Hello. Old thread but worth discussing. I too recently thought of ways I could personally support the efforts for anti-aging and cryonics.
Not seeing how I could personally participate in the field of anti-aging in the present, other than monetary contribution there are other ways I can come up with:
- Promoting the message by highlighting presentations/discussions and writings given at the topic. I noticed that many good and informative videos seriously discussing topics of anti-aging research on youtube have low view count and recently started upvoting such videos (they're about the only videos to date that I did), as far as I know this makes the youtube algorithm promote them by better recommending them to other youtube viewers
- Also, supporting anti-aging related petitions. I have come up with a few of those. Actually, if there is a web page or such that routinely contains current pending petitions for the cause, this could be good to know and to spread to other supporters for prompting it.
People have been mentioning petitions from the site change.org too. At least for gaining more exposure to the ideas of anti-aging and longevity I think this could be a good place.
Good such example in my opinion: one petition still opened that people can support and help prompt- at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, I found a petition calling for renewed support for research on the DRACO antiviral experimental drugs by Dr. Todd Rider. (https://www.change.o...isease-covid-19 )
I have read years ago about his team's research on a group of drugs that could offer global treatments against many types of viruses, hoping to offer a universal treatment for many viruses like antibiotics have done with bacterial diseases. With a responsible use I think that it has a potential to offer treatment and protection for humanity against both existing and newly emerging viruses. While not necessarily anti-aging related, it is certainly of great importance for prompting longevity.
Their group's research was stalled years ago even though it presented with very promising initial results, after chronic lack of funding. I did hope at the beginning of the pandemic that they will gain a lot more financial support for their much important research, I do not know if they received such to date.