 11ish. Drink lots of water. I've found this activity removes hunger feelings, so I just don't have the urge to eat afterwards. For me exercise makes me feel way full, very helpful!
- Delay lunch as long as possible up towards 2PM-ish. So really 12:30-2:00 is good. Then I have a good sized lunch with fiber, protein, carbs... 400-800 calories. All healthy stuff, not sugar stuff and/or desert (except fruit).
- Ideally, that's it until morning. The late eating makes me NOT hungry at dinner time, and bedtime comes fairly fast. But often I get psychologically hungry 7-9 PM and can't get it out of my mind, so then for a snack, I'll have a normal sized salad or some nuts and a fruit. Just nothing major or huge calories.
- I also created an acronym as a reminder of what absolutely NOT to eat EVER - NO ICCCC (Ice) or Ice cream, Cakes, Cookies, Chocolate, Candies
The result is a steady, but gradual weight loss, and it seems fairly easy, and like I said it's becoming a habit, a daily grind if you will. So I don't feel deprived (much), and just look towards my goal of 147lbs. The CR and IF lifespan and/or healthspan effects this may provide are a bonus.