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Mental Fatigue, Depression, Hangover/Exercise=release

depression mental fatigue hangover

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#1 jfr

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Posted 31 May 2017 - 09:55 PM

Okay Guys, first of all i have to point out that iam only able to write this text because i've just drunk a small glass of cola and the coffeine is giving me the motivation and concentration to do so.


For 3 years now iam dealing with multiple mental symptoms. It started with a foggy head and right now iam at the point where i suffer from depression, social anxiety, absolute lack of motivation, no emotions at all. But the worst of all is the chronic stress. Iam feeling 24/7 like my brain and my body are under electricity. I can not rest and even if i lay down and try to watch something i have to constantly do something else like checking my smartphone every 2 minutes or when lying in bed rubbing with my legs (ironically the only way iam able to fall asleep).

I've also got a weird ringing in my ears which sometimes disappears and sometimes drives me crazy. Additionally i have absolutely now libido.


I've done multiple tests over the years and all i can say is that iam physically healthy (at least)

Tests i've done:
- lyme      negativ
- heavy metals (Hair mineral analyses) negativ  -  but low Lithium,Strontium,Magnesium,Selen

- Thyroid        - was pretty bad (TSH 4.8) but after 1 year L-Thyroxin now perfect (TSH 0.91)

- Pyroluria       negativ

- Neurotransmitter (Urine) :    Adrenaline                1,4                          4-10

                                              Noradrenaline           13                           32-58
                                              Dopamine                 120,6                     90-220

                                              Serotonin                   59,6                     148-230

                                              Gaba                         1,65                       1,5-6,8

                                              Glutamate                  5,14                       8-25

- Pregnenolone                            - was very low (seems to be always the case if low neurotransmitter)
- Homocysteine                             5,5   (5.0 - 12)

- Tumor necrosis factor alpha       7,7   (<9)


Things i've tried:

- Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600mg

- L-Methylfolate 2x 250mcg a day  + Vitamin B12

- Vitamin B6 + Zinc

- Magnesium, Selen, Vitamin D Suplements

- L-Tyrosin, L-Cysteine, L-Theanin
- GABA 750mg (as it doesn't cross the BBB i hade no hope but i tried)

- Pregnenolone  up to 300mg a day over 3 months (no effect) --> higher doses resulted in bad sleep

- Lithium Ortate 225mg before bed ----> no effect at all

- Ritalin ----> that shit always tripped me out of life. I took as my doc said 20mg and after about 1 hour i had huge anxiety attacks my hands were ice cold and i thought i have to die

- Neurofeedback ----> good feeling during and about 10 minutes after a session than my brain goes back to "normal" mode


So here is the deal, as i already explained in my first sentence iam able to write this thanks to the coffeine of one fucking glas Coca Cola.

Before this shit started i drunk huge amounts of coffee and energy drinks and i always laughed about people complaining about coffeine. Well now iam at the point were i exactly have to dose the amount of coffeine i wanna take.
Give me regular cup of coffee and i get a little anxiety cold hands and after a few minutes iam spaced out and not a human beeing anymore.

Give me a glass of coca cola and suddenly i feel the urge to communicate, to discuss (to the point where i can not stop to talk and piss people off), i feel emotions better can laugh and tell jokes.

Srsly i've tried to understand this but i don't know what is happening in my brain at this point.

The problem is after about 3 hours - that's how long such a coffeine "rush" lasts - i fall into a deep lethargic hole where i experience bad derealization and no emotions at all. I always compare it to people who use Speed or Exctasy.


Another mysterious case is alcohol. I do not drink alcohol regularly as iam affraid it harms my brain too much. But at the weekend when i feel the need to do something with my friends i usually drink bigger amounts as it makes me feel way more sociable i can laugh and problems seem to be far away and the stress fades with every drink more.

The strange thing is that after such a night of heavy drinking, the next day i feel totally great!!! I mean okay physically not always of course there is poor circulation and sometimes a bit headache, but mentally i feel great.

During a Hangover i have zero stress, social anxiety, i can feel all the emotions, i get pretty horny - so nice to have a libido again - and i feel the need to do something with friends or my family. AND my ear ringing is completly GONE!!!

Usually this is the day after i drunk and if i drink really a lot it can last up to two days.


Although this feeling "to be the old me" is great, i don't want to follow this path. I know its not a solution but i really want to find out where this comes from. I've read in several other threads about it and tried some things, people suggested, but until now nothing helped.

I also did not take any
Psychiatric medication because i know about the risks but to be honest after 3 years of suffering i guess if someone would prescribe me some i would give it a shot.


Last but not least i would like to add that about one year ago i started with running as i noticed to feel better after it. Lately I increased my runs up to one and a half hour and i noticed that after such a session i feel fucking great. Its almost like having a hangover, i can feel emotions even empathy which i lack pretty much, iam sociable AND my ear ringing is gone. All these improvments last up to about 3 hours before my brain decides to go back in the lethargic mode.


If anyone has any ideas what i could try please tell me, i highly appreciate it!!!   
(and sorry for some grammar or word mistakes but english is unfortunately not my first language)



Edited by jfr, 31 May 2017 - 10:18 PM.

#2 jack black

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Posted 03 June 2017 - 01:53 PM

Since no one smarter than me replied, I'll try. Sounds like a bad case of anxiety. Alcohol helps via GABA, but it's not a viable long term fix.
As anyone knows, caffeine makes anxiety worse and maybe you overstimulated your brain (look up excitotoxicity).
You should see someone to evaluate you for anxiety and treatment. It would be wise to remove stimulants and consider neuroprotective substances like lithium, NAC, etc.

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#3 jfr

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 09:02 PM

Hey jack black thanks for your answer!

Indeed i've got anxiety but i always relate it to the permanent stress i feel. I feel like the anxiety is just present if iam very stressed.

For example yesterday i was playing with some friends beachvolleyball for about 4 hours non stop. Despite beeing exhausted af after that i felt like i smoked some really good weed. I was very relaxed laughed all the time to the point where i almost couldn't handle my happiness. As i've already written in my first post i always get this feeling after doing very intense physical activity but unfortunately it only lasts for some hours.


For about one year now iam at the point where iam addicted to physical exercise as it reliefs me from this permant pressure in my head and the stress iam feeling. But the problem is that its not a permanent solution as i won't have the time do so much exercise in the future with a job.


Alcohol has almost the same effect on me as the intense physical exercise, give me one beer and you can watch how my mood changes in the period of 5 minutes. The moment the alcohol acts i feel how all the stress in my brain slowly fades and at this point i can feel all the emotions, happiness and enjoy socializing.

But again this is not a solution because i will get to the point where i need 2-3 beers to get this feeling and so on.


Another thing i wonder about is where this huge neurotransmitter defizit comes from?
I mean i've read a lot about MTHFR and heavy metals and so on but as i've already said i ruled everything out.





#4 jack black

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Posted 08 June 2017 - 06:13 PM

Another thing i wonder about is where this huge neurotransmitter defizit comes from?
I mean i've read a lot about MTHFR and heavy metals and so on but as i've already said i ruled everything out.


well, it's either genes (anyone with mental problems in the family?) or insult to the brain (trauma, toxins, inflammation, prolonged stress, substance abuse, etc.). sometimes, it's hard to sort it out. some people are very sensitive to stress (i have it in my own family a lot) and it can do it. are you familiar with Neuroticism? 


#5 jfr

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Posted 08 June 2017 - 11:18 PM


Another thing i wonder about is where this huge neurotransmitter defizit comes from?
I mean i've read a lot about MTHFR and heavy metals and so on but as i've already said i ruled everything out.


well, it's either genes (anyone with mental problems in the family?) or insult to the brain (trauma, toxins, inflammation, prolonged stress, substance abuse, etc.). sometimes, it's hard to sort it out. some people are very sensitive to stress (i have it in my own family a lot) and it can do it. are you familiar with Neuroticism? 




Well, a second cousin of mine had similiar symptoms when she was at my age. Unfortunately this was 40 years ago, she got wrong treatment and is disabled now.

But how do i find out if something is wrong with my genes? I mean there is an uncountable number of possibilities.


The symptom started slowly at a time where i was pretty happy with my life. I remeber beeing on vacation with my girlfriend back in 2014 and waking up one morning feeling spaced out and having trouble to think clearly.

I can not remember any insult to the brain.

I once collapsed when i was 15 in school because i had to stand 5 minutes without moving (Qigong exercise). In hospital they told me i have  "Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome".


Of course Iam very sensitive to stress as iam stressed 24/7. I feel stressed all the time, going to bed feeling like having had the roughest day at office, waking up with the feeling of beeing chased.

My body is stuck in Fight or Flight mode and i see no solution to get out of it except hard physical work or alcohol.

If i could get the feeling i have during a hangover constantly i would be the happiest guy on earth.

During hangover there is no stress, no social anxiety and i have absolutely no clue why. All negative symptoms i gained over the last three years disappear during a hangover.

I tried to get the chemical reactions behind it but there is so much that doesn't make any sense.

#6 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 09 June 2017 - 07:23 AM

i have your symptoms too . check my thread over my profile :)


i tried NAC (n-acetylcysteine) next to smoking cigarettes and that did wonders for me febuary 2016... it somehow gave me hypmoania kinda euphoric feelings and my depressions was gone and anhedonia also..


but when i stopped smokiing cigs or after 2 months of taking nac . the effect faded away. but since then i started to do a lot for my health (since yesterday im off alcohol for 13 months exactly and 15 months or something not smoking cigs,, weed.- didnt do taht so much).



u could try nac


and theres a forum i think its called




that how i came to nac.. but i haven tried the other things out..


i will but my next stop is low dose naltrexone..


i also have reeeeeaaallly great days on hangoverdays.. i can feel every emotion . and libido is back...


ps: also not sleeping gives me a bit of emotionality back.. and a relief kinda feeling like on hangover days..

Edited by ThreeKings12341, 09 June 2017 - 07:33 AM.

#7 jack black

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Posted 09 June 2017 - 06:52 PM

i tried NAC (n-acetylcysteine) next to smoking cigarettes and that did wonders for me febuary 2016...


not sure nicotine, but I have been taking NAC for months and it's beneficial, but in a subtle way, and it took months to realize there was a difference. low dose lithium is great too, but it takes about a week to get full effects. for some reasons Li works best for me when taken mid afternoon rather than AM or late PM.

Edited by jack black, 09 June 2017 - 06:53 PM.

#8 jfr

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Posted 10 June 2017 - 12:05 PM

i have your symptoms too . check my thread over my profile :)


i tried NAC (n-acetylcysteine) next to smoking cigarettes and that did wonders for me febuary 2016... it somehow gave me hypmoania kinda euphoric feelings and my depressions was gone and anhedonia also..


but when i stopped smokiing cigs or after 2 months of taking nac . the effect faded away. but since then i started to do a lot for my health (since yesterday im off alcohol for 13 months exactly and 15 months or something not smoking cigs,, weed.- didnt do taht so much).



u could try nac


and theres a forum i think its called






thanks for your reply ThreeKings12341 :)


Actually i've already tried NAC for a couple of months (i just forgot to mention it in the list above). Sadly i didn't recognize any effects.

Smoking cigs doesn't really effect me at all, iam not a heavy smoker i usually smoke a cig after having a abundant meal. For some minutes the nicotine calms me down and iam able to concentrate better but the effect fades away pretty fast.


The thread you postet is pretty interesting and iam following it for quite a time.


So, the MTHFR/dopamine regimen I use myself is this:

  • 200 mcg of oral methylfolate, every six hours
  • 1 mg of hydroxocobalamin once a day

Chadwick came up with a lot of interesting informations in his thread.

Unfortunately this protocol didn't work at all for me. At this point iam not sure if its fair to say i have no MTHFR-mutations?

At the moment iam thinking about giving pure BH4 a shot as it sounds pretty promising. The only problem is that its prety expensive and hard to find.


Another interesting fact is that after you stop drinking glutamate in the brain increases. The body tries to make up for lost time by producing more glutamine than it needs. Normally this would lead to bad sleep, fatigue and a lot of negative symptoms "normal" people feel during a hangover. But if you are innately low in glutamate this could lead to a better balance between glutamate and GABA.


At the moment iam thinking about trying Fasoracetam (http://www.longecity...-6-weeks-after/) as it sounds pretty promising.

Piracetam could be an alternative.







Edited by jfr, 10 June 2017 - 12:06 PM.

#9 jack black

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Posted 10 June 2017 - 03:15 PM

Well, a second cousin of mine had similiar symptoms when she was at my age. Unfortunately this was 40 years ago, she got wrong treatment and is disabled now.
But how do i find out if something is wrong with my genes? I mean there is an uncountable number of possibilities.

What kind of treatment did she get and how did it harm her?

As for genetics, yes, there are commercial services available, I did 23&me personally, and learned some, but not a whole lot.

#10 jfr

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Posted 20 June 2017 - 09:21 PM


What kind of treatment did she get and how did it harm her?

As for genetics, yes, there are commercial services available, I did 23&me personally, and learned some, but not a whole lot.



Sorry for my late reply but i had a rough week :(


Well, my Parents told me that she started getting depressive at the age of 20. I don't know what doctors prescribed her but it definatelly didn't help.
She wasn't even able to get up from her bed and quit all social interactions. Thats why i do not know more as my parents only rarely talked to her parents.

She is in a psychiatric clinic now.


Iam thinking about this 23&me a lot but as it is pretty expensive iam not sure whether its worth it.

But i can definately rule out MTFHR.


Iam still looking for plausible explanation for this great feeling during a hangover. I've tried all the suggestions Chadwick offered in his Thread (http://www.longecity...hol-hangovers/) but yet nothing really helped. I do not really believe that my problem is caused by dopamine deficiency.


Alcohol just gives me a release from the stress iam feeling all the time and once the stress is gone my brain somehow remembers how to have fun and how to enjoy life.

I need to find a solution for my chronic stress.



sleep every night between 8 and 9 hours (luckily i can sleep pretty well)

excercise nearly every day

eat very healthy with very less sugar and a lot of vegetables and fruits

try to do as much social activities as i can


Nevertheless i feel completely stressed out all the time. Even when i lay down in the sun and just try to relax my whole body is strained. I can not even control it... My muscles do it on their own.

But their is no anxiety at this moment. It's just me laying there feeling like iam having the most stressfull day a person can imagine.

Ironically i just realized that during the whole time i wrote this both my legs where heavy strained... like what the fuck... in my room at 23.30 pm.


The only thing that really works besides alcohol and heavy excercise are breathing excercises. If iam laying down and breathe in and out for about 15 minutes i feel how my Parasympathetic nervous system slowly starts to work and my body calms down. As soon as i stop the stress is back.


Well i've already ordered some Fasoracetam cause the effects seem to be pretty promising. Of course i'll update as soon as iam trying it.

Edited by jfr, 20 June 2017 - 09:24 PM.

#11 jack black

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Posted 21 June 2017 - 12:42 PM

Is tianeptine available in your country? I bet you have too much excitoxicity.

Edited by jack black, 21 June 2017 - 12:43 PM.

#12 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 21 June 2017 - 05:16 PM



What kind of treatment did she get and how did it harm her?

As for genetics, yes, there are commercial services available, I did 23&me personally, and learned some, but not a whole lot.



Sorry for my late reply but i had a rough week :(


Well, my Parents told me that she started getting depressive at the age of 20. I don't know what doctors prescribed her but it definatelly didn't help.
She wasn't even able to get up from her bed and quit all social interactions. Thats why i do not know more as my parents only rarely talked to her parents.

She is in a psychiatric clinic now.


Iam thinking about this 23&me a lot but as it is pretty expensive iam not sure whether its worth it.

But i can definately rule out MTFHR.


Iam still looking for plausible explanation for this great feeling during a hangover. I've tried all the suggestions Chadwick offered in his Thread (http://www.longecity...hol-hangovers/) but yet nothing really helped. I do not really believe that my problem is caused by dopamine deficiency.


Alcohol just gives me a release from the stress iam feeling all the time and once the stress is gone my brain somehow remembers how to have fun and how to enjoy life.

I need to find a solution for my chronic stress.



sleep every night between 8 and 9 hours (luckily i can sleep pretty well)

excercise nearly every day

eat very healthy with very less sugar and a lot of vegetables and fruits

try to do as much social activities as i can


Nevertheless i feel completely stressed out all the time. Even when i lay down in the sun and just try to relax my whole body is strained. I can not even control it... My muscles do it on their own.

But their is no anxiety at this moment. It's just me laying there feeling like iam having the most stressfull day a person can imagine.

Ironically i just realized that during the whole time i wrote this both my legs where heavy strained... like what the fuck... in my room at 23.30 pm.


The only thing that really works besides alcohol and heavy excercise are breathing excercises. If iam laying down and breathe in and out for about 15 minutes i feel how my Parasympathetic nervous system slowly starts to work and my body calms down. As soon as i stop the stress is back.


Well i've already ordered some Fasoracetam cause the effects seem to be pretty promising. Of course i'll update as soon as iam trying it.



i feel you man!, i also eat really healthy as u could read in my forum. also dont drink alc and smoke anything for over 13 months..


about the social activities: do you have fun while being social? , i really have to force myself doing something outside . ( i go trainng or similar stuff) but  meeting friends is always a force  or other activities...


keep me updated..


atm im taking low dose naltrexone.. will take a while till i will notice something.. but my sleep already improved on it.. (was alright before) but now much deeper sleep.  also stopping caffeine (2months now) helps me much more with mood and energy funnywise...


hope  we will find a solution. we must be strong and stay away from drugs (alc, nicotine etc. ) for the meanwhile. i think

#13 jfr

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Posted 13 July 2017 - 01:35 PM

Is tianeptine available in your country? I bet you have too much excitoxicity.


Unfortunately it isn't but iam trying to get some from UK. I had to read a lot about excitoxicity and the symptoms seem to fit pretty well.


At the moment i feel like crap all the time. I had a car accident last week (not my fault) but luckily no one was hurt, well at least physically.

Since then my brain is driving me crazy. There is so much stress now with insurance and right after it happened i felt how my brain switched in a heavy derealization mode again.

It is 6 days ago now and my brain is still completely overhelmed with the situation. Full pressure in my head, heavy ear ringing muscel tension all over my body and everything seems to be so unreal.


I mean iam completely aware that all of this is caused by the stress my brain is experiencing at the moment but iam at a point where i simply can't handle it anymore. I feel like passing out at any minute.


What is the quickest way to reduce this immense stress? I mean sure alcohol would be a solution but i can't drink every goddamn day.

I really hope that i can get tianeptine asap i really think that it can help me to cope with the stress, especially as it helps the HPA-axis to recover.


I don't get why there are so limited options to lower stress in the brain. I mean once you are in the situation it seems like a never ending circle. Frustrating as fuck.

#14 jack black

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Posted 13 July 2017 - 05:34 PM

these are the things that help/helped with my wired/anxious feeling (almost totally gone now):

NAC (only after taking it for a few months)

Ashwaghanda (hard to feel immediate results from it, but beneficial long term)

vit B complex (including inositol)

clonidine (this has so strong effects for me, i rarely take it now)

propranolol (it has subtle but sure effects, i take if before any stressful events)

lamictal (has serious potential side effects, so i'm not taking it now)

low dose lithium (replaced the above, this is great to take in PM)

memantine, amantadine, tianaptine, fasoracetam (they all worked great, but not taking it right now, i believe in rotation cycles)

ginkgo (subtle effect, i take it sometimes)

carnosine (every AM) + taurine (every PM)

benadryl or other first gen antihistamine (only PM as sleep aid)

meals with lots of vegetables, especially various beans (i eat them almost daily and take beano of course)

good night sleep


there are the things that make wired/anxious feeling worse for me:

high protein meals (meat, eggs, etc)



Pregnenolone (bad anxiety after a single dose!)

Adrafinil (when taken on a day with coffee)

DL-Phenylalanine (when taken in a big dose a couple of days in a row)

Piracetam (when taken together with some other stimulants)

too much caffeine (of course)

too much gluten in my diet

bad sleep


keep in mind alcohol is both stimulant and depressant, but even more importantly, it totally messes your NMDA (huge receptor upregulation) and results in excitotoxicity. stay away from it, but taper it slowly, or you will damage your brain even more.


some of your symptoms sound like depersonalization, that is extreme anxiety/stress IMHO. Feel free to read more on that: https://en.wikipedia...personalization


good luck and keep us posted.

Edited by jack black, 13 July 2017 - 05:48 PM.

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#15 airplanepeanuts

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Posted 13 July 2017 - 09:17 PM

Tianeptine is available in Germany, should be no problem to get it prescribed.

#16 jfr

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Posted 09 August 2017 - 01:55 PM

I'd like to give an update about my current health status.


3 weeks ago i had a meeting with a local neurofeedback expert at my local university. After telling about my symptoms he immediately decided to do a qEEG to see what exactly is going wrong in my brain.

To be honest i expected to see way too much fast brain waves especially Beta waves as iam feeling stressed out all the time.

Astonishingly that wasn't the case at all. The main problem seems to be a lack of all brain waves especially alpha and beta waves.

My brain actvity is very low in the frontal lobes and temporal lobes and is even worse in the back of my head.

Summarized my brain is lacking energy which causes a lot of stress.

Based on my qEEG we decided to train the brain in a direction where it produces more alpha and beta waves and i have to say it works pretty well, temporarily. After such a session i feel like a human again i have zero social anxiety a lot of confidence and my mood is pretty good. This feeling lasts for about 3-4 hours before it fades and iam going back into a lethargic mode where all the negative symptoms are coming back.


Last week i met my local doctor and after telling him about my qEEG and brain inactivity he somehow had the idea to do a "Heart rate variability Test" as i had problems with dizziness since iam a child.

Iam trying my best to translate the results into english:

"There is a profoundly malfunctioning situation with a huge parasympathetic dominance and almost none sympathetic activation. Under deep breathing this malfunction worsens. An underlying Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome could be possible.

The extreme weakness of the Sympathetic nervous system is a sign for an underlying neuropathy".


Iam having an appointment at my local university medical center in one month.

But at the moment iam pretty confused.

Nearly all my symptoms seem to fit to a sympathetic dominance but apparently this is not the case.


Somehow i have a feeling that acetylcholine plays a key role in my mental problems.


/iam taking 3600 mg taurine daily for two weeks now due to a possible glumate excess, i haven't noticed any changes since starting it.



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#17 jfr

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Posted 29 August 2017 - 09:06 PM

So i'd like to undertand the effects of alcohol on the nmda receptor better.

I personally believe that this effect causes me to feel so much better after a night out.


I hope someone can help me answer some of my questions.

While alcohol is in the blood it works as an nmda receptor antagonist calming the brain down.

If you drink quite a lot (for example 8x 0,5l beer) does this antagonism last even the day after you drunk the alcohol?


I mean normally i should feel bad the day after i drink due to the upregulation of the receptor. But somehow a hangover makes me feel very social and even the anhedonia seems to lift.


Its always the same game if i drink.

Drink friday night have a great night be very social have fun.

Waking up on saturday feeling a bit tired but still no social anxiety anhedonia almost non existing libido is pretty high no ear ringing.

Going to bed on saturday feels great and i sleep pretty deep and good.

Waking up on sunday completely messed up. Huge social anxiety, bad brainfog terrible ear ringing. Sleep on Sunday evening is horrible, waking up quite often and bad nightmares.


Could it be that the nmda antagonist effect of alcohol lasts until saturday night and once it fades the rebound sets in and thats causing all the problems?


Luckily i barerly drink alcohol mostly only once a month if there is a reason to celebrate something. But its so frustrating that it always runs down the same.


I'd really like to try an nmda receptor antagonist as tianeptine or lamotrigine but my doctor doesn't want to prescribe me them due to my low glutamate urine levels.


I definately think that most of my problems are due to nmda receptor hyperactivity.

#18 jfr

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Posted 13 January 2018 - 07:49 PM

So it's been a time and i'd like to give an update on my current situation.

After reading a lot of stuff about nmda receptor and its functions i finally came to the conclusion that there is no other way to rule things out but trying different things and waiting for reactions.

People mentioned that excitotoxicity could be causing my symptoms.So the first thing i did was buying some Magnesium-L-threonate (an mda receptor antagonist) which relieved a bit of my "stressed" feelings during the first week. I felt a bit calmer but also still spaced out and not motivated at all.

After the first few days the "calm down" feeling vanished. I stopped taking it because the only effect i got was feeling way more spaced out and bad lethargy with no drive at all.


As I've mentioned in previous posts a alcohol hangover works wonders for me. After a night of heavy drinking i feel wonderful (not physically but mentally). I have huge motivation,sex drive, a lot of confidence, the urge to socialize and iam just in a good mood.
From what i've read about this mysterious hangovers, the most logical reason for me is nmda receptor activation due to rebound. Of course other things like mentioned in this thread (http://www.longecity...ohol-hangovers/) could be possibly causing it but i already ruled them out, besides excess Acetylcholine. So my next step was trying some nmda receptor agonist.

At the same time i was reading something about mild forms of "nmda receptor encephalities" (a condition that causes nmda receptor hypofunction) on phoenix rising and as my symptoms overlapped with the ones of an user over there i decided to get my blood tested for antibodies.

Two weeks ago i started supplementing with sarcosine a powerful nmda receptor agonist. I started with 2x 500mg a day. I barely noticed anything. the only positive thing was that my ear ringing was way less than it is normally.

As there were no side effects on 2x500 mg my next step were 2x500mg in the morning and 2x500mg in the evening.
Well, here we go. My overall motivation increased (the nmda receptor plays a huge roll in shifting dopamine into different areas in the brain) but i also felt more calm at the same time.Ear ringing is almost completly gone. One could think that agonism of the nmda receptor would lead to more "action" and maybe even excitotoxicity. But the nmda receptor also enhances the relase of Gaba which could explain why i feel more calm.


As i've also mentioned in previous posts caffeine has a strange effect on me. After drinking a cup of coffee i normally feel a bit anxious and spaced out but at the same time iam getting very confident, sociable, motivated and just funny. Yeah funny, i make jokes and people actually laught about them ... :laugh:. All in all its almost like a hangover which makes me believe that dopamine plays a huge role in my whole illness.

So what happens when i take sarcosine and drink a cup of coffee? Well there is no anxious there is no feeling spaced out. There is just motivation, happiness and a lot of confidence. Sadly my non existing sex drive isn't cured. But i guees at the moment iam fine with it.


My antibody test came back two days ago, negative. Although my doc told me that they were slightly elivated but not enough for treatment. Iam now tryingto get a liquor testing as it is way more precise.


Well that's it. Iam way beyond beeing cured... i still lack motivation and confidence if i don't consume caffeine but i guess iam on the right track this time.


Greetings from Germany



Edited by jfr, 13 January 2018 - 07:56 PM.

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#19 sbenton

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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:36 PM

Your affects with alcohol tie in to this article. Worth a read just to rule out a mild infection. Also look into histamine and Mast Cell activation if you have time.

Essentially this is anecdotal but he went ketogenic for a few weeks to starve the bacteria and took doxycycline. The combination resolved his brain fog and mental fatigue.


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#20 jfr

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Posted 20 January 2018 - 08:39 PM

Your affects with alcohol tie in to this article. Worth a read just to rule out a mild infection. Also look into histamine and Mast Cell activation if you have time.

Essentially this is anecdotal but he went ketogenic for a few weeks to starve the bacteria and took doxycycline. The combination resolved his brain fog and mental fatigue.



Hey sbenton thanks for your reply.

Ironically i've already tried this way back in 2015. A doctor i've visited at this time was pretty sure that lyme disease and bartonella were causing my symptoms. He told me that the sudden onset of my dark eye floaters and the ear ringing after beeing sick is a clear sign of bacterial infection.

I did 2 months of antibiotics along with a strict paleo diet. He prescribed me a combination consisting of Doxycycline and Minocycline. Unfortunatelly the success failed to appear.

I remember reading a lot about bacterial infections back at this time. My symptoms would of course match with a lot of them but it's really hard to get proof.


Yesterday i got my second Heart rate variability test back and it suprisingly shows no improvements compared to the last one i did over a year ago although i feel definately better.

My autonomical functions are still pretty vargus-dominant. There is still a huge parasympathetic dominance and a strong supressed sympathetic system.


Well something is definately causing these issues whether it's viral or bacterial or something else, i really don't know.

Of course i'll keep this thread updated if there are any news





Edited by jfr, 20 January 2018 - 08:41 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: depression, mental fatigue, hangover

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