1- Invest in a high quality juicer (such as the omega 8003- 8005), and drink the juice of organic veggies twice a day. Supplements are good, but go with the living enzymes and raw energy too.
2- Health problems, especially cancer, are often linked to emotions. Certain type of emotions / behaviors will negatively alter specific organs, which will in turn create health problems. Our occidental medecine is just starting to understand this (humans aren't only biomechanical machines), the Chinese have been saying this for thousand of years.
I do not know about the patterns of prostate cancer, but "Hollistic / Total biology" (western) and Energetic medecines (Shiatsu, Acupuncture...) might know the answer.
Who is this person? Does he have a son? Does his son have children?
Energetic medecine says that prostate cancer is linked to the fact that a man's son doesn't/ can't have children, and he consciously / subconsciously would like him too, thus creating an inner conflict resulting in this type of illness.
Just another path of answer...

3- Also, on this board, and in the population in general, we often think of health as an 'Input' thing. Your car doesn't work good? Put some premium gas, nitro, change the tires and it will scream.
However, 99% of people fail to see the 'Output' part of health. Namely, cleaning your organs, pipes, getting rids of accumulated toxins (we all have these) and parasites.
May I suggest to have a look at
http://curezone.com/cleanse/Huge forums with various cleansing methods, and a lot of people reporting immense success and well-beeing improvement, as well as remission from cancer.
Premium gas, nitro, and tires are good, but if the engine and filters are clogged, you won't go very far.
Even with the best intention in the world, we have fecal matter stuck in our intestines, mucoid plaque, various types of parasites, bile stones in the liver, cholesterol stones too, clogged kidneys, you name it. Cancerigonenic toxins (pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, you name it, it's everywhere around us) tend to get stuck in these place, the weakest links and drain our energy and health. A simple enema does wonder for health, imagine a full parasite, liver and colon cleanse!
So start flushing the pipes, buddy.
4- Selenium is good for the prostate and prostate cancer prevention, although I do not know if it is too late.
So the radiation / chemo isn't working good, meaning it's time to take a more global, hollistic approach. The same he should have had before, the same we should all do.
Input is good, Output is better (the same as in meditation...)
Illness is not only caused by viruses and random DNA mutations, but also by emotions and patterns
Time to change his alimentation totally. Eat fresh, organic, raw.
When he has done some cleansing, fasting (nothing brutal, juice/ liquid fasting) could be good.
And most of all, positive emotions.
I wish him the best of luck.
And to the rest of us, let us not wait to have cancer to apply the common sense approach I just described.
PS: And listen to the Duke, he covered the "Input" part in a way it would have taken you 100 visits to 100 different doctors to know.
Just don't forget the Output.
Edited by jubai, 14 March 2006 - 07:49 PM.