Hi all.
Thanks for the input. I went away a week ago for a sports tournament and ended up gaining ~5 pounds. Noticed dramatic improvement to my problem areas. However, I have since lost that weight and am mostly back at square 1 . Someone mentioned a possible allergy causing puffiness around my eyes and I actually think there may be some merit to that. My mother dropped by for a visit yesterday and she said my eyes looked swollen (which was atypical for me). Additionally, I noticed that I have been sneezing pretty frequently while in my apartment over the past couple months. Likely something in the air here - perhaps coming from my AC unit. Should also probably change the filter in my air purifier. Visit to an allergist probably wouldn't hurt either since this sort of thing has happened to me before in the summer - I tend to be sensitive to fragrances / random compounds in the air.
As for products, my routine is pretty simple right now (Cleanse, moisturize with CeraVe, throw on LRP Anthelios XL sunscreen - European formulation).
KTurner1990 - I have come across the miraculous cream before and will likely give it a try considering how cheap it is.
Aconita, I've seen you recommend Alpha Lipoic Acid in other threads. How would I about making my own serum for this?
Other things I'm looking into include:
Niacinamide (Or perhaps NIA24 instead???)
Skinceuticals Vitamin C serum (will likely purchase DIY kit from LotionCrafters)
I just picked up these glycolic acid pads a couple weeks ago and have begun using them about 2x a week:
It's 5% glycolic, but I plan to work my way up to higher concentrations.
In terms of lifestyle - I actually revamped my diet recently to include much higher concentrations of leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, tomatoes, mushrooms, berries, and less refined carbs. I began exercising regularly again (resistance training 2 - 3x a week plus some light cardio 1x). Working out + shower makes my face look so full and youthful. Also trying to include more protein in my diet. Noticed a lot of loose hair strands the past few weeks. Started buying protein bars again and currently considering buying collagen supps. I also have some mental issues that have interfered with my life which caused me to become anti social / depressed for some time (very unlike me...) where I would just (literally) sit in my apartment all day for a week(s) with no contact with the outside world. That's more or less under control now thankfully. Resolution of all these factors will make a bit of a difference.
Aconita - interesting mention of deterioration of craniofacial skeleton. I found a couple interesting papers over the weekend about this and it seems like a critical part of the aging face, yet is rarely addressed. I will be making a separate thread about this. As for the malar fat pad issue, I am going to try to gain more weight over the next month or two and see if that helps. If that fails, my plan is to experiment with targeted application of Isosensuals cream (a) infraorbitally (b) along the zygomatic arch and © along my nasolabial groove, as depicted below (taken from a presentation on dermal fillers):
If that all fails, then I will consider shelling out $$$ for fillers.