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#1 prismatic_light

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 02:44 AM

I'd like to know the best diet, exercise, and supplementation for someone who had cancer and now has it again.

They had prostate cancer awhile ago, and had the prostate removed, and the cancer went away. Now, it's come back. They can't find it. Radiation and Chemotherapy don't work. All they can do is wait until it has reached the bones, then try to treat it. Or, more likely, give 'em a number of months to live.

I'm not asking for a cure for cancer. However, I know that numerous nutritionists visit this site, and I'm sure others have had experience with cancer. If anyone has any suggestions about how to either slow, stop, or make the cancer progressive less painfully, it is appreciated.


#2 JonesGuy

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 02:49 AM

I would recommend looking around in Pubmed for a little while.

Don't quote me, but I think that Calorie Restriction might be a good benefit, because it will reduce the growth rate of the cells. If nothing else, this buys time.

I would also guess that moving towards a more 'diabetic' diet will reduce insulin and thus reduce the food that the cancer cells are getting.

Finally, a strongly nutritious diet should be followed, if only to give the body every fighting chance.

Time, my friend, is the best asset. Treatments for various cancers are advancing, and we don't know what's coming down the pipe.

Finally, I would have to recommend the concept of cryonics, but I am not qualified to approach a person with cancer with such a concept.

#3 ajnast4r

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Posted 06 March 2006 - 03:05 AM

i would contact life extension, and follow their cancer protocols


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#4 Pablo M

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Posted 08 March 2006 - 08:56 PM

IP6 and SeMC are two good things to investigate. Apparently some MDs use up to 2 mg of SeMC as part of a cancer treatment. Also LEF has some news about coenzyme Q10 being used to induce apoptosis in cancer cells.

#5 simple

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Posted 08 March 2006 - 09:03 PM

I have used Indium sulfate on two family members with liver cancer, it helps stop the spreading, the swelling and pain, it also does some of the liver functions a blood level, combined with a very strict alkaline diet, to increase oxigen levels on the body, cancer grows in acidic, non oxigenated medium, I am not a doctor but the quality of life of my people was extended and better with the above guidelines.

I am not a doctor, I dont sell anything, I have two kids and two full time jobs to make ends meet, what I recomend is because I have used and tried.

#6 DukeNukem

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 06:19 AM

If I had cancer, I'd attack it with a vengeance.

o IV vitamin C along with green tea extract.
o Ave: http://www.avemarusa.com/index.html
o Lactoferrin mega doses (3 grams daily)
o I-C-3 mega doses
o Garlic
o Turmeric
o Regular green tea
o Flax seed lignans
o Tagamet (boosts immune system)
o Vitamin D mega doses (10,000 i.u. per day)
o Ginko mega doses

I have saved literature showing that all of these, and a lot more, have strong anti-cancer benefits. In fact -- and I'm no doctor -- I knew someone who had serious cancer on her wrist and hip (the size of a golf ball in both places), and the doctor told her she was in serious danger, maybe less than a year to live. She knew I was into supplements and asked for a list, and I sent her all of the above, plus more. I also told her to go on carb restricted diet (no simple carbs at all, only raw vegetable carbs -- cancer has a serious sweet tooth and simple sugars feed it like gas feeds a fire), and no dairy (casein feeds cancer, too).

She also got radiation treatment and chemo, but she followed my program to the letter. Her doctor was shocked, she said, at how quickly the cancer shrunk away. The only part of the treatment she didn't follow was the IV (couldn't find a doctor who'd do it in her area), but she mega-dosed on acid-free vit. C powder, per my instructions. Her doctor told her it was a miracle. I told her it was only a miracle because when it comes to the truth, modern medicine is blind in one eye, and can't see out the other.

True story, happened less than a year ago.

And, all the while, I also tried to get my dying grandfather on similar treatment, but his oncologist told him it was all hogwash (which my grandfather thus believed), and he had my grandfather eating cheap grocery store nutritional shakes made of high fructose corn syrup and casein caseinate -- exactly what cancer desires to fuel its growth!!!! He lived less than two months. Meanwhile his oncologist tours the USA teaching younger doctors how to take care of your parents, kids, co-workers and friends. Makes you feel good all over, I bet.

#7 bgwowk

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 06:39 AM

Of all the posts is this thread, the two I would take most seriously are dukenukem above, and the recommendation to check http://www.lef.org

By the way, instead of the spice Tumeric, you can purchase the active ingredient Curcumin directly as a supplement. Pharmaceutical companies are falling over themselves working to create create patentable synthetic analogs of curcumin, with the same or greater anti-cancer activity.


Edited by bgwowk, 09 March 2006 - 09:15 AM.

#8 meatwad

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 07:48 AM

Sugar and cancer is a nono.

Supplements are fine and dandy but make sure you are not feeding the mutants.

You can't take too many grape seed extract pills and vitamin C. Apparantly you are willing to try supplements, so read around and buy some stuff, just stay away from carbohydrate calories.

Just imagine that after a hard half year or year, you can go back to eating out and treating food as a source of enjoyment instead of "if I eat this I am going to die" type mentality. -- Not having this mentality at this critical moment could be trouble, though.

#9 sentrysnipe

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 09:51 AM

LINK: Induction of apoptosis by beta-lapachone in human prostate cancer cells

OK I assume by now you are quite overwhelmed. I've tried researching over pubmed before and I am glad to share what I've learned. First, all the above micronutrients mentioned alone, I don't think it could *cure* or make the existing cancer cells into remission.
1. Probiotics are specifically for treating prostate cancer. Try looking at Primal Defense or Custom Probiotics.

2. What you should also be looking for are topoisomerase inhibitors for cancer cases. From my pubmed roaming, I've learned about effective, comprehensive and natural TopoIsomerase I and II inhibitors such as Pau D'Arco. It has ß-lapachone . Nota Bene: I do NOT sell nor profit from anything in here when I suggest online retail health stores or any linkage in general. They are best taken as tea (as it is available for generic consumers, but I understand it is also extracted and taken isolated but I do acknowledge that other undiscovered extracts may still be found) in ground bark form. Sellers:
I have made a thread about it some time ago http://www.imminst.o...f=6&t=8669&st=0

3a. LINK: Induction of apoptosis in human prostatic cancer cells with beta-glucan (Maitake mushroom polysaccharide)
Low Down on Beta Glucans: http://www.imminst.o...&f=6&t=8823&hl=

3b. CoQ10 as already mentioned above. I am also interested as to which form of CoQ10 could very well suit such condition. Gotta keep those mitochondria workin'!

4. Others: N-A-C, Chlorella vulgaris / Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Brazil nuts, Sesame lignans

EDIT: 5. I might get flamed for this (yet again) but to answer your exercise inquiry part, doing yoga, meditation, visual representation (in full color and 3d) of cancer cells, tumors on remission and antibodies doing their thing may likewise help. Once again, not enough strong scientific evidence to prove this part, nonetheless it does not harm one to try.

Edited by sentrysnipe, 09 March 2006 - 10:12 AM.

#10 simple

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 04:33 PM

Again, if anyone cares to research :


this will provide information on Graves and Cancer and Indium on one serious study.

#11 jubai

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Posted 14 March 2006 - 07:27 PM

1- Invest in a high quality juicer (such as the omega 8003- 8005), and drink the juice of organic veggies twice a day. Supplements are good, but go with the living enzymes and raw energy too.

2- Health problems, especially cancer, are often linked to emotions. Certain type of emotions / behaviors will negatively alter specific organs, which will in turn create health problems. Our occidental medecine is just starting to understand this (humans aren't only biomechanical machines), the Chinese have been saying this for thousand of years.

I do not know about the patterns of prostate cancer, but "Hollistic / Total biology" (western) and Energetic medecines (Shiatsu, Acupuncture...) might know the answer.

Who is this person? Does he have a son? Does his son have children?

Energetic medecine says that prostate cancer is linked to the fact that a man's son doesn't/ can't have children, and he consciously / subconsciously would like him too, thus creating an inner conflict resulting in this type of illness.

Just another path of answer... :)

3- Also, on this board, and in the population in general, we often think of health as an 'Input' thing. Your car doesn't work good? Put some premium gas, nitro, change the tires and it will scream.

However, 99% of people fail to see the 'Output' part of health. Namely, cleaning your organs, pipes, getting rids of accumulated toxins (we all have these) and parasites.

May I suggest to have a look at http://curezone.com/cleanse/

Huge forums with various cleansing methods, and a lot of people reporting immense success and well-beeing improvement, as well as remission from cancer.

Premium gas, nitro, and tires are good, but if the engine and filters are clogged, you won't go very far.

Even with the best intention in the world, we have fecal matter stuck in our intestines, mucoid plaque, various types of parasites, bile stones in the liver, cholesterol stones too, clogged kidneys, you name it. Cancerigonenic toxins (pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, you name it, it's everywhere around us) tend to get stuck in these place, the weakest links and drain our energy and health. A simple enema does wonder for health, imagine a full parasite, liver and colon cleanse!

So start flushing the pipes, buddy.

4- Selenium is good for the prostate and prostate cancer prevention, although I do not know if it is too late.

So the radiation / chemo isn't working good, meaning it's time to take a more global, hollistic approach. The same he should have had before, the same we should all do.

Input is good, Output is better (the same as in meditation...)
Illness is not only caused by viruses and random DNA mutations, but also by emotions and patterns
Time to change his alimentation totally. Eat fresh, organic, raw.
When he has done some cleansing, fasting (nothing brutal, juice/ liquid fasting) could be good.

And most of all, positive emotions.

I wish him the best of luck.

And to the rest of us, let us not wait to have cancer to apply the common sense approach I just described.

PS: And listen to the Duke, he covered the "Input" part in a way it would have taken you 100 visits to 100 different doctors to know.

Just don't forget the Output.


Edited by jubai, 14 March 2006 - 07:49 PM.

#12 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 14 March 2006 - 07:45 PM

I tend to agree with dukenukem. If I had cancer I would definitely be megadosing just about every substance I could get my hands on that has documented anti-cancer activity and skip the emotional tweaking and enimas. Plenty of time to chat with your inner child after you survive the cancer. Eating good organic food, avoiding sugar and dairy, getting plenty of rest, moderate exercise, and drinking lots of green tea and water would also be priorities of mine.
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#13 ajnast4r

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 12:13 AM

skip the emotional tweaking

horrible advice.

emotional and spiritual health have a HUGE effect on the body, the immune system, and disease

#14 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 01:15 AM

Health problems, especially cancer, are often linked to emotions.

emotional and spiritual health have a HUGE effect on the body, the immune system, and disease

Emotions and spiritual health can cause/cure cancer? That is one of the most ridiculous things I ever heard. At the extremes (depression), I'm sure it can have an effect. If you get cancer and want to rely on a sunny disposition to destroy your tumor, thats great.... I know I sure wouldn't. Maybe "skip" was a little strong, but it would definitely not be above anything else I mentioned on the priority list. I am just a little alarmed when, on a science-based website, people with cancer are being told to get enimas and find their spiritual center. Am I alone here?

#15 Shepard

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 01:28 AM

While I acknowledge the affect the brain can have on the body, I agree that if I already had cancer, I would look towards outside means of treating it first.

#16 ajnast4r

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 03:22 AM

Emotions and spiritual health can cause/cure cancer?  That is one of the most ridiculous things I ever heard.  At the extremes (depression), I'm sure it can have an effect.  If you get cancer and want to rely on a sunny disposition to destroy your tumor, thats great.... I know I sure wouldn't.  Maybe "skip" was a little strong, but it would definitely not be above anything else I mentioned on the priority list.  I am just a little alarmed when, on a science-based website, people with cancer are being told to get enimas and find their spiritual center.  Am I alone here?

being emotionaly and spiritual healthy can strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. the physiological effects of emotions like hate, angry, hopelessness are very clear... its not hard to understand how a person consumed by negative emotions could set up a breading ground for disease, and a person consumed by positive emotions could set up the body to defeat disease.

its just as important a part of overall health as supplementation is.

#17 jubai

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 03:30 AM

I am just a little alarmed when, on a science-based website, people with cancer are being told to get enimas and find their spiritual center.  Am I alone here?

Well the 4 options I mentionned are solidly grounded in science, and if you don't think so, I believe you should reconsider your viewpoint [thumb]


It is a proven fact that emotions (the continuum of our state of mind, not only depression!), feelings and belief affect the body. Belief has a huge effect on healing (immense changes from the placebo effect, anyone?). Positive emotions have an effect on things, if only by the placebo effect, and past traumas hinder positive emotions. Simple logic.

I'm not talking about chahkras, rebirths and a journey to India here. :)

I'm talking about taking action to help the mind get in line with the body.

This is one of many possible ways, albeit one who has saved the lives of so many who had failed with conventional medecine. And something that has nothing to do with esoterism, but has already been proven by our Occidental science (even if we don't understand the exact mecanism), and has been an axiom of Eastern medecine for thousands of years

(I don't believe hundreds of millions of asian men can be wrong for THAT long) [lol]


As for enemas, colon cleansing, parasites and livers flushes, this is a simple biomechanical fact. All these have a proven effect on toxin levels, dead cells elimination, lympathic system efficiency (very important for cancer), immune system efficiency, nutriments assimilation, energy levels and many other factors.

A cancer is not a tumor in a box, even if we would like to believe so.

It is a global fight for the body, and a huge stress on every systems. Sudden remissions are not an act of God, they are the result of a multitude of factors who have combined to give the body the strength to kill and eliminate the degenerative cells. Thus, increasing your overall resistance is a logical thing to do, as well as a local (knife, radiation) treatment that we are so good at, now.

I have personaly cured my rosacea with a couple of liver and overall system flushes. Not with the prescriptions medecines and dozen of supplements I have tried.

I have cured other illnesses simply with supplements. Depends on the case.

My point is, I, too, highly believe in the efficiency of supplements and good food (which explains my presence here). However, a scalpel and some pills cannot work for every cases, far from it.

This specific case here seems to be one where the conventional approach has failed. Therefore, why not work from another angle? This would seem like the logical thing to do. A very scientific approach too, just not the one we are used too (Knife and supplements).

It is my belief that in 20, 50 or 100 years, our medecine will wake up and do to our bodies the same thing we have been doing to our cars, homes and computers for the past 20, 50 or 100 years. Namely, flush the bad stuff and clean the system BEFORE thinking about filling it with a million of supplements / furniture / data / fuel.

Seems logic, no? It does to me.

Pardon me now, I have to go awake my Kundalini. I heard that ALCAR + Idebenone works great for that :)


#18 biggee

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 05:48 AM

I'd like to know the best diet, exercise, and supplementation for someone who had cancer and now has it again.

They had prostate cancer awhile ago, and had the prostate removed, and the cancer went away.  Now, it's come back.  They can't find it.  Radiation and Chemotherapy don't work.  All they can do is wait until it has reached the bones, then try to treat it.  Or, more likely, give 'em a number of months to live.

I'm not asking for a cure for cancer.  However, I know that numerous nutritionists visit this site, and I'm sure others have had experience with cancer.  If anyone has any suggestions about how to either slow, stop, or make the cancer progressive less painfully, it is appreciated. 


According to the American Cancer Institute, sugar causes cancer.

All the info we really need to cure and prevent any disease has already been given to us by scientists whom have won Nobel prizes for thier work and discoveries. We only need to use that info correctly. Unfortunately, the money giants whom are looking out for our health and well-being don't want us to have any, (health and well-being). They only want money.

Edited by biggee, 18 March 2006 - 06:21 AM.

#19 sentrysnipe

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Posted 15 March 2006 - 08:58 AM

If one had colon cancer doing a chlorella enema would be beneficial.

[ot]I just noticed, this is InvisionBoard, I guess we should have the report button by default... it would be useful.[/ot]

#20 prismatic_light

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Posted 16 March 2006 - 04:50 PM

Thank all of you for your suggestions thus far.

I myself am not too well-versed when it comes to supplementation and health. I have had my own positive experiences with AOR's LEF Mix, Gamma E Complex, Cod Liver fish oil(which tastes pretty bad when it's not encapsulated), ortho-mind and pyritinol, but I don't know anything about treating or perhaps curing specific issues with the body. All I know about is prevention.

I noticed a lot of the suggestions are more aimed at preventing cancer than curing. Yes, I understand that it will slow the spread of cancer, but if it already exists and is overwhelming the body, prevention techniques will buy very little time in the long run, even if you feel better for a while.

I've looked into the placebo affect, as probably everyone has. I know the placebo affect exists, that it can be powerful, but it is a random phenomenon. Some people are miracle cured, others are unaffected. Plus, the person I'm talking about is old, and not very open to such "hippy" things, as I'm sure they'd look at it, when faced with emotional and spiritual reformation.

Thanks again for everyone's input. I will continue with my own research, and viewing this post if it keeps getting such good responses.


#21 mitkat

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Posted 16 March 2006 - 05:30 PM

Pardon me now, I have to go awake my Kundalini. I heard that ALCAR + Idebenone works great for that :)

[lol] LOL! Jubai raises some excellent points. No one is saying that emotional states directly cause cancer (at least I hope not), but it's certainly antagonistic to deny your body every chance it deserves.

As for informing "old-school" people who are sick to address their emotional problems first, I can relate...nothing quite like being seen as pushy and naive with the alternative cures. [mellow]

#22 biggee

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 06:22 AM

I know you never asked for a cure, but here it is--> Nobel Prize Winning Scientists Have Already Given Us THE CURE, Remember?

Edited by biggee, 22 March 2006 - 05:39 AM.

#23 sentrysnipe

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 04:18 AM

I noticed a lot of the suggestions are more aimed at preventing cancer than curing.  Yes, I understand that it will slow the spread of cancer, but if it already exists and is overwhelming the body, prevention techniques will buy very little time in the long run, even if you feel better for a while.
Thanks again for everyone's input.  I will continue with my own research, and viewing this post if it keeps getting such good responses.

Mine is a possible cure, David, not prevention. Were you able to thoroughly review my post?

#24 syr_

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Posted 21 March 2006 - 11:53 AM

I noticed a lot of the suggestions are more aimed at preventing cancer than curing.  Yes, I understand that it will slow the spread of cancer, but if it already exists and is overwhelming the body, prevention techniques will buy very little time in the long run, even if you feel better for a while.

If there was a cure for all types of cancer, everyone would know :)
There are different types of preventions, metastasis prevention is something you should consider.
There are also coadiuvants for people taking conventional therapy.
Please read LEF protocols about cancer, they are very exaustive.

#25 biggee

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 05:37 AM

I noticed a lot of the suggestions are more aimed at preventing cancer than curing.  Yes, I understand that it will slow the spread of cancer, but if it already exists and is overwhelming the body, prevention techniques will buy very little time in the long run, even if you feel better for a while.

If there was a cure for all types of cancer, everyone would know :)
There are different types of preventions, metastasis prevention is something you should consider.
There are also coadiuvants for people taking conventional therapy.
Please read LEF protocols about cancer, they are very exaustive.

How do you know that, "If there was a cure for all types of cancer, everyone would know"? Actually there are many cures for cancer. Anyone who thinks otherwise, believes the FDA and such really are looking out for the best interests of the citizens instead of the multi-national mega pharmaceutical corporations whom money means more to..... you know the same money mongers that are now the 4th leading cause of death in the USA! Do your homework!

#26 syr_

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 11:32 AM

I said for all types of cancer. There are cures for specific types, but not all.
I did my homework, now please dont give my words meanings that they dont have.

Edited by syr_, 23 March 2006 - 09:42 PM.

#27 Healthy4Life

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Posted 01 February 2024 - 02:25 PM


Thank you for this thread. When I was going through cancer treatment I added anywhere from 2 to 7 cups of strong Taheebo tea per day. It made a massive difference in my response to chemo (higher energy levels and almost no nausea) and improved my recovery time after a grueling final 15 hour surgery. I agree that using ground bark is the way to go. The sellers you shared back in 2006 are no longer active. If anyone is looking for fresh ground authentic pau d'arco bark you can get it here: https://taheebo-tea.com

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