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Current Idebenone Suppliers?

idebenone mitochondrial mitochondrial supplements mito supps mito mito supplements mitochondrial supps idebinone

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#1 theproprietor

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Posted 02 July 2017 - 06:29 PM

I've been taking about 200mg idebenone nightly for some time now; it helps improve my sleep quality and reduces some of my brain fog, in addition to lowering some chronic aching and burning sensations I have.  I have hyperadrenergic POTS, Mast Cell Activation Disorder, and meet the criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; I assume the idebenone is helping with at least one of these conditions, possibly through its action on superoxides, but maybe just by facilitating the electron transport chain.  Whatever it is, the effect is unique to the idebenone.

I was buying idebenone from New Star Nootropics (NSN), but they seem to have stopped carrying it.  Most, if not all, of the other sources I've seen mentioned or seen in the past have also dried up.  I do see that Smart Powders carries it, but I've read some... unflattering reviews of their company over on the nootropics subreddit and I'm wary of buying from them.  

Does anyone know of any other reliable suppliers of Idebenone?  Or... does anyone happen to know how to safely synthesize ingestible idebenone?  I know it is a synthetic based on coQ10.


And before you suggest some other antioxidant or mitochondrial supplement, please know that I've tried a very, very wide variety of them already.  Just under the umbrella of mito supps alone, I've tried NADH, PQQ, ubiquinol, ubiquinone/coq10, ALCAR/ALA, glutamine, mega-doses of all the B-vitamins, reasonable doses of all the B-vitamins (including methylfolate and hydroxycobalamin) magnesium, vitamin E, creatine, vitamin C, and vitamin D.  (I am considering trying succinate, c60, mitoq, or some oxoloacetate if I can find some, but we're getting a bit out there, and I'm unsure that these will match idebenone's activity, since similar compounds with similar mechanisms haven't so far.)  I've also tried a stunning number of other interventions for my conditions -- supplements, dietary changes, pharmaceuticals, compression stocks, behavioral modifications -- just about everything on every medical list for all of them.  Nothing else has done what idebenone does for me, and I'd like to maintain those improvements.


At this point, I'm really primarily interested in finding a solid replacement supplier for my idebenone.  Does anyone have any tips to share?


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: idebenone, mitochondrial, mitochondrial supplements, mito supps, mito, mito supplements, mitochondrial supps, idebinone

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