Posted 25 October 2022 - 01:28 PM
Posted 25 October 2022 - 03:54 PM
Grooovin: Thanks for that information on the ototoxicity of cyclodextrin. The article does maintain that Cyclodextrin in the polymer form (CDP) eliminates ototoxicity.What also struck me was that this form of cyclodextrin (CDP) reduces plasma membrane disruption compared to beta cyclodextrin. There are 3 components of a cell membrane...proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol). Previously a poster mentioned the concern that cell membranes (red blood cells, white blood cells and other cells) could possibly turn to MUSH if the cyclodextrin were to pull out the cholesterol component that makes up the cell wall. I think this is a very valid concern and now the author of the article you posted stated that in the polymer form (CDP) ...that this effect is negated. My take on this is it is best to use a product like Cavadex in moderation. Instead of utilizing the suggest 2 gram dose (absorbed amount) every day, one might be more prudent to do 10 Cavadex over 10 days with a 5 day washout afterwards. In conclusion, the author of your article seems to confirm that there is a side effect of plasma membrane disruption with beta cycldextrin. Perhaps, this is why my level of white cells went down drastically after 42 straight days on the product....although you have not seen this effect.
Posted 27 October 2022 - 07:52 PM
Grooovin: Thanks for that information on the ototoxicity of cyclodextrin. The article does maintain that Cyclodextrin in the polymer form (CDP) eliminates ototoxicity.What also struck me was that this form of cyclodextrin (CDP) reduces plasma membrane disruption compared to beta cyclodextrin. There are 3 components of a cell membrane...proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol). Previously a poster mentioned the concern that cell membranes (red blood cells, white blood cells and other cells) could possibly turn to MUSH if the cyclodextrin were to pull out the cholesterol component that makes up the cell wall. I think this is a very valid concern and now the author of the article you posted stated that in the polymer form (CDP) ...that this effect is negated. My take on this is it is best to use a product like Cavadex in moderation. Instead of utilizing the suggest 2 gram dose (absorbed amount) every day, one might be more prudent to do 10 Cavadex over 10 days with a 5 day washout afterwards. In conclusion, the author of your article seems to confirm that there is a side effect of plasma membrane disruption with beta cycldextrin. Perhaps, this is why my level of white cells went down drastically after 42 straight days on the product....although you have not seen this effect.
From my humble understanding can indeed disrupt blood membranes. However that depends soley on concentration. I do believe in on of the studies it was only give at a dilution not exceeding .25 grams per ML of solution/dilution . My dilution in solution have varied usually below .048 grams per ML.
The " mush test' is a pretty simple the take blood in a petri dish and add different concentrations til the see the blood cells explode.
The reason I would be against your theory is that in the cavadex study they were giving up to 18 grams a day in a monitored study. This study is pretty badly reported I must say. We also have the NPC study when the are giving what would be my equivalent of 265grams a day over a period of 8 hours. Considering it takes at most an hour to drip IV 1000 ML of solution and the recommended maxium for IV's I think is 3000 ML a day that would be a concentration of .088 so we do have some data to guide us because both of these studies were in human vitro. Also, if it destroyed you blood sells you would most likely see it in your poop. (black tarry stool)
Anyways my friend an I are having some side effect issues so we are really pulling up any information we can to figure why. They are temporary but we would like to be side effect free but from what I am reading it won't happen.`
Posted 31 October 2022 - 04:41 PM
Well my dosing buddy made the switch to the more PH balanced lactated ringers solution . Good results, no fatigue or toxic feeling .
This confirms half of my side effects were caused by acidosis.
As far as the lack of perfomance after dosing it took 10 days to become functional. That was 9 days ago. On day 19
. Great session today..reaction time was not like a 20 year old but hardness was reached AND MAINTAINED THE WHOLE SESSION. As I stated before additional hardness at the base.
In addition to kegels , I have started messing with the angion method because....why not lol.
Things are really going great. However I will be delaying my return to dosing after a full month of recovery . 1) Because damn I am enjoying myself and 2) Because I haven't returned to have nocturnal erections to the point of them being annoying again. The last time I gave myself over 20 days rest I was having morning pee problems because of the wood I was missing the target.
So giving it a little more rest . I would love to get 300 injected in November but honestly anything of 200 is fine as I do not have the same urgency .
Good luck to you guys and as usual I will report any new findings I run across here.
Posted 09 November 2022 - 02:10 PM
Hey Guys , started again .
I did 36.5 grams in a 2 day period . As I have concluded from a study and my own personal experience . HPBCD seems to have an affect on the kidneys resulting in less blood flow force. I measure it by the time it takes me to have erections again which is conveniant .
So it took 5 days to recover after the 36 grams.
My next dose will be 50 grams in 24 hours to test the recovery time for that dose. This may be important to people with advanced heart disease as according to the study blood pressure increase and blood flow decreases.
Posted 16 November 2022 - 03:44 AM
I have been away longer than I planned ... I had some vaccinations and my body was not feeling them at all ...after being completely laid up for 2 days with that and being less than a 100% I resume.
Unfortunately I will not be completing my 4000 grams in a calendar year.
On the bright side my dick is harder than my memory is long
I was finally able to have a cowgirl situation with no concern and no awkward bending of a weak erection.
I just keep winning with this ...especially since I know not to attempt sex for some days after dosing..
So today I started and expect an update as to recovery time for a 50 gram dose..on a side note I did take a 12.5G shot today and I was still rock hard it seems that the jump to 25grams a day is a slight setback ...anythning after that is a waiting to return to function event.
Peace to everyone and I will check in soon.
Posted 19 November 2022 - 06:07 PM
Maybe a stupid question: As I understand the Cyclodextrin based therapeutics being tested for atherosclerosis and dementia are based on injection and the doses are quite high. A recent Nature paper talked about Alzheimer's in a mouse model. Could enough cyclodextrin be bioavailable by oral consumption to have positive health benefits for conditions like these? Could there be a benefit to oral consumption of cyclodextrins?
Posted 19 November 2022 - 10:36 PM
Geo: From a 2015 study: "The safety and toxicity of cyclodextrins depend on the route of administration. When administered orally, cyclodextrins are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and thus are practically non toxic. This is due to their bulky and hydrophillic nature."
The Cavadex people say that their cyclodextrin is barely absorbed orally and is eliminated mainly in the urine after either IV injection or via rectal suppository. Personally, I have finished 3 boxes of Cavadex or about 200 grams of absorbable cyclodextrin (2 grams per suppository). I have witnessed slimy mucous in the stool which I attribute to the breaking down of fatty cholesterol deposits and the biofilm present in calcification. So, I have come to the conclusion that in addition to the release of calcified deposits via the urine, an additional amount can be released in the stool.....perhaps by absorption through the liver into the small and large intestine (?). I am confident that my next calcium heart scan will show a reduction of at least 50% from 2200 to 1000 and even more as a result of my diet and supplement program for the last 17 months. I would like to hear about the results of others who might have done angiograms or ultrasounds of the carotid artery or calcium scans of the heart..... We are all pioneers in this cyclo dextrin trial. Would love to see the billion dollar statin industry collapse and mud on the face of those cardiologists who adhere to the primitive treatment of heart disease via stents, angioplasty, bypasses etc etc.
Posted 19 November 2022 - 10:46 PM
Geo: I failed to mention that there is an Israeli Company called Oramed. They make an oral insulin pill that can be swallowed which bypasses the effects of degradation in the stomach. They are on fast track FDA approval and have so far submitted results in phase 3 trials that are successful. This is the first time that a company may have solved the problems pertaining to insulin which is currently IV injected. The company is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange, symbol...ORMP. If their product is approved, I envision other pharmaceuticals could also work via oral ingestion. Maybe even a capsule containing cyclodextrin.
Posted 20 November 2022 - 12:11 PM
Hi guys I just wanted to update everyone on how I am doing...
I am glad to see some people here are getting better using Cyclodextrin
I found the link about a year ago and it looked like it might be my best chance to clear my arteries....
To bad for me the Cyclodextrin caused inflammation that made things worse but if I can find a way to reduce inflammation I might give it another try.
2 months ago I got really sick ended up in the ER with lung infection that was eating my lungs and was antibiotic resistance....
Great more bugs trying to kill me.
After the Quarantine at the ER (everybody was scared they might catch it) the IV antibiotics kick in and I got better....
It took 2 months to get my strength back and now I am back in the same place I was before.....
Crappy blood flow to some small arteries that caused my stroke 1+ years ago.
Cyclodextrin looks like my only chance to get better but I need to figure out a way to take it that wont reduce blood flow.
Right now things are ok if I take BP Meds and 4 aspirin a day.
Anything I do like eating a steak, drinking a beer (Ok 4-6 beers) makes me worse....
Red wine helps drops my BP by 10 points and reduces inflammation.
So my question is how can I take Cyclodextrin and not reduce blood flow?
Posted 20 November 2022 - 01:28 PM
On the Cholrem site there's a photo of a box of Cavadex tablets. Also, a photo of some tablets next to the box. Presumably this is all just a mockup, but indicates that they are looking into oral delivery. The text with the photo...
Increase bioavailability of
our CAVADEXTRIN® molecule
"Design and development of delivery systems to enhance the absorbtion of CAVADEXTRIN® into the blood stream. These include delayed release tablets and absorbtion enhancing excipients."
Edited by Snapper, 20 November 2022 - 01:29 PM.
Posted 22 November 2022 - 08:59 PM
Maybe a stupid question: As I understand the Cyclodextrin based therapeutics being tested for atherosclerosis and dementia are based on injection and the doses are quite high. A recent Nature paper talked about Alzheimer's in a mouse model. Could enough cyclodextrin be bioavailable by oral consumption to have positive health benefits for conditions like these? Could there be a benefit to oral consumption of cyclodextrins?
Unfortunately it doesn't make it to the blood stream and I am guessing gets digested like any other sugary substance. From a study it barely even reduces cholesterol intake.
Posted 22 November 2022 - 09:37 PM
On the Cholrem site there's a photo of a box of Cavadex tablets. Also, a photo of some tablets next to the box. Presumably this is all just a mockup, but indicates that they are looking into oral delivery. The text with the photo...
Increase bioavailability of
our CAVADEXTRIN® molecule
"Design and development of delivery systems to enhance the absorbtion of CAVADEXTRIN® into the blood stream. These include delayed release tablets and absorbtion enhancing excipients."
So far this seems like a pipe dream, I wish I was better at saving every available article about HPCD but someone proposed a mechanical pill that would release in the appropriate spot (no way I would take that thing lol).
Delivery is gonna be an issue for awhile, I am just bold and not afraid of needles and have had a bit of practice in maintaining sterility .
Even with that , I have definitely had some hiccups in this year of treatment, one of my friends at least has the luxury of dating a nurse so he has a leg up on me.
Posted 22 November 2022 - 09:50 PM
Geo: From a 2015 study: "The safety and toxicity of cyclodextrins depend on the route of administration. When administered orally, cyclodextrins are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and thus are practically non toxic. This is due to their bulky and hydrophillic nature."
The Cavadex people say that their cyclodextrin is barely absorbed orally and is eliminated mainly in the urine after either IV injection or via rectal suppository. Personally, I have finished 3 boxes of Cavadex or about 200 grams of absorbable cyclodextrin (2 grams per suppository). I have witnessed slimy mucous in the stool which I attribute to the breaking down of fatty cholesterol deposits and the biofilm present in calcification. So, I have come to the conclusion that in addition to the release of calcified deposits via the urine, an additional amount can be released in the stool.....perhaps by absorption through the liver into the small and large intestine (?). I am confident that my next calcium heart scan will show a reduction of at least 50% from 2200 to 1000 and even more as a result of my diet and supplement program for the last 17 months. I would like to hear about the results of others who might have done angiograms or ultrasounds of the carotid artery or calcium scans of the heart..... We are all pioneers in this cyclo dextrin trial. Would love to see the billion dollar statin industry collapse and mud on the face of those cardiologists who adhere to the primitive treatment of heart disease via stents, angioplasty, bypasses etc etc.
Yeah, they should definitely be using this on more people ...However once the secret is out they will lose billions so of course the tactic is to delay and confuse.
To this day not one major pharma company has funded a study on this for heart disease.
Posted 22 November 2022 - 09:56 PM
Hi guys I just wanted to update everyone on how I am doing...
I am glad to see some people here are getting better using Cyclodextrin
I found the link about a year ago and it looked like it might be my best chance to clear my arteries....
To bad for me the Cyclodextrin caused inflammation that made things worse but if I can find a way to reduce inflammation I might give it another try.
2 months ago I got really sick ended up in the ER with lung infection that was eating my lungs and was antibiotic resistance....
Great more bugs trying to kill me.
After the Quarantine at the ER (everybody was scared they might catch it) the IV antibiotics kick in and I got better....
It took 2 months to get my strength back and now I am back in the same place I was before.....
Crappy blood flow to some small arteries that caused my stroke 1+ years ago.
Cyclodextrin looks like my only chance to get better but I need to figure out a way to take it that wont reduce blood flow.
Right now things are ok if I take BP Meds and 4 aspirin a day.
Anything I do like eating a steak, drinking a beer (Ok 4-6 beers) makes me worse....
Red wine helps drops my BP by 10 points and reduces inflammation.
So my question is how can I take Cyclodextrin and not reduce blood flow?
It would seem from my experience is that slow and steady would be you best approach... my best indicator of blood flow is in erections. 12 grams very little effect.. but after that slowly but surely the kidney resistance seems to get bigger with every dose. By 70ish grams over 2-3 days I cannot get a full erection for about 4 days. Maybe after some clearance you could increase your doses.
Edited by Grooovin1, 22 November 2022 - 09:57 PM.
Posted 22 November 2022 - 11:00 PM
As far as the effect on kidneys...this latest round seems to indicate I need to stay at about 50 grams per 2-3 day session to make it tolerable for me. There was a big difference with that last 25 grams . It seemed my urine has a almost gelatinous quality to it and my bladder had to work hard to push it out. I am assuming that this stuff loaded with lipids causes a bit of a log jam at the kidneys. It is tolerable but not pleasant.
Also noted on the 3rd day after the 75 gram session was a bigger feeling of "toxicity" meaning my kidneys were hindered from fully doing their job of removing waste. At least that what my bodies feedback seems to indicate.
This will definitely limit my doses to 200 and below for a month, but I have made such good progress that I don't even mind stretching out the treatment.
Posted 23 November 2022 - 06:15 PM
Day 5, has sex today. It took some extra foreplay and time to get hard but once hard every thing was fantastic , not as good as a longer washout period but no complaints at all. Indicating there is still some blood force issues. Also there is still some symptoms of dehydration ( I probably am not helping this by having drinks at night to be truthful , definately compounding the hydration issue.)
On a side note due to a higher degree of felt side effect's I have decided that it's probably going to be more tolerant to keep my rounds of doses under 50... I think it's just more manageable . I can still possibly get up to 200gs a month but really anything over 125 is absolutely fine with me because I am very functional at this point.
Functionality has been achieved the only goal is more even more hardness ( I am a bit below the throbbers I remember from early adulthood... but to be real after 15+ days of washing out I can definately do the hang the hand towel trick ) and the elimination of ED pills. I really see no reason I won't reach those goals and I am not in a hurry at this point.
This has really worked and been worth all the bullshit.
With the above data...I really think that people that are/were non responders should probably turn this into a multi year treatment if the goal is a complete 200 grams per month that would be 1 year 8 months. It all depends on the individuals tolerance etc.
Posted 25 November 2022 - 04:52 AM
Thoughts on Liposomal cyclodextrin?
Posted 25 November 2022 - 03:59 PM
Thoughts on Liposomal cyclodextrin?
Would like to see it for sure.
Posted 25 November 2022 - 04:27 PM
Day 5, has sex today. It took some extra foreplay and time to get hard but once hard every thing was fantastic , not as good as a longer washout period but no complaints at all. Indicating there is still some blood force issues. Also there is still some symptoms of dehydration ( I probably am not helping this by having drinks at night to be truthful , definately compounding the hydration issue.)
On a side note due to a higher degree of felt side effect's I have decided that it's probably going to be more tolerant to keep my rounds of doses under 50... I think it's just more manageable . I can still possibly get up to 200gs a month but really anything over 125 is absolutely fine with me because I am very functional at this point.
Functionality has been achieved the only goal is more even more hardness ( I am a bit below the throbbers I remember from early adulthood... but to be real after 15+ days of washing out I can definately do the hang the hand towel trick) and the elimination of ED pills. I really see no reason I won't reach those goals and I am not in a hurry at this point.
This has really worked and been worth all the bullshit.
With the above data...I really think that people that are/were non responders should probably turn this into a multi year treatment if the goal is a complete 200 grams per month that would be 1 year 8 months. It all depends on the individuals tolerance etc.
I am sorry to say, but I your reports about cyclodextrin use are not very rational or scientific. I would be LESS likely to biohack with cyclodextrins based upon your reports. There is more to health and life than sexual performance. I would much rather see biomarker data....even standard lipid/cholesterol numbers.
Posted 25 November 2022 - 05:36 PM
I am sorry to say, but I your reports about cyclodextrin use are not very rational or scientific. I would be LESS likely to biohack with cyclodextrins based upon your reports. There is more to health and life than sexual performance. I would much rather see biomarker data....even standard lipid/cholesterol numbers.
Fund it.... I can't pay for it all.
I don't have a problem with your skepticism , I would be a skeptic also if it wasn't for the applied results.
Dissent if you will but put your money where your mouth is. If you notice they keep expanding the trials for a number of conditions but big Pharma won't fund it because of vested interest and everything they have used it for has had positive results.
Fund me.
PS ... And you sir seem to not know how to read research papers. You don't give any reference on HOW I am unscientific , all I get from you is vague negative commits and you have the nerve to call yourself the brain and it is simply laughable.
Rename yourself the HATER .
Do you ever have actual data from any study before you make these judgements or is it a ridiculous "gut feeling" . You keep popping up with a non data based opinion and it would benefit everyone if you just stopped gained knowledge and then offer you weak opinions.
Waiting for another non data based response .
Edited by Grooovin1, 25 November 2022 - 05:45 PM.
Posted 25 November 2022 - 05:41 PM
Thoughts on Liposomal cyclodextrin?
Really don't know much about the subject , however you are asking about a substance that make lipids available. It is kind of trampling on covered ground.
Posted 26 November 2022 - 04:13 AM
Thoughts on Liposomal cyclodextrin?
From my farmhand understanding this is just another way that this molecule is effective....This is not about the delivery of HPBCD but another way it can be used to get medicines to where they are most effective.
Posted 26 November 2022 - 04:15 AM
Geo: From a 2015 study: "The safety and toxicity of cyclodextrins depend on the route of administration. When administered orally, cyclodextrins are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and thus are practically non toxic. This is due to their bulky and hydrophillic nature."
The Cavadex people say that their cyclodextrin is barely absorbed orally and is eliminated mainly in the urine after either IV injection or via rectal suppository. Personally, I have finished 3 boxes of Cavadex or about 200 grams of absorbable cyclodextrin (2 grams per suppository). I have witnessed slimy mucous in the stool which I attribute to the breaking down of fatty cholesterol deposits and the biofilm present in calcification. So, I have come to the conclusion that in addition to the release of calcified deposits via the urine, an additional amount can be released in the stool.....perhaps by absorption through the liver into the small and large intestine (?). I am confident that my next calcium heart scan will show a reduction of at least 50% from 2200 to 1000 and even more as a result of my diet and supplement program for the last 17 months. I would like to hear about the results of others who might have done angiograms or ultrasounds of the carotid artery or calcium scans of the heart..... We are all pioneers in this cyclo dextrin trial. Would love to see the billion dollar statin industry collapse and mud on the face of those cardiologists who adhere to the primitive treatment of heart disease via stents, angioplasty, bypasses etc etc.
Awesome dude...avoid that heart attack or side effects from the meds.... Please keep us updated, it's very important .
You are bringing hope to the hopeless.
Posted 26 November 2022 - 04:23 AM
Dosing for NPC patients
Someone posed this is readily available through a google search .
I think from just memory they are now dosing between 200-400 miligrams per kilogram of body weight 2 times a week.
For me that would be a single day total of 180-360 2 times a week...I would never go that high.
They say it's tolerable for these patients , however let's put some context on that. These are people whos bodies never get rid of accumulated cholesterol and they are faced with certain relatively quick death because of it.....that is a lot , what is tolerable when you are facing death. Also they have lessened worry due to the molecule not taking to much cholesterol that it effects body function.
The useful information is more on toxicity with these NPC patients and less on applied routines with other uses.
Posted 26 November 2022 - 04:39 AM
Tangent warning.
Cyclodextrins also treat Covid. https://www.thailand...inst-sars-cov-2
So the question to all the cyclo travelers, Have you had covid and was it severe?
Posted 26 November 2022 - 04:41 AM
Tangent warning.
Cyclodextrins also treat Covid. https://www.thailand...inst-sars-cov-2
So the question to all the cyclo travelers, Have you had covid and was it severe?
That is really hard data to gather since it is used in so many treatments for Covid...It would seem to have a very therapeutic effect but of course they don't fund studies for effective treatments that they can't get a patent on.
Posted 26 November 2022 - 03:16 PM
Hi guys I just wanted to update everyone on how I am doing...
I am glad to see some people here are getting better using Cyclodextrin
I found the link about a year ago and it looked like it might be my best chance to clear my arteries....
To bad for me the Cyclodextrin caused inflammation that made things worse but if I can find a way to reduce inflammation I might give it another try.
2 months ago I got really sick ended up in the ER with lung infection that was eating my lungs and was antibiotic resistance....
Great more bugs trying to kill me.
After the Quarantine at the ER (everybody was scared they might catch it) the IV antibiotics kick in and I got better....
It took 2 months to get my strength back and now I am back in the same place I was before.....
Crappy blood flow to some small arteries that caused my stroke 1+ years ago.
Cyclodextrin looks like my only chance to get better but I need to figure out a way to take it that wont reduce blood flow.
Right now things are ok if I take BP Meds and 4 aspirin a day.
Anything I do like eating a steak, drinking a beer (Ok 4-6 beers) makes me worse....
Red wine helps drops my BP by 10 points and reduces inflammation.
So my question is how can I take Cyclodextrin and not reduce blood flow?
Posted 26 November 2022 - 03:42 PM
Hi Doug: So your question is "how can I take Cyclodextrin and not reduce blood flow?<<<
My answer....First off...stop eating a steak, and drinking 4-6 beers. I mean c' gotta have some self control here.
The key to good circulation which defines good blood flow is decreasing the fatty cholesterol deposits in our diet including LDL that circulate throughout the 60,000 miles of arteries vein and capillaries. Good blood flow provides the vital nutrients to feed the oxygenation and nutrients the cells require, and remove excess waste such as oxidized particles including bacteria and virus.
To Dr. Esselstyn's book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, along with Dean Ornish's book, Program for Reversing Heart Disease. These will give you a very basic knowledge of the role of diet, stress, exercise etc. But, their program is too strict for the average patient.
Cavadex though, sounds like an easy solution. But it doesn't get to the heart of the matter. Let's face it. Except for small amounts found in food, it is a chemical substance that doesn't belong in the body in large quantities. Yes, it may be great as a food additive or drug transporter....but it doesn't add to our health...too much of it might even harm us.
Learn more about the role of the endothelium that line our blood vessels. It is responsible for dilation that can increase the blood flow my as much as 35%. Even though some patients have block arteries up to is this very dilation that can prevent strokes and heart attacks. Once the endothelium get destroyed through the process of atherosclerosis, and their invasion and deterioration by microbes, ...calcification and hardening of the arteries appear.
So even though you are getting rid of cholesterol deposits with Cavadex, you are not getting to the source of the problem. You are treating the symptom and not the cause. The Cavadex is like a drug.....Start learning about the nitric oxide cycle and a diet including green leafy vegetables, like kale and spinach that feed the endothelium, improve its structure and measurably improve blood flow.
I am not opposed to Cavadex. I take it. My suggestion is lay off fatty processed food. Research alternatives like systemic (proteolytic enzymes...Neprinol)) that remove the biofilm of microbes that are part of the calcification problem. There are many worthy supplements...Vitamin K-7, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Collinsonia Root and Chanca Piedra (stone calcification breakers) ...Eat rice and beans, salads, etc. Do the research. Good Luck...Victory
Posted 27 November 2022 - 03:02 PM
I agree with you here Victory as I am in the last stages of my treatment this is a pretty big intervention. Only thing this is really not a drug since it isn't absorbed by the's a molecule that collects and is eliminated in about 2-3 hours.
Compared to the actual drugs that are used to try to limit the the amount of cholesterol in the blood stream it has pretty low side effects.
We should all be looking for lifestyle changes, I look at this molecule as a second chance for a lot of people.
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