In over my head here, but am wondering if anyone has thoughts on what seems like a potential cycle for cellular renewal. the idea would be to use (in some order, but likely not at the same time):
1. metformin and 2-deoxyglucoe to induce apmk dependent apoptosis in cancer cells and mediate potential autoimmune response (see: http://cancerres.aac...ntent/70/6/2465 and https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/25673763 )
2. FOXO4 for senescent cell apoptosis (see: )
3 urolithin A to induce and restore microphagy (see http://palgrave.natu...l/nm.4132.html and https://www.readbyqx...tion-and-aging)
4. NMN and/or NR (NIAGEN) to help restore DNA damage repair (see: http://b92.627.myftp...uring-aging.pdf and https://www.hindawi....010/157591/abs/ )
I'd appreciate any feedback, as well as any insights into metformin in combo with 2DG for cancer prevention. Thanks