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Cyclodextrins and atherosclerosis


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#331 smithx

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:06 AM

... the kidney resistance seems to get bigger with every dose...


Have you had an eGFR lately? How's your kidney function holding up?

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#332 Grooovin1

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 02:06 PM

No I haven't had a GFR test.. That is something a doctor would request if there was some unusual numbers I am assuming.

However the last couple of Dr's visits I have been having my blood tested for all counts and my doctor does monitor my liver and kidney function due to medications I am currently taking. Also used a home urinalysis kit that has come out at normal levels.


According to research the kidney dysfunction is a tolerable and completely reversible side effect and it seems like my test confirm this.


Have a doctors appointment today so should have the results in about 3 days gonna request a full blood work up.

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#333 Grooovin1

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Posted 02 December 2022 - 03:44 PM

Kidneys.. As I have written before this does have an effect on kidneys.


My latest test results indicate a red flag on creatinine levels as they were a bit high 1.33.. However my eGFR is a normal range 64. Not sure what this means , however it could simply be dehydration since I have been sick with some kind of virus (RSV I believe this month, avoid it if possible it is very persistent and lasted almost 18 days in my case.) I will proceed at low doses and give myself a nice break before I go back to be tested again.

Waiting for my Dr to call to discuss the results.


Also noted is that historically that when I took a long break my number were in the best range , so yes this seems to have an effect on the kidneys an is temporary from my data.





Edited by Grooovin1, 02 December 2022 - 04:05 PM.

#334 Grooovin1

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Posted 03 December 2022 - 05:45 PM

So ...what I have been trying to understand is the side effect issue . It seems to be at this point absolutely confirmed by incident and testing that this does effect blood flow. Looking over my charts I find that my eGFR has fluctuated and 65, 85, 64 prospectively. The 85 was back in March. I do believe I was on a long break. Unfortunately I can't really confirm this because my records aren't that great (face palm) . To give myself a break that was early on and I was thinking it was anemia. I would say my next testing would be 4 months from now but now I am probably on my physicians radar and may be called to test sooner.

Whatever the case I need to stop dosing and see how those numbers work.

In a perfect world scenario...finding out how long this kidney effect last , the return to normal period would be helpful to any that go this route as far as knowing what to expect.


On the bright side since I am using it for ED , my penis is a pretty good gage as to blood force. I did 12.5 grams yesterday and managed  to have sucessful sex ( definitely affected the time to achieve erection , but once it was hard everything was excellent)  . I am certain that if I did 25gs in a day I wouldn't have performed for a day or 2 ...The higher the dosing the bigger the effect of course.


Very interesting stuff.


I am definitely so much better than before... So if this means only 25-37 grams a week I am fine.

#335 victory

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Posted 04 December 2022 - 05:44 PM



Had a recent Blood Chemistry CBC test after 30 days on one Cavadex (Remchol) suppository per day. Everything normal .....Creatinine 0.86.  I would be wary of taking such large doses of cyclodextrin. But thanks for your research given that with the large IV doses you are taking it seems relatively safe.


With 32 more doses, I will be doing a calcium heart scan to see if my level has dropped from a very high level 2200. Again, only once did I have slight angina in the last 17 months...and that was prior to my nutrition program of low fat and oil and supplements.

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#336 victory

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Posted 04 December 2022 - 06:13 PM

For clarity: To date...I have taken 64 Remchol suppositories and 4 Cavadex as an IV from a local Yale trained doctor. Has anyone else taken a Coronary Artery Calcium Score or CACS? Such information will provide the research to validate the positive effect of using cyclo dextrin  for the  treatment of atherosclerosis. We are all pioneers. Information is knowledge and the power to change the way orthodox medical institutions from cardiologists, big pharma, heart surgeons, charities etc treat this disease and cause harm to patients. Bypasses, stents, balloon angioplasties, ...all meant to save lives have complications and are barbaric when atherosclerosis is a disease of diet. It seems the medical complex has thrown cyclo dextrin under the bus for big profits. Their lack of continued research on this food additive and drug transport approved by the FDA is criminal. To date, no real proof that in small quantities via IV or suppository that cyclodextrin causes auditory or kidney problems. But yet that is the impression the medical establishment prefers to give in the name of BIG BUCKS.. Of course Cyclodextrin cannot be patented so they don't give a damn. but the firm Cyclo  therapeutics who produce cyclo Trappsol. seems to be on a positive path with the FDA in their stage 3 research with Nieman Pick patients and stage 2 with Alzheimers. They seem to have worked a deal with the FDA for limited protection over several years with their product to prevent duplication from others who have not done the research and paid the price...Check out their stock symbol...CYTH. Very speculative..at your own risk.

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#337 Grooovin1

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Posted 04 December 2022 - 06:50 PM



Had a recent Blood Chemistry CBC test after 30 days on one Cavadex (Remchol) suppository per day. Everything normal .....Creatinine 0.86.  I would be wary of taking such large doses of cyclodextrin. But thanks for your research given that with the large IV doses you are taking it seems relatively safe.


With 32 more doses, I will be doing a calcium heart scan to see if my level has dropped from a very high level 2200. Again, only once did I have slight angina in the last 17 months...and that was prior to my nutrition program of low fat and oil and supplements.

Well the NPC model shows then using up to 4 times the amount I use 2 times a week. So I realize I am within safety guildlines unless that changes.


Which brings to my mind the use of the word "tolerable" in the studies because I will tell you that I would have to be dying to tolerate sitting on an IV for 8 hours and constantly having blood flow issues lol.



I am using it for a different purpose so my motivation has been different and as I keep saying I have had sufficient results to now be a lot less aggressive. My fuzzy math seems to be pretty much right on cue . I am a little over 3200 grams and my viagra/cialis consumption has dropped by at least half . I don't even order cialis anymore it's unnecessary . I order viagra about every 2 months now and my erections are like those in my 30s at 54 when I am not on treatment.


Definitely has been a path altering discovery as I was beginning to show signs of possible heart disease. 


Fuck big pharma.. I have done this while spending less than $1500 .  


I started reporting to these blogs to help fuel this revolution ...Let's Go!!!

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#338 smithx

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Posted 04 December 2022 - 08:16 PM

eGFR is a regular test always given for yearly physicals. It's included in the basic metabolic panel, $35 from Life Extension through Labcorp. Search for:


Complete Blood Count (CBC) / Chemistry / Lipids Panel Blood Test


Here's what they test:


Our Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count (CBC) helps assess cardiovascular health and overall wellbeing by measuring cholesterol, triglycerides and blood cell count. It also reports on health markers that indicate liver and kidney function.

This panel contains the following tests:

Blood Sugar:

    Fasting glucose

Kidney Function:

    Uric acid
    BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
    BUN/creatinine ratio
    eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate)

Electrolytes and Minerals:


Liver Function:

    Total protein
    Albumin/globulin ratio
    Alkaline phosphatase
    LDH (lactate dehydrogenase)
    AST (aspartate aminotransferase)
    ALT (alanine transaminase)

Lipid Profile:

    Total cholesterol
    HDL cholesterol
    LDL cholesterol (calc.)
    VLDL cholesterol (calc.)
    Total cholesterol/HDL ratio
    Estimated CHD risk

Complete Blood Count:

    Red blood cell count
    MCV (mean corpuscular volume)
    MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
    MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration)
    RDW (red blood cell distribution)
    White blood cell count
    Differential count
    Platelet count





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#339 victory

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 05:48 PM

Kidneys.. As I have written before this does have an effect on kidneys.


My latest test results indicate a red flag on creatinine levels as they were a bit high 1.33.. However my eGFR is a normal range 64. Not sure what this means , however it could simply be dehydration since I have been sick with some kind of virus (RSV I believe this month, avoid it if possible it is very persistent and lasted almost 18 days in my case.) I will proceed at low doses and give myself a nice break before I go back to be tested again.

Waiting for my Dr to call to discuss the results.


Also noted is that historically that when I took a long break my number were in the best range , so yes this seems to have an effect on the kidneys an is temporary from my data.






Grooovin....the pubmed website you quoted indicated that long term use of cyclodextrin can result in bone loss. Are you not concerned about this side effect especially given the quanitity you are using.

#340 Grooovin1

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Posted 06 December 2022 - 06:44 PM

Grooovin....the pubmed website you quoted indicated that long term use of cyclodextrin can result in bone loss. Are you not concerned about this side effect especially given the quanitity you are using.

Not really worried about that , I do weight training which builds bone density. I also run an had a nasty fall (the wet grass quickly turned to slippery mud and my head was headed for the asphalt)  was my wrist was hurt by no break. Also fell 5 feet from my truck loading furniture to a 5ft fall that people came over , hurt like a bitch but I popped back up and played it off. :cool:


So it was less of a concern than infections or mistakes.  I will do some further reading.


After some further reading the were at the  an equivalent of 18 grams ( 200 mg/kg/day) everyday= 540 Grams per month , my max per month was 400 and my 12 month average was 266 grams per month.


For minor bone damage I guess the lower threshold  4.5 grams per day ( 50 mg/kg/day) everyday 135 . 


So if this is a concern which it should be then keeping a lower monthly dose seems to be the way to go.


Looked up my medical chart and I am currently the same weight as I was in January 183 lbs.


Lastly from here on out I will probably be limiting my intake to 100 grams a month. I am very satisfied with the results...VERY. So I will coast to the finish.





Edited by Grooovin1, 06 December 2022 - 06:52 PM.

#341 Grooovin1

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Posted 14 December 2022 - 04:23 PM

Just wanted to update you guys on my now reduced routine ...seems like my kidneys are bouncing back strong as I can now dose and have sex the next day, it does take a little longer to get erect however . Basically my routine is  12.5 for 2 or 3 days a week. if I do go 3 days there is a 2 day wait one day won't cut it because  it doesn't stay hard without stimulation( laughs to self , a year ago I was just praying to get hard)
Back to the kidneys ...one thing that helps is that I force down half a gallon of water before and try to drink a gallon after . This stuff seems to mess with the whole urinary system.. The best description would be dribbling like my pelvic floor muscles are week as well a rather weak urine stream, which seems to be a good indicator that I am ready to perform when the dribbling stops and the urine stream is strong.
This is not mentioned in the studies however because they are using it on kids with an already devastating disease these symptoms falls within the realms of "tolerable". 
I am shooting for 150gs this month ... I am trying to be finished with the repair phase  by my 55th birthday in April  and then switch to a maintenance phase that will be 400 grams a year unless I can see room for improvement. I keep saying this but it really feels like my viagra experience is coming to a happy ending lol.
Last note I have been battling with cigarette addiction for years I will be making another attempt to quit the government crack..I know it will definitely help with everything . However I have had tremendous progress with no lifestyle changes and that is the power of this stuff.

#342 smithx

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Posted 15 December 2022 - 08:38 AM

grooovin1 please get an eGFR and see what is really happening to your kidneys.


I found one you can get if you're in the USA for $8.75 at own your own labs dot com, and it's the standard test given at Labcorp.

Search for Comprehensive Metabolic Panel.



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#343 Grooovin1

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Posted 16 December 2022 - 12:49 PM

grooovin1 please get an eGFR and see what is really happening to your kidneys.


I found one you can get if you're in the USA for $8.75 at own your own labs dot com, and it's the standard test given at Labcorp.

Search for Comprehensive Metabolic Panel.

Seriously, If you go up a few of my messages I actually posted GFR scores for a year .. and I talked about my GFR from 11/30/22 at 64 . Also noted my creatine level which was a slight red flag. I did not post my full blood panel because most of it has not changed since the beginning of treatment. As I said above when I posted my number the other day there is an effect on kidneys , when I did take an extended break in March my number went back to 85 and previously in 12/22 I was at 65. So just as the studies suggest there is a temporary effect on GFR scores. 


It will be interesting to see what my numbers are not that I am pretty much capping to around 100 grams per month.



I don't mind people pointing out mistakes that are useful or potentially . However it seems a lot of you don't read and just say stuff , please read research and comment . 

Edited by Grooovin1, 16 December 2022 - 01:47 PM.

#344 Grooovin1

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Posted 23 December 2022 - 01:32 PM

Posts: 169
Re: Cyclodextrin- Is Curing My ED

I only took a 1/2 of viagra (50 from 100mg) and had absolutely no problems. I continue to have hydration issues after dosing. To be honest I drink alcohol a bit much and decided to cut back. I will evaluate after my next round of injections.

#345 Grooovin1

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Posted 23 December 2022 - 02:12 PM

Further research... I can't find any exact data from the studies that deal with blood sugar levels or AC1 during treatment. The closest thing I can get is comparing this to a dextrose push IV.



This indicates the obvious that if you put sugar in your blood stream your readings will be temporarily high..duh.





The above link discussing more about the AC1 test pluses and minuses. However I can't find information that corelates to HPBCD or Dextrose injections effect on AC1 testing.

#346 Grooovin1

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Posted 27 December 2022 - 10:14 AM

Time for a break

After my recent test with some border line results combined with the way my body has been reacting more negatively I think it's time for a good wash out . At the most if at all I will be doing 25 grams a month. All research and studies indicate some temporary disruption in kidney , liver and urinary tract function, however the volume and pace that I have been going may have not given time to fully recover. The creatinine level flag seem to indicate a cumulative effect, also my pee volume and urine quality as well as problems staying hydrated are my body telling me a rest is in order.
Although the NPC studies indicate higher dosed and longer treatment I have to put that in perspective due to their inability to process cholesterol crystals AT ALL meaning it is not reasonable to compare NPC to atherosclerosis in a treatment protocol. Additionally , my GFR scores have been staying borderline ...From 85 to 65-64 is a big jump and once those scores are in the 80's again I will resume and hopefully finish this course. 
I will have my Dr run these test late January/early February and make decisions based on results. Until then I will enjoy the success.
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#347 Grooovin1

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Posted 02 January 2023 - 02:59 PM

Well these days have done me good , urine stream and volume is almost back to normal and rehydration is not an issue. 
I wanted to better understand the effect on the kidneys so did a little research. It seem that vaculation is basically air pockets in the kidney cells. The question is how long to recover completely which I can not find an answer for as this is usually associated with kidney disease and there is no recovery. 
What strike me as strange is that there seems to be research indicating that this stuff is actually good for some forms of kidney problems ...weird..


#348 Grooovin1

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Posted 03 January 2023 - 01:38 AM

Here is a better article , to be honest I haven't yet broken everything down to terms I completely understand which is my usual process. This has been the number one side effect of this treatment. 
The blood force/flow problem associated with this side effect can be somewhat discouraging during treatment because sometimes it seems as you are moving a step backwards then you if stop a bit you actually have move 3 steps forward. Last week it took me more time to reach an erection and that sucks lol. 
This week it it better and I expect in 1 to 2 weeks it will be a non issue. I think I really just need to let things completely heal because of the creatinine levels.. never had a red flag in that area at all. It's probably due to pretty much a year of pounding. I just wish I had some clue as to a full recovery time. Looking forward to getting lab numbers at the end of January , gonna by pass the Drs office visit and just ask for a full blood work up.

:text=Vacuolation%20is%20a%20common%20feature' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>https://www.scienced... common feature,lysosomes%2C%20or%20other%20cell%20constituents.

Lastly , this is not an easy routine/treatment time consuming and a bit physically tasking at times. However, I was beginning to think implant surgery  or giving up on sex was my only recourse . 
With that being said let's consider what heart patients have to deal with ...open heart surgery is scary as fuck. I also look at PAD patients (in reality most ED is PAD but they don't classify it as such). I joined a facebook page for PAD since it is related and you have all these people in extreme pain that are begging for doctors to cut them up....really scary.

#349 victory

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Posted 03 January 2023 - 01:56 AM

Thanks Grooovin for the update.


Cavadex announced today that they will be marketing their cyclo dextrin product internationally by the end of January and that they are working on a pill form that allows 1 gram of cyclo dextrin to be absorbed orally. Shares of the company are now being offered to their customers.

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#350 Grooovin1

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Posted 03 January 2023 - 01:58 AM

Thanks Grooovin for the update.


Cavadex announced today that they will be marketing their cyclo dextrin product internationally by the end of January and that they are working on a pill form that allows 1 gram of cyclo dextrin to be absorbed orally. Shares of the company are now being offered to their customers.

Awesome news, it will take some difficulty out of it. I wonder how much it will cost I mean this stuff is dirt cheap but the are charging out the ass for it.


My other thought is what happened to their studies...They were some of the worst reported results of all the information I have come across.

Edited by Grooovin1, 03 January 2023 - 02:00 AM.

#351 Grooovin1

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Posted 15 January 2023 - 11:23 AM

The main reason for me to share my experiences online is to give the struggling some sort of protocol.
One thing I would recommend (not even close to a medical doctor , use at your own risk) is that the dosages be under 150 per month.
This is another consideration.. after consecutive months it seems that the effects it seems that the kidneys and the symptoms related to them get more sensitive. In this case it took me a full 30 days to fully recover for clarity I only did 72.5 grams spread out in 6 doses , in contrast a in August I did 200Gs in a weekend and the recovery time was 20 days. . This means although I was sexually  functional , my nocturnal erections were far and few until just a few days ago as well as for the most part an alarming amount of time to achieve erection (yes I had my monthly freak out confused.png , It's scary when you start worrying about permanent damage or ironically erection problems)  . When things do finally snap back it really comes on quite strong ...so in just a few days I have the joy to be annoyed by frequent erections at rest and being aroused at just the thought of sex. I guess what I am saying is that maybe a user would benefit from a bi monthly abstinence from treatment.
So things are doing what they have been reported to do by others. 
I will continue my break until at least the end of the month ( not sure I may actually take a another month) I will get my blood lab scanned and publish the relevant data afterwards.


This may be of interest to people considering this to treat  heart disease due to possible consequences of increased arterial resistance. 


On my break I have been using some other plaque preventing/reversing agents.

#352 victory

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Posted 15 January 2023 - 12:54 PM

Grooovin....Thanks for the update.


I take one tube of Cavadex a night which delivers 2 grams of cyclodextrin. I have done 102 tubes and will take a calcium scan to see if my 2200 score goes down after I finish another 25 tubes. The Cavadex management said that patients have been taking 2 tubes a day and some even 3 tubes. I feel safe with just one.


12 months prior to Cavadex, I have used Neprinol... proteolytic enzymes (nattokiinase, serrapeptase, protease etc) which dissolves biofilm,  Chanca Piedra,  and Collinsonia Root as my primary placque removers. I also follow several other protocols like lemon juice, vitamin k7, magnesium and vitamin D3 which also remove calcium in the arteries and place it in the bones where it belongs. My numbers for osteoporosis as a result have improved dramatically. Interestingly, the formation of calcification (placque) in the arteries involves the invasion of bacteria. I consider the Neprinol essential for removing the biofilm which I believe is part and parcel to the problem of atherosclerosis. I have witnessed  biofilm in my stool. The body has a magnificent intelligence. When it is fed the proper nutrition, calcifications, cholesterol and biofilm are released as slimy mucous....not all at once but at specific times as directed by the body's innate intelligence.


I would like to know what you are using. Thanks



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#353 Grooovin1

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Posted 15 January 2023 - 02:03 PM


The revolution continues.

#354 Grooovin1

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Posted 15 January 2023 - 02:14 PM

Grooovin....Thanks for the update.


I take one tube of Cavadex a night which delivers 2 grams of cyclodextrin. I have done 102 tubes and will take a calcium scan to see if my 2200 score goes down after I finish another 25 tubes. The Cavadex management said that patients have been taking 2 tubes a day and some even 3 tubes. I feel safe with just one.


12 months prior to Cavadex, I have used Neprinol... proteolytic enzymes (nattokiinase, serrapeptase, protease etc) which dissolves biofilm,  Chanca Piedra,  and Collinsonia Root as my primary placque removers. I also follow several other protocols like lemon juice, vitamin k7, magnesium and vitamin D3 which also remove calcium in the arteries and place it in the bones where it belongs. My numbers for osteoporosis as a result have improved dramatically. Interestingly, the formation of calcification (placque) in the arteries involves the invasion of bacteria. I consider the Neprinol essential for removing the biofilm which I believe is part and parcel to the problem of atherosclerosis. I have witnessed  biofilm in my stool. The body has a magnificent intelligence. When it is fed the proper nutrition, calcifications, cholesterol and biofilm are released as slimy mucous....not all at once but at specific times as directed by the body's innate intelligence.


I would like to know what you are using. Thanks



Believe it or not , I am using a lab grade HBPCD manufactured by ChemCenter (California based company) . This is where the choices start, the have Pharma grade on Amazon as well at pretty much the same price around $35 per 100 grams. 

This is definitely a big choice...for me I started with this brand and after 3300 grams I trust this brand and grade and REALLY will stick to what I know. 


If you have a bigger budget and it is a primary concern (endotoxins are a big concern as they can lead to sepsis...serious shit) you can choose a regent grade.  In my procedure I have ordered little glass jars and sterilize in the oven with dry heat. The breakdown tempeture for HPBCD is listed at 252 C and the appropriate scenario for sterilizing for endotoxins is 180C  for 3 hours. However check this out , due to my bad research I have only been sterilizing at 200 F for 2 hours and have had no sepsis problems. In my research it seems that all HPBCD manufactures include a protocol to minimize endotoxins .  As far as my ChemCenter brand I cannot find any information on if they also use a procedure for this . I cannot find a way to communicate with this manufacturer thus far to question them on this issue.


To be clear and as documented in my responses of this thread I am taking it through a push IV . My current protocol is 12.5 Grams per 200 ml of lactated ringer solution ...strictly following a sterile technique . Due to the risk of sepsis I keep an army of antibiotics available.


The things I am using on my break niacinamide,  cayenne fruit pills,  L-Arginine +Lcitrulline complex, selenium  and recently added Resveratrol due to positive studies.


Edited by Grooovin1, 15 January 2023 - 03:11 PM.

#355 Grooovin1

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Posted 23 February 2023 - 12:49 PM

New Chart 


After 2 months off my GFR has come up to 72 from 64  seems the research is right and it is a temporary effect on kidneys. 

I am deciding on resuming or taking another month off or maybe resuming but only treating every other month....

Also my creatine numbers have returned to normal.

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#356 Mind

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Posted 23 February 2023 - 07:31 PM

Just a reminder that I interviewed Dr. Matthew OConnor about the rationally designed cyclodextrins being created and investigated at Cyclarity.

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#357 Snapper

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Posted 24 February 2023 - 09:38 AM

This seems to give a thumbs down for Cyclodextrin as a treatment for atherosclerosis.



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#358 Grooovin1

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Posted 24 February 2023 - 06:26 PM

This seems to give a thumbs down for Cyclodextrin as a treatment for atherosclerosis.





Is an arterial plaque a lesion? They seem to be a a different stage of the process.

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#359 Mind

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Posted 24 February 2023 - 07:16 PM

This seems to give a thumbs down for Cyclodextrin as a treatment for atherosclerosis.




...in mice.

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#360 Grooovin1

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Posted 24 February 2023 - 07:51 PM

...in mice.

And we are talking about lesions ....that is an injury which it would seem the body has to heal. Trying to wrap my head around what exactly is being studied since other studies say it clears plaques.

Are plaques and lesions the same would be the question.

This wouldn't make any sense as a bunch of companies are developing their own versions of cyclodextrins.


I don't have a lot of time but the lesion seems to be a late stage development in the disease.

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