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Rapamycin vendors

rapamycin rapa mtor

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Posted 01 June 2017 - 08:56 PM

Since we now have more than a few folks experimenting with Rapamycin, I thought it might be useful to have a central location to discuss and share places to purchase, vendors etc... 

Points that may be helpful, but not limited to:

Name of vendor
Link to Website
Dosages available (mg per pill)
Cost (per mg)
Shipping costs
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Posted 12 June 2017 - 12:23 PM

India - sirolimus 1 mg
ordered 300 at 1.75 mg
small orders are much more expensive
also ordered Metformin SR 1000 mg 550 ea for 100 dollars. Bank wires only no paypal or cc. Free slow shipping. About 4 weeks. They probably also have other drugs in anti ageing formula. Statins, ang II INHIBITORS ETC
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#3 VP.

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Posted 17 February 2018 - 11:00 PM

I agree Dropshipmd provides a fast and excellent source for Rapamycin.

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#4 VP.

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Posted 26 February 2018 - 11:17 PM

 I bought some TLR rapamycin which came in a very small packet (500 mg). Another poster said the way he took it was to dilute it with alcohol and use an eyedropper to to dose it out. I can say for a fact this did not work for me. My first shipment came from India (the real deal). When that ran out  I thought I would try TLR to save money. With TLR my weight started to rise and I regained half the weight I lost with the real rapamycin within a month. I tried doing doses that I knew in the past would give me mouth ulcers and after repeated tries nothing.That is a big tell. I will get mouth ulcers if I overdose.  One of three things is happening IMO:

   1. The alcohol destroys the activity of rapamycin

   2. It's fake

   3. It's real but very diluted and not really a bargain. 

I have a feeling a lot of the rapamycin that is being sold in bulk powder is fake. That's my opinion anyway. 

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Posted 06 June 2018 - 06:06 PM




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#6 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 04 July 2018 - 07:01 PM

I obtained some sirolimus (AKA rapamycin) from dropshipmd.com and also another online vendor. In both cases, I was told that it was manufactured by Biocon. However, upon receiving the product (sold as "Emcure"), I noticed that the "manufactured by" company printed on the back was Swiss Garnier Biotech in Mehatpur, India. Sounds like a dodgy company trying to sound top tier. So lucky for you, I coughed up some hard earned cash and ran a mass spec on 4 pills. Each pill weighs 177 mg and claims to contain 1 mg of sirolimus. (177 mg was measured as the average of 5 other pills after the fact. Error seems to be +/-5 mg.)


The mass spec was done by a professor at an American university. He had done another analysis for me previously, and had been able to clearly identify an ingredient at the right molecular weight, even though I had only provided him a search range spanning 100 g/mol.


In this case, we have a substance with a molecular weight of 914 g/mol, as you can see here at Wikipedia. Indeed, the results show a peak there. Furthermore, it seems confirmed by other peaks at 913 and even 912. (I assume this is a smearing out of the proper peak due to measurement error.) Note that sirolimus has an odd number of nitrogens, namely just one, which supposedly has some significance with respect to the + or - ion mode.


The question is: are the mass spec results posted below consistent with a pill weighing 177 mg that claims to contain 1 mg of sirolimus? The answer is complicated by the fact that the X axis has units of mass/charge, where mass is normalized to g/mol and charge is in unit electron charges (ionization state count). So a +1 ion would show 914, but a +2 ion would show 457. More to the point, the pill is expected to be over 99% filler, which creates all the noise.


Personally identifying information has been redacted, but otherwise these are the exact images extracted from the report.

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#7 smithx

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Posted 04 July 2018 - 08:21 PM

I don't know how to interpret those, but typically what I do is GC/MS which requires that the sample be dissolved in a pure solvent such as analysis-grade hexane. You also need to know the ratio to % of pill vs solvent volume so you can calculate the concentration eventually. For example, if you dissolve the pill in 10ml of hexane, then the final concentration of sirolimus should be 0.1mg/ml (assuming that sirolimus does dissolve in hexane, which you'd need to check first.


Then, you do a Gas Chromatograph to separate the peak we're looking for, and do Mass Spec on that (or on all the peaks). Finally, you really want a mass spec database which will show you a % likelihood match for compounds, and you want that database to include sirolimus.


In the absence of a database, the easiest way to check would be to get a known-good sample from a chemical supply house and see if you can match the pattern against that. But you still would probably need to do GC to separate out the other material which will create confusing peaks.





#8 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 05 July 2018 - 06:26 AM

Thanks, that makes sense. Unfortunately I'm not in a position to do all that. If anyone else is, I'd be happy to provide samples. I guess this basically means that the results I posted are at least consistent with a real pill. I could always buy a known-good brand and compare, but even then, the filler is probably quite different. The other thing I could do is get a higher-dose pill from the same manufacturer, but unfortunately I haven't found one from any of the vendors I've looked at.

#9 smithx

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Posted 05 July 2018 - 08:47 PM

Anecdotally, I have the same sirolimus tablets from the same manufacturer as you, and taking 5mg instantly gave me a mouth sore, which would be consistent with it being sirolimus. Not conclusive by any means, but still something.


I do have access to GC/MS, but it turns out that it's not very soluble in hexane, so I would have to get some reagent grade methanol before sending out a sample. Also would need to check to see if the lab I use has the compound in its MS database. So I may do that at some point, but probably not for a while.



#10 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 06 July 2018 - 06:07 AM

Yeah, I recall having read that somewhere. But how is an instant mouthsore consistent with sirolimus? My impression was that the mouthsores are a gradual result of sustained immune suppression -- perhaps even bacterial colonies taking advantage of the situation, as with pimples. But perhaps I'm mistaken.


I did notice, for that matter, that these particular pills don't seem to be enteric coated, so presumably if you take one whole, it will just settle somewhere in your gut and cause the same local reaction. Not good. At least, I'd try to dissolve it first. How do you take it?


Thanks for looking into all that. I'd be really interested in further chemical analysis.

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#11 smithx

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Posted 06 July 2018 - 08:13 AM

I was exaggerating about "instant". It gave me a mouth sore in a day or 2 which didn't go away for over a week.


I just take them as pills. I don't think there's likely to be a local reaction, but not entirely certain. Stopped for a while, but now am back to 2mg every 10 days and may try to go to 3 again if it doesn't cause a sore.

#12 malbecman

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Posted 12 July 2018 - 06:50 PM

I obtained some sirolimus (AKA rapamycin) from dropshipmd.com and also another online vendor. In both cases, I was told that it was manufactured by Biocon. However, upon receiving the product (sold as "Emcure"), I noticed that the "manufactured by" company printed on the back was Swiss Garnier Biotech in Mehatpur, India. Sounds like a dodgy company trying to sound top tier. So lucky for you, I coughed up some hard earned cash and ran a mass spec on 4 pills. Each pill weighs 177 mg and claims to contain 1 mg of sirolimus. (177 mg was measured as the average of 5 other pills after the fact. Error seems to be +/-5 mg.)


The mass spec was done by a professor at an American university. He had done another analysis for me previously, and had been able to clearly identify an ingredient at the right molecular weight, even though I had only provided him a search range spanning 100 g/mol.


In this case, we have a substance with a molecular weight of 914 g/mol, as you can see here at Wikipedia. Indeed, the results show a peak there. Furthermore, it seems confirmed by other peaks at 913 and even 912. (I assume this is a smearing out of the proper peak due to measurement error.) Note that sirolimus has an odd number of nitrogens, namely just one, which supposedly has some significance with respect to the + or - ion mode.


The question is: are the mass spec results posted below consistent with a pill weighing 177 mg that claims to contain 1 mg of sirolimus? The answer is complicated by the fact that the X axis has units of mass/charge, where mass is normalized to g/mol and charge is in unit electron charges (ionization state count). So a +1 ion would show 914, but a +2 ion would show 457. More to the point, the pill is expected to be over 99% filler, which creates all the noise.


Personally identifying information has been redacted, but otherwise these are the exact images extracted from the report.


I do a lot of mass spectrometry at a major research university.  A mass spectrometer cannot confirm purity so your question is moot.   This is due to the fact that a mass spectrometer is a selective detector...it has different ionization efficiencies for different compounds which basically means some compounds give a strong signal while others give a weak signal.    The best way to measure purity is to do HPLC with a UV detector set to a nonspecific wavelength like 220nm...this wavelength will measure all compounds equally.

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#13 Vitalist

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Posted 19 July 2018 - 07:33 PM

So we have one negative review for TeamTLR rapamycin. 


Has anybody else tried the TLR rapamycin and can you give us your opinion? 


#14 RWhigham

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Posted 29 July 2018 - 03:32 AM

Has anybody else tried the TLR rapamycin and can you give us your opinion?

My rat started taking TLR rapamycin in June, 2017 dissolved in Everclear and kept in a dropper bottle in the freezer wrapped in foil. He cannot say whether it is equivalent to phama sirolimus or not, but he did have some response to nearly every dose. He needs to trial some pharma sirolimus to judge better.


The rat's experience:

To avoid mouth sores he started with 2 mg once-a-week and the dose was gradually increased over 4 mos to 6 mg. At 6 mg about 4 days after each dose he would have sores pop out near his hairline in back.The sores around his hairline would clear up spontaneously around day 6. Sometimes he had fulminating infections pop up on his face and hands. He had a long history with these infections which he treated with triclosan soap. After 6 mos or so taking rapamycin the fulminating infections stopped. He never had a mouth sore, but had a number of painful eye inflammations which were treated with ophthalmic antibiotic. It seems rapamycin may stimulate the flare up and elimination of bacteria.


Alcohol dilution:

It is possible that the rapamycin dissolved in alcohol loses strength over time.  After a year the dose is now 9 mg spaced further than a week apart as a precaution. This dose causes some barely noticeable sores on the back of the neck.


Powder dilution:

To make a powder dilution with the TLR rapamycin powder and lactose add an equal part lactose to the rapamycin, mix thoroughly, double the powder with more lactose,mix thoroughly, repeat for a total of 9 lactose additions to make a 512:1 dilution and 256 g of total powder. Powder mixing is done in a shaker bottle, but will not work if one of the powders clumps. If the rapamycin powder clumps this would be an expensive failed experiment.

Re: the fulminating infection

My rat picked up a fulminating bacteria circa.1978. It likely would have killed him if we hadn't found that immediately and frequently applying triclosan soap could stop it. For many years the rat could not go anywhere without a bottle of triclosan soap at hand. These bacteria could go from just noticed to out-of-control very rapidly--in a an hour or two. Triclosan penetrates deep unlike over-the-counter topical antibiotics--which were useless for this. It is an unexpected blessing that these are gone now after weekly doses of the TLR rapamycin. 

Edited by RWhigham, 29 July 2018 - 03:48 AM.

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#15 RWhigham

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Posted 07 August 2018 - 04:22 PM

TLR Rapamycin Experience continued


Fasting Glucose Rise

Perhaps the best evidence that TLR rapamycin works is that the rat's fasting glucose in the morning increased 17 mg/dL (from 80 mg/dL to 97 mg/dL)--after taking 6 mg of the TLR rapamycin once a week for 8 months..


Respiratory Infection following 9 mg dose

The 9 mg dose mentioned in the previous post was intended to elicit skin eruptions to verify that the TLR rapamycin is still good. 10 days after that dose, the rat came down with a respiratory infection--a common side effect of rapamycin. The rat will stick to 6 mg doses from now on.. Skin eruptions did not occur like they had in the past.


Skin Eruptions

It appears that rapamycin is no longer going to produce skin eruptions on the rat. He thinks it's likely that the rapamycin has already eliminated unfriendly bacteria from his skin over the last year.


Comparing TLR rapamycin to Sirolimus

I want to give the rat some Sirolimus for comparison, but still have not selected a source.

Edited by RWhigham, 07 August 2018 - 04:58 PM.

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Posted 13 August 2018 - 09:46 AM

I have been buying from International anti aging, called RapaPRO.1 tablet = 5mg  I started with 1/4 tab every week, can I go higher? 

Any information on the quality?

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Posted 27 August 2018 - 06:18 AM

I have been buying from International anti aging, called RapaPRO.1 tablet = 5mg  I started with 1/4 tab every week, can I go higher? 

Any information on the quality?


If you will state your age, I will give you a recommendation and sites.

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#18 QuestforLife

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 08:53 AM

TLR Rapamycin Experience continued


Fasting Glucose Rise

Perhaps the best evidence that TLR rapamycin works is that the rat's fasting glucose in the morning increased 17 mg/dL (from 80 mg/dL to 97 mg/dL)--after taking 6 mg of the TLR rapamycin once a week for 8 months..


Respiratory Infection following 9 mg dose

The 9 mg dose mentioned in the previous post was intended to elicit skin eruptions to verify that the TLR rapamycin is still good. 10 days after that dose, the rat came down with a respiratory infection--a common side effect of rapamycin. The rat will stick to 6 mg doses from now on.. Skin eruptions did not occur like they had in the past.


Skin Eruptions

It appears that rapamycin is no longer going to produce skin eruptions on the rat. He thinks it's likely that the rapamycin has already eliminated unfriendly bacteria from his skin over the last year.


Comparing TLR rapamycin to Sirolimus

I want to give the rat some Sirolimus for comparison, but still have not selected a source.


Thanks for the update, very informative.


I always thought the ulcers, skin eruptions, etc. were due to reduced cell turnover.

#19 RWhigham

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 02:30 PM

The rat was ok with 6 mg once-a-week for a long time. Then 6 mg started making both his eyes feel infected. So he cut down to 4 mg.

The 4 mg dose last week elicited a painful looking acne like sore behind his ear, plus mildly sore eyes.  It seems the rapamycin in alcohol in the freezer in a foil wrapped dropper bottle (to block out light) may still be good. It was made 14 mo ago (on June 18, 2017). It will take awhile longer to use up the 500 mg.

Edited by RWhigham, 29 August 2018 - 02:39 PM.


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Posted 29 August 2018 - 06:15 PM

This rat has been taking 6 mg once weekly of Rapa for 24 months from dropshipmd.com  No side effects period.  Bicon Sirolimus.  No experimenting with making my own.  $500 yr. to save your life seems cheap.  No problems, but wonderful improvement.  No arthritis in hip, kidney's work as well as a 20 yo's.  Blood work outstanding. Much lower HbA1c  So you don't really need any rats or mice to see great results. Take: exercise, rapa, metformin, N+R 250 mg daily.

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#21 Razor444

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 09:19 PM

The rat had his kidney and liver tested recently and they were fine -- according to the rat doctor.

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#22 angie4life

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Posted 02 October 2018 - 03:53 PM

I just received a bottle of RapaPro (Profound Products), and am thinking of starting with 1.25 mg per week.  I also take Metformin, and NMN from Alive by Nature.

Would love to give try some Rapa with my  10 1/2 year old pup, just not certain what dosage.  Hope I have a good source

#23 APBT

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Posted 02 October 2018 - 04:50 PM


I just received a bottle of RapaPro (Profound Products), and am thinking of starting with 1.25 mg per week.  I also take Metformin, and NMN from Alive by Nature.

Would love to give try some Rapa with my  10 1/2 year old pup, just not certain what dosage.  Hope I have a good source


Seethis thread:  https://www.longecit...mycin-for-dogs/

#24 LarryG

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Posted 09 December 2018 - 12:52 AM

I too buy from The Antiaging Store (associated with International Antiaging).  Rapa 5mg=$89, Metformin 500mgx100=$19.99 Deprenyl tabs 5mgx50tabs=34.99, Modafinil 100mgx30=$59.99.  They are extremely reliable and the shipping is relatively short to the USA.  I don't buy Modafinil from them any more since I found the site Afinil Express, which is likewise very dependable, with reship if a seizure occurs, and the price for 100 200mg Modafinil (Modvigil brand, which is very good) is $110.  200 is $190 with free additional product.  I have made two orders without incident, one was seized and was immediately replaced.





Edited by LarryG, 09 December 2018 - 12:54 AM.


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Posted 09 December 2018 - 03:59 PM

I too buy from The Antiaging Store (associated with International Antiaging).  Rapa 5mg=$89, Metformin 500mgx100=$19.99 Deprenyl tabs 5mgx50tabs=34.99, Modafinil 100mgx30=$59.99.  They are extremely reliable and the shipping is relatively short to the USA.  I don't buy Modafinil from them any more since I found the site Afinil Express, which is likewise very dependable, with reship if a seizure occurs, and the price for 100 200mg Modafinil (Modvigil brand, which is very good) is $110.  200 is $190 with free additional product.  I have made two orders without incident, one was seized and was immediately replaced.






Why would anyone pay these prices when they can buy from dropshipmd.com for these much better prices.  Have been buying from them for 2 years.  Rapamycin, $1.65 mg., 500 Metformin 1000 mg. = $75.  Never had a seizure.

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#26 LarryG

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Posted 09 December 2018 - 06:09 PM

Thanks for telling me.  I am new, so fairly unfamiliar with the site.  I appreciate the info.  On the site, Rampa 1mg comes in a pack of 10, inexpensive ED drugs, I don't see clomid but Arimidex and Exemestane, etc, are available as well, plus anti-flu meds like Tamiflu.  Good prices.  I didn't see Metformin or modafinil.  I went to this site...is this the one you are referring to?  https://www.dropshipmd.com/

Edited by LarryG, 09 December 2018 - 06:33 PM.


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Posted 09 December 2018 - 06:37 PM

Thanks for telling me.  I am new, so fairly unfamiliar with the site.  I appreciate the info.  On the site, Rampa 1mg comes in a pack of 10, inexpensive ED drugs, I don't see clomid but Arimidex and Exemestane, etc, are available as well, plus anti-flu meds like Tamiflu.  Good prices.  I didn't see Metformin or modafinil.  I went to this site...is this the one you are referring to?  https://www.dropshipmd.com/

Email them and they will quote you on just about anything.  There is a hassle of wiring money via your bank to them, but it is worth it for the money saved.  All there drugs are first class and so it the service.  I buy Sirolimus x 300 at a time because the more you buy the better the price.

#28 LarryG

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Posted 09 December 2018 - 06:54 PM

Thanks again...

#29 Vivacious1

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Posted 09 September 2019 - 01:02 AM

 I just spotted this on another website: "I had been taking 1mg per day of real rapamycin for an autoimmune condition. My blood levels were slightly low at 2.2ng. I began taking RapaPro from the antiaging store  (after confirming with them that it was in fact rapamycin), at an INCREASED dose of 1.5 g per day. My levels are now lower than the assay can detect. Clearly the product is NOT rapamycin.... or compounded at dosed lower than stated. I suspect that few people taking rapamycin for anti-aging get levels done."


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Posted 10 October 2019 - 08:29 AM

Still looking for a Rapamycin vendor.

International Anti-aging has been out of it for a while.

Thank You so much.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: rapamycin, rapa, mtor

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